"Rosredo, use Fallen Flowers."

A blue light radiated from Roseredo's body.

The cyan light turned into countless snow-like falling flowers.

These falling flowers swept towards Menus like sharp flying knives.

Countless falling flowers and howling cold wind collided in the air.

One by one, the falling flowers set off frost, fell from the air to the ground, and broke into pieces.

Menus' freezing wind was blocked and consumed by the countless falling flowers.

"Meinas, use Blizzard."

[Blizzard: Blast a violent blizzard towards the opponent to attack, sometimes causing the opponent to freeze. 】

Rose Leiduo was twice as weak as ice, so Jiang Chen tried to use ice-type skills to attack.

Menus opened his mouth wide, a faint blue light appeared, and frost floated up.

It blew out a breath, and instantly condensed into countless snow and frost flowers in the air.

The transparent snow and frost flowers instantly turned into a blizzard that covered the sky and the sun, and hit Luosreiduo.

"Rosredo, use Guard."

The range of the blizzard is really too big. Roseredo is twice as weak as ice, and if hit by the blizzard, it will cause double damage.

In desperation, Lan Hun could only let Rosreiduo hold on for a while.

A huge white shield appeared in front of Roseredo.

The white shield barely supported in the blizzard, and the shield was covered with frost flowers everywhere, and some places were even cracked...

"Meinas, use the freezing beam."

Menus opened his mouth wide, and endless cold air gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue radiance full of ice-cold power, and shooting directly at Rosereiduo who was in the white shield.

The white shield, already at the end of its strength, was easily broken by the freezing beam and shattered in the air.

Rose Redo, who had no way of avoiding it, was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Jiang Chen saw that Rose Leiduo got the trick, and smiled in his heart. No matter what kind of trump card, even if it is attribute restraint, the difference in level is irreparable.

Menus has already reached level 74, while Roseredo is only level 62, a gap of 12 levels, which brings a crushing victory.

Lan Hunchun also didn't expect that Luosreduo was suppressed by Menus the whole time.

When he saw that Roseredo was frozen into an ice sculpture, he hurriedly shouted anxiously: "Rosredo, hurry up and break free from the ice."

"Meinas, use the water tail."

After hearing the order, Menus flicked its thick tail, made huge waves, and slapped the ice sculpture fiercely.

"Bang" sounded loudly.

The ice cubes on the ice sculpture were slapped by Menus into shards of ice.

Rose Lei Duo was sucked into the air from the ice shards, and hit the ground heavily.

Roseredo fell to the ground, motionless, completely lost the ability to fight.

【Ding!Minas defeated Roseredo and gained 2151 experience points! 】

"In the singles match, the first round, Jiang Chen from Jiangcheng University won!"


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 235 One Hundred Thousand Volts, Lightning Storm!

As the referee loudly announced that Jiang Chen had won.

The entire Elf battle hall thought of warm applause and cheers.

Beauty is justice.

Menus is worthy of being one of the most beautiful elves, and it has almost turned the audience into the home audience.

Lan Hun's face darkened a little, he looked at Jiang Chen and Menus beside him, and felt ominous in his heart.

Menus is twice as weak as grass and twice as weak as electricity, and has no other weaknesses other than that.

Rose Redo was already his most powerful elf, and under the advantage of attribute restraint, he was defeated very simply.

He couldn't figure out what kind of elf he should send to defeat Menus.

As the singles ace player of the University of Minnesota, Lan Hui's spirit pool is also very deep.

After two urgings from the referee, he finally sent out the second elf.

The second elf sent by Lan Hui is a Pokémon in the shape of a biped rodent.

Its skin and fur are dark brown, while the skin and fur of its hands and feet turn white, and its body is very round and full.

It has two large very round yellow ears with curls inside.

The color of its eyes changed from black to a gradient from blue to yellow, and its nose became a lighter shade.

Its tail is very long, and the shape of the end of the tail becomes very round and large, which can be stepped on as a surfboard.

This is the Electric-type and Psychic-type Pokémon, Alola Raichu.

Raichu's kind of elf is usually very rare, because the image of Pikachu without secondary evolution is too cute and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

So there are many trainers who like the appearance of Pikachu before it evolved, but did not let Pikachu evolve.

[Raichu (Electricity) (Super Power) (Alola)]

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV59 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Surfing Tail (When the battlefield is in the state of electric field, the speed ability becomes twice the original.)]

[Character Talent: Gentle (+Special Defense, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (28), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: mental obsession, cheek rubbing, electric ball, discharge, trick, feint, iron tail, electric light, coquettish, angel kiss, light wall, shadow clone, electric flash, high-speed movement, thunder, electromagnetic wave, electric shock, Calling, living in harmony, tail wagging, [-] volts, slamming, coquettish, high-speed movement, hold, charging beam, volt replacement, mental shock, tile splitting, Mount Tai, thunder fist, electric ball, reflective wall, light wall, electromagnetic wave , Weird radio waves, mental strong thoughts, one hundred thousand volts, electric fields, spiritual fields, tricks, crazy volts, ultimate impact, and destructive light. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

Jiang Chen smiled slightly when he saw the elf sent by Lan Hui.

Although it is still taking the path of restraining Menus with electric attributes, the level gap of this elf is even bigger.

The gap of a full 15 levels is a huge gap, which cannot be bridged by the restraint of any attribute.

"Meinas, use the mysterious guard."

[Mysterious Guardian: Protected by magical power in a short period of time, so as not to fall into an abnormal state. 】

Raichu has some skills that change categories, such as barking, tail wagging, getting along with each other, angel kiss, acting like a baby, and so on.

Once these skills are affected by Menus, Raichu with lightning flash and high-speed movement can attack quickly without giving Menus reaction time.

Therefore, Jiang Chen directly asked Menus to use the skill of mysterious protection first, so that he would be invincible.

"Raichu, use a flash of light, use a hundred thousand volts."

Hearing Lan Hui's order, Lei Qiu disappeared from the spot as if teleporting.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared behind Menus.

Raichu's body was shining with lightning.

Lightning shot up into the sky, countless lightning bolts fell, and the golden current densely covered Menus with a radius of ten meters.

"Minas, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Menus.

One hundred thousand volts, a lightning storm.

Menus hid behind the white shield.

The golden lightning hit the white shield, crackling.

In just a short moment, the white shield completely disintegrated, shattered into a pile of fragments, and dissipated into the air.

The white shield blocked all the current.

"Minas, use Charming."

Lan Hun was taken aback, no good!

Raichu is too close to Menus 357, and Raichu has never learned the skill of mysterious protection.

Menas exudes a seductive light.

Raichu's eyes burst out with pink hearts, and it couldn't help but want to get closer to Menus.

"Raichu, wake up quickly!"

Contrary to Lan Hun's anxious voice, Jiang Chen's cold voice.

"Minas, use Frozen Wind."

Menus took a deep breath and exhaled it. The icy breath was like the cold current of the North Pole. The surface of Raichu's body froze. After a while, it was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Meinas, use Iron Tail."

The huge tail with metallic luster viciously lashed at the ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture was shattered, and Leiqiu inside was pulled into the air, and fell heavily to the ground.

Raichu fell to the ground motionless, completely losing the ability to fight.

【Ding!Menus defeated Raichu and gained 1243 experience points! 】

"In the singles match, in the second round, Jiang Chen from Jiangcheng University won!"


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 236 Geng Gui, who is difficult to attack, passive situation!

As the referee announced loudly, Jiang Chen's victory.

All members of Jiangcheng University cheered together with the audience.

The team leader Gao Xiangyi let out a sigh of relief. She was under a lot of pressure, and now she was stable, and the quarterfinals did not run away.

On the contrary, the University of Minnesota is somewhat gloomy.

This year, the University of Minnesota had a bad start. First of all, it failed to win the Southeast Division championship.

This resulted in encountering a strong team like Jiangcheng University in the first round.

In the singles competition, each player only has the chance to send three elves.

Lan Hui had already lost two rounds in a row. If the third round couldn't inflict heavy damage on Jiang Chen's elves, then the next two singles players would be in dire straits.

After careful consideration.

Lan Hui finally sent out his third elf.

The elf's skin was dark purple, and its eyes were blood-red with two bean-sized black pupils.

It has a pair of stubby legs, a pair of short arms and a short and pointed tail.

There are some spine-like protrusions on its back, a big mouth with curved corners, and a sinister smile.

This is the Ghost-type and Poison-type Pokémon, Gengar.

【Gengar (Ghost) (Poison)】

【Gender: ♂】

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