[Level: LV60 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Cursed Body (When attacked, sometimes the opponent's moves will become immobilized.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Defense)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (28), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Black Gaze, Shadow Fist, Mirror Attribute, Song of Death, Strange Light, Tongue Licking, Hypnosis, Tit for a Tat, Resentment, Curse, Misfortunes never come singly, Dark Shadow, Assault, Wave of Evil, Shadow Ball, Same Life, Dream Eater, Ghost Face, Guard, Acid Bomb, Strange Light, Thief, Hard Hold, Misfortune, Night Shadow, Throwing, Venom Impact, Shadow Claw, Deceit, Tarzan, Magic Flash, Poison, Provocation, Poison, Evil Waves, will-o'-the-wisps, tricks, ultimate absorption, shadow balls, energy balls, psychic thoughts, sludge bombs, sneak attacks, ultimate shocks, trick spaces, and destructive rays. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

I saw that the elf sent by Lan Hui was a Geng Gui.

Jiang Chen became cautious.

Gengar has many control-type skills, such as hypnotism, strange light, provocation, ghost face, wave of evil, etc.

"Meinas, use the mysterious guardian"¨."

A mysterious energy radiates from the inside of Menus' body, covering its entire body.

Lan Hui, who had expected it for a long time, did not choose control skills, but he had to be careful of the control skills displayed by Menus.

"Geng Gui, use the potential surprise attack."

[Hidden spirit surprise attack: disappear from the original place, suddenly appear to attack the opponent, and can ignore the protection to attack. 】

This skill is very similar to teleportation.

The only difference between it and teleportation is that it can ignore any guardian and attack directly.

"Minas, use the water ring."

[Water flow ring: Cover your body with a curtain made of water.Restores HP in a short time. 】

Menus opened his eyes, a faint blue light emerged, and layers of water curtains rose around its body.

Menus protected by the water curtain, no matter which direction Geng Gui attacked from, could be discovered first, completely losing the ability to sneak attack.

"Geng Gui, use the sneak attack, use the acid bomb."

[Acid Bomb: Attack by spraying liquid that can melt the opponent.Greatly reduces the opponent's special defense. 】

Geng Gui suddenly appeared behind Menus.

It opened its mouth wide and spit out a large cloud of green acid, covering Menus head-on.

"¨Menas, use Freezing Wind."

Menus took a deep breath and let it out. The icy breath was like the cold current of the North Pole. The acid in the air froze one after another, and the acid that was frozen into ice fell to the ground and became slag.

"Geng Gui, use Subtle Strike, use Shadow Ball."

[Shadow Ball: Throw a shadow to attack.Sometimes it lowers the opponent's special defense. 】

Geng Gui was a bit annoying, never showing up, and kept approaching with Submarine Surprise Attack, making surprise attacks.

In this way, Menus never (good Li Zhao) had the opportunity to attack Geng Gui, and could only be in a passive state of being beaten.

A dark football-sized shadow was thrown out by Geng Gui, and shot directly at Menus.

"Meinas, use the wave of the dragon."

Menus opened his mouth wide, and the purple energy gathered in its mouth, turning into shock waves and shooting directly at the shadow ball.

"Boom!" There was a loud explosion.

The shadow ball and the wave of the dragon exploded into an explosion wave, causing the surrounding dust to fly.

Both sides are cautious. Due to the lack of skills, Geng Gui currently has the upper hand.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 237 Everyone Shocked, One Wears Nine, An Unprecedented Record!

Lan Hui carefully controlled Geng Gui's attack.

He knew that Jiang Chen's Menus must be of a high level, as can be seen from the failures of Roseredo and Raichu.

So he couldn't give Menus a chance.

Although Menus is now in a passive state, Jiang Chen is not in a hurry.

This is the time to compete in patience.

See who makes a mistake first, the elf who made a mistake will probably be defeated in an instant.

"Meinas, use the mysterious guard."

The energy of the mysterious guardian in front has been exhausted, so Jiang Chen directly added a new skill.

"Geng Gui, use the sneak attack, use the sludge bomb."

[Sludge bomb: Throw the opponent with sludge to attack.Occasionally puts opponents in a poisoned state. 】

Geng ghost is elusive, using the skill of subterranean surprise attack, always appearing in the blind spot of Menus.

The palm of its short hand opened, and immediately condensed a huge dirty mud ball with a diameter of more than one meter.

Arms raised, mud balls flew like cannonballs.

"Meinas, use Iron Tail 360."

Menus twisted his body, flicked his tail vigorously on the ground, and jumped up.

In mid-air, the huge metallic tail slammed onto the mud ball.

With a bang, the mud ball was beaten into clods all over the sky by it.

Because the strength of Menus' iron tail slap was too great.

The shattered clods of mud and soil shot towards the surroundings.

Geng Gui's figure, affected by these mud clods, suddenly appeared in a corner.

Lan Hun was taken aback and cried out inwardly.

Jiang Chen, who reacted quickly, had already directed Menus directly.

"Minas, use Charming."

Meenas began to emit a seductive light.

Pink hearts popped out of Geng Gui's eyes, and it couldn't help but want to get closer to Menus.

"Geng Gui, wake up quickly!" Lan Hun shouted anxiously.

However, it was too late, Jiang Chen, who seized the opportunity, would not give Geng Gui the slightest possibility of counterattack.

"Meinas, use the freezing beam."

Menus opened his mouth, and a cold breath gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue light, shooting at Geng Gui with deadly murderous intent.

Geng Gui, who was hit by the freezing beam, had thick layers of ice forming on its body.

In an instant, Geng Gui was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Meinas, use the iron head."

Menus' huge head had a metallic luster, it raised its neck, and slammed its head at Geng Gui viciously.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

Geng Gui was hit hard by Menus' iron head.

The ice layer on Geng Gui's body was shattered by the impact.


Geng Gui uttered a scream, and fell directly to the ground, twitching all over his body. It had completely lost its ability to fight.

【Ding!Menus defeated Geng Gui and gained 1975 experience points! 】

"Singles match, third round, Jiang Chen from Jiangcheng University wins!"

Jiang Chen only dispatched one elf, Shimmering Menus, and directly pierced through Lan Hui's three elves.

The entire Elf Battle Hall fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Everyone was talking about Jiang Chen's elves.

"It's awesome! It's really awesome! Jiang Chen directly used a Meinas to complete the three-in-one! It's really amazing!"

"Damn it, Jiang Chen seems to be a freshman from the information I read! Whose freshman is so awesome, not only made it to the national competition, (.) it looks like he's going to enter the quarterfinals!"

"Mingzhou University is not a weak player. The three elves are very unique, but Jiang Chen's elf is even more powerful!"

"It's really a wonderful game. The intensity of the national competition is different. Today's ticket price is so worth it!"


Lan Hunchun walked down the court very sadly.

He is already a senior this year, and this may be his last collegiate elite competition.

The competition he will face in the future will be adult players who have been famous for a long time.

At that time, he will face more brutal competitive pressure.

Maybe after so many years, he couldn't even play in a city-level competition, let alone participate in a national competition.

In the University of Minnesota singles match, the next two players were Kuang Yuanwei and Mi Yu.

The ace elves of these two players are all less than level 60, and there is not a single king-level elf.

So none of their elves caused any trouble to Menus.

As the game draws to a close, the atmosphere in the elf battle hall is getting stronger and stronger.

Countless media are not stingy with the cameras in their hands.

Because a record is about to be generated.

In the national competition of the National College Student Elite Competition, no contestant has ever completed a one-to-nine competition with a single elf.

Everyone is looking forward to the production of this record.

"Singles match, the ninth round, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University wins!"

"Jiangcheng University won both the team competition and the singles competition!"

"Congratulations to them for successfully advancing to the quarterfinals!"

With the referee's loud announcement, Jiangcheng University has advanced to the quarterfinals.

Thunderous applause and tidal cheers erupted in the entire Elf Battle Hall.

The audience at the scene were all shouting Jiang Chen's name.

"Jiang Chen, MVP!!!"

"Jiang Chen, MVP!!!"

"Jiang Chen, MVP!!!"

The commentator at the scene was also very excited.

"I believe that the audience friends in front of the TV have already heard the cheers of the audience!"

"Our players played a very exciting game today!"

"Especially Jiang Chen from Jiangcheng University. He completed an unprecedented one-to-nine match in the National College Student Elite Competition!"

"We believe that this player will have a brighter future in the future, let us congratulate them for entering the quarterfinals!"


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 238 National hot search, the quarter-finals begin!

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