If the Water Arrow Turtle, which has abandoned the defense of the turtle shell, is attacking against the Double Ax War Dragon, it will be weak and strong.

Jiang Chen adjusted his tactics in time.

"Blades, use rocks to block."

[Rock Blockade: Throw rocks to attack.Block the opponent's movement, thereby reducing speed. 】

While retreating rapidly, the water arrow turtle used the skill of rock blockade.

A string of long rock thorns drilled out from the ground and blocked in front of it.

Of course, for the Double Ax War Dragon, these rocky thorns are vulnerable.

With heavy steps, it rushed through these rocky thorns all the way.

All the rocky thorns were crushed by its terrifying speed and powerful body.

Good guy, so fierce!

Jiang Chen continued to direct Blastoise.

"Blazka, use Earthquake."

Blastoise leaped high and stomped vigorously on the rocky ground.


The entire rock and soil site shook violently, with the water arrow turtle as the center, cracks cracked outward one after another.

The vibrating rock and soil site was very violent, and the Double Ax War Dragon was shocked by the shock wave.


The Double Ax War Dragon roared in pain, fell to the ground and rolled over.

Jiang Chen was very keenly aware that the opportunity had come.

Yu Liang's face changed a little, and now the Double Ax War Dragon is in a bad state.

"Baccus, use the freezing beam."

The Blastoise opened its mouth, and a chilly breath gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue light beam, shooting at the Double Axe Dragon with deadly killing intent.

"Double Ax Fighting Dragon, use it to defend."

The double-axe war dragon that fell to the ground barely used its defensive skills.

A huge white shield appeared in front of the Double Ax War Dragon.



There were a few sounds of ice condensing, and the white shield blocked the frozen beam of the Blastoise.

In an instant, the translucent white shield was completely frozen, and then the white shield collapsed, directly smashed into pieces, and dissipated in the air.

"Blazka, use Freezing Wind."

Double Ax War Dragon is twice as weak as ice, just taking advantage of its mistakes, it keeps attacking.

The water arrow turtle took a deep breath, and the ice ability in its mouth gathered.

In the next moment, the cold air mixed with snowflakes and ice crystals blew directly towards the Double Axe Dragon.

The Double Ax War Dragon didn't even have a chance to stand up again, so it was attacked by the Water Arrow Turtle in turn.

Yu Liang understood that he couldn't be passive all the time, so he gritted his teeth and directly used the skills that would hurt both sides.

"Double-axe battle dragon, use the destructive light."

[Destroy light: launch a strong light attack at the opponent, and you will be unable to move for a period of time. 】

A golden light beam full of destructive aura was sprayed out by the Double Ax War Dragon and shot directly at the water arrow turtle...

Jiang Chen sneered, Yu Liang played a good idea, but unfortunately Jiang Chen is not a fool.

"Water arrow turtle, use to hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Blastoise.


Yu Liang felt bad, the destructive light was blocked by the shield, failing to achieve the goal of harming both sides.

On the contrary, because of the use of the ability to destroy light, the Double Ax War Dragon consumed too much energy and was temporarily unable to move, becoming a living target.

"Baccus, use the freezing beam."

The Blastoise opened its mouth wide, and endless cold air gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue radiance full of icy power, and directly shooting at the two-axe war dragon lying on the ground unable to move.

Layers of frost condensed on the body of the Double Ax War Dragon.

In an instant, the Double Ax War Dragon was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Blazka, use Ultimate Shock."

[Ultimate Impact: Use all of your strength to attack your opponent.You will not be able to move the next turn. 】

Endless energy gathers in Blastoise's physical energy.

The water arrow turtle, which was already very strong, swelled up and was full of strength.

With its thick thighs, it rushed towards the Double Axe Dragon 5.2 with a "thump, boom, boom".


A huge impact shock wave sounded.

The arena was full of dust, making it difficult for people to see clearly the scene on the arena for a while.

After a while, the dust dissipated.

A huge pothole about five meters appeared on the field.

The Double Ax War Dragon fell into the pothole, motionless, and completely lost its ability to fight.

And the water arrow turtle that used the ultimate impact, although it also fell into a situation where it could not move.

However, there are no elves on the field that can pose a threat to it.

"Singles match, fifth round, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University wins!"


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 250 The third opponent, Blastoise vs. Geranium!

【Ding!Blastoise defeated the Double Ax War Dragon and gained 2636 experience points! 】

Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief until the system flashed out the prompt message of experience value.

The competition is still very dangerous. Although Blastoise is slightly higher in level, it does not have an overwhelming advantage.

The following games became more and more dangerous. They were able to reach the top four in the country. None of them were weak teams, and they all had their own cards.

It's time to continue to improve the strength of your elves.

The opponents of these universities should not be underestimated. They are all the sons of heaven, and each has his own adventure.

Although Yu Liang is the singles ace of Capital University, but after all, he is only a senior student.

Being able to maintain two heavenly king-level elves is already his limit.

The third elf he sent was a level 58 Charizard.

The fire-breathing dragon is twice as weak, and it did not cause any damage to Blastoise.

In just a few rounds, Charizard was successfully defeated by Blastoise.

So far, there is only the last player left in the Capital University 21 singles competition.

If this player loses, Capital University and Jiangcheng University will have the last doubles match.

The last contestant from Capital University was a girl, Zhu Nanlian.

This girl has a very standard big frame, but her face is beautiful and small.

It gives people a very atmospheric feeling, which is full of sister Yu.

The Pokémon she sends out are dinosaur-like Pokémon with green bodies.

Its tentacles resemble two pistil-like protrusions, each with an anther at the top.

Its irises are yellow and it has three toes on each of its four feet.

A large pink flower blooms around the neck, with a yellow pattern in the center and a white tip.

This is a Grass-type Pokémon, Geranium.

Water arrow tortoise is twice as weak as grass, it seems that Zhu Nanlian has been prepared for a long time.

【Geranium (grass)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV63 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Lush (when HP decreases, the power of grass-type moves will increase)]

[Character Talent: Gentle (+Special Defense, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Petal Dance, Colorful Falling Flowers, Impact, Scream, Flying Leaf Blade, Poison Powder, Photosynthesis, Reflective Wall, Magic Leaf, Force of Nature, Sweet Aroma, Light Wall, Mount Tai, Mysterious Guardian, Aromatherapy, Sun Beam, Vine Whip, Parasitic Seed, Double Return, Primal Force, Crazy, Force of Nature, Rooted, Flying Leaf Storm, Healing Wave, Crazy Plant, Seed Machine Gun, Self-Motivation, Sunny Day, Destructive Ray, Light Wall, Hold, Ultimate Drain, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Shadow Clone, Reflecting Wall, Hard Hold, Sleep, Enchantment, Ultimate Shock, Flash, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Light Wall, Grass Field. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

As expected of the Capital University, the background is really too deep, and these are already four heavenly king-level elves.

Zhu Nanlian launched the attack first.

"Geraniums, use the grass field."

[Green Grass Field: Turn into a grass field within a certain period of time, the grass attribute spirits will slowly recover, and the power of grass attribute moves will also increase. 】

The geranium radiates a blue light.

The cyan light enveloped the entire rock and soil site.

In an instant, countless grasses emerged from the ground, and the entire rocky soil field instantly turned into a green grass field.

Jiang Chen admired secretly, it was very clever, he directly changed the venue and became Geranium's home court.

"Blazka, use Freezing Wind."

The water arrow turtle took a deep breath and let it out. The icy breath was like the cold current of the polar region. The ground froze, and the grassland even turned into slag.

"Geranium, use the shadow clone."

[Shadow Clone: ​​Create a clone by moving quickly to confuse the opponent, thereby increasing the dodge rate. 】

In an instant, there were more than a dozen geraniums on the entire green grass field.

Blastoise's eyes are so dazzled that it can't tell which geraniums are real and which are fake.

It can only blow the freezing wind at a few geraniums indiscriminately.

The few geraniums that were swept by the freezing wind dissipated directly into the air, obviously hitting some clones.

"Geranium, use the seed machine gun."

[Seed Machine Gun: Fiercely fires 2-5 seeds at the opponent to attack. 】

The geranium opened its mouth, spit out four or five tennis-ball-sized blue-gray seeds, and shot them directly at the water arrow turtle.

"Blazka, use retraction into the shell."

[Shrink into the shell: shrink into the shell to protect the body, thereby improving your defense. 】

The water arrow turtle roared, and its entire body retracted into its shell

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

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