There was a sound like the collision of stones, and the huge shell of the water arrow turtle blocked the seeds shot by the seed machine gun.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 251 Fierce fighting, a battle of wits and courage!

"The Water Arrow Turtle uses water jets and uses megaton punches."

[Water jet: Pounce on the opponent with lightning speed.Must be able to preempt the attack. 】

The huge water column formed by the torrent is like a fountain.

Lasing upward from the ground, it went straight to the geranium at lightning speed.

Among the jets of water, the figure of the water arrow turtle flickered, and the fast geranium had no time to dodge.

"Geranium, use hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Geranium.

Blastoise raised its fist, and the fist shone with energy.

The fist, as well as the body, hit the white shield.


The white shield exploded with shock waves.

The white shield firmly guarded the geranium.

"Geranium, use Leafstorm."

[Flying Leaf Storm: Use the pointed blades to roll up a storm towards the opponent.After using it, your own special attack will be greatly reduced due to the reaction force. 】

The geranium radiates a blue light.

The cyan light turned into countless blades, like sharp flying knives, and swept towards the direction of the water arrow turtle like a tornado.

"Blades, use rocks to block."

While retreating rapidly, the water arrow turtle used the skill of rock blockade.

A string of long rock thorns drilled out from the ground and blocked in front of it.

Countless blades hit the rock thorns and were smashed, and the ground was full of broken blades.

"Geraniums, use grass knots"¨."

[Tie the grass knot: entangle and trip the opponent with grass.The heavier the opponent, the greater the power. 】

The geranium radiates a blue light.

The grass under the Blastoise's body suddenly grew wildly, forming knots of grass that entangled its legs.

The water arrow turtle is more than two meters tall and weighs more than 400 kilograms. After being entangled, it cannot move at all.

"Water arrow turtle, use high-speed rotation."

[High-speed rotation: Attack the opponent by spinning.You can also get rid of moves such as Tie Tight, Tight Bunch, Parasitic Seed and Sa Ling. 】

Blastoise spun extremely fast on the spot, and the grass knots were all broken up one by one.

Zhu Nanlian saw that the straw knot did not work, so she continued to attack.

"Geraniums, use Fallen Flowers."

The geranium radiates a blue light.

The cyan light turned into countless snow-like falling flowers.

These falling flowers were like sharp flying knives, sweeping towards the Water Arrow Turtle.

"Blazka, use Freezing Wind."

Blastoise took a deep breath and let it out. The icy breath was like a polar cold current. The colorful falling flowers in the air froze one after another, and the fallen flowers that were frozen into ice cubes fell to the ground and became slag.

One was passively defending, and Jiang Chen looked dignified.

The main reason is that Blastoise is twice as weak as grass, and once it is hit by a skill, it will cause double damage.

To find an opportunity, you can't always be passively defensive like this.

"Geranium, use the Flying Leaf Knife."

[Flying Leaf Quick Knife: Fly out the blade, cut the opponent to attack.Easy to hit home. 】


The geranium screamed, and more than a dozen extremely sharp leaves appeared.

These blades shoot towards Blastoise like sharp throwing knives.

"Blazka, use retraction into the shell."

[Shrink into the shell: shrink into the shell to protect the body, thereby improving your defense. 】

"Ka Mei!!! (▼皮▼#)"

The water arrow turtle roared, and its entire body retracted into its shell

"¨. Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The sound of chopping like a sword sounded, and the huge shell of the water arrow turtle blocked the flying leaf sharp knife.

"Blazka, use the broken shell, and use the megaton heavy kick."

[Break the shell: Break the shell, reduce your own defense and special defense, but greatly increase attack, special attack and speed. 】

【Million Ton Heavy Kick: Use a powerful heavy kick to kick the opponent away and attack. 】

The water arrow tortoise broke free from its shell, and its speed became very fast. It rushed directly towards the geranium.

The huge body carried unparalleled strength, and the flying feet kicked heavily towards the geranium.

Zhu Nanlian was taken aback, and quickly ordered.

"Geranium, use hold."

At this time, Zhu Nanlian made a mistake in her busy schedule (Hao Wang Hao), she had already forgotten that Geranium had used the defensive skill once before.

A huge white shield appeared in front of Geranium.

This white shield has become much thinner than when it was used for the first time.

Sure enough, "Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The white shield was only held for a moment.

There are cracks all over the translucent white shield.

Immediately afterwards, the white shield collapsed, shattered into pieces, and dissipated in the air.

Blastoise's thick thighs kicked Geranium heavily.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 252 Water Arrow Tortoise vs Super Armored Rhino!


Geranium screamed and was kicked to the ground.

The geranium, which was more than two meters high and weighed more than 100 kilograms, fell heavily on the ground, causing the ground to vibrate continuously.

Jiang Chen took advantage of the victory and pursued, not letting go of any opportunity.

"Baccus, use the freezing beam."

Blastoise opened its mouth wide, and endless cold air gathered in its mouth, and the azure blue flame went straight to the geranium.

The geranium that had just been kicked over had no time to dodge, nor could it use its skills.

In an instant, the geranium hit by the freezing beam was covered with layers of frost, and it was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

As a grass-type Pokémon, Geranium also has twice the weakness of ice.

It was frozen by the freezing beam and received double damage.

Just like that, Jiang Chen wouldn't let go of any chance to beat the dog in the water.

"The water arrow turtle, use Taishan to press the top."

363 Upon hearing the order, the Blastoise jumped up high, like a hill, pressing down on the geranium.

"Boom!" A loud bang.

The ice on Geranium's body was shattered, and it was also crushed heavily by Blastoise.

Geranium fell to the ground, struggled a few times, and couldn't get up, it had completely lost the ability to fight.

【Ding!Blastoise defeated Geranium and gained 2426 experience points! 】

"Singles match, round seven, Jiang Chen from Jiangcheng University wins!"

Zhu Nanlian's face was a bit ugly, Geranium was not her strongest elf, but her strongest elf happened to be four times weaker than water.

Congenitally restrained by the water arrow tortoise.

However, now he has no choice but to send out this elf.

The second elf sent by Zhu Nanlian is a level 65 Super Armored Crazy (.) Rhinoceros.

The main color of the Super Armored Rhino is black and orange, which retains the appearance of the protective gear.

[Super Armored Rhinoceros (Ground) (Rock)]

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV65 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Lightning Rod (Attracts electric moves to oneself, will not take damage, but will increase special attack.)]

[Character Talent: Brave (+Attack, -Speed)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(27)]

[Skills: arm hammer, tail wagging, impact, shooting down, stomping, angle impact, ghost face, stampede, rock blast, straight drill, slam, earthquake, sharp stone attack, super horn attack, angle drill, rock cannon, Double Return, Curse, Dragon Dive, Rocket Hammer, Metal Explosion, Defensive Deuce, Rock Grinding, Hot Sand Land, Meteor Beam, Megaton Punch, Megaton Kick, Treasure Gathering, Flame Fist, Freezing Punch , Thunder Fist, Destructive Beam, Ultimate Impact, Burrowing, Rockslide, Hold, Ghost Face, Freezing Wind, Sandstorm, Tiles Splitting, Rock Blockade, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Tit for Tat, Shadow Claw, Slender Horn, Wild Dance Swing, stomp, wide-area destruction, super horn blow. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

When Jiang Chen saw the super-armored wild rhinoceros in front of him, he secretly praised it. This elf is very powerful.

It's a pity that no matter how powerful it is, it's useless, it's four times weaker.

He was restrained by the Blastoise to death.

As long as it is hit by a water attribute skill, it will cause four times the damage.

"Water Arrow Turtle, use Pray for Rain."

[Seeking Rain: It keeps raining for a certain period of time, thereby increasing the power of water-type moves, and reducing the power of fire-type moves. 】

The energy of the water attribute gathered on the water arrow turtle, and this energy was shot into the air.

Dark clouds began to gather in the sky, and a moment later the pouring rain fell.

The entire rock field became soggy and full of puddles.

The rain drenched on the body of the Super Armored Crazy Rhino, making it very uncomfortable.

"Super armor mad rhinoceros, use rock crit."

[Rock Blast: Launch a hard rock at the opponent to attack.Attack 2~5 times in a row. 】

The super-armored mad rhino opened its eyes, and there was a faint blue light, and rocks condensed around its body.

In an instant, five huge rocks with a diameter of more than three meters had condensed.

The super-armored wild rhino raised its arm, and the rock flew towards the water arrow turtle like a cannonball.

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