"Water arrow turtle, use the water cannon."

[Water Cannon: A large amount of water jets violently at the opponent to attack. 】

The energy of countless water systems in the water arrow turtle's mouth began to gather.

In the next instant, a jet of water more than three meters thick sprayed directly towards the huge rock flying over.


In mid-air, a thick jet of water collided with the rocks, and five huge rocks were blown away by the force of the jet of water.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Huge rocks hit the ground one after another, creating huge pits.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 253 Attribute restraint, Yangmou's victory!

At the beginning of the game, both sides tried cautiously.

Although the super armor mad rhino has four times weak water.

But the Super Armored Rhinoceros has a very high physical attack ability.

Once the Blastoise is accidentally hit by its skills.

Then any attribute restraint is useless, and you will suffer very serious injuries.

"Blazka, use Surf."

[Surfing: Use big waves to attack all elves around you. 】

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

A big wave more than ten meters high was set off by the water arrow turtle~.

The big waves directly lifted the water arrow turtle, and in an overwhelming posture, it slapped fiercely towards the super armor.

"Super Armored Rhinoceros, use rocks to block."

The super-armored wild rhino retreated rapidly while using the rock blockade skill.

A string of long rock thorns drilled out from the ground and blocked in front of it.

Blastoise rides the huge waves and slaps on these rocky thorns.

The rock thorns one by one were directly snapped off by the huge waves.

Under the consumption of these rock thorns, the monstrous waves gradually calmed down.

These currents make the entire rock and soil site muddy.

Combined with the effect of the rain, the whole rock field is getting muddy, sort of.Kind of like a swampy field.

The impact of the environment on the Super Armored Rhino is becoming more and more unfavorable.

It weighs close to 300kg, and on muddy swampy grounds, the action becomes tough.

Zhu Nanlian's expression became ugly, but there was nothing she could do.

Jiang Chen, this is Yangmou. He directs the Water Arrow Turtle and keeps using water-attributed skills.

It will cause water accumulation everywhere in the rock and soil site, changing the environment of the entire rock and soil site.

If you change to another elf, it may not have any effect.

However, the super-armored rhinoceros is four times weaker than water, and the impact is very bad.

"Blazka, use hot water."

[Hot water: To attack the opponent by spraying hot boiled water.Occasionally makes the opponent fall into a state of burns. 】

The Blastoise let out a roar, and white hot air instantly rose from the two gun barrels on its back.

Then the hot boiling water was shot out from the two barrels of the water arrow turtle, and sprayed directly on the super-armored wild rhinoceros.

"Super Armored Rhinoceros, use Hot Sand Land."

[Hot Sand Land: Attack by smashing hot sand at the opponent.Sometimes puts the opponent in a burn state. 】

The super-armored wild rhinoceros stared wide-eyed, surrounded by an earth-yellow energy halo, and grains of sand floated around its body.

One of the arms was raised, and immediately the sand was steaming.

Raising his arms, the scorching sand flew towards the Blastoise, covering his head and face.

In mid-air, the boiling water and the hot sand collided.

"Water Arrow Turtle, use Pray for Rain."

The rain that had been falling before gradually stopped.

Jiang Chen quickly ordered Water Arrow Turtle to add a new rain-seeking skill.

Over the rock and soil field, dark clouds gathered, and the downpour began again.

With prolonged rainfall.

The entire rock and soil site has become more and more unbearable, and it has slowly moved from the swamp site to the pond site.

Zhu Nanlian's expression was very solemn, she knew that she couldn't let the super-armored mad rhino be consumed by the water arrow turtle like this.

To turn defeat into victory, you must take risks.

When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, Zhu Nanlian secretly made up her mind.

"Super Armored Rhinoceros, use slam."

[Slamming: Slam into the opponent with amazing momentum to attack.You will also suffer a little damage. 】

The super-armored wild rhino roared, and with an astonishing momentum, it rushed towards the water arrow turtle.

・・・ Flowers・・・

However, the super-armored wild rhinoceros is very powerful, but its speed is very slow. In this muddy rocky field full of puddles.

The speed of the super-armored wild rhino can't be improved at all.

not good!

Zhu Nanlian understood her mistake, she was too eager for success.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time finally arrived.

Through constant consumption, Zhu Nanlian became impatient and made a wrong judgment.

"Water arrow turtle, use the water cannon."

The water arrow turtle opened its mouth wide, and a water cannon more than three meters thick spewed out of its mouth.


This water cannon directly hit the super-armored wild rhinoceros rushing towards the water arrow turtle.

The huge force of the water cannon knocked the Super Armored Rhino directly to the ground.

"Water arrow turtle, use the tide spin."

[Tide Vortex: trap the opponent in the fierce water vortex and attack in a short time. 】

The water arrow turtle roared.

With the sound of the water arrow turtle, the water flow around the body of the super-armored wild rhinoceros began to spin rapidly.

In the next moment, a vortex formed by water flow surrounded the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros.

The super-armored mad rhino trapped by the tide spin is gone.

The super-armored wild rhino was four times weaker than water, but was trapped in the vortex of the water, unable to break free for a short time.

The super-armored wild rhino was first hit by the freezing beam of the water arrow turtle, and it froze into an ice sculpture.

Then it was directly hit by the water arrow tortoise's tail.

In the end, the super-armored mad rhino fell heavily to the ground, completely losing its ability to fight.

【Ding!Blastoise defeated the Super Armored Rhino and gained 2334 experience points! 】

"Singles match, round eight, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University wins!"


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 254 The victory in the singles match, the total score is one to one tie!

Following the referee's loud announcement of Jiang Chen's victory.

The entire Modu Gymnasium burst into warm applause.

So far in the singles match, Jiang Chen has never lost a game.

And the opponents he faces are getting more and more powerful.

No matter what kind of difficulties he encounters, he can always find an opportunity to defeat his opponent.

At this time, Zhu Nanlian, Yujie had no demeanor, her face turned black.

With the singles competition at this point, her failure is inevitable.

She is only a senior student, and has two heavenly king-level elves, which have already consumed all her resources.

The third elf she sent out wasn't actually too weak, but on the stage of the top eight of the National College Students Elite Competition, it didn't look good enough.

Zhu Nanlian took out the "[-]" elf ball and took back the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros.

She sent the last elf of the competition.

The scales on the whole body of this elf are blue, and there are rectangular scales protruding.

Its forelimbs are very strong, with beige bone armor on its lower jaw and belly.

It also has jagged red bony plates on its head, back and tail.

This is a water-type Pokémon, the alligator!

【Strong Crocodile (Water)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV52 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Torrent (When HP decreases, the power of water-type moves will increase.)]

[Character Talent: Brave (+Attack, -Speed)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (28), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: high-speed movement, grabbing, staring, water gun, mud throwing, water gun, mud throwing, biting, ghost face, frozen teeth, crazy, crushing, kicking, splitting, ear-piercing, making a fuss, water tail , Brute Force, Water Cannon, Chi Fist, Dragon Claw, Water Wave, Roar, Hail, Self-Motivation, Freezing Beam, Blizzard, Destroying Beam, Hold, Rain, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Burrowing, Tile Splitting, Shadow Clone, Rock Blockade, Swallow Back, Hard Hold, Sleep, Enchanting, Hot Water, Infuriating Bomb, Throwing, Standing, Dragon Wave, Shadow Claw, Ultimate Impact, Avalanche, Sword Dance, Rock Avalanche, Dream Talk, Stomp, Bluff, stand-in, Iai chop, surfing, strange force, rock breaking, waterfall climbing, rock climbing. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

Jiang Chen smiled slightly when he saw the message about the crocodile.

The opponent is at the end of his skills, and can only use level 52 crocodile to make up for it.

Saying this seems to be disrespectful to Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man, and their two most powerful elves are about the same level.

Zhu Nanlian rushed to attack directly.

"Big Crocodile, use the Freezing Beam."

The crocodile opened its mouth wide, and endless cold air gathered in its mouth, and the azure blue flame went straight towards the water arrow turtle.

"Water arrow turtle, use the cannon."

The Water Arrow Turtle let out an angry roar, and a dazzling light shone all over its body.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling beam of light was shot from the barrel behind it.

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