Dazzling beams collided with freezing beams.


The shock wave exploded, the rock and soil rolled up, and sand and rocks flew away.

"Big Crocodile, use high-speed movement, use split."

The crocodile's feet touched the ground, its speed was so fast that it was almost invisible, and it disappeared from the spot as if teleporting.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared behind the water arrow turtle.

The sharp blades on its two front paws shone with energy, and it fiercely chopped down towards the water arrow turtle.

"Blazka, use retraction into the shell."

"Ka Mei!!! (▼皮▼#)"

The water arrow turtle roared, and its entire body retracted into its shell


The sound of chopping like a sword sounded, and the huge shell of the water arrow turtle blocked the splitting of the crocodile.

"The water arrow turtle, use the broken shell, use the split tile."

【Wave Breaking: Swing down the hand knife violently to attack the opponent.It can also destroy light walls and reflective walls, etc. 】

The Blastoise broke free from its shell, and its speed became very fast. It directly rushed towards the crocodile...

The huge body carried unparalleled strength, and the raised hands viciously slashed at the crocodile with sharp sharpness.

Zhu Nanlian was taken aback, and quickly ordered.

"Big Crocodile, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the crocodile.


The white shield blocked the attack of the water arrow turtle.

"The Water Arrow Turtle, use it charmingly."

The water arrow turtle exudes a seductive light.

Pink hearts popped out of the eyes of the crocodile, and it couldn't help but want to get close to the Blastoise.

Zhu Nanlian was taken aback and shouted hastily.

"Big crocodile, wake up quickly!"

However, it was too late.

"Baccus, use the freezing beam."

The crocodile hit by the blue freezing beam was covered in frost, and it was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Water arrow turtle, use the water tail."

After hearing Jiang Chen's order, the Water Arrow Turtle swung its thick tail, made huge waves, and slapped the ice sculpture viciously.

The ice cubes on the crocodile were shattered, and it was also thrown into the air by a huge force.


Not waiting for the crocodile to land.

"Blazka, use the destroying light."

The gun barrel behind Blastoise spit out lightning-like rays of light, and hit the crocodile in mid-air.


The destructive light that illuminated the entire rock and earth site hit the crocodile directly.

The crocodile hit the ground heavily from the air, and it had completely lost its ability to fight.

【Ding!Blastoise defeated the crocodile and gained 1853 experience points! 】

"Singles match, the ninth round, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University wins!"

"Congratulations to Jiangcheng University for winning the singles match!"


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 255 The doubles match begins, Menus' sneak attack!

In the team competition, Jiangcheng University was defeated by Capital University.

Capital University was defeated by Jiangcheng University in the singles match.

The total score was a 1:1 draw between the two sides.

The decision to enter the top 4 is the outcome of the doubles match.

"Team leaders from both sides, please go to the referee's table to draw the venue for the doubles match!"

Following the broadcast, the team leaders of both sides will be notified to draw the venue.

Gao Xiangyi came to the referee stand with a look on his face and drew lots with the team leader of Capital University.

The ice and snow field was selected for the doubles match.

The giant lift began to work rumblingly, and soon lifted the ice and snow field up.

The entire ice and snow field is full of solid ice, which is very cold and has a bonus to ice-type elves.

In the doubles match, Jiangcheng University played with Jiang Chen and Ji Man.

Capital University played Yu Liang and Zhu Nanlian.

"The players on both sides are ready, the game begins!"

The elves sent by Jiang Chen and Ji Man are Menus and Lie 21 Arrow Eagle respectively.

The spirits sent by Yuliang and Zhunanlian are Tyrannosaurus and Geranium respectively.

Ji Man's Blazing Arrow Eagle is an obvious weakness in this kind of competition.

Its level is too different, but it is a flying Pokémon, and it has the two skills of lightning flash and high-speed movement, so it is no problem to contain the opponent.

【Arrow Eagle (Fire) (Flying)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV54 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Flame Body (Sometimes it will cause the opponent who touches itself to become a burning state.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

【Skills: Scream, Spark, Peck, Flash, Feint, Flame Charge, Accumulated Flame Strike, Crazy, Acrobatics, High-Speed ​​Movement, Swallow Return, Tailwind, Steel Wing, Feather Perch, Fly, Brave Bird Attack, Rampage, hold, acrobatics, thief, flame vortex, hard hold, swallow return, high-speed star, charged flame attack, air blade, hold on, sunny day, begging for rain, rapid return, bodybuilding, air slash, dream talk, sleep, Provocation, Sword Dance, Substitute, Will-o'-the-wisp, Hot Wind, Jet Flame, Big Character Explosion, Ultimate Impact, Overheating, Storm, Destruction Beam, Sun Beam, Taijing Burst, Quick Defense, Clear Fog. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Although the Fierce Arrow Eagle's level is still a little lower, after absorbing the energy of the thunder pool many times, it has already made up for its lack of potential.

As the game began, Capital University launched the attack first.

"Stormosaurus, fly up and use the dragon's breath."

"Geranium, use Leafstorm."

The Violent Dragon flew into the air, lowered its head, and roared wildly. The purple dragon's breath turned into a purple light and rushed towards Menus.

The geranium radiates a blue light.

The cyan light turned into countless blades, like sharp flying knives, and swept towards Menus like a tornado.

Yu Liang and Zhu Nanlian agreed to focus on attacking Menus first. As long as Menus is dealt with, the subsequent victory will be within easy reach.

The Tyrannosaurus and Geranium's attacks were very sharp, but they also fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

"Fire Arrow Eagle, use it to hold on, use it to hold on."


The Fierce Arrow Eagle roared, energy surged from its body, and its physique seemed to become more majestic.

A white shield appeared in front of the Arrow Eagle and Menus.

The purple dragon's breath and the flying knife composed of countless blades hit the white shield.

In just a short moment, the white backing completely disintegrated, shattered into a pile of fragments, and dissipated into the air.

The aftermath of the dragon's breath and the flying leaf storm continued to hit the Arrow Eagle who was blocking Menus.

"Minas, use Charming."

Menus suddenly got out from behind the Arrow Eagle, and its body exuded a seductive light.

Pink hearts popped out of the eyes of Tyrannosaurus and Geranium, and they couldn't help but want to get close to Menus.

"Fire Arrow Eagle, use Lightning Flash, use Air Slash."

Although the Fierce Arrow Eagle was scarred, its attack power still existed.

Hearing Ji Man's order, the Arrow Eagle disappeared from the spot as if teleporting.

When 367 reappeared, it was already behind the geranium.

There was a gust of wind around the body of the Fierce Arrow Eagle. It swung its wings vigorously, and immediately condensed a huge air blade more than three meters long.

Its wings swung down, and the air blade was like a huge long knife, slashing directly at the geranium.

"Meinas, use the freezing beam."

Menus opened his mouth wide, and endless cold air gathered in his mouth, and the azure blue flame went straight to the geranium.

not good!

Yu Liang and Zhu Nanlian were taken aback. They didn't expect Jiang Chen to use the Arrow Eagle to take all the damage and sneak attack with charming skills.

However, it is too late for them to change.

Tyrannosaurus and Geranium, who just got rid of their charming skills, had no time to use their skills or dodge.

He could only watch helplessly as the geranium was hit by the freezing beam and the air slash at the same time.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 256 Fighting wits and courage, an extremely fierce competition!


The geranium screamed, and was first frozen into an ice sculpture by the freezing beam, and then chopped to the ground by the huge air blade.

【Ding!Menus defeated Geranium and gained 1215 experience points! 】

【Ding!Arrow Eagle defeated Geranium and gained 1236 experience points! 】

Geranium fell to the ground, motionless, it had completely lost the ability to fight.

"Meinas, use the water drop of life."

[Water Drops of Life: Sprinkle magical water to restore the HP of yourself and allies on the field. 】

Crystal water droplets with healing energy spewed out from Menus' mouth and fell on the scarred body of the Arrow Eagle.

The minor wounds suffered by the Arrowhawk healed immediately.

Looking at Menus and Arrow Eagle who are in good condition.

As soon as Yu Liang gritted his teeth, he directly launched his big move.

"Stormosaurus, fly high into the sky, use the meteor swarm."

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