There was a gust of wind around the body of the Arrow Eagle, and it waved its wings vigorously, and immediately condensed a huge air blade more than three meters long.

Its wings swung down vigorously, and the air blade was like a huge long knife, slashing directly at the Tanabata blue bird.

"Qixi blue bird, use high-speed movement, use dragon wave."

The Tanabata blue bird flapped its wings, its speed was so fast that it was almost invisible, and it disappeared from the spot as if teleporting.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared behind the Blazing Arrow Eagle.

The Tanabata blue bird opened its mouth, and the purple energy gathered in its mouth, turning into shock waves and shooting directly at the Blazing Arrow Eagle.

・・・ Flowers・・・

"Arrow Eagle, use high-speed movement, use jet flames."

The Fierce Arrow Eagle flew very fast, appearing behind the Tanabata blue bird as if teleporting.

It directly opened its big mouth, and crimson flames spewed out from its mouth.

It turned into a fiery sea of ​​flames and sprayed towards the Tanabata blue bird.

"Qixi blue bird, use high-speed movement, avoid flames, and use charming voice."

[Charming voice: Make a charming cry, inflicting mental damage on the opponent.Attacks are guaranteed to hit. 】

...... 0

The Tanabata Blue Bird flapped its wings and disappeared from the spot. It appeared not far from the Arrow Eagle.


It opened its mouth and barked happily a few times.

The extremely charming voice reached the ears of the Arrow Eagle.

The Arrow Eagle only felt a splitting headache, and it showed a very painful expression, as if it had forgotten how to fly, and fell directly to the ground.

Ji Man was taken aback, but the Fierce Arrow Eagle didn't know how to protect this skill mysteriously, so she couldn't think of any good way for a while.

Ming Jiaojiao would not let go of the opportunity, she directly ordered the Qixi Blue Bird to continue attacking.

"Qixi blue bird, use singing."

[Singing: let the opponent listen to a comfortable and beautiful singing voice, so as to fall into a sleep state. 】


The Tanabata blue bird opened its mouth and hummed a very beautiful song.

The Arrow Eagle, which had fallen to the ground, looked very painful. Hearing this wonderful sound, it seemed that there was no pain in its head. It smiled and fell asleep directly.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 264 Tanabata blue bird vs Pokkiss!

Seeing that the Arrow Eagle fell into a deep sleep, Ji Man was very anxious.

She shouted loudly: "Fire Arrow Eagle, wake up quickly!"

It's a pity that Ji Mandi yelled loudly, but it didn't wake up the Fiery Arrow Eagle.

Ming Jiaojiao smiled lightly, and continued to give the order to attack.

"Qixi blue bird, use the freezing beam."

The Tanabata blue bird opened its mouth wide, and endless cold air gathered in its mouth, and the azure blue flame went straight to the Arrow Eagle.

The sleeping Fiery Arrow Eagle didn't have the slightest sense of defense at all. It was directly frozen by the freezing beam and became an ice sculpture.

"Qixi blue bird, use Mount Tai to suppress the top."

 "Three seven three" The Tanabata blue bird flew over the frozen Arrow Eagle.

It directly retracted its wings, and with the aura of collapsing mountains, it slammed into the Arrow Eagle fiercely.

With a bang, the ice cubes on the ice sculpture were smashed into shards of ice by the blue bird of Qixi Festival.

The Fierce Arrow Eagle was crushed under the Qixi Blue Bird and completely lost its ability to move.

"In the team competition, in the second round, Ming Jiaojiao of Shanghai University won!"

Ji Man used the elf ball to put away the unconscious Arrowhawk, and walked off the field very unconvinced.

When she came to the rest area of ​​Jiangcheng University, she grabbed Xia Zhenyue's hand and said, "Yueyue, you must avenge me later!"

Xia Zhenyue comforted Ji Man helplessly: "I will try my best, this Qixi blue bird is quite strong!"

Gao Xiangyi looked at Xia Zhenyue and said, "You are the second to appear, go!"

Xia Zhenyue nodded, took a deep breath, and walked to the playing field.

"The players on both sides are ready, the game begins!"

Xia Zhenyue released Pokkisi.

Qixi blue bird has twice the weak fairy attribute, and Pokkisi has the upper hand in this round.

"Pokkisi, use the mysterious guard."

"Qixi blue bird, use the mysterious guard."

[Mysterious guardian: Protected by magical power for a certain period of time, so as not to fall into an abnormal state. 】

Both sides coincidentally used the skill of Mysterious Guardian first.

A mysterious force appeared inside the bodies of Pokkisi and Tanabata Blue Bird, forming an invisible protective film on the surface of their bodies.

This layer of protective film will prevent them from being affected by some control skills.

"Pokkisi, use Fairy Wind."

Pokkisi exudes countless pink fairy energy.

It took a deep breath and let it out, and this energy turned into a pink breeze and blew towards the Tanabata blue bird.

This fairy wind looks gentle, but it has a fatal blow to the Tanabata blue bird.

Because the skills of the fairy attribute will cause double damage to the Tanabata blue bird.

"Qixi blue bird, use high-speed movement to avoid, use freezing beam."

The Tanabata blue bird appeared behind Pokkisi as if teleporting.

It opened its mouth, and a cold breath gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue light, spraying towards Pokkisi with deadly killing intent.

"Pokkisi, use the light wall."

[Light Wall: Use a magical wall for a certain period of time to weaken the damage of special attacks received from the opponent. 】

A transparent glowing wall appeared in front of Pokkisi.

The frozen beam hit the light intensity, and everything that was originally frozen was powerful, but it became very weak, which only made Pokkisi shiver.

Ming Jiaojiao watched Pokkisi use the light wall skill, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth. In a short period of time, many skills of Qixi Blue Bird will be useless...

"Qixi blue bird, use high-speed movement, use dragon claws."

[Dragon Claw: Cleave the opponent with sharp claws to attack. 】

The Tanabata blue bird flapped its wings, its speed was so fast that it was almost invisible, and it disappeared from the spot as if teleporting.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared above Pokkisi.

The dragon energy gathered on its two claws turned into two one-meter-long energy giant claws, which fiercely slashed towards Pokkisi.

"Pokkisi, use the reflective wall."

[Reflection Wall: Use the magical wall in a short time to weaken the damage from physical attacks received by the opponent. 】

A magical energy wall appeared in front of Pokkisi.

The extremely ferocious dragon claws of the Tanabata blue bird penetrated the magical energy wall, and only pulled a few feathers from Pokkisi's body.

Ming Jiaojiao's teeth are about to be crushed, this is too shameless!

How did this Pokkisi learn so many skills.

Now, mysterious guardian, light 5.2 wall, reflective wall protection, how can this Pokkiss fight.

Just when Ming Jiaojiao didn't know what to do.

Xia Zhenyue can then launch the attack leisurely.

"Pokkisi, use triple attack."

Three colors of light radiated from Pokkisi's body.

The rainbow-like rays of light circled Pokkisi to form three-color light clusters, namely purple, green, and red.

In the next moment, the light groups of three colors shot at the Tanabata blue bird like bullets.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 265 Suppressing the whole process, a beautiful victory!

Ming Jiaojiao let go of the uneasiness in her heart and continued to direct the Qixi Blue Bird.

"Qixi blue bird, use the wave of the dragon."

The Tanabata blue bird opened its mouth, and the purple energy gathered in its mouth, turning into shock waves and shooting directly at Pokkisi.

The purple shock wave hit the triple beam.


The shock waves of the two energies exploded, and the hurricane formed by countless energies swept away, blowing the sand and rocks on the ground of the rock and soil site everywhere.

"Pokkisi, use the magic flame."

[Magic flame: A particularly scorching flame attacked from the mouth.Decrease the opponent's special attack. 】

Pokkisi opened his mouth wide, and a crimson flame spewed out from its mouth, turning into a scorching flame that could melt steel, and shooting at the Tanabata blue bird.

"Qixi blue bird, use it to hold it."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the Tanabata blue bird.

21 scorching flames descended from the sky, carrying a deadly killing intent.

The Tanabata blue bird hid behind the white shield.

The scorching flames directly hit the white shield.


The flame exploded, and the white shield covering the Tanabata blue bird blocked the flame, and burned blazingly against the white shield.

The magic flame was too hot, and the burning white shield creaked.

Immediately afterwards, the white shield collapsed, shattered into pieces, and dissipated in the air.

Xia Zhenyue smiled coldly in her heart, Qixi Blue Bird has fallen into a situation where she is exhausted, just be careful not to let Ming Jiaojiao come back.

"Pokkisi, use the future prediction, use the air cut."

[Predicting the future: After using the move for a certain period of time, send a mass of mind power to the opponent to attack. 】

There was a gust of wind around Pokkisi's body, and it waved its wings vigorously, and immediately condensed a huge air blade more than three meters long.

Swinging down the wings, the air blade was like a huge long knife, slashing directly at the Tanabata blue bird.

"Qixi blue bird, use feather dance."

[Feather Dance: Spread out the feathers, covering the opponent's surroundings.Greatly reduces the opponent's attack. 】

The Qixi blue bird flapped its wings and retreated rapidly.

While retreating, it shook off its feathers one by one.

These feathers blocked the Tanabata blue bird.

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