Against the gigantic blade of air, these feathers are vulnerable.

The air blade chopped off countless feathers along the way.

All the feathers were cut to pieces by the terrifying sharpness of the air blade.

However, there were too many feathers, and the power of the air blade was quickly reduced without any damage, blowing the Tanabata blue bird like a gust of wind.

"Pokkiss, use wave missiles."

Pokkisi opened his mouth wide, and the power of the blue waveguide gathered in his mouth, and he spit out the power of the waveguide forcefully, like a football shot out, the waveguide had already flown in front of the Tanabata blue bird.

"Qixi blue bird, use dragon's breath."

The Qixi blue bird raised its head and roared wildly. The purple dragon's breath turned into a purple light and hit the wave missile.


The huge fluctuations of the two kinds of energy exploded, and countless energy hurricanes swept outward.

At this moment, Pokkisi's ability to predict the future was activated, and a huge force of thought, like an invisible shell, directly hit the Tanabata blue bird.


The Qixi blue bird let out a scream, and was directly hit hard, and the mental attack directly acted on its brain.

It passed out directly and fell from midair to the ground.

not good!

Ming Jiaojiao panicked all of a sudden, the time for the mysterious guardian had come, and she didn't expect to be attacked by Pokkisi using the skill of predicting the future in advance.

Xia Zhenyue will not give Qixi Jade Bird a chance to recover.

"Pokkisi, use magic to shine."

[Magic Shine: Launches strong light at the opponent and deals damage. 】

Countless fairy energy emerged from Pokkisi's body.In the blink of an eye, this energy turned into a beam of strong light and shot directly at the Tanabata blue bird.

The Tanabata blue bird that fell to the ground was hit by the strong light of the magic flash without recovering from the previous blow.


Accompanied by the pitiful cry of the Tanabata blue bird, it was directly knocked away from the spot by the strong light shining from the magic.

With a "bang", the Tanabata blue bird hit the ground heavily, and it passed out directly, unable to continue fighting.

"Team competition, the third round, Xia Zhenyue of Jiangcheng University won!"

As the referee's voice fell.

There were very regretful boos in the entire Shanghai Stadium.

Only very few cheers came from the rest area of ​​Jiangcheng University.

Especially Ji Man, who was very excited and danced around.

Jiang Chen sat on the seat very securely, he smiled and applauded slowly.

It has to be said that today Xia Zhenyue gave full play to Pokkisi's advantages and turned them into victory.

After the baptism of the national competition, Xia Zhenyue has grown a lot!

Not like some second-hand goods!

Jiang Chen glanced at Ji Man who was dancing!


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 266 Thinking before the game, level crushing!

In the team competition, a school has a total of six players, and not every player has the opportunity to compete.

Because the winner will automatically continue to the next round of the game.

Now Xia Zhenyue's Pokkisi defeated Ming Jiaojiao's Qixi Blue Bird very easily.

This brought trouble to the formation of troops behind Shanghai University.

Since each player in the team competition can only send one elf, there is a big difference between the first mover and the second mover.

They hoped to force Jiang Chen, the ace of Jiangcheng University, to play first.

In this way, players can be arranged in a targeted manner according to the sprites he sent.

Conversely, if their trump card, Qin Wenhao, is forced to play first.

Then the elves he sent would be targeted by Jiangcheng University.

The team leader of Shanghai Metropolitan University finally decided: "Ning Pan, this round, you go! Get rid of Xia Zhenyue and force Jiang Chen out as soon as possible!"

Ning Pan nodded: "No problem!"

After speaking, she followed the player passage and entered the venue.

Ning Pan was wearing a black dress, with snow-like skin and exquisite eyebrows and eyes, he didn't look like he was coming to the competition at all.

But in fact, she is the second trump card of Shanghai University, and she is very powerful.

The elf sent by Ning Pan is the bird Pokémon Armor Bird.

The armored bird is covered with armor as hard as iron.

Its solid steel body looks heavy, but in fact it is light and thin. Its whole body is silver like armor, only the inside of its wings is red.

It also has sharp teeth and sharp claws.

【Armor Bird (Steel) (Flying)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV65 (King of Heaven)]

[Feature: Sharp Eyes (For the loss of sharp eyes, the hit rate will not be reduced.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: pecking, staring, sand splashing, slamming, metal claws, high-speed movement, wing attack, splitting, steel wings, lightweight body, pecking drill, metal sound, smashing water, iron wall, brave bird attack, rock avalanche, Hold, Frozen Wind, Enchanting, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Hard Hold, High Speed ​​Stars, Rock Blockade, Quicksand Hell, Tit for Tat, Malicious Pursuit, Defensive Swap, Carousel, Air Slash, Sword Dance, Stand-In, Stand Up, Provoke, Waves of Evil, Cross Cut, Cannon Light Cannon, Iron Head, Invisible Rock, Pounce, Curse, Bird Slam, Blow Fly, Air Blade, Assault on Vital Points, Feint Attack, Feather Perch, Iron Hoof Light, Wings. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Looking at the information about this armored bird, Jiang Chen couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

The strength is too strong, the level is suppressed too much, it is difficult for Xia Zhenyue's Pokkisi to defeat this armored bird.

If Xia Zhenyue fails this round, then he can only do it by himself.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but think about how he could win without knowing Qin Wenhao's hole cards if he entered the stage early.

Because, Jiangcheng University has completely given up the doubles match in this round.

If they can't win the team competition and singles competition in two straight rounds, then Jiangcheng University's national elite competition this year will come to an end.

This is the result that Jiang Chen is absolutely unwilling to face.

Leaving aside, the two brothers Qin Wenhao and Qin Wenbin somehow provoked on the Internet.

If they don't give them a profound lesson, Jiang Chen's thoughts will not be clear.

And Jiang Chen himself couldn't accept the result of failure. What he valued most was that after winning the championship, he could get a wild card to participate in the Heavenly Kings Tournament.

Only by competing with higher-level professional players can Jiang Chen's elves grow faster.

The game on the field has begun.

Jiang Chen also made up his mind that if the team competition is to be foolproof, he must send out the strongest elves.

"¨. Pokkisi, use the mysterious guard〃¨."

A mysterious force appeared inside Pokkisi's body, forming an invisible protective film on the surface of its body.

Although the armor bird has many control skills, it has not learned the skill of mysterious protection.

Ning Pan was also very careful.

"Armor bird, use high-speed movement, use air slash."

The armored bird flapped its wings, its speed was so fast that it was almost invisible, and it disappeared from the spot as if teleporting.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared above Pokkisi.

I saw gusts of wind around the body of the armored bird. It swung its wings vigorously, and immediately condensed a huge air blade more than three meters long.

After its wings swung down with (good Zhao good) force, the blade of air was like a huge long knife, slashing down viciously towards Pokkisi directly.

Xia Zhenyue wants to repeat the old trick.

"Pokkiss, use the reflective wall light."

[Reflection Wall: Use the magical wall in a short time to weaken the damage from physical attacks received by the opponent. 】

A magical energy wall appeared in front of Pokkisi.

Then, with a level gap of 11, the Armor Bird Air Slash was not comparable to the Tanabata Blue Bird in the previous round.

Although the reflective wall weakened the air blade, the power of the aftermath still caused Pokkisi to be slightly injured.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 267 Fierce battles, crushing levels!

Seeing that Pokkisi was injured, Xia Zhenyue suddenly felt heavy in her heart.

This shows that the level of the armored bird is much higher than that of Pokkisi.

Therefore, its skill power is beyond the scope of the reflection wall.

Ning Pan smiled coldly. The armor bird was far superior to the Qixi blue bird. In the previous competition, she had judged the level of Xia Zhenyue, the Pokkiss.

Sure enough, the actual combat result was similar to her estimate.

As long as you are careful, the armor bird should not get too close to Pokkisi, and you will be invincible if you consume it remotely.

"Armor bird, use the air blade."

[Air Blade: Attack the opponent with a sharp wind cut.Easy to hit the nail on the head. 】

The armored bird flapped its wings vigorously, creating small hurricanes between its wings, and these hurricanes dispersed into sharp blades, shooting towards Pokkisi like flying knives.

"Pokkisi, use Fairy Wind."

Pokkisi's body exudes countless pink fairy energy.

It took a deep breath, let it out, and the energy turned into a pink breeze that blew towards the air blade that was shooting at it in mid-air.


Two completely different energies collided, and a strong shock wave erupted. The energies merged with each other and annihilated each other.

The shock wave caused by the energy collision has not completely dissipated, and Ning Pan launched another attack.

"Armor bird, use the cannon."

[Cannon Light Cannon: Gather the light of the body at one point and release it.Sometimes it lowers the opponent's special defense. 】

"Hey!!! (▼皮▼#)"

The armored bird roared angrily, with a dazzling light shining all over its body.

Immediately afterwards, it opened its mouth and shot a dazzling beam of light.

"Pokkiss, use wave missiles."

Pokkisi opened his mouth wide, and the power of the blue waveguide gathered in his mouth, and he spit out the power of the waveguide forcefully, like a football shot out, and the waveguide hit the flying beam between the missiles.


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