Jiang Chen didn't care that the skill of praying for rain didn't work.

"Lightning bird, use the railgun."

[Electric Cannon: Launches a cannon-like electric current to attack, causing the opponent to fall into a state of paralysis. 】

The lightning bird opened its mouth, and faint electric light flickered and gathered in its mouth.

It opened its mouth wide and sprayed out forcefully, and the electric light immediately condensed into a huge current light cannon with a diameter of more than one meter.

The current light cannon fired at the armored bird like a cannonball.

"Armor bird, use the cannon."

The armored bird roared angrily, with a dazzling light shining all over its body.

Immediately afterwards, it opened its mouth wide and spewed out a dazzling beam of light.


Along with the dazzling light, a huge explosion sounded at the same time.

Countless shock waves exploded, and the hurricane formed by the shock waves swept away, blowing the yellow sand on the rock and soil field into the air.

Jiang Chen stood on the edge of the field, motionless, letting the strong wind formed by the shock wave blow his hair.

"Lightning Bird, use Thunder."

【Thunderstorm: Attack the opponent with a thunderstorm.Sometimes paralyzes the opponent. 】

The Lightning Bird flew in mid-air, with electric lights shining all over its body.

Lightning shot up into the sky, countless thunderstorms fell, and the dark electric current densely covered most of the venue.

Ning Pan felt very helpless when he saw this violent skill.

"Armor Bird, use Guard."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the armored bird.

Crazy thunderstorm, lightning storm.

The armor bird hides behind the white shield.

The golden lightning hit the white shield, crackling.

In just a short moment, the white shield completely disintegrated, shattered into a pile of fragments, and dissipated into the air.

The white shield did not completely block all thunderstorms.

This skill is already relatively powerful, not to mention that the lightning bird is 11 levels higher than the level.

The armored bird was swept away by the aftermath of the thunderstorm, and suddenly fell into a paralyzed state in mid-air.

The armored bird with its wings stiffened fell directly from midair to the ground.

"Lightning Bird, use Crazy Volt."

The lightning bird's body was covered with golden electric light, and a fierce impact hit the armored bird's body.


The armored bird screamed, and the golden lightning fell on its body, crackling.

Jiang Chen didn't give the armor bird any chance at all.

"Lightning bird, use one hundred thousand volts."

The lightning bird was shining with lightning all over its body.

Lightning shot up into the sky, countless lightning bolts fell, and the golden electric current densely enveloped the armored bird.

In just a moment, the armored bird was scorched black by the electricity, and fell heavily to the ground.

【Ding!The Lightning Bird defeated the Armor Bird and gained 1831 experience points! 】

"Team competition, the eighth round, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University won!"

As the referee loudly declared Jiang Chen the winner...

The motorcycle stadium suddenly became noisy.

Everyone is talking about the strength of Lightning Bird.

At this time, it seemed that they were not the home fans of Shanghai University of Magic all of a sudden.

These viewers no longer paid attention to Ning Pan's victory or loss. Instead, they were discussing the strength of the Lightning Bird, the strength of the Lightning Bird.

Not everyone has the opportunity to see a divine beast in a match.

Even in the domestic Tianwang competition, it is rare to see.

There are often only intercontinental competitions, and a divine beast will appear every few years.

Most of the 11 spectators at the Shanghai Metropolitan Stadium have never had the chance to watch a beast match live in their lifetime.

They have only admired the demeanor of divine beasts in videos on TV.

Therefore, with the victory of Lightning Bird, everyone was very excited, and various circles of friends, self-media, and spaces were filled with a large number of photos and videos.

In the rest area of ​​Modu University, Qin Wenhao stood up and said to the team leader, "Let me play next game!"

Team player Yuan Wen said very dissatisfied: "Why? It should be my turn according to the order. I also want to fight against the beast!"

Qin Wenhao's trump card elf is a quasi-god. Although it is not a divine beast, it is very powerful at 5.2.

If he defeats the Lightning Bird, wouldn't the players in the team competition have no chance to fight against the beast?

Qin Wenhao has always been very arrogant and has a very bad character.

Everyone used to bear it for the sake of the same team.

Now that everyone is a senior, and they will all graduate next year, no one is afraid of anyone.

After a short period of confusion at Shanghai Metropolitan University, the team leader finally decided to play the game according to the established order.

Qin Wenhao made his last appearance.

After Qin Wenhao heard the decision, his face was darkened, and he sat on the seat with his arms folded angrily.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 270 The Quasi-Scepter Tail Scale Dragon Challenges the Divine Beast Lightning Bird! ! !

The No.3 player sent by Shanghai University is Yuan Wen.

This is a boy with a strong physique, and it can be seen that he usually loves fitness.

He looked excited, he didn't look like he was here for a competition, but he seemed to be here to meet his idol.

Because he came around in a circle, arrived at Jiang Chen's side, and greeted Jiang Chen warmly.

He also asked Jiang Chen to take a photo with Lightning Bird.

Jiang Chen took Yuan Wen's phone with a speechless face.

A series of continuous shots fixed Yuan Wen and Lightning Bird on the picture.

Yuan Wen's behavior of betraying and defecting to the enemy caused a lot of discussion in the whole Wodu Gymnasium.

But most of them are envious, who doesn't want to take a photo with the beast?

Urged by the referee.

Yuan Wencai returned to his position reluctantly.

Don't look at how serious he was just now.


Once the game started, he immediately changed his appearance. There was no smile on his face, and his expression was firm and cold.

The elves sent by Yuan Wen are covered with armor-like scales.

Most of its body is gray with small tooth-like spikes on either side of its upper and lower jaws.

Its head and neck are covered by a fine arrangement of scales.

It walks upright, and its thick tail looks like a giant walking stick.

This is a Dragon-type and Fighting-type Pokémon, the Wandtail Scale.

Rodtail Scale Dragon is a quasi-god-level Pokémon.

It will be a very exciting match between quasi-gods and beasts.

【Stand-tailed Scaled Dragon (Dragon) (Fighting)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV63 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Bulletproof (can block opponent's balls and bullet-type moves.)]

[Character Talent: Brave (+Attack, -Speed)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(28)]

[Skills: Scale noise, belly drum, lightweight body, impact, stare, hold, dragon tail, ghost face, head hammer, self-motivation, harsh sound, iron wall, dragon claw, battle roar, dragon dance, reverse scale, melee Battle, soul dance, sonic boom, sonic boom, flame fist, lightning fist, freezing fist, sword dance, megaton heavy kick, jet flame, destroy light, kick down, earthquake, mysterious guardian, sleep, rock avalanche, meteor swarm , Scale Shot, Iron Tail, True Chi Fist, Brute Force, Water Tail, Dragon Wave, Iron Head, Double Cleave, Grind, Stomp, Electric Shock Wave, Split Tiles, Bodybuilding, Poison Strike, Cross Cut, Ultimate Impact, Shadow Claw, Cannon, Rockfall, Earthquake, Roar. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

Jiang Chen looked at this staff-tailed scale armored dragon, and secretly admired it in his heart.

The strength of this elf is really extraordinary, and the skills are also learned very comprehensively.

It can be seen that Yuan Wen, as a trainer, has put in a lot of effort and invested a lot of resources.

It's a pity that there is such a small difference in individual value. If there are no adventures in the future, it will not be able to reach the maximum potential of it.

Jiang Chen will not let water because of his friendly attitude before the game.

He directly chooses the optimal output attack method.

"Lightning Bird, use Rain Request."

The lightning bird flew into the air, gathering water attribute energy on its body.

Dark clouds began to gather in mid-air, and after a while, heavy rain fell down.

What the hell!

Don't talk about Wude!

Yuan Wen's eyes widened, the stick-tailed scale armored dragon had never learned the skill of sunny day.

There is rainwater everywhere, and water can conduct electricity, so how can we beat it!

Helpless, Yuan Wen could only attack first.

"Stand-tailed Scale Dragon, using lightweight body and using sonic waves."

[Sonic Explosion: Attack all Pokémon around you through the destructive power generated by the deafening explosion. 】

After losing weight, the speed of the staff tail scale armor suddenly became very fast, and it appeared under the body of the lightning bird like a phantom.

The staff-tailed scale-armored dragon stood up, raised its head, and roared wildly at the lightning bird in mid-air.

"Roar!! 380! (▼皮▼#)"

A huge sound sounded, directly producing a sonic boom cloud.

The sonic boom cloud exploded, and the shock wave was mixed with a huge sound, and the noise that seemed to destroy the world spread to the surroundings.

The first to bear the brunt is the lightning bird that is close at hand.

"Lightning Bird, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the Lightning Bird.

The sonic boom cloud that exploded from below carried a breath of destruction.

The lightning bird hid behind the white shield.

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