The sonic boom cloud directly hit the white shield.

"Boom!" The sonic boom cloud erupted, covering the lightning bird's white shield, blocking the huge sonic boom, and countless cracks appeared on the white shield.

Immediately afterwards, the white shield collapsed, shattered into pieces, and dissipated in the air.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 271 The defeated quasi-god, the sleepy-eyed leave king!

Yuan Wen didn't expect that one skill could defeat the Lightning Bird.

He is now taking advantage of the opportunity to go first and continue to attack.

Avoid the situation where the staff-tailed scale armored dragon is instantly killed by the lightning bird.

There is water everywhere on the ground, as long as the Lightning Bird emits an electric attribute skill.

The staff tail scale armor dragon can easily be paralyzed by the electric current, and cause the final defeat.

"Stand Tail Scaled Dragon, use Dragon Wave."

The stick-tailed scale armored dragon opened its huge mouth, and the purple energy gathered in its mouth, turning into shock waves and shooting directly at the lightning bird.

Jiang Chen sneered. The impact range of the sonic explosion just now was too large, so he had to use the defensive skill.

It's impossible to restrict the Lightning Bird with the mere fluctuation of the dragon.

"Lightning bird, use the railgun."

The lightning bird opened its mouth, and faint electric light flickered and gathered in its mouth.

It opened its mouth wide and sprayed out forcefully, and the electric light immediately condensed into a huge current light cannon with a diameter of more than one meter.

The current light cannon shoots at the shock wave of the dragon wave like a cannonball.


The shock wave caused by the impact of the two energies exploded, the wind raged, and the rain splashed.

The two huge energies are offset at the same time, but the dissipated energy still acts on the surrounding environment.

Part of the electric current of the electromagnetic gun hits the water flow on the ground.

The stick-tailed scale armored dragon shuddered a few times. The power of the electric current was not strong, but it still slowed down the follow-up attack.

In turn, Lightning Bird is not affected at all.

"Lightning Bird, use Thunder."

The lightning bird's body shone with endless lightning, and the accumulated lightning power shone around its body.

In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed in mid-air, and dark clouds filled the air.

Immediately afterwards, lightning bolts fell one after another, illuminating the entire Modu Gymnasium.

Lightning struck the water on the ground, and the entire venue was filled with electric sparks, densely packed.

"Stand Tail Scaled Dragon, use it to hold on."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the stick-tailed scale armored dragon.

The high-voltage lightning struck the white shield, which not only made the white shield crumbling, but also showed countless cracks.

In the next instant, the white shield was directly shattered in the air by the electric shock, turning into ashes.


The stick-tailed scale armored dragon let out a scream, and was instantly enveloped in electric current all over its body.

After all, the white shield withstood the lightning attack.

The staff-tailed scale armored dragon has not completely lost its fighting ability.

Jiang Chen ignored the wretched physical condition of the stick-tailed armored dragon, and continued to attack coolly.

"Lightning bird, use one hundred thousand volts."

The lightning bird was shining with lightning all over its body.

Lightning shot up into the sky, and countless lightning bolts fell, densely covered with golden electric current within a radius of more than ten meters around the stick-tailed scale armored dragon.

Lightning and thunder sounded like the end of the world to the staff-tailed scale armored dragon.

This time, the stick-tailed scale armored dragon didn't even have time to let out a scream, and fell directly to the ground, its body twitching non-stop, and the skin scales on its body changed color.

【Ding!The Lightning Bird defeated the Scale-tailed Ankylosaurus and gained 1636 experience points! 】

"Team competition, the ninth round, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University won!"

As the referee loudly announced that Jiang Chen had won the ninth round.

The audience in the gymnasium of Shanghai University realized that Shanghai University will lose if this continues.

At this time, the audience in the Modu Gymnasium finally began to wake up and began to support Modu University again.

"Modu University, come on! We must win!"

"Modu University, come on! We must win!"

"Modu University, come on! We must win!"


After Yuan Wen left the field, the No.5 player sent by Shanghai University was Wei Yajing.

In the entrance passageway, a beautiful and charming girl came out, with a rosy face and perm hair, she was actually a lady-like beauty.

The elves sent by Wei Yajing look very much like baboons and gorillas.

It has a pink nose, beige skin, brown eye circles, two bud-like white hairs on its head, a ring of white hairs on its neck, and brown hairs on its limbs.

This is a normal attribute Pokémon, leave king.

A very rare Pokémon in competitions.

As soon as it came out, it lay on its side on the ground, supported its head with its upper limbs, looked at Wei Yajing sleepily, and yawned a lot.

【Leave King (General)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV68 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Laziness (If you use a move, you will rest on the next turn.)]

[Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Attack Speed, - Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: bluff, catch, do it again, yawn, laziness, surprise attack, instant amnesia, longing, hell thrust, double return, crazy, throwing, megaton kick (good money), arm hammer, Taishan pressure, chop Open, snoring, cursing, tearing claws, scratching, sneak attack, you please, slam, throw mud, ghost face, hold, kick down, stomp, metal claws, rock blockade, foot kick, digging, Split tile, Shadow Claw, Flame Fist, Thunder Fist, Freeze Fist, Sleep, Rock Avalanche, Garbage Shot, Double, Crosscut, Shadow Ball, Loud Sound, Heavy Impact, Flame Jet, Hundred Thousand Volts, Frolicking, Freezing Beam, The ultimate impact, breaking】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Good guy, a leave king with such strong potential and strength!

So powerful, how did he become a candidate for Shanghai University?

Rarely because of laziness! ! !


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 272 The Unexpected Ending, You Are Worthy of the Leave King!

Jiang Chen guessed that the reason why the leave king could not become the trump card was because of laziness.

Indeed, he did not guess wrong.

The King of Leave has always been a very topical Pokémon in the history of Pokémon.

Its total race value of 670 is already comparable to the existence of a first-class beast.

With such a strong racial value, the king of leave is neither a beast nor a quasi-god.

This is because in the process of actual battles, the leave king often cannot exert its strength.

Why did this happen!

It is because the leave king has a very negative characteristic.

[Characteristic: Laziness (If you use a move, you will rest on the next turn.)]

Any game, any battle leave king, always looks absent-minded.

In the previous battles, all the leave kings who appeared on the field, their trainers, would make the leave kings start violent output as soon as they entered the field.

It's a pity that all of this is of no use to Lightning Bird.

The lightning bird flew high in the air, not afraid of any powerful output from the leave king.

Sure enough, Wei Yajing attacked directly, and because the Lightning Bird was flying in mid-air, she directly chose an unexpected skill.

"Please leave the king, use the destruction light."

[Destroy light: launch a strong light at the opponent to attack.In the next turn, he will be unable to move. 】

Anyway, after a round of attacks, the king of leave will definitely rest for a while, so it is better to directly choose the most powerful output skills.

The Leave King opened his mouth wide, and a destructive energy gathered in his mouth.

A beam of golden flame spewed out from its mouth, and the thick beam of light shot directly at the Lightning Bird in mid-air.

"Lightning Bird, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the Lightning Bird (.).

The destructive rays that shot over carried a murderous intent to destroy everything.

The lightning bird hid behind the white shield.

The golden light beam directly hit the white shield.

The white shield that blocked the lightning bird creaked as it was burned by the destruction light.

In just a short moment, countless cracks appeared, disintegrated from the beginning to the end, shattered into a pile of fragments, and dissipated in the air.

After firing the destructive light, the leave king temporarily fell into a state of being unable to move. It even adjusted its posture and fell directly on the field, looking lazy.

Jiang Chen was not polite, and directly ordered the Lightning Bird to attack.

"Lightning bird, use the railgun."

The lightning bird opened its mouth, and faint electric light flickered and gathered in its mouth.

It opened its mouth wide and sprayed out forcefully, and the electric light immediately condensed into a huge current light cannon with a diameter of more than one meter.

The current light cannon fired at the leave king lying on the ground like a cannonball.

If it is an elf of similar level, with the tolerance ability of the king of leave, it may be possible to counterattack.

But the Lightning Bird's level is much higher than it, and the Electromagnetic Cannon is a very powerful skill.

The moment the current light cannon hit the leave king.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded.

The current light cannons scattered into electric sparks, dissipating around the leave king.

Such a powerful skill did not completely defeat the leave king.

Leaving Wang got up from the ground covered in scars.

It glanced at the Lightning Bird in mid-air, and Wei Yajing didn't give Wei Yajing a chance to order it.

The leave king ran directly towards Wei Yajing, and then he touched the elf ball in Wei Yajing's hand, a red light flashed, and it was collected into the elf ball.

【Ding!Lightning Bird defeated the leave king and gained 2136 experience points! 】

This sudden scene made all the audience, staff, and players from other schools in the entire Modu Gymnasium stunned.

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