Please leave the king, is this a direct surrender?

Wei Yajing, a player from Shanghai University, smiled awkwardly and signaled to the referee that she surrendered this round.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, what did I see, the leave king turned around and ran away, it is completely broken!"

"Fuck, this is a plot that I never thought I could see, so why do you want to raise such a funny monkey?"

"Haha, I laughed so hard, Wei Yajing's helpless and embarrassed smile, plus the picture of the leave king turning around and running away, it is estimated that the popular emoji package has been ordered!"

"As long as I'm bad, no one can beat me! I guess this is the motto of this leave king! It's so funny!"

"As expected of the leave king, you will never guess what's going on in its mind?"


The referee was also a little stunned by the sudden accident, he quickly reacted and loudly announced that Jiang Chen had won.

"Team competition, the tenth round, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University won!"

Now there is only the last player left in Modu University, Qin Wenhao.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 273 The Walking Natural Disaster Bangira, The Power That Destroys Heaven and Earth! !

Wang Wang's unimaginable way of admitting defeat dilutes the disappointment of the failure of the audience in the Modu Gymnasium.

The audience in the audience were dumbfounded and discussed the behavior of the king who asked for leave just now.

It wasn't until Qin Wenhao's appearance that the audience at the Shanghai Stadium realized that in the team competition, Shanghai University was the last player left.

So all kinds of cheering and encouraging voices became uniform.

Although Qin Wenhao's personality is not very good in private, in the eyes of the audience, he has a strong fan filter.

"Thunder Tyrant, invincible!"

"Thunder Tyrant, invincible!"

"Thunder Tyrant, invincible!"


I heard the uniform shouts of 11 spectators at the Shanghai Stadium.

Qin Wenhao's face that had been dark since his appearance finally showed a smile, and he raised his head provocatively in Jiang Yu's direction.

Jiang Yu ignored Qin Wenhao's provocation.

Instead, the referee signaled Qin Wenhao to send out his elf, not to delay the game.

The elves sent by Qin Wenhao are actually of the same type as his younger brother Qin Wenbin.

This elf is covered with a thick green armor-like shell.

Several sharp bony spurs of different sizes protrude from the back of the head, neck and shoulders, and there is also a circle of smaller spikes at the end of the tail.

It has a pair of sharp teeth on each of its upper and lower jaws, and three very sharp claws on its hands and feet.

There are two triangular holes on both sides of the chest of its shell, the center of the back and the knees of the legs, and the holes are black.

There is a diamond-shaped gap on the lower part of the abdomen and the back, exposing the gray carapace.

This is a rock-type and evil-type Pokémon, Bankiras, commonly known as Bangira.

What the hell!

Jiang Yu couldn't help swearing when he saw the elf's message!

What kind of family are they, do they really have a mine, or how can they raise two Benjiras.

【Banquilas (Rock) (Evil)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV69 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: blowing sand (when playing, it will turn the weather into a sandstorm.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Impact, Flame Fang, Stare, Frozen Fang, Falling Rock, Thunder Fang, Evil Wave, Tit for Tat, Iron Wall, Bite, Ghost Face, Rockfall, Stamping, Screaming, Shooting Down, Crushing, Earthquake, Sharp Rock Attack , Havoc, Sandstorm, Destroying Beam, Ultimate Impact, Slam, Mud Throw, Hold, Kick Down, Stomp, Rock Blockade, Throw, Dragon Tail, Sandstorm, Burrow, Tile Split, Shadow Claw, Tarzan, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Frozen Fist, Rock Blast, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Heavy Ram, Frozen Beam, Big Character Explosion, Hold, Iron Tail, Force of Earth, Iron Head, Dragon Wave, Malicious chase. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

The strength is really incomparably powerful, no wonder it is so arrogant.

"Yahoo!!! (▼皮▼#)"

The moment Bankiras appeared on the stage, he let out a roar.

Its characteristic Blowing Sand directly starts automatically.

The soil of the entire geotechnical site is rapidly desertified.

・・・ Flowers・・・

Almost instantly, the rocky site becomes a desert site.

The wind whistling, the violent sand surging, flying sand and rocks, like the end of the world.

Countless yellow sand flew, and Bankiras directly had the home field advantage.

The entire Modu gymnasium erupted in an instant.

This kind of destructive power, this demon-like Bangiras, can arouse the emotions of the audience too much.

"Fuck, this is too awesome. This is a natural disaster for walking. I can't believe why a Pokémon has such great power!!"


"(⊙o⊙) Wow! This is the first time I saw Bangira in real life. I didn't expect it to be so wild, so awesome, so violent, I like it, haha!"

"One is a quasi-god, and the other is a divine beast. It seems that the divine beast has a certain advantage, but this Bangira is too cruel. I don't know if the Lightning Bird can stand up to it!"

"Brutal is good! I like to watch brutal games. I hope that the nickname of Thunder Tyrant is worthy of the name. Wait until Bangira is more brutal!!"


The rich duo of Jiangcheng University, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man couldn't help complaining!

What kind of family is this?You can match your children with two Bangeras.

This was the first time that Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man directly conceded defeat in terms of arrogance. They were too rich.

Qin Wenhao obviously also has full confidence in his ace elf.

He cut Jiang Yu's throat across the entire playing field.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 274 Strong duel, hard to win!

Although Bangira entered the arena, his power was astonishing.

But Jiang Chen was unmoved.

First of all, Lightning Bird is relatively limited by the venue.

Secondly, the lightning bird has a skill that can change the characteristics of the field and turn it into an electric field.

Although the level is only 7 levels higher than Bangira, there is no decisive suppression.

But as a beast-level Pokémon, the Lightning Bird will definitely not be inferior to Bangira in terms of combat effectiveness.

"Lightning Bird, fly up and use Rain Request."

[Seeking Rain: Rainfall within a short period of time, thereby increasing the power of water attribute moves.The power of fire-type moves is reduced. 】

The lightning bird flew into the air, gathering energy of the "[-]" attribute of water on its body.Dark clouds began to gather in mid-air, and after a while, heavy rain fell down.

Jiang Chen didn't attack immediately. Although the entire rock and soil site had become a desert site, there was no water on the ground at all, and the conductivity of water flow could not be exerted.

But rainwater can wash the yellow sand and dust in the air.

"Bangira, use Sandstorm."

[Sandstorm: When a sandstorm is raised within a certain period of time, all Pokémon except rock, ground and steel attributes will be damaged.The special defense of the rock attribute will also be improved. 】

Bankiras swung its two front paws, and energy gathered around its body.

The surrounding wet yellow sand quickly lost its moisture, forming a sandstorm, which raged across the entire site like a tornado.

"Lightning Bird, use Thunder."

The lightning bird's body shone with endless lightning, and the accumulated lightning power shone around its body.

In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed in mid-air, and dark clouds filled the air.

Immediately afterwards, lightning bolts fell one after another, illuminating the entire Modu Gymnasium.

"Bangira, use digging."

The strike range of the lightning storm was too large, so Qin Wenhao asked Bankiras to stabilize first.

Bankiras quickly dug a big hole in the sand, and it went straight into the hole and disappeared.

The lightning struck the sand, causing no damage to Bankiras.

"Bangira, use screech."

[Harsh sound: Makes a harsh sound that makes you want to cover your ears involuntarily, thereby greatly reducing the opponent's defense. 】

"Yahoo!!! (▼皮▼#)"

Benjilas suddenly sprang out from the sand, and it raised its head and roared.

A loud and piercing sound came, causing the Lightning Bird in mid-air to show a painful expression, and involuntarily wanted to cover its ears with its wings.

Watching the lightning bird covering its ears with its wings, falling from the air to the ground.

Qin Wenhao was overjoyed. Although Bangira was very powerful, the lightning bird was flying in the air, and the battle was not so smooth.

Now that the lightning bird fell from the sky to the ground, the opportunity has come.

"Bangira, use Heavy Ram."

[Heavy Crash: Crash into the opponent with a heavy body to attack.The heavier you are than your opponent, the more powerful you are. 】

Endless energy gathers in the body of Bankiras.

Bankiras, who was already very strong, swelled up, and his whole body was full of strength.

With its thick thighs, it sprinted towards the Lightning Bird extremely fiercely.

The Lightning Bird has recovered from the harsh sound at this time.

But it was too late to take off again.

However, Jiang Chen was still not in a hurry, the Lightning Bird was not so easy to defeat.

"Lightning Bird, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Lightning Bird.

"Boom!" A loud bang...

Although the white shield kept shaking from being hit by Bankiras, it blocked Bankiras' heavy impact.

"Bangira, use the power of the earth."

[Power of the Earth: Unleash the power of the earth at the opponent's feet, sometimes lowering the opponent's special defense. 】

Bankiras raised one foot and stomped hard on the ground.

"Boom!" The yellow sand splashed in all directions, and a huge force spewed out from the ground, heading directly towards the Lightning Bird.

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