"Fan Qinghui, you bastard is not known as a decent family, why do you want to covet my holy door's most precious skin!"

Seeing Fan Qinghui, Zhu Yuyan couldn't help cursing angrily.

Fan Qinghui retorted: "The poor nun is not coveting the things of the Demon Sect, but I just don't want you, Zhu Yuyan, to do more harm to the common people after you get the relic of the evil emperor!"

"If you want to stop Ben, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

When the sound fell, Zhu Yuyan's skirt fluttered, and she took the initiative to attack Fan Qinghui.

Fan Qinghui waved his fly whisk, and went up to him without hesitation.


In the next moment, a dull impact sounded in midair.

Chapter 179 Spare me from death?You deserve it too? 【Please customize】

That voice came from Zhu Yuyan's palm hitting Fan Qinghui's chest!

Immediately afterwards, Fan Qinghui spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string!


"Master Fanzhai!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Feixuan and the four great monks of Jingnian Temple suddenly changed their expressions and exclaimed.

In the past, Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui's fights were always about the same, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

They never thought that this time, Fan Qinghui would be defeated by Zhu Yuyan so simply!

Moreover, it was such a miserable defeat!

Several people exclaimed, and hurried forward to catch the seriously injured Fan Qinghui.

Zhu Yuyan looked at her old opponent who was easily beaten to vomit blood by herself, and she immediately felt relieved. She couldn't help being very grateful to her good apprentice Su Chen.

Because Zhu Yuyan knew very well that if it wasn't for the full version of the Heavenly Demon Strategy given to her by Su Chen, as well as the cultivation-enhancing Xuanling Pill, it would be impossible for her to injure Fan Qinghui so easily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhu Yuyan planned to continue to kill Fan Qinghui and completely get rid of this old enemy.

"I wish the head, be forgiving, and 300 forgiving people!"

At this moment, a gentle voice rang in Zhu Yuyan's ear.

Although the voice was gentle, Zhu Yuyan did not dare to underestimate this person's aura.

Zhu Yuyan also recognized at a glance that the identity of the person standing in front of her was none other than the famous Taoist No. 1 Ning Daoqi in the Great Sui Empire!

"Hey, let's go!"

Although Zhu Yuyan's strength has improved a lot, she knows that she is not Ning Daoqi's opponent at present, so she shouted at Houhou and Bi Shouxuan, and immediately planned to enter Yang Gong's treasury first.

"Master Zhu, please go back, this Duke Yang's treasury should be obtained by the man of destiny, and outsiders can't force it!"

But at this moment, Ning Daoqi stopped Zhu Yuyan again.

The Man of Destiny mentioned by Ning Daoqi is naturally Li Shimin, the second son of the Li Clan.

Zhu Yuyan saw that Ning Daoqi was making progress, and she couldn't help but angrily said: "Ning Daoqi, get out of the way! I really thought I was afraid of you!"

Seeing this, Bi Shouxuan and Houhou on the side were also ready to fight.

However, the target of Wanhou's battle is obviously not Ning Daoqi or the Four Great Sage Monks but her old enemy Shi Feixuan.

Seeing her master Zhu Yuyan easily defeating her old rival Fan Qinghui, Houhou couldn't help but feel a little eager to try, wanting to find some sense of superiority in Shi Feixuan.

Ning Daoqi said: "If the head of Zhu wants to enter Yang Gong's treasury, he must first pass the level of Pindao!"

After finishing speaking, Ning Daoqi waved his hands and made a fighting posture.

"Hmph, let Ben learn later, what is so great about Taoist No. 1!" Seeing this, Zhu Yuyan snorted coldly, and immediately took the initiative to attack Ning Daoqi.

"Four holy monks, please help stop the other two members of the demon sect," Fan Qinghui recovered a little at this time, and said to the four holy monks beside him.


The four holy monks proclaimed the Buddha's name, and at the same time stepped forward, blocking the way of Bi Shouxuan and Houhou.

"Hmph, four bald donkeys, watch!"

With a coquettish shout, Hou Hou took the initiative to attack one of the four holy monks.

Bi Shouxuan was naturally not to be outdone, and also launched an attack on his own initiative.

However, when Houhou was about to fight that holy monk, his figure suddenly flashed, and he was beside Shi Feixuan in an instant!

While the forces of the Yingui Sect and Cihang Jingzhai were fighting, the other forces were also fighting incessantly.

The Dugu Clan, Yuwen Clan, Li Clan, Xiao Xian and other ostensible forces fought vigorously, but most of the casualties were ordinary subordinates.

But in the dark, the cannibalism between the masters of the demon sect is merciless.

Pichen Rong Fengxiang, one of the eight masters of the Demon Sect, first fought with the fat Jia Anlong, and then was attacked by the evil king Shi Zhixuan who was hiding in the dark, killing him with one move!

Tianjun Xiying and Ziwujian Zuoyouxian also encountered each other after entering the treasure house (.), fighting fiercely with each other, attacking the vital points, without any regard for their fellowship.

Demon Commander Zhao Deyan led a few Turkic warriors and became the first group of people from all forces to sneak into Yang Gong's treasure house except Li Yuanji.

However, this kind of first may not be a good thing for them.

Su Chen already knew where the Evil Emperor's relic was, but he didn't come directly to take out the Evil Emperor's relic and absorb the energy in it, because he knew that once the copper jar containing the Evil Emperor's relic was opened, the breath of the Evil Emperor's relic would be released. It will be released and attract the attention of countless people from the outside world.

Therefore, when taking out the evil emperor's relic, Su Chen had already anticipated the turmoil outside.

Of course, not every detail is accurate.

Su Chen was observing this relic passed down from the evil emperors of the Demon Sect, when he sensed that someone had sneaked into the treasury of Duke Yang.

And, soon, he confirmed the identity of the visitor.

At the same time, Zhao Deyan and his subordinates who followed the breath of the evil emperor's relic also found Su Chen and Fu Junmao beside the evil emperor's relic.

After seeing the evil emperor's relic, Zhao Deyan's eyes immediately glowed green, and his face was full of surprise.

"Boy, the Evil Emperor's relic is not something you can touch, put down the Evil Emperor's relic, and I will spare you!"

Seeing that Su Chen seemed to be touching the evil emperor's relic, Zhao Deyan couldn't help shouting at Su Chen.

Su Chen couldn't help but frowned slightly when he heard the words, and chuckled softly: "Forgive me not to die? Are you worthy?"

"court death!"

Zhao Deyan was furious when he heard Su Chen's words, and immediately held a long spear, and stabbed at Su Chen!


Su Chen shook his head slightly, slightly bent the fingers of his right hand, and flicked towards the barrel of the gun casually.


A crisp voice sounded!

In the next moment, under Zhao Deyan's unbelievable eyes, the spear in his hand rebounded uncontrollably and fell towards his forehead!

Zhao Deyan tried his best to stop the spear from falling, but he couldn't do it at all.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to give up the spear in his hand, and quickly dodged to the side.


Then, a scream sounded in the treasure house tunnel.

It was the Turkic warrior behind Zhao Deyan who couldn't dodge, and was hit in the head by a spear, making a painful cry!

"Who the hell are you?"

With just one move, Zhao Deyan knew that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person. While he was shocked, he was also a little surprised by Su Chen's identity.

Su Chen said lightly: "I don't even know the identity of my son, but you dare to attack me. I really don't know how you became the magic commander."

When the sound fell, Su Chen's feet moved slightly, and the Lightning God walked out. At the same time, holding the claw in his right hand, he took the initiative to attack Zhao Deyan.

Seeing this, Zhao Deyan's face changed drastically, he quickly grasped the claws with both hands, and rushed straight, with a turbulent sound, the claws kept intertwining, and the wind of the claws was extremely fierce!

It is Zhao Deyan's unique skill "Returning Soul Eighteen Claws"! .

Chapter 180 Dao eliminates demons and rises?Treasure Scramble! 【Seek full order】

With this set of Eighteen Claws of Returning Soul, Zhao Deyan also gained a lot of fame in the Jianghu.

However, in front of Su Chen, his set of stunts is not enough.

Su Chen just waved his claws twice quickly, and only heard two "click" and "click", Zhao Deyan's hands and wrists were directly crippled!


Both hands and wrists were crippled, and Zhao Deyan couldn't help crying out in pain~.

Without waiting for Zhao Deyan to react, Su Chen stretched out his right hand again, easily grabbed Zhao Deyan's shoulder, and then directly activated the energy-absorbing ability in Chaos Guiyuan Jue, and began to absorb Zhao Deyan's true energy.

"Damn it, hurry up and help!"

Sensing the loss of true energy in his body, Zhao Deyan was filled with shock and anger, and couldn't help shouting angrily at the Turkic warriors behind him.

Several Turkic warriors heard Zhao Deyan's anger, and quickly attacked Su Chen.

However, Su Chen didn't even move his body, but only moved his mind slightly, and activated the Tianxin Tribulation among the Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart, which easily ended their lives!

Zhao Deyan looked at his subordinates who died tragically on the spot for no reason, and was even more terrified in his heart. He couldn't help regretting that he shouldn't hastily shot Su Chen.

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it.

In Zhao Deyan's panic and despair, it didn't take long for Su Chen to absorb all the true energy in his body.

Not only his true energy, but even the martial arts skills he mastered were all absorbed by Su Chen for his own use.

After sucking Zhao Deyan dry, Su Chen breathed out the true energy from the palm of his hand, instantly turning his body into powder!

At the same time that Su Chen solved Zhao Deyan, the battle between the Yingui Sect and Cihang Jingzhai at the entrance of Duke Yang's treasure house also came to an end.

With Su Chen's help, Houhou's cultivation strength has long surpassed her old rival Shi Feixuan by a lot, and with the sudden attack, Shi Feixuan was caught off guard.

So within a few strokes, Shi Feixuan fell into the hands of Houhou.

Wan Wan pinched Shi Feixuan's neck with one hand, and said with a smile: "Senior Ning, the four holy monks, if you continue to entangle, I will not be able to guarantee the safety of Fairy Shi!"

"Fei Xuan!"

Seeing Concubine Shixuan being held hostage by Houhou, Fan Qinghui immediately yelled out worriedly, and in a fit of rage, he couldn't help spurting another mouthful of blood.

Ning Daoqi and the four great monks had no choice but to temporarily stop their attacks on Zhu Yuyan and Bi Shouxuan after hearing what Houhou said.

At this time, their expressions were all very dignified. They never expected that not only Zhu Yuyan's strength had suddenly increased by a large amount, surpassing Fan Qinghui; Feixuan.

Under such circumstances, they suddenly became very passive.

"Wuhou, well done!"

Zhu Yuyan saw that Houhou had kidnapped Shi Feixuan, but she praised her with a smile on her face.

Bi Shouxuan looked at Houhou with some surprise in his eyes.

Because Bi Shouxuan discovered that the strength that Houhou showed just now seemed to be much stronger than him!


Hou Hou pinched Shi Feixuan's neck, scolded her, and forced her to walk towards Zhu Yuyan's position.

Seeing this, Ning Daoqi and the others felt angry, but they dared not act rashly.

After a while, Hou Hou took Shi Feixuan to Zhu Yuyan's side.

Zhu Yuyan said to Fan Qinghui and Ning Daoqi: "Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui, you should stand back first, after we enter Yanggong's treasury, we will naturally let Concubine Shixuan go."

Ning Daoqi frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "I hope you mean what you say, otherwise, Pindao will let Master Zhu know that monks are also angry! I believe Master Zhu doesn't want it either, and the disciples of the Yin Gui Sect Something unexpected will happen after you go out!"

After speaking harshly, Ning Daoqi still got out of the way.

Seeing this, the Four Great Sacred Monks and Fan Qinghui had no choice but to step aside.


Zhu Yuyan snorted coldly, then took Bi Shouxuan and Houhou, and took Shi Feixuan hostage, and soon arrived at the entrance of Duke Yang's treasury.

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