"Throw her out!"

After arriving at the entrance, Zhu Yuyan said to Houhou.

"Yes, Master!"

Wan Hou agreed, and then quickly changed her stance, hitting Shi Feixuan's chest with her palm, and sent Shi Feixuan flying.

"Fei Xuan!"

Outside Yang Gong's treasury, Fan Qinghui and others saw Shi Feixuan flying out of serious injuries, and hurried forward to catch her.

Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan, master and apprentice, were injured one after another, so they had to temporarily give up their thoughts of chasing Zhu Yuyan and the others.

And in this short period of time, not only Zhu Yuyan and the other three entered Yanggong's treasury.

The evil king Shi Zhixuan, Fat Jia Anlong, Ziwujian Zuoyouxian, Tianjun Xiying and other magic masters, as well as Li Mi from Wagangzhai, Luoyang Wang Shichong, Dugu Clan, Yuwen Clan, etc., were also mixed into Yang Gong's treasury .

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Behind them, the members of the Ming Empire headed by Zhu Wu, and the members of the Yuan Empire headed by Ba Shiba, Si Hanfei, and Jinlun Fawang also followed quietly and sneaked into the treasure house of Duke Yang. middle.

It is really the aura emanating from the evil emperor's relic, which is so eye-catching, it is like a guiding light, allowing everyone to easily find different entrances into the treasure house.

After Su Chen dealt with Zhao Deyan and the others, he also sensed the different auras that gradually emerged between Duke Yang's treasury.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to absorb the energy in the Evil Emperor's relic, but planned to completely eliminate those who coveted the Evil Emperor's relic and Duke Yang's treasury, and then absorb the Evil Emperor's relic with peace of mind.

This is also the reason why he didn't open Yang Gong's treasury until his strength broke through to the realm of heaven and man.

... 0 0

However, Su Chen didn't come forward directly, but let the evil emperor relic stay where he was. He took Fu Junmao and hid in the dark, watching the group of people outside fighting for the evil emperor relic, as if watching It's like a live martial arts drama.

At this moment, in Duke Yang's treasury, everyone had long been fighting in chaos.

The head of the Dugu Clan is an old woman, but she is the mother of Dugu Feng, the original leader of the Dugu Clan, and is now the number one expert of the Dugu Clan.

At the beginning, Dugufeng lost his life because of the Liancheng treasure of the Southern Song Empire, and Dugufeng's son, Duguce, did not live up to it. Now the Dugu clan can only rely on this old woman for support.

The leader of the Yuwen Clan is Yuwen Wudi, one of the four masters of the Yuwen Clan.

After Yuwen injured and died in Liancheng Treasure, Yuwen Wudi also became the new leader of Yuwen Clan.

At this time, You Chuhong and Yuwen Wudi were fighting fiercely.

In addition, Li Mi from Wagangzhai and Wang Shichong from Luoyang are also fighting to the death!

Among the Demon Sect crowd, it turned out that Tianjun Xi Ying and Ziwu Jian Zuo Youxian teamed up to fight Shi Zhixuan and An Long.

Seeing Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan hated her teeth so much that she was about to attack Shi Zhixuan, when she suddenly heard Su Chen's voice in her mind.

"Master, don't be impatient, let others fight for it first, and it won't be too late for us to make a move!"

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%认$准|唯+一+幼#'儿$[园)三-(年"级#)补|习#班['5!%1#4 1#4$}0!6[2|&7}_


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Hearing Su Chen's voice, Zhu Yuyan couldn't help but paused, and searched carefully around for a while, but found no trace of Su Chen, but calmly, with Houhou and Bi Shouxuan, temporarily retreated to the place where no one was around. One side of the battle knife.

Chapter 181 Ignition secretly, intensified! 【Please customize】

In addition to these big forces, there are also many small forces such as the Sea Sand Sect and the Giant Kun Gang who want to take advantage of troubled waters and join this treasure hunting battle.

There was a tacit understanding among the major forces, and they did not move the evil emperor Sari.

However, quite a few people from small forces recklessly rushed towards the evil emperor Sari, dreaming of making money from the fisherman.

It's a pity that before this kind of person gets close to the evil emperor relic, he will be wiped out by people from other powerful forces!

Gradually, some relatively sober people gave up the evil emperor's relics and turned to look for other treasures in Duke Yang's treasury.

However, they soon discovered that the huge Duke Yang's treasury, except for the evil emperor's relic, did not even have a single treasure, it was completely empty!

Immediately, many people who originally came here for the treasure in Duke Yang's treasury couldn't help but burst into an uproar, "Three Zero Zero".

"What's the situation? Why isn't there even a single treasure in Duke Yang's treasury?"

"What bullshit is Duke Yang's treasury, is it a lie at all, is there only one evil emperor's relic?"

"You said, could it be someone who got there first?"

"Even if someone gets there first, if they want to clean up such a huge treasure house in such a short period of time, no one can do it, right?"

"Could it be that the so-called Duke Yang's treasury is really that bastard Yang Su, making a joke for everyone?"


"Master, tell me, could it be senior brother?" In the corner of the treasure house, Hou Hou listened to the discussion of the crowd, and thought of the method Su Chen showed before, so he asked Zhu Yuyan in a low voice.

Zhu Yuyan's eyes froze slightly, and she said in a low voice, "Shut up!"

In fact, in Zhu Yuyan's heart, she also had the same guess.

Combined with hearing Su Chen's sound transmission in her mind before, Zhu Yuyan was basically sure that the Duke Yang's treasury might have already fallen into Su Chen's hands.

This made Zhu Yuyan very satisfied, but it would inevitably arouse public anger, so she didn't let Wan Wan say more.

Bi Shouxuan at the side heard the conversation between Zhu Yuyan and Houhou, his eyes could not help flickering, and he thought to himself: Could it be that Su Chen really did it?Does he have such a great ability?

On the other side, several people from the Great Yuan Empire gathered together, also discussing the matter of the treasure house in low voices.

Jinlun Fawang said in a low voice: "It stands to reason that Yang Su shouldn't have left an empty treasury. Could it be that there is some hidden mechanism in this treasury?"

Ba Shiba shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "I have carefully sensed that all the mechanisms of Duke Yang's treasure house have been opened by someone, and there are no deeper mechanisms hidden. If there is a treasure in it, I am afraid that people have already been there first."

Si Hanfei frowned and said, "If that's the case, can we only get a so-called evil emperor's relic if we come all the way here?"

At this time, on the side of the Ming Empire, Zhu ignored several people and also paid attention to the treasure.

Shangguan Haitang was a little puzzled and said, "Not much time has passed since Duke Yang's treasury was officially opened. If there are really a lot of treasures, who is capable of carrying them all?"

Cheng Zhengfei said cheerfully: "I think it's probably that old guy Yang Su who just made a joke with everyone before he died. In fact, the real treasure is only that evil emperor's relic."

Zhu ignored it and said in a deep voice: "Although it is possible to be right and wrong, according to the traces at the scene, it is more likely that there was a treasure hidden here. Perhaps this is not the first time that this treasure house has been opened."

Duan Tianya continued: "Yefu means that before this, someone has already opened Duke Yang's treasury and moved the treasures in the treasury ahead of time."

"It's just that there is no breath leaked from other treasures, so everyone doesn't know about it. In the end, when the person wanted to take the relic of the evil emperor, he leaked the news of the treasure house."

Shangguan Haitang said: "I heard that the news about Duke Yang's treasure house was deliberately spread by a Korean woman nicknamed Rakshasa. Could it be that the treasure was moved away by her in advance? Then why did she deliberately spread the location?"

While they were secretly guessing, Su Chen, who was watching the play, felt a little bored.

Because the parties involved in the competition seem to be quite restrained now, and they probably don't want to fight to the death with their opponents, and then let others take advantage of it.

"It seems that we should give you some stimulation!"

Su Chen whispered something, and quickly selected the target.

Li Tianfan, the son of Li Mi in Wagang Village, was fighting against Luoyang Wang Shichong's subordinates, when he suddenly felt his body movements froze, and the movements of his hands couldn't help but slow down by half a beat.

Before he could react, the opponent's long sword had pierced his throat!

"Tianfan! Wang Shichong, I want you to be buried with my son!"

Seeing that his only son was killed, Li Mi's eyes immediately turned red, and he no longer held back his attacks. He looked desperate, and started fighting Wang Shichong. …

On the other side, the Dugu Clan's Dumiao Dugu Ce unfortunately became another target of Su Chen. Under his interference, he tragically died in the hands of Yuwen Chengdu, one of the four masters of the Yuwen Clan.

"My grandson!"

You Chuhong let out a cry of pain, and immediately swung the dragon-headed crutch in her hand impenetrably, as if she would not stop until she killed Yuwen Wudi!

Of course, Yuwen Wudi didn't back down, as he waved his palms, he met You Chuhong's crutches with an icy breath.

Immediately, these two battles became much more intense, and people from several forces were dying from time to time.

However, Su Chen felt that this was not enough, so he focused on the Ming Empire and the Yuan Empire hiding in the corner.

"The Jianghu of the Southern Song Empire, because of the Liancheng treasure, has been spoiled by me. The Northern Song Empire is too far away, and there are two things about Qiao Feng and Murong Fu, so I can't handle it."

"The Great Yuan Empire and the Great Ming Empire traveled thousands of miles to the Great Sui Dynasty. As the host, I can't make them feel too lonely."

While Su Chen was whispering to himself, the suction power was activated, and a suction force was sent out from the air, directly sucking away Song Tiannan, the disciple of Ba Shiba, and using Qian 2.2 Kun to move him, throwing him to Zhu Wushi's side.

Facing the sudden attack of unknown persons, Zhu Wushi naturally took action unceremoniously and easily dealt with Song Tiannan.

"Bastard, how dare you attack the people of the Great Yuan Empire!"

Seeing Song Tiannan being beaten to death by Zhu Wushi, Ba Shiba didn't say anything yet, Si Hanfei on the side couldn't help being angry, and then rushed towards Zhu Wushi.


Zhu Wushi gave a cold snort, and met Si Hanfei's attack without flinching.

As soon as the two masters fought, they entered a white-hot state, and the aftermath of terrifying energy made no one dare to approach within a radius of tens of meters.

And after Zhu Wushi and Si Hanfei fought, Duan Tianya and the other four secret agents soon fought with King Jinlun Fawang and others!

Soon, the battle in the treasure house became more and more intense.

Chapter 182 A tragic scene, proposed by the evil king! 【Please customize】

As the intensity of the battle intensified, the casualties in Duke Yang's treasury also continued to increase.

After just a quarter of an hour, more than half of the people who originally entered Yang Gong's treasury were directly killed or injured.

Among the remaining people, there were some who were more cautious. Seeing that there was only one Evil Emperor's relic in the treasury and nothing else, and they didn't want to die tragically in it, they withdrew from the treasury.

Soon, there were less than one-third of the remaining people in Duke Yang's treasury.

Moreover, the main ones are the people of the major forces.

Just when the forces of all parties were fighting fiercely, on Cihang Jingzhai's side, Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan also recovered [-]% to [-]% of their injuries, and together with Ning Daoqi and the four holy monks, they also entered the treasure house of Duke Yang. middle.

With the arrival of Cihang Jingzhai and his group, the atmosphere in Duke Yang's treasury suddenly became stagnant, and the fighting between them also temporarily stopped.

After all, Cihang Jingzhai's reputation in the Great Sui Empire is still very loud.

What's more, by Fan Qinghui's side, Ning Daoqi and the five masters of the four great monks are also following.

Especially Ning Daoqi, who was the number one master of the Sui Empire on the surface, even Zhu Wushi and Ba Shiba were quite afraid of him.

Fan Qinghui took a look at Qing 08 in Yang Gong's treasury, and then said loudly: "Heroes, this evil emperor's relic is a scourge left by the Demon Sect."

"The poor nun, Master Ning and the four great monks came here this time to destroy this evil thing that harms the common people. I hope that you will not add many unnecessary sacrifices to this evil thing. You should leave as soon as possible."

Hearing Fan Qinghui's words, the expressions of all the heroes in Duke Yang's treasury all changed.

After a long while, Wang Shichong of Luoyang was the first to say: "This old man will give Master Fanzhai and Master Ning a face, and stop this muddy water. Farewell! Let's go!"

The last half of the sentence was naturally addressed to his subordinates.

After the sound fell, Wang Shichong bowed his hands in the direction of Fan Qinghui and Ning Daoqi, and then walked out of Yanggong's treasury.

The reason why Wang Shichong made such a choice was, on the one hand, because he found that with his own manpower, he could not take advantage of this chaos at all; In it, apart from the evil emperor's relic, it is empty and there is nothing.

As a warlord, Wang Shichong, of course, valued the weapons and armor in the rumored Duke Yang's treasury, as well as many gold and silver treasures.

As for the evil emperor relic, in comparison, the attraction is not that great.

Moreover, he didn't want to continue fighting with Li Mi in this treasury, so he just took this opportunity to evacuate from this place, and gave Cihang Jingzhai, Jingnian Temple and Ning Daoqi face, why not do it?

Anyway, it was Li Mi who died of his son, not Wang Shichong!

"Wang Shichong, pay back my son's life!"

Seeing Wang Shichong leading people away from the treasure house, Li Mi yelled angrily, and followed Wang Bodang and other men to chase them out quickly.

On the other hand, the reaction of Yuwen Clan and Dugu Clan was almost the same as that of Wang Shichong and Li Mi.

Seeing this, the rest of Xiao Xian and the others also planned to evacuate with their subordinates.

At this moment, Su Chen, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly launched the Heavenly Heart Tribulation against Xiao Xian, killing him on the spot!

The reason why Su Chen chose to take action against Xiao Mian was because Xiao Mian was a little too active, taking advantage of Zhang Shan'an's rebellion in Jiangxi, he took advantage of the fire to loot the Jiangxi rebels.

If he was allowed to return like this, wouldn't it be an obstacle to the Jiangxi Rebels?

After finally Xiao Xian escaped from the army, it was the best time to kill him.

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