After eliminating Xiao Xian, the rebels in the two lakes area will inevitably fall into a situation where there are no leaders and they will compete for power and profit.

At that time, after the Jiangxi Rebel Army has pacified Zhang Shan'an, they may be able to snatch Xiao Mi's territory and influence!

"Your Majesty!"

When Xiao Xian's subordinates saw Xiao Xian vomit blood and died suddenly, their complexion changed drastically, and they exclaimed in alarm.

After exclaiming, he could only helplessly hug Xiao Mian's body, and quickly escaped from this life-threatening treasure house.

Some other powerful people who still wanted to fish in troubled waters, seeing Xiao Xian's end, immediately didn't dare to have other thoughts, and ran for their lives in a hurry.

In an instant, in the entire Yang Gong's treasury, only Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Temple, Demon Sect forces, Great Yuan Empire, and Great Ming Empire were left.

Of course, among the Demon Sect forces, at this moment, they are on their own, and they seem to be at a disadvantage in comparison.

The evil king Shi Zhixuan looked around, and suddenly said loudly: "Nowadays there are powerful enemies around, if we people in the holy sect are still fighting each other, I'm afraid we will only be able to take advantage of outsiders."

"It's better for us to unite first and repel the foreign enemies. As for the ownership of the evil emperor's relic, we will each rely on our own abilities at that time! Yuyan, Xi Ying, Zuo Youxian, what do you think?"

Among the eight masters of the Demon Sect, there are only five left now, and An Long is a follower of Shi Zhixuan, so he only needs to ask Zhu Yuyan for their opinions.

Xi Ying and Zuo Youxian looked at each other, then nodded and said: "We agree with Xie Wang's proposal."

Zhu Yuyan said coldly: "This empress also agrees to join forces, but Shi Zhixuan, don't call me so close. This empress has nothing to do with you. After repelling the foreign enemies, this empress will settle the old score with you!"

Shi Zhixuan smiled and said: "Okay, everything depends on defeating the foreign enemies."

At this time, the four forces in the arena confronted each other, but because of their own scruples, no one took the lead for a while.

After confronting each other for a while, Shi Zhixuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a smile: "Everyone, there is no way for us to continue confronting like this."

"Among the 300 parties, only the Dayuan Empire is a foreign Tartar. Why don't the other three join forces first to destroy the Dayuan Empire? Shenhou and Ning Zhenren will not be willing to let the Tartars benefit. Bar?"

Su Chen, who was hiding in the dark, looked at Shi Zhixuan's performance, and couldn't help but secretly nodded.

This Shi Zhixuan is indeed the best military talent who is good at coordinating vertically and horizontally. First, he easily united with several masters of the Demon Sect, and now he plans to unanimously eliminate the opponents of the Great Yuan Empire. It is indeed a good plan.

Moreover, others seem to be not very good at rejecting.

After hearing Shi Zhixuan's proposal, Zhu Wushi immediately nodded and said, "This Marquis has no objection!"

Zhu Wushi didn't know that Song Tiannan was thrown to him by Su Chen, and he thought it was the Dayuan Empire who attacked him on his own initiative.

Moreover, the subsequent battle between the two sides also caused Zhu Wushi to play a real fire.

Therefore, he agreed to Shi Zhixuan's proposal without any hesitation.

Afterwards, both Shi Zhixuan and Zhu Wushi looked at Ning Daoqi, waiting for his decision.

As for Fan Qinghui, he was ignored by them. In their eyes, only strong men of the same level are qualified to have a dialogue!

At this time, Ba Shiba, Si Hanfei and Jinlun Fawang on the side of the Great Yuan Empire all frowned, and they couldn't help but feel a little bit of retreat.

After all, if Ning Dodge agreed to Shi Zhixuan's proposal, they would be in danger! .

Chapter 183 The battle between righteousness and evil, Su Chen's new idea【Please order】

Before Ning Daoqi could speak, Bashiba suddenly laughed, "Reverend Ning and Master Fanzhai thought that if we retreated, if the Demon Gate and Daming joined forces, what would you do? After all, the Demon Gate People don't care about the righteousness of the country for their own interests."

Ning Daoqi originally planned to follow Shi Zhixuan's proposal, but after hearing Ba Shiba's words, he couldn't help hesitating.

Because he knew very well that although Ba Shiba was suspected of provoking, the situation he mentioned was very likely to happen.

It is already very difficult to deal with the Demon Sect members alone, but if you add Daming's Zhu Wushi and others, they really have no chance of winning.

Ning Daoqi was still pondering, Fan Qinghui asked Ba Shiba directly: "What's your suggestion?"

Ba Shiba smiled and said: "It's very simple, your Great Sui Empire does not need to participate in the battle between our Great Yuan Empire and the Great Ming Empire, and the rest of us do not need to interfere in the battle between the Great Sui Empire's Righteous Way and the Demon Gate. Isn't everyone happy?"

When Fan Qinghui heard Ba Shiba's words, he was very moved, and wondered to Ning Dao who was beside him: "Master Ning, what do you think?"

Ning Daoqi naturally understood that Fan Qinghui had agreed to Ba Shiba's proposal in his heart.

In fact, in his mind, this proposal was not unacceptable.

After all, they were only fighting against the Demon Sect, while the Great Yuan Empire was fighting against the Ming Empire, so they were not colluding with the alien Tartars.

Thinking of this, Ning Daoqi said to Fan Qinghui, "It's all up to Master Fan Zhai to decide."

Hearing this, Fan Qinghui immediately said to Ba Shiba: "Okay, it's settled like this. Our Great Sui will not interfere with the rivalry between your Great Yuan Empire and the Great Ming Empire. At the same time, you will not interfere with the rivalry within our Great Sui Empire." You don't have to interfere."

"That's it!"

Ba Shiba clasped his hands together, with a warm smile on his face, and responded leisurely in his mouth.

"Hahaha, what a Cihang Jingzhai, what a leader of the righteous way, I have seen it! If you want to eliminate demons and defend the way, then come and see what you, the so-called leaders of the righteous way, can do with us demons and heretics ¨¨?"

Seeing that Fan Qinghui and Ba Shiba reached an agreement, Shi Zhixuan burst out laughing, his voice full of sarcasm.

Zhu Yuyan, An Long and the others also despise Cihang Jingzhai and the others!

Zhu Wushi also smiled coldly, "Since that's the case, Mongol Tartars, let us continue the unfinished battle just now!"

As soon as the sound fell, Zhu Wushi's aura exploded, and he pressed towards Sihanfei again!

Ba Shiba said: "This time, I'd better let the old man come and learn about Shenhou's brilliant moves!"

At this time, Ba Shiba who was beside Si Hanfei took a step forward, standing between Zhu Wushi and Si Hanfei.

Although Si Hanfei's strength is not weak, it is still inferior to Zhu Wushi.

Among Bashiba, Sihanfei and Jinlun Fawang, Bashiba was the strongest, so he stood up to fight Zhu Wushi for Sihanfei.

The unwillingness flashed in Si Hanfei's eyes, but he still didn't reject Ba Shiba's kindness.

The King of the Golden Wheel beside Si Hanfei smiled and said: "The emperor, why should you be impatient, it won't be too late when we get rid of Zhu Wushi's four subordinates first, and then join forces to get rid of this pillar of Ming Dynasty."

"You're right!"

When Si Hanfei heard Jinlun Fawang's words, his expression eased a lot, and he responded, and then, together with Jinlun Fawang, took the initiative to attack Duan Tianya and other four secret agents.

Zhu Wushi said loudly: "Tianya, you mainly focus on defense. After I have dealt with Ba Shiba, I will help you defeat the enemy!"

The sound fell, and without waiting for Duan Tianya and the others to respond, Zhu Wushi also waved his palms, and the fierce palm force bombarded Ba Shiba!

Just when the two sides of Da Yuan and Da Ming were fighting at the same place, Cihang Jingzhai's side and Momen's side also fought fiercely.

Shi Zhixuan's Immortal Seal was cast, and he became the main force of everyone in the Demon Sect, meeting Ning Daoqi.

The four holy monks teamed up to fight with Zhu Yuyan, Xi Ying, An Long and Zuo Youxian.

As for Pi Shouxuan and Houhou, they took the initiative to attack Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan, master and disciple.

Bi Shouxuan's right hand moved slightly, and a copper flute appeared in his hand from nowhere, and then, like a sharp sword, it stabbed straight towards Fan Qinghui's chest!

Facing Bi Shouxuan's attack, Fan Qinghui didn't dare to be careless, waved the dust whisk in his hand, and entangled towards the copper flute in Bi Shouxuan's hand!

"Shi Feixuan, let's see who else can save you this time!"

Hou Hou looked at Shi Feixuan and chuckled softly.

When the sound fell, the red ribbon on Houhou's shoulders suddenly flung out, and in an instant it seemed to turn into two long red dragons, biting towards Concubine Shixuan!

When she was on the ground, Shi Feixuan had experienced how powerful Houhou was, and knew that she was no match for Houhou at all, so she didn't take Houhou's attack head-on, but hurriedly used her body skills to dodge to one side And go!

However, Hou Hou has long since changed from what it used to be, and he has also learned superb agility from Su Chen, coupled with the advantages of his own cultivation, he easily caught up with Shi Feixuan, and then slapped Shi Feixuan on the forehead Go, I plan to completely solve this fateful enemy!

"`" Be careful! "

At this moment, Zhu Yuyan, who was on the side, suddenly reminded Houhou.

But Ning Daoqi, who was fighting with Shi Zhixuan, got rid of Shi Zhixuan for a short time, and suddenly came behind Houhou, and slapped his palm on the back of Houhou!

If Houhou wanted to continue killing Shi Feixuan, she would surely die under Ning Daoqi's palm too!

Of course, Su Chen, who was in the dark, would definitely not let this kind of thing happen.

However, Hou Hou didn't know this, so after sensing the attack from the back of his heart, he quickly used body skills to quickly dodge to one side.

Ning Daoqi didn't pursue Houhou either, but took the opportunity to take Shi Feixuan to his side, as if Ning Daoqi and Shi Feixuan were besieging Shi Zhixuan together.

In fact, Ning Daoqi was naturally protecting the (good) concubine Shi Xuan while fighting against Shi Zhixuan.

"Good luck to you!"

Seeing this, Hou Hou cursed bitterly, then turned around and joined the battle between Bi Shouxuan and Fan Qinghui.

Fan Qinghui's injury was not good at all, and it was already quite difficult to face Bi Shouxuan alone. At this time, adding another Houhou who was no less powerful than her would immediately fall into a disadvantage, and even several times dangers arose.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that Cihang Jingzhai really can only rely on a little beauty and use external force to fight against the enemy." Seeing the performance of Shi Feixuan and Fan Qinghui, Su Chen couldn't help shaking his head slightly, his eyes were full of contempt.

Su Chen has never had a good impression of these female nuns like Cihang Jingzhai.

In the previous life, many people called Cihang Jingzhai Cihang Prostitution Zhai, but Su Chen felt that this name was quite appropriate!

Thinking of this, Su Chen suddenly felt that Cihang Jingzhai didn't necessarily have to be wiped out, maybe another way of thinking could have a good use? .

Chapter 184 Su Chen saves people by cheating master and apprentice? 【Subscribe】

Seeing Fan Qinghui's miserable state, Ning Daoqi had no choice but to bring her with him, and it became three people fighting Shi Zhixuan alone.

But in this case, Ning Daoqi, who had been firmly in the upper hand, became somewhat restrained.

As for Houhou and Bi Shouxuan, they joined Zhu Yuyan and the others in the struggle with the Four Great Sage Monks.

With the addition of Houhou and Bi Shouxuan, the situation of the two sides who were originally fighting evenly changed drastically.

The four holy monks were oppressed and beaten by Zhu Yuyan's group.

I have to say, Fan Qinghui, master and apprentice, is really a trap!

Because of their master and apprentice, this battle directly caused the Great Sui Demon Sect to overwhelm the Righteous Way.

At the same time, the battle between the Great Yuan Empire and the Great Ming Empire was in full swing!

Although the strength of the four secret agents is not bad, compared with Si Hanfei and Jinlun Fawang, they are still far behind.

Coupled with the assistance of the other three disciples of Ba Shiba, the situation is very unfavorable for Duan Tianya and the other four secret agents.

Especially Shangguan Haitang, who was the weakest, fell into crisis several times.

Fortunately, Cheng Zhengfei's King Kong is not bad, and its power is good, which saved the overall situation a little bit.

However, in the battle between Zhu Wushi and Ba Shiba, it was Zhu Wushi who had the upper hand.

Anyway, he was in a foreign country, and his opponent was a member of the 300 different races, so Zhu Wushi didn't hide his strength too much, and directly broke out with all his strength, and launched a tough battle with Ba Shiba!

The Great Absorbing Technique, the Great Teleportation of the Universe, and the martial arts of the various sects he has mastered are all at his fingertips, and their power is quite amazing!

Especially when he used the powerful energy-absorbing method, even if he was as strong as Ba Shiba, part of his energy was sucked away by him several times.

Gradually, Bashiba began to fall into a disadvantage.

Sensing his own situation, Ba Shiba's face was solemn, and he decided to take the initiative to launch a decisive battle, and he could not continue to delay!

"Destroyer Palm!"

With a sharp shout in his mouth, Ba Shiba's whole body power was condensed on his palms, a pair of fleshy palms had a faint dark red color, and he bombarded towards Zhu Wushi!

In the next moment, I saw two dark red palm prints rising against the wind, carrying fierce and domineering evil spirits, and shot down at Zhu Wushi!


Seeing this, Zhu Wushi snorted coldly, clasped his claws with both hands, and issued two terrifying suction forces, which actually sucked Bashiba's two major disciples, He Tianmo and Tie Yan, into his hands in an instant!

Then, Zhu ignored the strength of his hands, and directly threw the two of them under the palm of Ba Shiba's Mie Shen!


The two let out a terrified cry (.), desperately trying to escape, but they fell under the attack of the terrifying Mie Shen palm force uncontrollably!

"Bang bang!"

The sound of two watermelon explosions sounded, but it was He Tianmo and Tie Yan who were smashed into pieces by the terrifying palm force!


Even with Ba Shiba's heart, seeing this scene, he couldn't help but let out a roar, and then suddenly concentrated all his mental power, and displayed his ultimate stunt of changing the sky and striking the earth!

This is an extremely powerful and mysterious technique, which can affect the opponent's spirit and thoughts, making them unable to control themselves!

This trick really worked, even Zhu Wushi couldn't help feeling momentarily absent-minded.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ba Shiba suddenly approached Zhu Wushi, no longer afraid of his great power-absorbing technique, and directly launched the Extinguishing Palm with his fleshy palm, and stamped it on Zhu Wushi's chest!

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