
At the critical moment, Zhu Wushi let out a roar, and suddenly broke free from the state of uncontrollable thoughts. He swung his palms out quickly and collided with Ba Shiba's palms fiercely!


Two dull impact sounds sounded.

The two of them broke apart as soon as they touched each other, Ba Shiba quickly backed away with this counter-shock force, but there was a surge of qi and blood in his body, he quickly mobilized his true energy to adjust his breath, and suppressed a mouthful of blood from his throat.

Zhu Wushi also stepped back three steps in a "deng, deng, deng" manner, and then stabilized his figure.

Zhu Wushi saw that Ba Shiba was difficult to solve, so he didn't bother, but in a flash, he arrived in front of Bai Lianjue, Wuxiang Bodhisattva, the last disciple of Ba Shiba. Be a man!

So far, the four major disciples of Ba Shiba have all died in the hands of Zhu Wushi!

As for the four of Duan Tianya, because they lost three opponents, the pressure suddenly eased.

"Tsk tsk, God of Tiedan is really extraordinary!"

Seeing Zhu Wushi's performance, Su Chen nodded in satisfaction.

In his previous life, when Su Chen watched No. [-] Under Heaven, he had a good impression of the role of Zhu Wushi. Although he was the villain of the whole play, his demeanor still attracted many viewers.

Su Chen is also one of these audiences.

After pondering for a while, Su Chen decided to subdue Zhu Wushi with the Purdue Heart Sutra when he placed the order.

It would be a pity not to accept such a talented person with both civil and military skills.

As for Ba Shiba on the side, Su Chen decided to let him be his nourishment!

Ba Shiba and Zhu Wushi didn't even know that they were already being targeted by Su Chen.

When Bashiba saw his four disciples, all of them died in the hands of Zhu Wushi, he immediately felt that he had been greatly humiliated, and a burst of anger surged in his heart. Immediately, he took the initiative to attack Zhu Wushi with a desperate attitude. attack.

However, even in his prime, he was no match for Zhu Wushi, let alone Zhu Wushi's opponent at this time.

After the two fought for another quarter of an hour, Ba Shiba was beaten to death by Zhu Wushi.

However, Ba Shiba's crazy counterattack also caused some damage to Zhu Wushi!

"go to hell!"

Seeing that Ba Shiba had lost the strength to resist, Zhu Wushi immediately planned to go forward and use the Dafa of absorbing energy to end his life and at the same time let himself recover and improve.

However, at this moment, a shadow suddenly flashed past, and then Ba Shiba's figure disappeared in place!

The person who made the move was naturally Su Chen who was hiding in the dark.

After Su Chen robbed Bashiba, he rushed out of the treasure house without stopping, found a hidden place, and began to absorb his whole body's power.

Of course, before leaving, Su Chen also took Fu Junmai with him.

Seeing that his prey had been snatched away, Zhu Wushi immediately became angry and said loudly, "Who, come out!"

However, no one responded to him at all.

Seeing this scene, the other people in Duke Yang's treasury were all in shock and doubt, and they couldn't help but be a bit more reserved when they made their moves.

Because they are all worried that the person in the dark will suddenly appear and attack themselves suddenly!

Most of the people regarded the person in the dark as an accomplice of Ba Shiba, and they rescued Ba Shiba.

However, Zhu Yuyan had some doubts in her heart, whether the person who shot was Su Chen.

But he didn't understand why Su Chen wanted to rescue Ba Shiba.

Sihanfei and Jinlun Fawang originally saw that Ba Shiba was about to die under Zhu Wushi's hands, and they both planned to come forward to help, but they were entangled by the four secret agents.

Seeing that Bashiba was "rescued" at this time, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

In their hearts, they couldn't help guessing whether the person who rescued Su Chen was the magician Pang Ban.

"Damn Tartar!"

Seeing that no one could be found, Zhu Wu immediately roared and rushed towards Si Hanfei!

In his heart, he obviously also thought that he was a member of the Great Yuan Empire, who secretly rescued Ba Shiba.

Seeing Zhu ignoring the attack, Si Hanfei didn't dare to neglect him at all, so he waited intently and went forward with all his strength.

Chapter 185 Pudu Golden Wheel, the Situation Sudden Change! 【Please customize】

On the other side, Su Chen took Bashiba, randomly found a secluded place in Chang'an City, and set Bashiba on the ground.

"Who are you? Why are you saving me?"

After landing, Ba Shiba endured the pain in his body and asked Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words: "Save you? You think too much!"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen didn't give Ba Shiba a chance to react, and immediately put his hands on Ba Shiba's shoulders, and directly used the energy-absorbing ability in the Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue.

Immediately, the true energy in Ba Shiba's body poured into Su Chen's body along Su Chen's hands in an endless stream.

At the same time, Su Chen also easily mastered the unique martial arts mastered by Ba Shiba.

Sensing the loss of true energy in his body, the Eighth Master Ba's expression changed drastically, and he said in a trembling voice: "Sucking... sucking Dafa, what's the relationship between you and Zhu ignoring?"

"For people who are about to die, don't worry about it so much~!"

Su Chen smiled lightly, and closed Bashiba's acupuncture points casually, not only because he didn't want to listen to his nonsense, but also to prevent him from cutting off his heart and dying.

After a while, Su Chen absorbed all the true energy in Ba Shiba's body, and Ba Shiba was directly sucked into a mummy by him!

And Su Chen's own cultivation has also improved a little bit, and he is closer to the late stage of the Heavenly Human Realm.

On the road of cultivation, the further you want to break through a realm, the more difficult it is.

Although Su Chen absorbed a lot of skills, he still failed to break through to a new level.

Glancing at Bashiba who had become a mummy, Su Chen frowned slightly, then crushed him into powder with a palm, then took Fu Junmao with him, and returned to Yang Gong's treasure house again.

Just after returning to the entrance of Duke Yang's treasury, Su Chen sensed a strong aura, and was quickly rushing out from the treasury.

After a little sensing, the corners of Su Chen's mouth couldn't help but slightly raised, "I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. Jinlun Fawang is also a talent."

That's right, the person Su Chen sensed was the Golden Wheel Fawang who had escaped from Duke Yang's treasury.

It turned out that after Ba Shiba was taken away by Su Chen, Zhu Wushi, who was mad, attacked Si Hanfei brazenly, and Jinlun Fawang was besieged by four secret agents.

Although Jinlun Fawang was stronger than any of the four secret agents, it would be very difficult for him to win with the four of them working together.

In particular, Cheng Shifei's invincibility of King Kong has blocked his attacks many times.

In addition, Jinlun Fawang saw that Si Hanfei was being beaten passively under Zhu Wushi's subordinates, so he thought of retreating again.

During the battle, Jinlun Fawang found an opportunity to severely injure Shangguan Haitang, and made a posture to kill Shangguan Haitang.

Seeing this, the three of Duan Tianya hurried forward to rescue Shangguan Haitang.

Jinlun Fawang took advantage of this opportunity and quickly ran away from Duke Yang's treasury.

The three secret agents only went to Shangguan Haitang, Zhu Wushi was dragged by Sihanfei, Da Sui's Momen and Cihang Jingzhai, and they didn't want to make any troubles.

Thus, Jinlun Fawang escaped from Duke Yang's treasury by chance.

Unfortunately, Jinlun Fawang's good luck seems to be only half.

He had just escaped from Duke Yang's treasury when he met Su Chen and Fu Junmao who had returned.

"Step aside!"

King Jinlun scolded, and casually waved his palms at Su Chen and Fu Junmao.

Jinlun Fawang just intends to shake Su Chen and the two of them away. As for whether the two are dead or alive, he has no idea at this time.

However, he was doomed to be disappointed.

With a wave of Su Chen's hand, he easily shook off Jinlun Fawang's palm, and then stepped forward to reach Jinlun Fawang's side. With a claw in his right hand, he quickly grabbed his neck!


Sensing Su Chen's attack, King Jinlun Fawang couldn't help but change his expression, and secretly called out bad luck in his heart. He didn't expect to meet a master right after he came out.

He never thought that Su Chen, a young person, could be so strong.

But at this time, the King of the Golden Wheel had no time to think about it, so he quickly held the golden wheel and slashed at Su Chen's wrist!

Facing Jinlun Fawang's attack, Su Chen just swung his hand from side to side quickly, and easily knocked the golden wheel away in his hand, and then grabbed Jinlun Fawang's throat without hindrance!

My life is over!

Sensing this scene, Jinlun Fawang groaned in his heart, and closed his eyes in despair.

However, the next moment, Jinlun Fawang sensed that Su Chen's hand rested on his throat and did not pinch it.

"Aren't you going to kill the poor monk?" Jinlun Fawang opened his eyes, a little confused.

"That's right, because you're still useful," Su Chen replied with a slight smile, then pinched Jinlun Fawang's neck, and took him and Fu Junmao to find a secluded place nearby again.

After closing the acupoints around Jinlun Fawang casually, Su Chen threw him on the ground.

"How do you plan to deal with the poor monk?" Seeing this, King Jinlun asked Su Chen again.

Su Chen smiled and said, "You will know soon."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen suddenly sat cross-legged opposite Jinlun Fawang, and at the same time recited a sutra that Jinlun Fawang had never heard before.

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Listening to the scriptures, Jinlun Fawang suddenly felt as if he had found a treasure in his heart, as if his first half of his life was wasted.

Gradually, those scriptures had a profound impact on Jinlun Fawang's thinking, making him feel that Su Chen in front of him was the Buddha and spirit he should believe in in his life!

He even felt that even sacrificing everything for Su Chen was a matter of course.

"This Purdue Heart Sutra is really good!"

Seeing the piety in Jinlun Fawang's eyes, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction, whispered in his mouth, and then directly released Jinlun Fawang's acupuncture points.

"Golden Wheel pays homage to Young Master, and is willing to follow Young Master and serve Young Master in the future!" After the acupoints were unlocked, Jin Lun Fa Dynasty bowed down to Su Chen and said respectfully.

Su Chen said: "If you want to serve me, you don't have to stay by my side all the time. You go back to the Great Yuan Empire first, as if you didn't meet me after you escaped from Duke Yang's treasury. After arriving in Great Yuan ..."

... 0 0

Su Chen briefly explained to Jinlun Fawang, and then sent him back to the Great Yuan Empire.

"Yes, Jinlun respectfully obeys the will of the young master!"

Jinlun Dharma King respectfully responded, and then slowly took his leave and left.

After Jinlun Fawang left, Su Chen shook his head slightly, and then took Fu Junmao back to Yang Gong's treasury.

For the time being, Jinlun Fawang is just a pawn he has left idle in the Great Yuan Empire, and it may play an unexpected role when he attacks the Great Yuan Empire in the future.

This is also the reason why Su Chen didn't kill Jinlun Fawang.

When Su Chen brought Fu Junmao back to Duke Yang's treasury, the situation in the treasury at this time changed astonishingly again.

Guihai Yidao and Shangguan Haitang, among the four great spies of the Ming Empire, fell to the side and breathed weakly, and even Duan Tianya was seriously injured.

Only Cheng Shifei's situation is a little bit better, but he also has a lot of color on him.

Zhu Wushi looked disheveled, full of evil spirits.

As for Si Hanfei, there was no trace.

On the side of Cihang Jingzhai, Zhu Yuyan, Zuo Youxian and others jointly killed two of the Four Great Sacred Monks, and the other two were also seriously injured.

Only Ning Daoqi brought Master Fan Qinghui and Shi Zhixuan to fight, and it seemed that there was not much change.

But at this time, Fan Qinghui's eyes were full of jealousy and hatred, and he ignored Zhu and said loudly: "Shenhou, the situation in the field is clear now, if Shenhou is willing to join hands with us and leave all the demon sect members behind, the evil emperor Sari will return! All the gods!" Dao.

Chapter 186 Stimulate Ning Daoqi, kick Zhu to ignore! 【Seek full order】

Hearing Fan Qinghui's words, Su Chen's eyes turned cold, his right hand formed a palm, and the Tathagata palm was activated, and a huge palm print glowing with golden Buddha light slapped fiercely on Fan Qinghui's chest!


Ning Daoqi on the side was the first to discover the terrifying Buddha's palm attack, and quickly reminded Fan Qinghui, while his figure flickered, trying to block Fan Qinghui.

However, all this is in vain.

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