Hearing a "bang", Fan Qinghui flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, hit the wall of the passageway of Duke Yang's treasury heavily, and then fell to the ground with a "plop".


Then, Fan Qinghui spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and he completely lost his fighting power.

At this time, Su Chen brought Fu Junmao and officially appeared in the sight of everyone in Yang Gong's treasure house.

"It's brother!"

"It turned out to be Mr. Su!"

 "Three Zero Zero" Seeing Su Chen appear, Houhou couldn't help showing joy on his face.

The success and failure of the Ming Empire was a surprise.

As for those who don't know Su Chen, seeing Su Chen's young face, they couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised.

Although Fan Qinghui's strength is not top-notch among them, it is still very good.

But Su Chen, a young man, could have easily sent her flying with a single palm, causing her to be seriously injured. This is too shocking!

In particular, thinking that the palm technique that Su Chen performed just now was full of the breath of Buddhism, it made everyone who didn't know the truth feel very puzzled.

Facing the sudden appearance of the powerful Su Chen, Shi Zhixuan took the initiative to end the battle with Ning Daoqi.

On the other side, Tianjun Xi Ying, Ziwujian Zuoyouxian and Fat Jia Anlong also temporarily stopped their attacks.

Ning Daoqi looked at Su Chen, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? You obviously use Buddhist martial arts, why do you want to sneak attack Master Fanzhai?"

Su Chen took a look at Ning Daoqi, and said calmly: "You are a dignified Taoist real person, but you have become a Buddhist thug. It seems that it is no big deal for me to use Buddhist martial arts to deal with Buddhist people, isn't it?"


When Ning Daoqi heard Su Chen's words, his face immediately became very ugly, he snorted coldly, and immediately stopped talking.

Su Chen looked around for a week, and said lightly in his mouth: "The evil emperor's relic is originally a thing of my holy gate. If other people want to get their hands on it, they must be prepared to die!"

After a pause, Su Chen looked at Shi Zhixuan again and said, "I have dealt with Fan Qinghui for the evil king, and Ning Daoqi will still be dealt with by the evil king. As for the Iron Lord of Daming, I will leave it to you, the evil king." how about?"

Shi Zhixuan's eyes flickered slightly when he heard the words, and he said in a deep voice: "Listen to you, you are also a member of the Holy Sect, I don't know which sect you belong to?"

Su Chen said: "I come from the Yingui sect, and the Yin queen is the teacher."

"Haha, it's true that green is better than blue, okay, I will follow what Nephew Su said." Shi Zhixuan shrank his pupils slightly when he heard Su Chen's words, and then laughed out loud.

When the others heard Su Chen's words, their eyes flickered, and their hearts were thinking.

"Cheng Shifei, Tianya, you guys take Yidao and Haitang and go first!"

A stern look flashed in Zhu Wushi's eyes, and he gave orders to Cheng Shifei and Duan Tianya.

"Father, be careful!"

Duan Tianya agreed, and together with Cheng Shifei, they took Guihai Yidao and Shangguan Haitang and headed towards the exit of Duke Yang's treasure house.

Seeing this, Su Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and when they reached the exit, he suddenly launched Tianxin Tribulation on Guihai!

"It's not good, a knife wound has occurred, let's go find someone for treatment!"

Duan Tianya saw Guihai Yidao bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and thought he had an internal injury, so he told Cheng right and wrong, and immediately sped up his speed.

But Zhu Wushi looked at Su Chen intently, and said in a deep voice: "Let me let this Marquis come and teach you the brilliant moves of the Yin Gui sect's heroes!"

When the sound fell, Zhu ignored his legs and staggered his legs, grasping his claws with both hands, ready to fight!

Su Chen smiled and said: "I also want to experience the strength of the God of Tie Dan."

While speaking, Su Chen's figure flashed, and he waved his palm, and with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he slapped Zhu Wushi instantly!


Following Su Chen's attack, a clear dragon chant sounded in the treasure house.

At the same time, a golden-yellow dragon in the form of true energy suddenly swooped down on Zhu Wushi's chest!

Zhu Wushi's face sank slightly, he held his claws with both hands, and suddenly activated the divine skill of moving the universe, and directly moved the divine dragon, which had transformed into a true energy, to one side.


A loud noise came, and the tunnel in Duke Yang's treasure house was blasted out of a huge cave.

On the other side, Ning Daoqi also said loudly to Shi Feixuan: "Feixuan, take your master and leave first."

As the sound fell, Ning Daoqi issued a gentle palm force, sending Shi Feixuan to Fan Qinghui's side.

Upon hearing Ning Daoqi's words, Shi Feixuan immediately picked up the seriously injured Fan Qinghui without hesitation, and fled towards the outside of the treasure house.

"Where to escape!"

Seeing this, Wan Wan let out a coquettish drink, planning to chase and kill Master Fan Qinghui and his disciples 0  …

At this time, the remaining two of the four holy monks turned into Desperate Saburo, ignoring all kinds of attacks behind them, brazenly blocking the way of Houhou.

Others who wanted to chase Fan Qinghui and his disciples were also stopped by them desperately.

Among the several masters of the Demon Sect, they are jealous of each other, and they don't want others to take advantage of it. Naturally, they don't want to fight with the two crazy monks.

Thus, the two monks went crazy desperately, but temporarily got into an inseparable fight with Zhu Yuyan and the others.

Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan, master and apprentice who are cheaters, also took the opportunity to escape from Duke Yang's treasury.

Su Chen has the ability to keep them, but after thinking about it for a while, he still gave up this plan.

Because in his heart, he had already made suitable arrangements for Cihang Jingzhai, so he just had to deal with Zhu Wushi with peace of mind at this time.

During the battle, Zhu ignored all kinds of martial arts from the Eight Great Schools, such as Shaolin Vigorous Palm, Wudang School Ti Yunzong, etc., all of which were at his fingertips.

These martial arts moves, performed by Zhu Wushi, are many times stronger than those used by ordinary people.

However, even so, the various attacks that Zhu ignored had no effect on Su Chen.

Even after using his strongest hole card, the power-absorbing method, it was difficult to absorb even the slightest bit of Su Chen's power.

When the two had physical contact, it was his skill that flowed towards Su Chen continuously!

"You can absorb Dafa at 2.2!"

Sensing this scene, Zhu Wushi's expression changed drastically, and he let out a voice of shock.

Su Chen smiled and said, "I know more martial arts than you can imagine."

When the sound fell, Su Chen suddenly soared into the air, swung his legs quickly, and the magical power of Tiancan feet suddenly activated!

Following Su Chen's movements, Zhu Wushi immediately saw countless huge dark footprints in front of him. From those footprints, he even felt the threat of death!

Zhu Wushi's face changed drastically immediately, and he pushed the magic power of moving the universe to the extreme, continuously absorbing some collapsed buildings in the treasury, and slammed into the terrifying footprints!

However, these are only a slight delay to the speed of the footprints falling!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Soon, a series of dull crashing sounds resounded in Duke Yang's treasury.

Zhu ignored the whole person like a football, being kicked away by Su Chen faster and faster! .

Chapter 187 Kill Ning Dodge!Zhu Yuyan was injured! 【Seek full order】

At this time, Zhu ignored, aggrieved and angry in his heart, wishing to tear Su Chen's corpse into thousands of pieces!

But it's a pity that his strength is still far behind in front of Su Chen, and he can only passively bear Su Chen's attack.

Gradually, Zhu Wushi's mind also changed. He knew that he was not Su Chen's opponent, so he planned to withdraw.

So, with the help of the anti-shock force of Su Chen's soles, Zhu Wushi quietly approached the exit of Duke Yang's treasure house.

Su Chen didn't seem to notice Zhu Wushi's thoughts, and kicked Zhu Wushi's shoulder hard again.

In the next moment, Zhu Wushi's body was like a spring, and he flew out of Yang Gong's treasure house!

"Want to escape now? It's too late!"

Su Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he let out a cold drink, and quickly chased after Zhu Wushi.

Soon, Su Chen and Zhu ignored them and left the sight of Ning Daoqi, Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan and others.

Out of everyone's sight, Su Chen stopped hiding immediately, and unleashed all his strength. With a move of the mighty Tianlong, a golden dragon descended from the sky, hit Zhu Wushi's chest hard, and knocked him to the ground in an instant above.

Then, Su Chen's figure flashed, and he came to Zhu Wushi's side in an instant, and quickly tapped him a few times, and 08 sealed the acupuncture points all over Zhu Wushi's body.

"What exactly do you want to do to Ben Hou?"

Seeing Su Chen's actions, Zhu ignored, a look of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he let out a cold voice.

"You will know soon," Su Chen smiled slightly, and once again used the method of Purdue Heart Sutra to Zhu Wushi as if he was dealing with Jinlun Fawang.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhu Wushi became Su Chen's loyal follower like Jinlun Fawang.

"Okay, you go back to Daming, I don't think I need to teach you what to say after you go back." After Du Hua finished Zhu Wushi, Su Chen unlocked his acupoints, and said faintly.

"Yes, my subordinates retire!"

Zhu Wushi paid a respectful salute to Su Chen, and after a few dodges, he headed in the direction of the Ming Empire.

After dealing with what Zhu ignored, Su Chen returned to Yanggong's treasury again.

Before he could return to the treasure house, at the exit of the treasure house, he saw Ning Daoqi flying out!

It turned out that not long after Su Chen chased Zhu Wushi away, the remaining two of the four holy monks were all killed.

Ning Daoqi saw that there was nothing he could do, so he stopped entanglement with Shi Zhixuan, and flew towards the outside of Duke Yang's treasure house.

Shi Zhixuan's strength was slightly inferior to Ning Daoqi's, and he didn't really stop him, so Ning Daoqi easily left Yang Gong's treasure house.

"Master Ning, where are you going in such a hurry?"

When Su Chen saw Ning Daoqi flying out, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, and he chuckled softly.

When Ning Daoqi saw Su Chen, his expression changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Get out of the way! Evil Emperor Sheli, the old man has already given up. What's the point of you stopping me? You must know the character of the people in the Demon Sect. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid the evil emperor relic will lose your share."

Su Chen smiled and said: "So, I must hurry up!"

As the sound fell, two golden rays of light suddenly shot out from Su Chen's eyes, shooting towards Ning Daoqi's eyes!

It is the shocking catastrophe among the four catastrophes of the Sacred Heart!

Although Ning Daoqi is not weak, he is only the peak of the great master, and there is still a big gap from Su Chen. Under the shocking calamity, he was immediately affected by a lot, and his thinking froze for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Chen immediately came to Ning Daoqi's side in a flash, and swung his hands quickly, intending to seal Ning Daoqi's acupuncture points.

At the critical moment, Ning Daoqi broke free from that special state, and even showed signs of breaking through to the realm of heaven and man. He swung his hands quickly, and his moves were endlessly changing.

It is Ning Daoqi's famous stunt Sanshoubapu!

"The response is not bad!"

Seeing this, Su Chen chuckled, and at the same time concentrated his true energy in his palms, and with a move of the mighty Tianlong, he slammed it between Ning Daoqi's hands without any fancy!


The sound of the dragon's chant sounded, and a golden dragon, regardless of reality, with a fierce and domineering momentum, suddenly broke through the blockade of Ning Daoqi's hands, and slammed into his chest.


Ning Daoqi spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell heavily like a kite with a broken string.

Su Chen used the Lightning God at his feet, and chased Ning Daoqi in an instant. With a quick wave of his hands, he easily blocked his acupoints, and then directly displayed the energy-absorbing ability in the Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue.

Suddenly, the true energy in Ning Daoqi's body poured into Su Chen's body like a torrent.

Sensing the passing of true energy in his body, Ning Daoqi's face suddenly changed drastically, and he couldn't help feeling desperate.

But gradually, he seemed to look away again, his eyes were slightly closed, and he let his true energy escape, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Su Chen ignored Ning Daoqi's changes, and directly exerted all his strength violently, absorbing Ning Daoqi's skills.

After a while, he absorbed all the true energy in Ning Daoqi's body into his own body.

Of course, what Ning Daoqi learned all over his body inevitably became a new content in Su Chen's martial arts library.

After absorbing power, Su Chen shattered Ning Daoqi's body with a palm, and then quickly flew towards Yang Gong's treasure house.

When Su Chen entered Yang Gong's treasury, seeing the situation inside, his eyes couldn't help but flash a cold light!

It turned out that Pi Shouxuan of the Yingui Sect was killed on the spot when the last two great saint monks fought back on their deathbeds.

Among the Yingui Sect, only Zhu Yuyan and Houhou, the master and apprentice, remained.

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