With a dignified expression on her face, Zhu Yuyan said to Su Chen and Houhou: "The relic of the evil emperor is formed by injecting the essence of his life into it before the death of the evil emperors of the past generations of the Holy Sect."

"And in the hundreds of years of this circulation, I don't know how many people want to take the essence in the evil emperor's relic for their own use, but in the end, the evil emperor's relic absorbs the spirit of many other people , so it also triggered the evil thoughts left by the evil emperors of the past."

"If we are not careful, maybe our energy and spirit will be absorbed by the evil emperor's relic! Therefore, when touching the evil emperor's relic, we must be careful. Let me try first as a teacher, can we store the relics in it? Take the power of essence for your own use."

As she said that, Zhu Yuyan directly put her hand on the evil emperor's relic, and performed the exercises, trying to absorb the power of essence.

However, just as Zhu Yuyan put her hand on the Evil Emperor's relic, she suddenly felt countless illusions appear before her eyes.

In the illusion, she was once again deceived by Shi Zhixuan, and at the same time was chased and persecuted by the righteous way of martial arts headed by Fan Qinghui, and fell into a desperate situation for a while.

Zhu Yuyan, who was immersed in the illusion, didn't know that the aura on her body was gradually becoming full of fierceness at this time, and at the same time, the energy and spirit on her body was also being absorbed by the evil emperor's relic little by little!



Seeing Zhu Yuyan's appearance, Houhou exclaimed in surprise.

Fu Junmao at the side watched Zhu Yuyan's changes, with a strong look of fear on his face.

Su Chen's eyes changed slightly, and he directly stepped forward to hold the Evil Emperor's relic with one hand, and then suddenly activated the energy-absorbing ability of Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue, and suddenly sucked the Evil Emperor's relic into his hand.

With the departure of the evil emperor's relic, Zhu Yuyan's aura stopped leaking out immediately, but her mental state did not recover for a while, and she still seemed a little confused. For a while, she seemed unable to tell whether it was illusion or reality.

"Master, are you alright?"

Seeing that Zhu Yuyan got rid of the evil emperor's relic, Houhou was still a little uneasy, so she took a step forward, expressing concern in her mouth.

Zhu Yuyan took a deep breath, recovered a little, shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

At this time, Zhu Yuyan also saw the evil emperor's relic in Su Chen's hands, she couldn't help but feel a little worried, and said to Houhou and Fu Junwei: "Go out first, stay away, so as not to be affected by the evil aura in the evil emperor's relic, I am here Watch Su Chen here, just in case."

"Yes, master," Houhou agreed, and then reminded Zhu Yuyan with some worry, "You and senior brother should be more careful, put your own safety first, and we will discuss the method of absorbing the essence of the evil emperor's relic later." It’s not too late to study slowly.”

"I know", Zhu Yuyan nodded slightly, responded with a sentence, and continued to pay attention to Su Chen's situation.

Fu Junwei was taken out of the stone room by Houhou.

At this time, Su Chen's eyes also had many fantasies, and there were countless familiar figures coming towards him to besiege and kill him!

Those figures included Yu Wenhuaji, Wanyan Honglie, Ding Mian, Fei Bin, Twelve Stars, Qiu Qianren, Li Chenzhou and so on.

It seemed that those people who were killed by Su Chen earlier had all been resurrected.

Although Su Chen knew that they were all fake, none of these figures were weak. Even Su Chen, facing the siege of these figures, seemed to be in a critical situation.

In fact, this is just Su Chen's battle in the spiritual world.

In other words, it was the remaining evil thoughts of the evil emperors in the evil emperor's relic, as well as those who were devoured by the evil emperor's relic, turned into a huge spiritual force, and launched an impact on Su Chen's spirit!

Occasionally, people who are close to him, such as Zhu Yuyan and Wan Hou, would even attack him.

At this time, what Zhu Yuyan saw in the stone room was that fine beads of sweat gradually ooze from Su Chen's forehead, and the whole person's spiritual will also became a mess!

"Su Chen, wake up!"

Seeing Su Chen's situation, Zhu Yuyan's expression changed slightly, and she yelled at Su Chen.

Su Chen seemed to have heard Zhu Yuyan's voice, and suddenly turned around and sent a suction force towards Zhu Yuyan!

In the next moment, Zhu Yuyan also came to Su Chen's side, and while making physical contact with Su Chen, her spiritual will seemed to fall into the same illusion.

Chapter 190 Rebel against Master and Disciple, Improve Your Cultivation! 【Seek full order】

However, in that illusion, Zhu Yuyan regarded Su Chen as Shi Zhixuan.

But this time, Shi Zhixuan was not deceiving her, but stayed with her in love and lived a happy life together.

The reason why Su Chen used the energy-absorbing power on Zhu Yuyan just now was because he regarded her as the person transformed from the enemy in the illusion.

As for Zhu Yuyan's reminder to him, it is more like the enemy's provocation to him!

However, after Su Chen made physical contact with Zhu Yuyan, his mind was suddenly sober, and he felt the difference from those hostile figures before.

Gradually, Su Chen suddenly recalled the previous situation, and the phantoms in front of him suddenly disappeared the moment he regained consciousness!

At this time, only Zhu Yuyan was left, leaning on Su Chen's body.

Su Chen is very clear that this is not a fantasy, but a real scene.

Su Chen inadvertently caught a glimpse of whiteness in front of his eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, but at the same time, a bright light flashed unavoidably.

"Cough cough", Su Chen coughed lightly, suppressed some thoughts in his heart, stretched out his hand to push Zhu Yuyan away, and shouted, "Master, wake up."

However, in Zhu Yuyan's eyes, the scene presented was quite different.

Next, Zhu Yuyan went too far, as if she couldn't help but swallow Su Chen in one gulp!

"Forget it..."

With a whisper in Su Chen's mouth, he waved a wave of true energy through the air, and locked the door of the stone room from the inside.

"Master, brother!"

Outside the stone chamber, Hou Hou saw the door of the stone chamber suddenly closed, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted towards the stone chamber.

However, no one paid any attention to her.

So, Wan Hou looked at Shi Zhixuan, and said sharply: "Shi Zhixuan, quickly find a way to open the Shimen!"

"I'll give it a try", Shi Zhixuan nodded in agreement when he heard Houhou's words, and then moved forward to push the door of the stone room.

However, even if Shi Zhixuan used all his strength, he still couldn't open the Shimen.

The three of them were outside the stone gate, their faces full of anxiety, but they were still helpless.

However, in the stone room, Su Chen and Zhu Yuyan are not in any danger, they are just a little tired.

Half an hour later, under the joint absorption of Su Chen and Zhu Yuyan, the evil emperor relic exploded into pieces with a "bang".

At this time, Zhu Yuyan finally regained consciousness.

Seeing the negative distance contact between herself and Su Chen, and smelling the strange smell in the stone room, Zhu Yuyan's complexion changed drastically.

"Bastard, you traitor, how could you treat me like this?"

Zhu Yuyan slammed her whole body's power, and slapped Su Chen's shoulder with a palm. At the same time, she retreated quickly, pulling a distance away from Su Chen, her expression fluctuating for a while.

"Pfft", Su Chen deliberately used his kung fu to make himself spit out a mouthful of blood, and then said to Zhu Yuyan, "Master, I'm sorry that this happened, but if you think about it, I can't do anything about the situation just now. How could I refuse Master?"

Seeing Su Chen vomit blood from being hit by her own palm, Zhu Yuyan's expression softened a little. At the same time, she also sensed the progress of her cultivation, from the middle stage of the Grand Master to the peak of the Grand Master!

"Shut up! Say no more!"

Hearing what Su Chen said, Zhu Yuyan thought about it carefully. Thinking of the previous situation, she couldn't help but blushed, and hurriedly shouted at Su Chen to stop.

"Cough cough", Su Chen looked injured, coughed, and continued, "Master should be very aware of his own charm. Under such circumstances, how could I have the willpower to refuse Master?"

When Su Chen read the original work in his previous life, he had a good impression of strange women like Zhu Yuyan.

At the beginning, Su Chen respected Zhu Yuyan more than other complex ideas, now that such a thing has happened, Su Chen also intends to make mistakes and continue.

Anyway, there is no blood relationship between him and Zhu Yuyan.

"No more!"

Upon hearing Su Chen's words, Zhu Yuyan's face flushed even more when she thought of her previous initiative. She shouted at Su Chen to stop her voice, but subconsciously, the excessive images just now appeared again in her mind.

"Okay, I don't want to say anything." Su Chen didn't continue to provoke Zhu Yuyan, and nodded in agreement.

Zhu Yuyan didn't know what to say for a while, and silently arranged her clothes.

But because she was too active and intense just now, her clothes had almost turned into pieces of rags, which made her feel even more embarrassed.

Seeing this, Su Chen said: "Master, I have a new set of clothes here. You can use them. This set of clothes can not only defend against enemy attacks, but also change the size, color, and style according to the owner's wishes. You don't have to worry about being seen by outsiders." What happened."

With that said, Su Chen directly took out an exquisite phoenix-tailed skirt and handed it to Zhu Yuyan.

Zhu Yuyan took the exquisite phoenix-tailed skirt from Su Chen, put it on without saying a word, and found that the style had not changed, so she asked, "How can I change the style?"

Su Chen said: "This kind of clothes is equivalent to a magic weapon, and it needs a drop of blood to recognize the owner. Master drips a drop of blood on it, and then thinks about the style and color of the clothes you like in your heart."

Zhu Yuyan couldn't help being a little skeptical when she heard this, it was the first time she had heard of this kind of clothes!

After pondering for a while, Zhu Yuyan still followed what Su Chen said, and soon discovered that the dress had really changed into the same style and color as her original clothes, even the size was exactly the same!

Seeing this, Zhu Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time was very shocked, "Where did you get this kind of precious clothes?"

Su Chen said nonsense: "I found this kind of treasure clothes in the treasures of Liancheng in the Southern Song Dynasty before."

Zhu Yuyan nodded when she heard the words, did not continue the topic, and said lightly: "What happened just now, you just pretend it never happened, and you are not allowed to mention it to anyone!"

Su Chen nodded and said: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely not tell others, at most I will only think about it in my heart."

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When Zhu Yuyan heard Su Chen say this, she jumped up like a cat with fur, and said, "Don't even think about it."

Su Chen said perfunctorily: "Okay, I don't want to. Master, let's go out first, otherwise I should worry."

"Wait a moment", Zhu Yuyan responded, quickly waved her hands, cleaned up the atmosphere in the stone room, and shook all the broken pieces of clothes into powder, buried them in the soil, and then said, "Okay .”

Seeing this, Su Chen shook his head with a smile, and with a wave of his hand, opened the door of the stone room from the inside.

"Master, brother, are you all right?"

Seeing Zhu Yuyan and Su Chen coming out, Houhou hurried forward and asked nervously.

Fu Junmao and Shi Zhixuan looked at Su Chen, seeing that he was fine, they let go of their worries.


At this moment, a dull impact sound suddenly rang in the ears of several people.

... 0 0

It was Shi Zhixuan, who was sent flying by Zhu Yuyan's palm, and hit the wall of the tunnel next to him, making a loud sound.

"Master? What's the matter? Have you discovered that Shi Zhixuan is harboring evil intentions?" Seeing this, Houhou couldn't help but change his face slightly, and moved closer to Zhu Yuyan, speaking vigilantly.

Fu Junmao also looked puzzled.

Su Chen, on the other hand, had some guesses in his heart.

Zhu Yuyan said coldly: "It's nothing, I just saw him unhappy and didn't believe that he was sincerely surrendering, so I took the initiative to teach him a lesson and test him by the way."

In fact, Zhu Yuyan's main purpose was to vent her anger on Shi Zhixuan.

Because in Zhu Yuyan's view, if it wasn't because she was deceived by Shi Zhixuan and had emotional flaws, the absurd scene in the stone room would not have happened before!

Shi Zhixuan was in a daze, because it was impossible for him to have two minds now.

In addition, he was quite surprised that Zhu Yuyan's strength surpassed him again.

Su Chen shook his head slightly, and said: "Master, don't worry, Shi Zhixuan won't have second thoughts. Let's go out first. Now that the matter of Duke Yang's treasure house has come to an end, it's time to focus all our efforts on the Jiangxi Rebel Army."

"let's go!"

Zhu Yuyan looked at Shi Zhixuan's complete obedience to Su Chen, although she was no longer suspicious, but from the bottom of her heart, she had a kind of contempt for him, and her original feelings for Shi Zhixuan seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

But at this time, in the bottom of her heart, a new figure quietly appeared.

Thinking of the identity of that figure, Zhu Yuyan couldn't help but look inexplicable, she dodged suddenly, and rushed out of Duke Yang's treasury.

Su Chen immediately took Houhou, Fu Junwei and Shi Zhixuan to the outside of Duke Yang's treasury.

When a group of people just went out of Yang Gong's treasure house, they were surprised to find that the exit of Yang Gong's treasure house had already been surrounded by people!knife.

Chapter 191 Cannibalism?Where is Fairy Master going? 【Please customize】

At a glance, there is a large area of ​​darkness, and it is actually a fully armed army that can't be seen at a glance!

Moreover, most of the soldiers in the army actually bent their bows and set up arrows, aiming at the entrance of Duke Yang's treasury. The cold arrows shone with a cold light under the sunlight, which made people shudder!

In the middle of the army, there is a big flag with a big "Li" written on it!

Under the banner, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a heroic aura, was sitting on the back of a horse.

This person is none other than the second son of the Li family, Li Shimin who is regarded by Ning Daoqi and Cihang Jingzhai as the man of destiny!

Beside Li Shimin, Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan were also sitting on horseback, quietly looking in the direction of the exit of Duke Yang's treasure house.

Surrounding the three of them, there were thousands of cavalry in black armor, with neat military appearances, who clearly looked like mighty troops.

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