It was Li Shimin who personally trained Xuanjia soldiers who had a great reputation on the battlefield!

"Second son, these are all people from the Demon Sect. The treasures in Duke Yang's treasury and the relics of the evil emperor have all fallen into their hands. Please order the second son to let the army take all his "three zeros" on the spot. Shoot!"

When Fan Qinghui saw Su Chen and his party appear, hatred flashed in his eyes, and he spoke out to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Master Fanzhai, please be safe and don't be impatient. Fighting without announcing it is not what the teacher of the king does."

After finishing speaking, Li Shimin said loudly in the direction of Su Chen and his party: "Everyone from the Demon Sect, listen up, you are all masters in the world, and it's okay for the evil emperor's relic to belong to you."

"However, the weapons and armor in Duke Yang's treasury are used to equip the army. It is useless for you to take it. Please leave it to me for the Li Clan to prepare the army, so that the chaos of the empire can be ended as soon as possible, and the people of the world can live and work in peace. The people of the world are very grateful .”

"In addition, if you are willing to cooperate with the Li family, the Li family also welcomes you to join."

When Fan Qinghui heard Li Shimin's words, she couldn't help but look a little ugly, but she didn't say anything.

Because, she knew very well that it was impossible for the people of the Demon Sect to support the Li Family together with Cihang Jingzhai!

The Li family has now been tied to Cihang Jingzhai's chariot, and it is simply wishful thinking to cooperate with Momen!

In fact, it is.

Hearing Li Shimin's words, Zhu Yuyan said coldly: "If the Li clan wants to cooperate with us, then kill Fan Qinghui and his disciples first to prove your sincerity!"

"As for the weapons and armor in Duke Yang's treasury, don't say we haven't seen them, even if we did get them, why did you give them to Li Clan? Do you think these troops can keep us? It's just fantastic!"

Li Shimin heard Zhu Yuyan's words, and said loudly: "In this way, the masters of the Demon Sect do not intend to cooperate with the Li Clan. In today's world of great controversy, either friends or enemies, if this is the case, then we have to offend ! Shoot the arrows!"

The last two words are naturally an order to the army under his command.

Hearing Li Shimin's order, the soldiers in the Li Clan's army immediately let go of the bowstring in their hands without hesitation!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

In the next moment, countless arrows turned into a rain of arrows, pierced the air, and shot towards Su Chen and his group!

"Go back to the treasure house first!"

Seeing this, Zhu Yuyan waved the ribbon to shoot down the flying arrows, and said loudly to Su Chen and others.

Su Chen didn't have any opinion on this, he just glanced at Li Shimin's position, and planned to take Houhou and Fu Junwei back into Yang Gong's treasure house.


At this moment, from the rear of Li Clan's army, there was a sudden scream of killing!


At the same time, the sound of galloping horseshoes came suddenly.

Su Chen followed the prestige, and saw a cavalry in black armor coming out of nowhere, wielding a saber in his hand, like a torrent of steel, he rushed into the Li Clan's army in an instant!

Immediately, chaos suddenly appeared in the rear of the Li Clan's army.

A large number of people and horses were killed by the cavalry wearing black armor, and many soldiers of the Li family trampled to death!

In particular, what puzzled the soldiers of the Li family was that the cavalry team that attacked them was exactly the same as the elite Xuanjia army under Li Shimin's command!

Some soldiers of the Li Clan couldn't help but have doubts in their hearts. Could it be that Li Shimin is going to kill them all of a sudden?

All of a sudden, the military spirit couldn't help being shaken.

Even Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan beside Li Shimin looked at Li Shimin inexplicably when they saw this scene.

Li Shimin himself couldn't help being confused at this time, what is the situation?

Why did the Xuanjia cavalry that I trained suddenly attack my army?

On the other side, when Su Chen saw this scene, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, and he thought to himself: This system reward will really be cashed out at the right time!

Thinking in his heart, Su Chen said to Zhu Yuyan: "Master, it seems that we don't need to retreat this time."

Seeing this scene, Zhu Yuyan was also a little puzzled, "What the hell is Li Clan doing?"

Su Chen casually knocked away a group of arrows that landed around them, and said with a smile: "The cavalry in the back was arranged by me secretly, and I deliberately made them dress up like the Xuanjia army under Li Shimin's command, just to confuse the Li family. .”

"Senior brother is really amazing, and there is such a trick. It seems that before entering the treasure house, you were on guard against the people of the Li clan!"

When Houhou heard Su Chen's words, he immediately praised Su Chen, and looked at Su Chen with splendor in his eyes.

Zhu Yuyan was once again shocked by Su Chen's methods.

Su Chen smiled and said: "I'm just in case. By the way, I have two defensive treasure clothes here, Houhou and Junyou, one for each of you. First recognize the master with a drop of blood, and then put it on." It can withstand the attacks of these arrows."

"Now that the reinforcements are here, let's take advantage of the chaos of the enemy army and go out to deal a heavy blow to the Li Clan!"

While speaking, Su Chen took out two exquisite phoenix-tailed skirts and handed them to Houhou and Fu Junwei respectively.  …

"Thank you brother (son)!"

Hou Hou and Fu Junmao took the Linglong Fengwei skirt and thanked Su Chen at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Yuyan at the side suddenly felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

"The two of you retreat to the treasury first and put on defensive treasure clothes. Su Chen and Shi Zhixuan, let's go inside the enemy army and assassinate more enemy generals to reduce the pressure on the reinforcements! If we can kill Li Shimin and Master Fan Qinghui , that would be the best!"

Zhu Yuyan's eyes flickered for a while, she suppressed the emotions in her heart, and said loudly to several people.

"Just do what Master says!"

When Su Chen heard the words, he immediately nodded in agreement.

Naturally, Wan Wan had no objections.

As for Shi Zhixuan and Fu Junmao, they are not qualified to give opinions.

At that moment, Su Chen, Zhu Yuyan, and Shi Zhixuan broke into the Li Clan's army on their own initiative.

Not long after, Houhou and Fu Junwei also joined in the melee.

When they all broke into the Li Clan's army formation, the arrows of the Li Clan's army immediately lost their power, and they could only use the soldiers' human shields to stop them.

Seeing the situation in the field, Li Shimin said to Fan Qinghui and his concubine Shi: "Master Fanzhai and Fairy Shi, I would like to ask you two to help intercept the people of the Demon Sect. I will lead the Xuanjia cavalry to repel the intruders as soon as possible." enemy!"

"it is good!"

When Fan Qinghui heard the words, he agreed without hesitation, and brought Shi Feixuan into the Li Clan's army formation.

However, she did not take Shi Feixuan to take the initiative to fight with Su Chen and the others, but was thinking about whether to leave directly.

Naturally, Li Shimin didn't know what Fan Qinghui was thinking. After seeing Fan Qinghui's master and apprentice enter the army formation, he personally commanded the 2.2 Xuanjia troops around him, and charged towards the cavalry team that was sneaking up behind [-]!

For a moment, the entire battlefield was in chaos.

The sound of shouting and killing resounded everywhere!

Although Li Shimin brought a thousand Xuanjia troops into the battle, he regained some of the situation, but he found that his Xuanjia army was not as powerful as that sneak attack army, and the opponent's troops were three of his Xuanjia troops. times.

It didn't take long for Li Shimin and his Xuanjia army to fall into a passive situation.

And those thumping Li Clan troops were already shaken by the surprise attack of the Xuanjia Army under Su Chen's command. After Su Chen and his party killed the generals in the army one after another, the army became even more chaotic.

Such an army is naturally not enough to look at in front of the elite Xuanjia army.

Although the number of Xuanjia Army was much smaller, it gradually began to gain the upper hand.

Seeing this, Fan Qinghui immediately made up his mind to leave, and immediately took Shi Feixuan with him, intending to leave the battlefield quietly.

"Master Fanzhai, Fairy Master, where are you going?"

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly appeared next to Fan Qinghui's master and apprentice, and chuckled softly.

Chapter 192 Scourge Comes?Another draw! 【Seek full order】

"Feixuan, you go first! Remember to go to the Jingnian Temple and invite Master Kong to come forward and call on the world's martial arts to eliminate demons together!"

Seeing that Su Chen was blocking her way, Fan Qinghui immediately made up her mind to die, and confessed her last words to Concubine Shixuan.


Concubine Shixuan heard the meaning of Fan Qinghui's words, her expression changed involuntarily, she let out a sad voice, and couldn't bear to leave.


Fan Qinghui yelled, and at the same time, he mobilized his whole body's strength in one place, his body was like a cannonball, and he slammed towards Su Chen fiercely.

Seeing this, Concubine Shixuan gritted her silver teeth, and finally turned her head suddenly, and rushed towards the periphery of the battlefield.

"Master Fan Zhai, why do you want to seek death?"

When Su Chen saw Fan Qinghui's movements, he couldn't help smiling, and at the same time, with a thought, the Heavenly Demon's soul-stirring method suddenly activated.

Immediately, Fan Qinghui's thoughts became involuntary, her body movements also stopped abruptly, and she landed on the same spot, standing there with a sluggish face.

Su Chen walked out with the electric light under his feet, and instantly came to Shi Feixuan's side, slapped 08 on Shi Feixuan a few times, and quickly restrained all the acupuncture points around her body.

Afterwards, Su Chen did the same thing to Fan Qinghui, and left the two of them aside for the time being, but continued to join the battlefield.

"Fengshen is angry!"

Su Chen suddenly let out a loud shout, and at the same time, the Lingshuang sword in his hand swept down fiercely towards the formation of the Li clan's army!

In the next moment, behind Su Chen, a huge phantom of Fengshen seemed to appear suddenly.

With a roar from the mouth of the Fengshen, he mobilized a violent hurricane in an instant, and blew it towards Li Clan's army.

At the same time, the terrifying sword energy emitted by the Lingshuang Sword in Su Chen's hand also slashed towards Li Clan's army together with the hurricane!

In the next moment, I saw a strong wind flying, and the terrifying hurricane directly blew many soldiers of the Li clan into the sky, and the terrifying sword energy mixed with it left countless scars on countless soldiers!


All of a sudden, on the battlefield, countless soldiers of the Li Clan let out bursts of painful cries almost at the same time.

And countless soldiers were directly torn to pieces by the violent hurricane and terrifying sword energy!

Amidst the wailing, severed limbs and arms were scattered everywhere!

Then, Su Chen successively displayed the Vulcan's Fury, Thunder God's Fury, and Electric God's Fury among the Four Elephants of Heaven's Will!

All of a sudden, on the entire battlefield, the Li Clan's army was continuously devastated by wind and fire, and even thunder and lightning struck, turning many Li Clan soldiers into coke!

The generals of the Li clan were shaken by the attack of the Xuanjia army, and Su Chen and his party continued to kill the generals of the Li clan, which made the army formation extremely chaotic.

And when Su Chen used the four major moves of the Four Elephants Jue of Heaven's Will, all the soldiers of the Li Clan on the entire battlefield have completely collapsed!

Especially Thunder God's Wrath and Electric God's Wrath made countless soldiers of the Li Clan feel that they had been punished by God!

Seeing the comrades around him being bombarded into coke by lightning, the remaining soldiers of the Li clan completely lost their will to fight.

"Ah, God has punished you, run away!"

"We can't continue fighting any longer, we are defying the destiny!"

"Everyone, run for your life!"


Countless soldiers of the Li Clan fled in all directions while shouting loudly!

Li Shimin called desperately, wanting to restore the morale of the army, but unfortunately he couldn't do it at all.

Even the Xuanjia Army under his command was on the verge of collapse in the face of what seemed like a divinely punished attack.

Although he still has a little sense of protection, he also doesn't have the slightest desire to fight.

At the same time, the morale of the Xuanjia army under Su Chen's command not only did not decrease, but was high-spirited, constantly killing the soldiers of the Li Clan, killing them to the point where they were powerless to fight back!

Defeat like a mountain!

Not long after, Li Shimin's tens of thousands of troops were completely defeated.

"Second Young Master, we can't hold on any longer, let's retreat!"

Beside Li Shimin, the generals of the Xuanjia Army saw that the defeat was over, so they tried to persuade Li Shimin.

"Why is this happening? This son is destined by heaven, how could there be any punishment from heaven? Why did such a battle fail?"

Li Shimin couldn't help doubting himself at this time.

Since the Li Clan raised troops, Li Shimin led the army to fight, and it has always been unfavorable, and has never failed.

He never imagined that at the beginning, tens of thousands of people acted against Su Chen and the others, but it turned into the current situation!

His tens of thousands of troops, in a short while, were completely defeated and turned into nothing!

This is definitely a huge blow to Li Shimin!

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