Hearing Shi Feixuan's words, Buan couldn't help but look at Su Chen a few more times, and then asked in a deep voice, "Then what is the purpose of Mr. Su's visit to Jingnian Temple this time?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Actually, you have already guessed it in your heart, haven't you? Just as you have thought in your heart, I came to Jingnian Temple just for the treasure handed down from ancient times and Choi!"

When the four Bu'an brothers heard the words, their expressions immediately changed, and their vigilance was raised to the peak.

Buan said in a deep voice: "If the benefactor came here for this, please go back. If there is no sage king who is destined to return to this world, He Shibi will not be born."

Su Chen said lightly: "I'm just informing you, not asking for your opinions. This He's Bi, I am determined to win it! You'd better not be a car with your arms, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless! As for the destiny, you How do you know that the destiny will not belong to me?"

"Amitabha! The Man of Destiny has already been doomed, Mr. Su, please go back!" Hearing Su Chen's words, Bu Chen was unmoved and continued to dissuade him.

Su Chen sneered and said: "If you want me to leave, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

When the sound fell, Su Chen waved his right palm directly, and with a move of Tathagata's divine palm, he blatantly bombarded Bu'an!

Following Su Chen's palm strike, a golden Buddha figure suddenly appeared in the night sky!

The golden Buddha waved his palm, and a palm print glowing with golden light suddenly descended from the sky, pressing down fiercely towards Buchen!

"Buddha has appeared!"

In the Jingnian Temple, many ordinary disciples didn't know the truth. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help being surprised.

Many ordinary disciples even knelt down on the ground and began to salute the golden Buddha shadow sincerely!

Even the abbot of the Jingnian Temple in the copper hall couldn't help but look up at this time, and looked at the golden Buddha shadow in the sky through the hole on the top of the copper hall.

However, like the four people who are not angry, not ignorant, not greedy, and not afraid, they naturally understand that this is just the effect of Su Chen's advanced martial arts.

Even so, the four of them still had rather ugly faces at this time, and they all displayed their unique skills to meet the golden palm print that fell from the sky!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

However, the counterattack of the four of them didn't seem to have any effect on the giant golden palm. They were directly hit by the terrifying golden palm print and fell to the ground respectively!

Seeing this, a group of monks behind the four of them changed their expressions drastically, and stepped forward one after another, attacking Su Chen.


Seeing this, Su Chen shook his head slightly and sneered.

At the same time, stepping out with one step, the sky and the earth seem to have lost other colors, only black and white are left!

The dozens of monks who attacked Su Chen all became extremely old in an instant, their vitality and blood were decaying, and their skin was wrinkled, like washed paper!


Then, Su Chen let go of his aura, and the terrifying aura directly knocked out all the monks in the Jingnian Temple.

All of them were sluggish, and those who were unlucky were killed on the spot!

This was the effect of Su Chen's unique skill of eclipse, and it was Su Chen's random blow, and he didn't use much real energy.

Seeing this scene, the Four Vajras who are not angry, ignorant, greedy, and fearful suddenly felt their eyes tear apart, but they had nothing to do with Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't bother to talk to them, so he swung his palm, easily opened the gate of the copper hall, and stepped into the copper hall.

Of course, Fu Junmao followed Su Chen closely, and Shi Feixuan looked at the miserable conditions of the monks in the Jingnian Temple on the ground a little bit, gritted her teeth and followed Su Chen's pace.

"Master Liaokong, do you want to keep He's Bi, or Jingnian Temple?"

After entering the copper hall, Su Chen took a look at Monk Liao Kong, who was sitting cross-legged in the copper hall, with a dignified treasure appearance, and asked lightly.

Chapter 195 When He's Bi is in hand, there will be another lucky draw, news from Dayuan 【Please order】

Monk Liao Kong heard the words, his expression flickered, and he couldn't help looking at Shi Feixuan beside Su Chen, as if asking her what Cihang Jingzhai meant.

Concubine Shixuan saw Kong and looked at herself, and quickly said: "Uncle Kong, my master has reached an agreement with Mr. Su for the time being. End the war in the Sui Empire in different directions, and finally have a showdown to determine the ownership of the empire!"

Monk Liaokong nodded slightly when he heard the words, then stood tall, stepped aside, and pointed in the direction of a copper table behind him.

I saw a pure white and flawless jade seal with shining precious light, which was placed on the copper table without any contention with the world.

The seal is engraved with the pattern of five dragons intertwined.

This is the eternal treasure and Choi that countless people dream of!

At this moment, there is a faint green fluorescent light escaping from the He's Bi.

But anyone who sees the green fluorescence on He's Bi and feels the breath of He's Bi will become calm.

Su Chen smiled slightly, "It seems that Master Liao Kong made a wise choice."

Monk Liaokong didn't express anything when he heard Su Chen's words, and he still stood there calmly.

After the sound fell, Su Chen directly stepped forward, stretched out his hand - and grabbed He's Bi.

Suddenly, an indescribable coldness poured into his body through Su Chen's palm.

Su Chen didn't resist, and let the icy air travel through his body.

At the same time, Su Chen used the Chaos Gui Yuan Jue to temporarily transform the true energy in his body into scorching hot air, but instead of fighting against the cold air of He Shibi, he exchanged the two streams of hot air and cold air in his body. intertwined.

Although Su Chen's cultivation was many times stronger than Xu Ziling's in the original book, the cold energy gushing out from He's Bi was also huge, enough to balance with the true energy in Su Chen's body, and even tended to overwhelm it.

With the passage of time, Su Chen felt that the meridians in his body were gradually expanded by more than doubled by the continuous running of the two breaths.

At the same time, countless strange scenes kept appearing in his mind.

The sky is full of stars, the vast void, a realm that is so strange that it cannot be described.

Time and space extend infinitely.

Su Chen's perception of the heaven and the earth is also much clearer, and the whole person seems to be gradually integrated with the heaven and the earth.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Chen felt that there was no longer any cold air pouring into He's Bi, and his body no longer felt the slightest cold feeling. Instead, it seemed that all the meridians of his body were bathed in the warm sunshine. Not very comfortable.

At the same time, his altar became clear.

When Su Chen was absorbing the energy of the evil emperor's relic before, he was more or less contaminated with some of the negative aura left by the evil emperors of the past, but this time it was completely wiped out.

And Su Chen even felt that his spiritual realm seemed to have been improved to a certain extent.

"It's a good feeling", after sensing his current situation, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a little satisfied.

Although he didn't improve his cultivation this time, it brought a lot of benefits to his future cultivation path.

With a thought in his mind, Su Chen directly took He's Bi into the system space.

At this moment, the familiar reminder voice from the system sounded in his mind again.

[Ding, the host has collected lucky items and Choi, and will get a chance to draw a lottery! 】

"Smoked it!"

Hearing the prompt from the system, Su Chen immediately gave the system a lottery drawing command from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as Su Chen's order was given, the familiar lottery roulette appeared in front of him again, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

Soon, when the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the system's familiar lottery notification sound sounded again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, you got [-] red cannons!Comes with [-] rounds of shells! 】

Huh, it turned out to be a cannon in red?

Hearing the content of the system's rewards, Su Chen couldn't help being a little surprised, but also a little disappointed.

After all, the manufacturing blueprints for the red cannons already exist. Su Chen has already ordered Du Fuwei to arrange for people to build a firearms workshop and start producing red cannons. One hundred red cannons can be manufactured sooner or later.

This time directly drawing the red cannon, it seems that the effect is not so great.

However, it's not too bad.

After all, one hundred red cannons, plus ten thousand rounds of shells, is enough to decide the outcome of a war with an army of 10,000+!

Su Chen took a brief look at the red cannons and shells in the system space, then restrained his thoughts, and said to Monk Kong:

"I took Heshibi away. Since the Jingnian Temple is an outside force, Master Liaokong should lead the disciples in the temple to recite scriptures and worship Buddha. As for the affairs of the Jianghu and the court, it is better not to participate. It is my sincere advice. Farewell!"

After the sound fell, Su Chen turned around and walked out of the copper hall.

Fu Junmao naturally followed without hesitation.

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Concubine Shixuan saluted Monk Kong again, said goodbye, and then hurriedly followed Su Chen and Fu Junmao.

Soon, Su Chen took Fu Junmao and Shi Feixuan out of the Jingnian Temple and returned to Luoyang City all the way.

Su Chen planned to stay in Luoyang City for one night first, and continue his journey to Jiangxi the next day to see how the rebel war led by Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling was going.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, after the three of Su Chen had breakfast in the inn, they left Luoyang City, intending to head towards Jiangxi.

Not long after the three of them left the city, Su Chen frowned slightly and stayed where he was.

"Sir, what's wrong?"

Seeing Su Chen stop, Fu Junmao couldn't help asking.

Shi Feixuan on the side also looked at Su Chen with a little puzzlement in her eyes.


Su Chen said: "Someone is looking for me, just wait."

Not long after Su Chen's words fell, Fu Junmao and Shi Feixuan saw a big man in a black suit galloping towards them, and soon reached the three of them.

"Subordinate Zhu Hu, see you son!"

After seeing Su Chen, the big man quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted respectfully.

But this person is Zhu Hu, one of Zhang Han's capable subordinates among the shadow guards whom Su Chen has met several times.

"Get up, what's the matter?"

Su Chen replied casually, and then asked aloud.

"Thank you sir!"

Zhu Hu thanked Su Chen, then got up and stood aside, respectfully said, "My lord, the Shadow Secret Guard recently got the news that the Yuan army suddenly launched an attack in the territory of the Great Yuan Empire and wiped out the Kunlun faction. Now there are ten Wan Dajun is approaching the Bright Summit of Mingjiao's main altar, intending to destroy Mingjiao!"

Hearing Zhu Hu's news, Su Chen couldn't help frowning slightly.

He did not expect that there would be a [-] army besieging Mingjiao.

Suddenly, Su Chen thought of the prize drawn yesterday, and his heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the system can know things thousands of miles away, so that it can't win the red cannon on purpose?

Su Chen threw out the sudden thoughts in his head, and said calmly: "I see, I will rush back to Guangmingding to deal with this matter as soon as possible. In addition, I still have something for you to do here."

"I don't know what it is, please tell me, my lord, my subordinates will definitely take care of it for you." Zhu Hu hurriedly clasped his fists in a salute when he heard the words, and said respectfully with a saber in his mouth.

Chapter 196 A Hundred Thousand Army Surrounds the Ming Cult, and Miracles Appear!

Su Chen said: "You can help me deliver a few letters to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling in Jiangxi, as well as Shi Zhixuan and Helian Ba ​​in the Lianghu area, and Du Fuwei in the Jianghuai area."

"Subordinates obey!"

When Zhu Hu heard Su Chen's words, he immediately agreed to speak out without any hesitation.

Su Chen immediately took out a pen and paper, wrote a few letters and handed them to Zhu Hu, asking him to rush to deliver the letters.

Afterwards, Su Chen took Fu Junmao and Shi Feixuan to the Great Yuan Empire, the main altar of the Ming Sect, the Bright Summit.

at the same time.

In the Great Yuan Empire, the main altar of Mingjiao is the Bright Summit.

Above the Da Guangming Hall, Yang Xiao stood on the stone steps below the leader's throne, and further down, Fan Yao, Dai Qisi, Wei Yixiao, Zhuang Zheng, Yin Yewang, and the flag envoy of the Five Elements Banner stood in silence. in the hall.

Yang Xiao looked around, and said loudly: "Master Zhuang, I wonder if the Five Elements flags can all be in place now?"

Zhuang Zheng said: "Elder Yang, don't worry, the brothers of the Five Elements Banner are all in place, and the main roads around Guangmingding have been fully arranged, and they can "three one seven" go into battle at any time, and swear to defend Mingjiao to the death."

Yang Xiao nodded slightly when he heard the words, and continued: "Now that a hundred thousand troops are besieging Mingjiao, the situation is even more critical than the last battle with the six sects. I wonder if you have any strategies to retreat from the enemy?"

Fan Yaodao: "I heard that the commander of the Yuan army this time is Zha Yadu, the eldest son of the Seventh Prince of the Great Yuan Empire. As far as I know, this person is very obsessed with Princess Shaomin of Ruyang Palace, and has always wanted to marry Princess Shaomin. .”

"This time, maybe he used his power for personal gain and came here to avenge Princess Shaomin. If we can kill Zha Yadu, the army will be leaderless, and we may be able to retreat."

Wei Yixiao chuckled and said, "I'm good at this, why don't you let me sneak into the Yuan army's camp and kill that prince."

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