Dai Qisi said: "Although fourth brother Wei is excellent in lightness kungfu, there may not be no masters in the Yuan Dynasty. The previous Princess Shaomin was able to bring along a group of masters such as the second elder Xuanming. This prince Zha Yadu may have masters Only strong but not weak."

"In case Fourth Brother Wei breaks into the Yuan army's camp and is discovered, he will be surrounded by large armies. I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape."

Yang Xiao nodded and said: "What Dai Qisi said is correct, Hall Master Wei must not act impulsively. However, if we can lure Zha Yadu out of the Yuan army camp, even if he has expert guards, we all can join forces to perform decapitation. action."

King Yin Ye said: "Before the leader left, he once said that if the Mingjiao encounters a strong enemy, they can ask for help from the Lingjiu Palace in Tianshan. Why don't we send people to the Lingjiu Palace and ask the leader's wife to send the congregants of the Xiaoyao Sect to come from the rear? Harass the Yuan army."

"If it wasn't for the fact that the power gang in the Southern Song Dynasty was too far away, you could send a letter asking my father to lead the power gang to attack the Yuan army from the side."

Yang Xiaodao: "What Captain Yin said is reasonable, let's do it this way, we will use a three-pronged approach, sending people to Xiaoyao to send a letter of help, while sending people to Da Sui to find the leader, and at the same time try to delay time and try to lure Zha Yadu Get out of the Yuan army camp."

"I agree with Elder Yang's opinion." After Yang Xiao finished speaking, Fan Yao was the first to agree.

Afterwards, others also agreed.

In a short time, they couldn't think of any other better way.

After the plan has been decided, the group of people should start to act separately.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the top of the light became solemn again.

On the other side, Su Chen took Fu Junmao and Shi Feixuan, and directly displayed the technique of flying with the sword, and rushed towards the Bright Summit of the Mingjiao General Altar like lightning!

Shi Feixuan and Fu Junmao stood in front of and behind Su Chen respectively, feeling the breeze blowing on their faces and the joy of flying freely. They were both shocked and very comfortable in their hearts.

If you can roam the sky in such a peaceful way all the time, don't bother with any battles in the rivers and lakes, and belong to the world, maybe it is a very good life.

Such a thought suddenly popped up in Shi Feixuan's heart.

Looking at Su Chen who was almost stuck to her chest, and thinking of what Master Fan Qinghui told her to feed the demon with her body, Shi Feixuan couldn't help but feel faint ripples in her heart.

Su Chen didn't seem to notice the changes in Shi Feixuan, and he was still flying with the sword in a leisurely manner.

Although Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Great Sui Empire, is thousands of miles away from the Mingjiao Guangming Peak of the Great Yuan Empire.

But Su Chen's Yujian flew at an extremely fast speed.

In just half a day, the three of Su Chen had already reached the Bright Summit.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Yang Xiao, Fan Yao and others, Su Chen brought Fu Junmao and Shi Feixuan's two daughters Yujian down from the sky and landed on the Bright Summit!

After landing, Concubine Shixuan blushed slightly, and hurriedly avoided some distance to one side, but her heart was still beating non-stop.

In addition to being shocked by Yujian's flight, Fu Junmao admired Su Chen, but she didn't think too much about it.

"My subordinates see the leader!"

Seeing Su Chen's return, Yang Xiao, Fan Yao, and Dai Qisi, the three high-level officials who stayed at Guangmingding, hurried forward and knelt down on one knee, saluting respectfully.

"Get up!"

Su Chen gave a little support to the three of them, and said softly.

"Thank you, Hierarch", the three of them respectfully thanked each other upon hearing the words, then stood up and stood aside.

Su Chen looked at Yang Xiao and the other three and said, "Dai Qisi is going to deliver an order to let Wei Yixiao, Zhuang Zheng, Wu Sanren and the envoy of the Five Elements Banner all come to the Great Light Hall to meet me. I have something to explain."

"Subordinates obey!"

Dai Qisi respectfully agreed, and then turned to deliver the order.

Su Chen, together with Yang Xiao and Fan Yao, went to the Great Bright Hall 0  …

As for Fu Junmei and Shi Feixuan, they naturally followed Su Chen.

When Dai Qisi went to deliver Su Chen's order, Zhou Dian and the others still found it a bit unbelievable at first.

After all, they were still negotiating half a day ago, and asked someone to find Su Chen to come back. I don't know if the person sent out has left Kunlun Mountain, but Su Chen came back!

However, they also knew that Dai Qisi would not dare to falsely preach the order of the lord, so they all went to the Great Light Hall.

When they saw Su Chen sitting high on the throne of the leader in the Great Light Hall, they immediately lost their doubts and saluted Su Chen respectfully, so there was no need to mention it.

After the high-level members of the Mingjiao gathered and finished their salutes, Su Chen said loudly: "During my absence, everyone who stayed at the Mingjiao main altar has worked hard."

"The leader's words are serious, this is our part's responsibility!"

When everyone heard the words, they hurriedly spoke out in unison.

Then, Yang Xiao reported to Su Chen what had happened in Mingjiao during this period of time.

Of course, the [-] troops besieged Mingjiao.

In the end, Yang Xiao clasped his fists to Su Chen and said, "Forgive me, the leader. The subordinates who stayed behind at the main altar of Mingjiao are not enough to repel the invading enemies. I really feel ashamed of my trust in the leader."

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words: "This statement is wrong. This Yuan army took advantage of its large number of people and launched a surprise attack to separate the main altar of Mingjiao from the rebels everywhere. It was something that no one could have expected. What's wrong with you guys?"

"However, since these Yuan troops dare to attack my Mingjiao, I will naturally entertain them well, so that the dignitaries of the Great Yuan Empire will have a good memory and know who can't be provoked!"

"Master Kamui!"

Yang Xiao and other 2.2 people heard Su Chen's words, and they all bowed and flattered.

Su Chen stopped the crowd with a wave of his hand, and then continued: "This time to retreat from the enemy, we mainly rely on the brothers in the battle hall. This seat has a set of sharp weapons for attacking the enemy. Later, the battle hall will call 500 people from the Raging Fire Banner to receive this sharp weapon, and become familiar with using it as soon as possible.”

"Subordinates obey!"

When Zhuang Zheng and the envoy of the Five Elements Flag heard Su Chen's words, they immediately clasped their fists in a salute, and responded respectfully.

Then Su Chen gave a few words to everyone, and asked Lie Huo Banner to call the envoy.

Soon, the manpower of Lie Huo Qi was summoned, and Su Chen brought all the high-level members of the Ming Cult to the square in front of the Great Bright Hall.

Su Chen looked around, and didn't make everyone wait any longer. He moved his mind slightly, and took out a hundred red cannons and [-] shells from the system space.

Seeing that Su Chen miraculously took out a hundred cannons and the dense shells, everyone in the Ming Cult was beyond shocked! .

Chapter 197 Shouting out loud, earth-shattering! 【Seek full order】

"Long live the leader!"

After a long while, the five hundred disciples of Liehuoqi in the square, as well as other ordinary congregants, shouted loudly, and their voices were full of reverence for Su Chen!

At this moment, no other language seems to be able to express their respect for Su Chen, and only this simple sentence can make many Mingjiao followers express their surging feelings!

Not only the ordinary believers, but even Yang Xiao, Fan Yao, Dai Qisi, Wei Yixiao, Zhuang Zheng, and Wu Sanren and other high-level members of Mingjiao were shocked, and their awe of Su Chen was much stronger!

Even Shi Feixuan, who was at the side, was greatly shocked at this time, and couldn't help but feel a strange emotion towards Su Chen.

Su Chen stretched out his hands flatly, and then pressed them down slightly.

The next moment, the square was silent!

Everyone looked at Su Chen, waiting for him to give orders.

Su Chen smiled and said: "I already understand everyone's intentions. But right now, our most important thing is to destroy the Yuan Ting army who dare to invade my Ming Cult."

"The hundred cannons in front of me are a new type of cannon with great lethality, called the red cannon. Next, I will teach it to the head of the battle hall, Zhuang Zheng, and the envoy of the Five Elements Banner, Lihuo Banner, Xin Ran. Then, they teach more brothers how to use artillery."

"Thank you, Master!"

When everyone in the Five Elements Banner heard the words 08, they all expressed their thanks to Su Chen.

Su Chen waved his hand to stop them, and then began to teach Zhuang Zheng and others how to use the red cannon.

Yang Xiao, Fan Yao and other high-ranking members of the Ming Cult naturally began to learn from the sidelines.

In fact, the operation method of the red cannon is very simple, and several people quickly mastered it.

In the next few days, they went to teach the five hundred disciples of Raging Fire Banner, and they didn't stop teaching until they mastered it.

When the Mingjiao people were practicing using the red cannons on the top of the light, in the camp of the Yuan army, they were also discussing and preparing to attack Mingjiao!

In the big tent of the Yuan army camp, the prince's son Zha Yadu sat on the head seat, looked at the generals of the Yuan army in the tent, and said loudly:

"Damn Mingjiao, you have repeatedly organized rebels to resist the rule of our Great Yuan Empire. Some time ago, Mingjiao even killed your generalissimo, the daughter of King Ruyang, who is also my fiancée Princess Shaomin. They are provoking my Great Yuan Empire!"

"This Commander orders you to come up with an offensive strategy as soon as possible, level the Bright Summit of the Ming Cult Headquarters, and capture Su Chen, the leader of the Ming Cult, alive. This Commander will tear him into pieces and avenge Princess Shaomin and the sacrificed imperial troops! "

"At the same time, we must warn all the forces in the Dayuan territory, and let them keep their law and order! This commander wants everyone in the world to know that whoever dares to oppose me, Dayuan, will have a dead end!"

After Zha Yadu finished speaking, all the generals of Yuan army in the big tent of the Chinese army started to talk to each other.

Among them, there are not only flattery to Zha Yadu, but also severe criticism of Mingjiao. As for the offensive strategy, the final conclusion is very simple: the troops are divided into four groups, advancing layer by layer from four directions, and everyone in Mingjiao , all in one sweep, and kill them all the way to Guangmingding!

In this world of comprehensive martial arts, the military strength of the Great Yuan Empire is the strongest among the five great empires.

At the same time, they look down on the Han people very much!

In their view, there is no difficulty at all for an army of [-] to wipe out a power in the Jianghu. Why do they need to carefully study any detailed battle plan?

Just grind and kill all the way up!

Just like the Kunlun faction that was wiped out by them not long ago!

Zha Yadu himself did not have any talent for war, and he had a similar mentality to most people in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, so he directly agreed to the strategy of a [-]-strong army advancing in an all-round way.

Soon, the [-] troops of the Yuan Army camp marched forward in a mighty manner, divided into four groups, and started from the foot of Guangmingding Mountain with a high-spirited aura, and ran towards the Ming Cultists!

As for Zha Yadu, he followed on horseback among the most powerful Eastern Route Army.

Beside Zha Yadu, there are still many martial arts masters following and protecting him.

Among these martial arts masters, the leader is a lama with a majestic body and gray eyebrows, wearing a red outer and inner yellow lama cassock!

This person is the number one master of Dayuan Tantric Sect, the senior brother of Jinlun Dharma King Hongri Dharma King!

Beside the Red Sun Dharma King, there is also a white-haired man with a waist and a flute and a strange face, and a woman with a beautiful face and a vicious vibe surrounded by a ribbon.

These two people are from the magician's palace, the number one force in the Yuan Dynasty, and they are also the two guardians of the magician's palace.

The evil man is the "white-haired" Liu Yaozhi, and the seductive woman is the "beauty" Hua Jieyu.

Behind the three, there are more than a dozen Mongolian warriors, who are the guards provided by Zha Yadu's father, the Seventh Prince, on weekdays.

"The Dharma king and the two protectors, after killing the Bright Peak, if you encounter a master of the Ming Cult, you will have to rely on the three of them."

Zha Yadu followed the army on horseback and said to the Red Sun Dharma King and the white-haired Hongyan.

"White-haired" Liu Yaozhi heard the words and said with a smile: "Don't worry, little prince, I will definitely do my best to wipe out Mingjiao rebellion for him."

"Beauty" Hua Jieyu said with a smile, "Young Lord, don't always look so sad. It hurts me so much. Don't worry, none of Mingjiao's rebellion will escape this time! But I heard that Mingjiao's new leader looks very good." Handsome, before killing him, can I let the servants play first?"

Looking at Hua Jieyu Fang Lang's appearance, Zha Yadu couldn't help frowning slightly, and said lightly: "I just want to destroy everyone in the Mingjiao, and the leader of the Mingjiao wants to tear him into thousands of pieces, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart Just don’t go too far with Flower Protector.”

"Hehehe, little prince, don't worry, I will definitely not miss your business." Hua Jieyu responded with a smile in his mouth when he heard the words.

Dharma King Hongri clasped his hands together, and said in a deep voice: "Since the poor monk has agreed to the Seventh Prince, he will naturally complete the matter of destroying the Ming Sect for the young prince, and my disciple also died at the hands of the Ming Sect leader Su Chen. That disciple took revenge."

The disciple of Dharma King Red Sun was none other than Master Lingzhi who was invited by Wanyan Honglie, the Sixth King of Jin Kingdom, to help him!


Just when Zha Yadu and Hong Ri Dharma King 317 were brazenly talking about destroying the Ming Cult, suddenly a deafening voice rang out from the top of the Bright Summit!




Afterwards, there were roaring sounds from all directions of the Guangmingding at the same time.

The surrounding voices are connected together, and the momentum is earth-shattering!

People can't help but worry a little, whether the Kunlun Mountains will be directly collapsed!


"It hurts to death!"



In the next instant, the four Yuan army teams let out screams at the same time.

There are also countless stumps and broken arms, flying all over the sky!

In just a short moment, among the four Yuan army teams, there was a scene of chaos at the same time!

"what happened?"

Zha Yadu listened to the earth-shattering voice and saw the chaos in the Eastern Route Army, his expression changed drastically, and he let out an angry voice.

However, no one could answer his question.

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