"Send someone to the front to ask General Tomley, what happened?"

In desperation, Zha Yadu had no choice but to order the guards around him to go to the front to inquire about the situation.

"It's not good, General Tomley was killed by artillery!"

At this moment, a miserable cry came.

Hearing the voice of the messenger, Zha Yadu suddenly trembled and his face turned pale.


At this moment, there was a sudden cry of killing from behind the Yuan army!

Hearing the shout of killing, Zha Yadu's expression changed drastically.

Chapter 198 I killed too many people, I will be a good person today!

Zha Yadu yelled loudly: "A Jianghu force in the Mingjiao area, where did the artillery come from? There is also the rear of the army, how can there be enemies? Can the people of the Mingjiao fly to the back?"

However, no one could give him an answer to Zha Yadu's angry roar.

The Red Sun Dharma King frowned and said: "Young Lord, please calm down for a while. The most urgent thing is to stabilize the army as soon as possible, find out the enemy's situation, and then decide how to deal with it."

Zha Ya heard the words, took a deep breath, and then, under the protection of the Red Sun Dharma King, Hongyan Baifa and others, began to stabilize the situation of the Eastern Route Army.

However, the Yuan army was first blindfolded by the sudden artillery, and then the commander was killed, and there were enemy attacks in the rear, so the army's morale had long been confused.

Zha Yadu didn't have any military talent, how could it be so easy to stabilize the army in a short period of time?

At this time, on the main roads leading to Guangmingding, red-clothed cannons had been set up long ago, and the congregation with Raging Fire Banners stood beside the red-clothed cannons, firing shells one after another. It can take away the lives of a large number of Yuan troops!

Seeing the results brought by the red-clothed cannon, the high-ranking members of the Ming Cult were all beaming with joy, while Shi Feixuan was quite solemn in her heart.

At this time, she couldn't help thinking how many red cannons Su Chen still had. If the forces supported by Cihang Jingzhai were in the Sui Empire, how would they resist the attack of the red cannons when the forces supported by Cihang Jingzhai faced the enemy against the rebel army controlled by Su Chen? ?

Suddenly, Su Chen noticed the sound of shouting and killing coming from the rear of the Dayuan Army's East Route Army, and sensed the identity of the person who came, his brows could not help but slightly raised.

"Everyone, the reinforcements of the Xiaoyao faction have arrived, and they have launched an attack on the Yuan army from the rear. We will also work harder to break the formation of the Yuan army as soon as possible, and then lead the brothers to kill and join the reinforcements of the Xiaoyao faction!"


When everyone heard Su Chen's words, they quickly responded respectfully, and continued to direct the congregation of the Raging Fire Banner to launch crazy artillery attacks on the Yuan army's four-way army!

Half an hour later, under the bombardment of the artillery fire, the Yuan army's four-way army suddenly became a mess, without the courage to fight again.

The general of the North Route Army, just like the reward of the East Route Army, died under the gunfire very unluckily.

The generals of the West Route Army and the South Route Army, with their remnants and defeated generals, retreated directly down the mountain without pleading for orders from Zha Yadu.

"Brothers, the enemy army has been terrified by us! Now there are more reinforcements from the Xiaoyao Sect to support us in the rear. Everyone, follow me, go down the mountain and kill all these Tartars¨¨!"

Su Chen saw that the Yuan army was retreating, and the overall situation was settled, so he loudly gave instructions to the Mingjiao believers on the top of the light.

"Kill all the Tartars!"

"Kill all the Tartars!"

"Kill all the Tartars!"


When the Mingjiao disciples heard Su Chen's words, their fighting spirit was immediately high, and at the same time they let out a cry that shook the world!

Afterwards, under the leadership of Su Chen, Yang Xiao, Fan Yao and other high-level leaders, the members of the Ming Cult headed towards the Yuan army at the foot of the mountain and killed them!

Su Chen's first choice was the East Route Army that Zha Yadu had barely stabilized the situation just now.

It is not only the plan to capture the king first in order to capture the thief, but also because behind this Yuan army, there are disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect to support it!

This Yuan army was already gutted by artillery fire, and now it is facing a situation of two sides attacking, and Su Chen and other Mingjiao masters continued to kill generals at all levels in the Yuan army. In less than half an hour, this Yuan army It was completely defeated by the joint disciples of Mingjiao and Xiaoyao Sect!

"Bastard, don't retreat, cheer up and kill the enemy! Kill me!"

Zha Yadu watched the army under his command rout, the morale of the army was slackened, and many people fled in all directions, so he couldn't help roaring.

However, the Yuan army at this time completely ignored Zha Yadu's orders, and passed them by as soon as they blew!

"Little prince, let's retreat first, wait until we retreat to the foot of the mountain and regroup the four armies, and then we will seek revenge for the Mingjiao's rebellion!"

At this moment, Dharma King Hong Sun suggested to Zha Yadu again.

Zha Yadu said loudly: "I have an army of [-], where do I need to retreat? The mere Mingjiao can be defeated in a moment, why would it be defeated? This must not be true! Fawang, help me let the soldiers in the army continue to fight hard to kill the enemy and wipe out the enemy. Mingjiao rebellion, after I go back, I will definitely reward my father and king!"

Seeing Zha Yadu's insane appearance, the Red Sun Dharma King couldn't help saying bluntly: "Little prince, take a closer look, where did the [-] army come from? The [-] army... I don't know if there are any remaining [-] troops. Half of it!"

Zha Yadu heard the words of Dharma King Hongri, and his mental state seemed to recover a little. Looking around, he found that the corpses of the Yuan army were everywhere.

Not only the East Route Army where they belonged, but also the other Three Route Army are already fleeing in a panic!

Seeing this scene, Zha Yadu completely gave up, closed his eyes tightly, and said in despair: "My lord, let's retreat!"

"The little prince is wise!"

Hearing that Zha Yadu had decided to withdraw, Liu Yaozhi and Hua Jieyu were overjoyed and flattered Zha Yadu.

Originally, they were thinking, like destroying the Kunlun School, destroying the Ming Cult, earning a lot of credit, and getting some benefits along the way.

But in the current situation, they don't want to continue.

In this chaotic battlefield, the two of them didn't want to follow Za Yadu to death.

Zha Yadu ignored them, but planned to evacuate along with King Hongri and his personal guards. At the same time, he asked the messengers to issue an order to withdraw the troops to all the soldiers.

"Thinking about running away now? Don't you think it's too late?"

At this moment, a sneer sounded.

At the same time as the voice fell, Su Chen led Yang Xiao and Fan Yao, and with a few flickering figures, he landed in front of Zha Yadu and his party.

Seeing this, Zha Yadu's face changed slightly, and he quickly moved a little closer to Dharma King Hongri.

After all, among the guards around him, Dharma King Hong Sun is the most powerful.

"'" Amitabha, it seems that if we want to leave, we must first defeat the three of you! "

The Hongri Fa Dynasty took a look at the three of Su Chen, clasped their hands together, and said solemnly.

"Master, this person is the number one master of Tantric Buddhism. Everyone in the Yuan court called him the Red Sun Dharma King. The white-haired man and the flirtatious woman next to him are collectively called 'white-haired beauty', they belong to the magician's palace." Two major protectors."

Fan Yao was worried that Su Chen and Yang Xiao would not know the details of the three Dharma Kings, so he whispered a reminder.

He has been undercover in Dayuan Ruyang Prince's Mansion for many years, and this knowledge is auspicious.

Su Chen didn't say much when he heard the words, but nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Yang Xiao, on the other hand, looked a little more dignified. He had heard a lot of the reputations of the Red Sun Dharma King and the Magician Palace's two guardians over the years.

When Zha Yadu heard Fan Yao's words, he immediately understood that the one who killed Zhao Min was Su Chen in front of him, (so good that Zhao) looked at Su Chen with hatred in his eyes, and shouted loudly: "Red Sun Dharma King! , other things are not important, I just ask you to help me kill this kid in front of me!"

The Red Sun Dharma King did not respond to Zha Yadu. After hearing Fan Yao's words, he also looked at Su Chen a few more times, and then said in a deep voice:

"It turns out that your Excellency is Su Chen, the new leader of the Ming Cult. I heard that my ineffective disciple was killed by you. The poor monk wanted to seek revenge from you. Now that you have come here, it is exactly what I want!"

Su Chen said lightly: "I have killed too many people, but I didn't care about which cat or dog your disciple is. Today, I will be a good person and send you master and apprentice to reunite!"

When the sound fell, Su Chen directly swayed the Buddha's light, and suddenly bombarded the Red Sun Dharma King!

When the Red Sun Dharma King saw Su Chen's attack, his expression was solemn, and he waved his hands quickly, forming a complicated imprint, which was the Great Vajra Wheel in the Nine-Character Mantra Mudra!

When Su Chen fought against the Red Sun Dharma King, on the other side, brothers Yang Xiao and Fan Yao also fought with the two white-haired and red-faced Dharma protectors at the same time! .

Chapter 199 Long live the leader, Mingjiao is mighty! 【Subscribe】

"Nine-character mantra seal, it's not a bad method!"

Su Chen chuckled when he saw the handprints cast by the Red Sun Dharma King.

At the same time, the palm of the Tathagata in his hand continued to be displayed.

Following Su Chen's attack, a golden giant Buddha suddenly appeared in the sky. The giant Buddha kept flying its palms, with a terrifying aura, and with monstrous palm force, it pressed down fiercely on the Red Sun Dharma King!

Although the strength of the Red Sun Dharma King is not bad, but compared with Su Chen, it is directly a big difference!

His nine-character mantra seal did not pose any threat to Su Chen at all!

Even Su Chen's clothes are still very neat!

But the aftermath of the battle between the two directly killed countless Yuan troops around them!

Especially the terrifying palm power of Su Chen's Tathagata God's Palm, with each palm falling, countless Yuan soldiers died on the spot!

This made Zha Yadu, who had managed to stabilize the situation, suddenly collapsed completely again!

Not long after, the Red Sun Dharma King directly became Su Chen's nourishment, and was sucked up by Su Chen.

Moreover, the martial arts such as the nine-character mantra seal he mastered have also become new skills mastered by Su Chen.

Seeing the tragic death of King Hongri, Zha Yadu's face suddenly turned pale, and he was terrified!

You must know that the Red Sun Dharma King is the strongest master in this Yuan army, and he is also Zha Yadu's biggest reliance on this trip!

But at this moment, even the Red Sun 317 Dharma King died easily in the hands of Su Chen, how could Zha Yadu not be afraid?

"Go together and kill this damn Mingjiao rebel!"

Zha Yadu suppressed the fear in his heart and yelled at a group of guards arranged by the Seventh Prince.

Although they knew they were not Su Chen's opponent, these guards did not dare to refuse Zha Yadu's order, so they could only desperately kill Su Chen.

There was no surprise in the result, they all died in Su Chen's hands soon.

Not only Zha Yadu, but also the "white-haired beauty" who was fighting Yang Xiao and Fan Yao on the other side were also panicked at this moment!

None of them thought that the Red Sun Dharma King would die in Su Chen's hands so easily!

You know, even if the two of them join forces, they may not be able to defeat the Red Sun King!

"White-haired" Liu Yaozhi and "Hongyan" Hua Jieyu looked at each other, and at almost the same moment, they had the idea of ​​retreating, first launching a fierce attack on Yang Xiao and Fan Yao, and then looking for opportunities to move towards Retreat from the army, wanting to escape!

However, their plans are doomed to fail!

After Su Chen dealt with Zha Yadu's guards, he was about to go forward and deal with Zha Yadu, when he suddenly saw Liu Yaozhi and Hua Jieyu get rid of Yang Xiao and Fan Yao, and retreat to the middle of the Yuan army, and immediately showed his will Climbing the Immortal Step, he was in front of the two in an instant, and easily restrained them.

Then, the two guardians of the Magician's Palace undoubtedly became the nourishment for Su Chen's cultivation.

"The subordinates are not good in the battle, and almost let the two guardians of the magician's palace escape, please forgive me!"

At this time, Yang Xiao and Fan Yao also rushed to Su Chen's side and pleaded guilty to Su Chen.

Su Chen waved his hand and said: "When fighting on the battlefield, everything goes well. There is nothing to plead guilty to. Continue to kill more generals of the Yuan army to relieve the pressure on the brothers in the sect and the friendly troops of the Xiaoyao faction."

"Thank you, Master, for your forgiveness!"

Yang Xiao and Fan Yao thanked Su Chen, and then rejoined the killing of the generals of the Yuan army.

As for Su Chen himself, his body moved slightly, and he arrived at the side of Zha Yadu, the commander of the Yuan army, and planned to get rid of him.

"Forgive me, my father is the Seventh Prince of the Yuan Dynasty, you can ask my father to give me a reward to redeem me! My father only has me as a son, no matter what request you make, he will definitely agree!"

Seeing Su Chen's eyes showing murderous intent, Zha Yadu hurriedly begged Su Chen for mercy, and at the same time begged for mercy, he also directly showed his hole card.

When Su Chen heard Zha Yadu's words, the movements of his hands could not help but pause slightly, but he almost ignored the figure of the Seventh Prince of the Great Yuan Empire.

If Su Chen is just walking alone, naturally he doesn't need to consider the potential threat of the Seventh Prince.

But now, Su Chen has to think for Mingjiao.

In this world of comprehensive martial arts, the power of the Dayuan court is many (.) times stronger than in Yitian's original book.

And there is also the martial arts force that cannot be underestimated, the Magician Palace. If Yuan Ting takes advantage of his absence to launch a large-scale attack on Mingjiao again, I am afraid that Mingjiao may really be wiped out.

Thinking of this, Su Chen canceled his plan to kill Zha Yadu, but directly performed the Purdue Heart Sutra on him, and soon Zha Yadu was converted.

Then, after Su Chen explained to Zha Yadu, taking advantage of the chaos of the Yuan army, he threw Zha Yadu into the crowd of the Yuan army.

With Su Chen's will, Zha Yadu quickly and quietly led a Yuan army team of more than a thousand people, and directly withdrew from the battlefield.

Under Su Chen's intervention, the Mingjiao and the Xiaoyao faction only chased him down symbolically, and then let Zha Yadu go.

Afterwards, Su Chen led the Mingjiao and the Xiaoyao faction together, and continued to massacre the Yuan army!

The Yuan army was attacked by artillery before, and at least one third of them were wiped out!

Another part of the Yuan army was frightened and fled while taking advantage of the chaos.

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