Only the feet of Su Chen and Zhang Sanfeng were left unharmed, as if two circular platforms had been prepared in advance!

As for the flowers, plants and trees within a radius of tens of meters, they have already been completely destroyed!

Some were directly turned into dregs, while others were blown to nowhere by the violent wind!

"Renren Zhang's Tai Chi swordsmanship really lives up to its reputation!"

Seeing that Fengshen's Wrath did not pose too much threat to Zhang Sanfeng, Su Chen couldn't help praising him, and then the long sword changed its moves again, and Vulcan's Wrath followed suit!


In the next moment, the surrounding open space suddenly burst into flames, as if the air was completely burned!

The Tai Chi diagram in front of Zhang Sanfeng was also destroyed by the force of wind and fire and began to shake.  …

After finishing Vulcan's Fury, Su Chen didn't stop, and continued to cast Thunder God's Fury and Electric God's Fury!

Not long after, four tall phantom figures appeared around Su Chen's body at the same time. The four figures were filled with powerful and violent coercion, which made Song Yuanqiao and the others almost breathless. Come!



At the same time, the sky seemed to be instantly covered by dark clouds, and deafening roars continued to resound from within the dark clouds!

Amidst the roaring sound, a destructive electric light flashed from time to time, as if the sky had been torn apart with distorted golden cracks!

Under the combination of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, this open space in the mountains and forests seemed to have directly turned into a hell on earth, and it became scorched black in a short time!

Seeing this earth-shattering scene, Song Yuanqiao, Zhang Wuji and others couldn't help but feel worried for Zhang Sanfeng.

"Brother Wuji, do you think Daoist Zhang can withstand Su's attack?" Seeing this scene, Zhu'er was startled and couldn't help asking Zhang Wuji beside him.

Zhang Wuji took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Grand Master will definitely follow!"

His words seemed to be speaking to the spider, but also seemed to be comforting himself.

Not only Zhang Wuji, but even the Six Heroes of Wudang, who had always had confidence in Zhang Sanfeng, couldn't help being nervous at this moment.

Especially when they saw the Tai Chi pattern around Zhang Sanfeng's body, which was constantly becoming blurred, and even cracked and trembled, their hearts couldn't help trembling!


Suddenly, a sound like a balloon bursting rang in everyone's ears.

It was the Tai Chi Diagram standing in front of Zhang Sanfeng, which was directly smashed by Su Chen's attack!


Then, Zhang Sanfeng's body shook violently, and then retreated seven or eight steps in succession before he finally stabilized his figure.


Afterwards, Zhang Sanfeng spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

"Master, Grand Master!"

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's appearance, Song Yuanqiao, Zhang Wuji and others rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng ignored them, but looked at Su Chen, and said solemnly: "Sure enough, talented people came out from generation to generation, and Master Su's miraculous skills are world-class, and the veteran lost!"

[Ding, the host defeated Zhang Sanfeng, an important character in the original plot, and won a lucky draw chance! 】

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Su Chen was about to say something, but the familiar prompt sound from the system suddenly sounded in his mind...

Chapter 202 Wudang faction's gratitude, battle on Spirit Snake Island! 【Subscribe】

"Accepted!" Su Chen clasped his fists to Zhang Sanfeng and said with a smile, "I also thank Master Zhang for being able to accompany me in this battle of learning."

"I have a elixir here, which can cure all kinds of injuries except poisoning within twelve hours. I will give it to Yu Sanxia as a reward, and it can be regarded as a relief for Master Zhang."

While speaking, Su Chen took out a Rejuvenation Pill from the system and gave it to Zhang Sanfeng.

Su Chen had won [-] rejuvenation pills at one time in the lottery draw, but he has basically never used them for so long.

The reason why Su Chen is willing to give the pill is that on the one hand, he admires the character of Zhang Sanfeng and the Wudang heroes, and on the other hand, he intends to deepen the connection with the Wudang faction, so that the Wudang faction can act as an intermediary and unite with the other sects to fight against the Yuan Dynasty. Tartars!

As for the grievances between Mingjiao and several sects, anyway, Mingjiao and Mingjiao didn't suffer any losses, so there is no need to worry about it.

When Zhang Sanfeng heard that Su Chen wanted to give him a reward, he thought of refusing at first, but when he heard that it was a panacea for Yu Daiyan, his expression changed slightly.

Song Yuanqiao, Zhang Wuji and the others also changed their colors one after another, with anticipation on their faces.

Yu Daiyan himself couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Although in these years, Yu Daiyan has almost been in despair.

But Su Chen's identity and strength must be different. Since he has this confidence, maybe the panacea is really effective!

For a moment, Yu Daiyan couldn't help feeling hopeful again.

Zhang Sanfeng pondered for a while, reached out to take the Rejuvenation Pill, and said in his mouth: "The kindness of Master Su, the old Taoist really couldn't refuse, so he had the audacity to accept it, and the old Taoist will always remember Su's great kindness to the Wudang Sect. "

"Master Zhang is too serious," Su Chen replied with a smile when he heard the words.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't say anything more, but took the Rejuvenation Pill, went to Yu Daiyan's side, and fed him personally.

Afterwards, the group returned to the main hall of the Wudang School.

Zhang Sanfeng also went to heal for the time being, and brother Song Yuanqiao entertained Su Chen and his party.

And Su Chen also took advantage of this leisure time to give the system a lottery drawing command from the bottom of his heart.

Following Su Chen's order, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in front of Su Chen's eyes, and it kept spinning!

When the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the system's familiar lottery notification sound also sounded again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Tai Chi Magic"! 】

Tai Chi magic?

It turned out to be this technique!

Hearing the system's reward content, Su Chen couldn't help but ponder inwardly.

According to the introduction of the system, this Tai Chi magical skill is created by Zhang Sanfeng after many years of closed-door training. He took the essence of Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu and tempered it to create it, and it is even better than it.

This kung fu lies in its complex changes. It contains thirteen Taiji moves, which integrate the principles of Taijiquan and swords. When you make moves, you can do whatever you want. The effect of body defense!

According to the plot of the original book, in the Wudang sect at this time, Zhang Sanfeng is probably the only one who knows this magical skill.

When going back to the room to rest at night, Su Chen took out the secret book of Tai Chi, read it and rehearsed it in his mind, and soon mastered it.

Afterwards, Su Chen integrated the Taiji magic into the Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue.

Therefore, Su Chen majored in Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue, and absorbed the essence of Yin-Yang and Tai Chi principles in Tai Chi.

This principle, for low realms, may only have the effect of borrowing strength, but the more advanced it is, the more it can show its magical effect!


Twelve hours is not too long, and it has passed quickly.

Zhang Sanfeng's injury has naturally healed by adjusting his breath.

And when Zhang Sanfeng, Song Yuanqiao and the others saw that Yu Daiyan had really recovered completely, they were immediately overjoyed.

The distressed look on Zhang Sanfeng's face also eased a lot.

As for Yu Daiyan himself, he was even more overjoyed and excited!

Zhang Sanfeng said to Yu Daiyan: "Daiyan, you are able to recover thanks to the elixir given by Su Hierarch. Now that you are cured, you can personally thank Su Hierarch."

"Master said so," Yu Daiyan said in agreement when he heard the words, and then knelt down on the ground towards Su Chen, grateful, "Master Su, your great kindness, Yu Daiyan will never forget it! "

"In the future, if Hierarch Su is useful to Yu, feel free to speak up, and Yu will definitely not disappoint Hierarch Su!"

After 20 years of torture, Yu Daiyan almost collapsed, and his heart was already in despair!

Now, a elixir from Su Chen can easily restore his health and even his strength, how can Yu Daiyan not be grateful for this?

Su Chen stepped forward to help Yu Daiyan up, and said with a smile, "Sanxia Yu is serious, please get up quickly!"

With Su Chen's support, Yu Daiyan stood up without saying anything, but he deeply remembered Su Chen's kindness in his heart.

Not only Yu Daiyan, Zhang Sanfeng and Song Yuanqiao's brothers, but also Zhang Wuji and others were all very grateful to Su Chen.

Thanks to the gratitude of everyone in the Wudang faction, Su Chen took the three daughters of Fu Junmao and stayed in Wudang Mountain for a few more days, then took Zhang Wuji and Yin Li, and left Wudang together. The disciples had already prepared the sea boat and set sail for the sea!

Although Dai Qisi's Spirit Snake Island is also overseas, it is much closer to the land than the Binghuo Island where Zhang Wuji was born, and the wind and waves along the way are not as rough as those near the extreme north!

After half a month of sailing, the group came to the waters near Spirit Snake Island without any risk.

While on the way, at Su Chen's request, Dai Qisi also informed Zhang Wuji about how Xie Xun moved from Binghuo Island to Spirit Snake Island.

Su Chen ordered the sailors on board to stay on board for the time being, while he took Dai Qisi, Shi Feixuan, Fu Junxie, Zhang Wuji and Zhu'er to the Ling 317 Snake Island together.


The few people had just landed on Spirit Snake Island when they suddenly heard an angry roar.

"It's Brother Xie's voice! It seems that an enemy is coming!"

Hearing that voice, Dai Qisi said immediately.

Zhang Wuji also heard Xie Xun's roar, and after hearing Dai Qisi's words, he couldn't help but feel worried for Xie Xun, and said to Su Chen: "Master Su, let's go and see what's going on?"

"Alright", Su Chen nodded in agreement, and then led a group of people to speed up towards the mountain peak where the roar came from.

Soon, the group arrived at the peak.

I saw four men with weapons in their hands, besieging a tall man.

That man has a firm face, is blind, and has long golden hair. He is the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun!

As for Xie Xun's opponent, he was dressed in rags and carried a cloth bag. He was obviously a member of the beggar gang!

In addition to the four who besieged Xie Xun, there were three other people who were standing by the side.

Su Chen and his party did not hide their whereabouts, so they were soon discovered by Xie Xun and the beggar gang.

The expressions of the four men of the beggar gang changed slightly, and they temporarily retreated to the other three, looking at Su Chen and his party with vigilance in their eyes.

Xie Xun also stopped chasing, and asked Su Chen and his party in a low voice: "Who are you? Are you also here for my Dragon Saber?".

Chapter 203 Xie Xun surrenders, the secret of relying on the sky to slay the dragon? 【Please customize】

Hearing Xie Xun's words, Dai Qisi said: "Brother Xie, it's me. With me, there are the new leader of the Ming Cult, Master Su and his two friends, as well as your adopted son Zhang Wuji, and brother Yin's brother." Granddaughter Yin Li."

Several members of the beggar gang, when they heard Dai Qisi's words, their faces changed suddenly.

They don't know anything else, but the name of Su Chen, the new leader of Mingjiao, is definitely a thunderbolt to them!

After all, Su Chen's performance was really eye-catching when the six sects besieged Guangmingding!

Moreover, later on, the Beggar Gang gathered a group of people from the small sect of the rivers and lakes. They wanted to fish in troubled waters, but they were also killed and injured by Mingjiao!

They didn't expect that they were only thinking of dealing with Xie Xun, but now Su Chen, the new leader of Mingjiao, would come here!

When Xie Xun heard Dai Qisi's words, he immediately lifted his spirits, "Madam Han, is what you said true? Did you really find my Wuji child?"

At this moment Zhang Wuji hastily stepped forward with a "plop", knelt down in front of Xie Xun, choked up and shouted, "Father! My child misses you so much!"

Xie Xun waved his hands and shouted sharply: "Wait a minute, how do you prove that you are my Wuji child?"

Zhang Wuji saw that Xie Xun was suspicious, so he choked up and recited the mantra that Xie Xun gave him on Binghuo Island, "The way of boxing is to concentrate, and the intention is to win first..."

After Zhang Wuji recited it for a while, Xie Xun immediately confirmed his identity, stepped forward quickly, supported Zhang Wuji's shoulder, and said pleasantly, "Good! Great! Good boy, get up quickly!"


Zhang Wuji took advantage of the situation and stood up, screamed again, hugged Xie Xun and cried bitterly.

Su Chen calmly watched the scene where Xie Xun and Zhang Wuji's father and son recognized each other, but he didn't urge anything.

Beggar Gang's Chen Youliang and others planned to leave after learning of Su Chen's arrival. At this time, they planned to escape while everyone was paying attention to Xie Xun and Zhang Wuji.

However, they suddenly discovered that the surrounding air seemed to suddenly become heavy, oppressing them so much that they couldn't even move!

This, of course, is that Su Chen secretly mobilized the energy of heaven and earth, and imprisoned them!

After talking with Zhang Wuji for a while, Xie Xun looked at Dai Qisi again, and said in a deep voice, "Mrs. Han, why haven't I heard of the name of the new leader of the sect? Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao and five others Sanren, do they all agree¨¨?"

Dai Qisi said: "Of course what I said is true. Master Su was elected as the leader by Yang Xiao, Second Brother Yin, Fourth Brother Wei, Wu Sanren, the Five Elements Banner Banner Envoy and others. Back then on the Bright Summit ..."

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