Following Dai Qisi's narration, Xie Xun also understood the whole story, but he didn't believe everything Dai Qisi said.

After being silent for a while, Xie Xun first bowed to Su Chen and said solemnly: "Thank you Mr. Su for repelling the six sects and rescuing Brother Mingjiao!"

Su Chen frowned slightly, and said lightly: "You don't need to be too polite to thank the lion king. I just happened to meet at the time. And now I am the leader of Mingjiao, and it is my duty to rescue Mingjiao. gone."

Xie Xun said: "Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao, Wu Sanren, and the Five Elements Banner are all willing to recommend you as the leader of our sect. Xie should have worshiped you for this."

"However, for more than 30 years, Xie only believed in his own fist. Xie dared to ask Mr. Su for advice. If Mr. Su can defeat Mr. Xie, after Mr. Xie avenged him, he would be willing to respect Mr. Su as the leader."

Su Chen smiled and said: "I know everything about you. Your big enemy, Cheng Kun, has died on the top of the light. This hatred can be let go. As for your challenge, I will take it on."

When Xie Xun heard that Cheng Kun was dead, he immediately said in a deep voice, "Cheng Kun is actually dead? How did he die?"

Su Chen said: "He disturbed the world, and almost killed Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao and the five Sanren seven masters of Mingjiao. Since he fell into the hands of this seat, this seat will naturally not spare his life."


Hearing Su Chen's words, Xie Xun immediately knelt down in front of Su Chen, and said solemnly: "You killed Cheng Kun and avenged my family of [-]. Xie is so grateful! Xie Xun pays homage to the leader!"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Thank you Lion King, I understand your intentions. However, the discussion between you and me can still proceed, and I will convince you."

While speaking, Su Chen directly waved a burst of true energy from the air, and helped Xie Xun up.

Sensing the strength of that genuine energy, Xie Xun immediately laughed out loud: "Haha, good! If that's the case, Xie will be offended!"

When the sound fell, Xie Xun held the dragon-slaying knife and slashed at Su Chen!

However, because he wasn't sure about Su Chen's true strength, Xie Xun held back some of his moves.

Su Chen smiled and said: "The Supreme Master of the Wulin, the treasured sword slays the dragon. If you order the world, no one dares not to obey. Who will fight against the sky?"

"Now, Lion King Xie has the Dragon Slaying Knife in his hand, and I happen to have the Yitian Sword. Let us see, who is sharper, the Yitian Sword or the Dragon Slaying Knife!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Su Chen also pulled out the Yitian sword and met Xie Xun's attack.

Seeing Su Chen and Xie Xun fighting against each other, Zhang Wuji couldn't help showing a bit of worry in his eyes.

Although Xie Xun's strength is not weak, but Zhang Wuji has seen the scene of Su Chen dealing with Miejue Shitai and others, and he knows Su Chen's strength even more!

Zhang Wuji was a little worried, if the two of them had a real fight, Xie Xun might be in danger!

"`" Ding Ding Ding! "


As the two fought against each other, there were bursts of clashing sounds of gold and iron in the air.

But soon, Xie Xun was repelled by the Yitian sword in Su Chen's hand, and he fell out with a knife!

Before and after the process, less than a cup of tea time!

This is the result of Su Chen's mercy.

Otherwise, Xie Xun wouldn't even be able to catch Su Chen's move!

"The leader is powerful, Xie admires him!"

After Xie Xun was defeated by Su Chen, he bowed down and surrendered very neatly.

"It's just a chance for me." Su Chen responded with a smile, and then said, "I heard that Xie Lion King has been studying the secrets of the Dragon Slaying Knife these years. In fact, I accidentally learned that the Dragon Slaying Knife The secret is related to Yitian Sword."

Hearing Su Chen mention the secret of the Tu (good Zhao) Dragon Saber, Xie Xun was shocked and asked quickly, "I wonder if the leader can tell you in detail?"

Xie Xun snatched the dragon sword and delved into the secret of the dragon sword. He originally wanted to take revenge on Cheng Kun.

However, after so many years, Xie Xun has become obsessed with this in his heart, even if he can't use it now, he still wants to know this secret very much.

Dai Qisi, Shi Feixuan, Zhang Wuji and Zhu'er on the side also looked at Su Chen very curiously.

Even members of the Beggar Gang, such as Chen Youliang, who was imprisoned by Su Chen with the energy of heaven and earth, couldn't help but listen.

Su Chen looked at Xie Xun and said, "Please thank the Lion King for lending me the Dragon Slaying Saber."

"Take it!"

When Xie Xun heard Su Chen's words, he hesitated for a moment, and then threw the Dragon Slaying Saber towards Su Chen.

After Su Chen received the Dragon Slaying Knife, he raised the Dragon Slaying Knife with his left hand and the Yitian Sword with his right hand in front of everyone, and slammed the swords together...Ji.

Chapter 204 The treasure map in the mezzanine, consecutive lucky draw chances! 【Please customize】



In the next instant, two voices sounded one after another.

It was the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber that broke at the same time, and half of the broken pieces fell to the ground!

Dai Qisi, Shi Feixuan, Zhang Wuji and the others couldn't help but be amazed to see the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber breaking at the same time.

Chen Youliang and other members of the beggar gang also looked confused.

They never thought that the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Sword, the two great weapons that moved the Great Yuan and even the whole world, were destroyed at the same time!

"Ah, how could this be?"

Seeing the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber breaking at the same time, Zhu'er couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Xie Xun heard the movement and asked Zhang Wuji, "Wuji, what happened?"

Zhang Wuji said: "Father, Master Su slashed at each other with the Yitian Sword and Dragon Tuning Saber just now, but the Yitian Sword and Dragon Tuning Saber broke at the same time!"

"How could this be?" Xie Xun was taken aback when he heard the words, "I have studied the Dragon Saber for many years. Although I don't know what secrets it has hidden, the hardness and sharpness of the Dragon Saber is definitely called a magic weapon. How could it be broken like this? Lost?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "You don't have to be surprised. In fact, the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Sword are made of the same material. Naturally, the strength of the two is almost the same. I have controlled the same strength with both hands. Naturally, the two will be at the same time. Broken!"

Xie Xun said: "Is this the secret of the 317 Dragon Slaying Saber? But what's the use of it?"

Dai Qisi and Shi Feixuan were also very puzzled by this.

"Of course not." Su Chen shook his head and replied, then stepped forward and bent down, and took out a total of three pieces of silk from the interlayer of the broken knife and broken sword.

Seeing this scene, everyone present immediately understood the secret of the so-called Dragon Saber!

"It turns out that the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber actually contain interlayers, and the secret lies in the interlayers!" Seeing this, Fu Junmao couldn't help but burst out in surprise.

Shi Feixuan, Dai Qisi and Zhang Wuji were also very surprised by this.

Hearing Fu Junmao's words, Xie Xun also understood the situation, so he asked Su Chen, "Master, what is hidden in the interlayer of the Dragon Saber?"

When the others heard Xie Xun's question, they also looked at Su Chen curiously.

Su Chen was also very curious. He stretched out his hand and opened the silk. When he saw the content on it, he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "It turned out to be "The Grand Duke's Art of War"?"

"What? In the Dragon Slaying Knife, it turns out that there is only a book of war hidden in it?"

When Xie Xun heard Su Chen's words, he was immediately surprised, and couldn't help but feel that his time these years was really wasted!

 (.) Su Chen opened the two silks taken out of the Yitian Sword again, and saw a map drawn on one of the silks, which seemed to be a treasure map. The map was emphatically marked, It turned out to be Tianchi Lake in Tianshan Mountain!

At the location of Tianchi Lake, there are two big characters of "Dragon Ball".

What was recorded on the last piece of silk was a heart method called "The Art of Controlling the Dragon"!

Su Chen flipped through it quickly, and after reading it, he realized that the formula of controlling the dragon is not a formula for controlling a real dragon, but a formula for controlling the refining of dragon balls.

Combining the map and "The Art of Controlling the Dragon", Su Chen couldn't help but have some guesses in his heart. Could it be that there are dragon balls hidden in the Tianchi of Tianshan Mountain?

And this so-called Dragon Control Art is to control the dragon balls in the refinery?

Su Chen temporarily suppressed his thoughts, and said to Xie Xun and others: "The two pieces of silk in Yitian Sword are a map and a mental method called 'Dragon Control Jue', which is to control And refine the formula of Dragon Ball."

"Dragon Ball? Are there really dragons in the world?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Xie Xun couldn't help murmuring.

Fu Junmei, Shi Feixuan and the others also showed strange expressions on their faces.

In this great world of comprehensive martial arts, just like Su Chen's previous life, creatures like dragons are taught very magical and mysterious.

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know. After returning to the Mingjiao General Altar, I will go to Tianchi in person, and maybe there will be results."

"What the leader said is very true," Xie Xun heard and nodded in agreement.

Others naturally have no objection to this.

Dai Qisi said with some emotion: "It's just a pity that the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber, these two sharp weapons."

At the beginning, when Dai Qisi was defeated by Juejue's Yitian Sword, she focused on finding the Dragon Slaying Saber, hoping to find Juejue to win the round.

Later, Dai Qisi inadvertently learned the whereabouts of the dragon sword from Wu Lie, and tried her best to find Xie Xun and the dragon sword, but she did not expect such an ending in the end.

Su Chen said: "I heard that Wu Jincao of the Ruijin Banner has some experience in forging. After returning, let him help recast the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber. Give it back to the Lion King.”

Xie Xun said: "Since the secret of the dragon-slaying knife has been solved, it is useless for Xie to hold it. Moreover, this knife is hailed by the people in the world as a symbol of the supreme martial arts. It is more appropriate for the leader to hold it personally."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Since that's the case, then I won't be polite. However, I won't let Xie Lion King suffer. I have a pill here, which should be able to heal Xie Lion King's eyes. And the occasional madness, after you recover, I will teach you a set of martial arts as a reward."

While speaking, Su Chen directly took out a rejuvenation pill, handed it to Zhang Wuji, and said, "You have already seen the effect of this pill when you were in Wudang Mountain, give it to your adoptive father."

"Thank you, Hierarch Su!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Zhang Wuji was overjoyed, quickly took the elixir with both hands, walked to Xie Xun's side, and told him about Yu Daiyan.

Afterwards, Xie Xun also took the Rejuvenation Pill.

At the same time, two prompts sounded in Su Chen's mind one after another.

[Ding, the host revealed the secret of relying on the sky to slay the dragon in advance, and won a chance to draw a lottery! 】

[Ding, the host has collected the luck item Dragon Slaying Knife, and will get a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Hearing the system's prompt, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a little happy, but he was not in a hurry to draw a lottery.

Xie Xun's condition is much better than Yu Daiyan's. Not long after taking the Rejuvenation Pill, he immediately returned to normal state, and his eyes were able to see the light again!

"My subordinates, thank you for the gift of the leader!"

After recovering, Xie Xun looked around, and then knelt down directly towards Su Chen, expressing his gratitude.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Thank you Lion King, you don't need to be polite, please get up."

While speaking, Su Chen sent out a burst of true energy directly from the air, and helped Xie Xun up.

This made Xie Xun admire Su Chen even more from the bottom of his heart!

[Ding, the host healed Xie Xun's eyes, an important task in the original book, and changed his fate of becoming a monk. You will get a chance to draw a lottery! 】

At this moment, in Su Chen's mind, the voice of the system prompting to get a chance to draw a lottery sounded again!

Su Chen's mood suddenly became more beautiful.

"Master, I don't know what you plan to do with these beggar gang members?"

At this time, Xie Xun saw Chen Youliang and other members of the beggar gang, and couldn't help but look murderous, and asked Su Chen to show his voice.

Chapter 205 Rich rewards for four consecutive draws! 【Please customize】

Su Chen pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and said, "One of them is Cheng Kun's other disciple and his confidant, let's kill him!"

"As for the other elders of the Beggar Clan, let them spare their lives! After all, the Beggar Clan has always been quite active in fighting against the Tartars, so let's give them a chance!"

When the sound fell, Su Chen made a casual move, and a suction force came out in his palm, directly throwing Chen Youliang in front of Xie Xun.

"Master Chen!"

Seeing this, several other members of the Beggar Clan exclaimed in surprise.

Although Xie Xun was cured by Su Chen's Rejuvenation Pill, after learning that Chen Youliang was Cheng Kun's disciple and confidant, he still showed his murderous intentions. He launched the Seven Injury Fist and threw a punch at Chen Youliang!


A dull voice sounded, but it was Xie Xun who directly punched Chen Youliang's life.

[Ding, under the intervention of the host, Chen Youliang, the character in the original story, was beaten to death by Xie Xun in advance, and he got a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Just after Chen Youliang was beaten to death by Xie Xun, the system notification sounded again in Su Chen's mind.

When Su Chen heard the voice, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, which was a surprise.

But at this time, when the other members of the Beggar Clan saw this, they couldn't help showing hatred in their eyes.

"Master, I see that each of them has hatred in their hearts, and it is difficult to live in harmony with my Mingjiao. It is better to kill them all!"

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