Xie Xun saw the hatred in the eyes of the members of the beggar gang, so he couldn't help making a suggestion to Su Chen.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "No need, I have my own calculations, you guys avoid it for now."


When Xie Xun heard this, he agreed and went back to the thatched hut.

Dai Qisi, Fu Junmao, Shi Feixuan, Zhang Wuji and Zhu'er, even though they were puzzled, they retreated temporarily.

After they were out of sight, Su Chen directly cast the Purdue Heart Sutra on the few living members of the Beggar Gang, and quickly converted them all.

After Duhua finished the competition, Su Chen sent them away, returned to the Beggars' Clan as soon as possible, and tried to control the power of the Beggars' Clan so as not to conflict with the Ming Cult.

Among the members of the Beggar Gang, there are two elders, Elder Ji and Elder Zheng, who hold considerable status in the Beggar Gang. With Su Chen's secret support, it is not difficult for them to secretly control the Beggar Gang.

After dismissing the beggars, Su Chen gave the system a four-draw lottery order from the bottom of his heart.

Following Su Chen's order for the lottery draw, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in front of Su Chen's eyes, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

When the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the system's familiar reward prompt sounded again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Excalibur and Thunder Control Technique"! 】

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, for getting the "Cloud Dispelling Palm"! 】

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, for getting the "Sky Frost Fist"! 】

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, for obtaining "Celestial Change"! 】

Hearing the content of the system's reward, Su Chen couldn't help but be surprised that the sword formula in the novel of cultivating immortals appeared!

This set of magic sword and thunder control formulas comes from the fairy tale novel Zhu Xian. It is the supreme thaumaturgy in Taoist fairy art, which can absorb ten thousand thunderbolts for its own use.

When casting a spell, a layer of invisible shield is naturally placed around the caster through the magic weapon, which arouses the power of the world with the body of a mortal, supplemented by the sharp blade of the magic weapon, and attracts the thunder of the nine heavens, the brilliant power of the sky, and the sky is shocked when the move is made Move, the situation changes, it is really invincible and powerful.

And Paiyunzhang and Tianshuangquan are the unique skills of the three masters in the world of wind and clouds.

Just like the Fengshen leg he drew before, it was learned by Xiongba from the old man Sanjue, and then passed on to his disciples Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang.

In the early days, these two martial arts also gave way to Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang, and gained a great reputation in the Jianghu, invincible!

As for the final "Celestial Change", it is from the series of "Celestial Change".

When this skill is performed, the palm of the palm is full of crystal light, and a silk-like filament appears, which can penetrate directly into the opponent's skin, block the opponent's acupuncture points, and even entangle the opponent's veins, intercept and block the opponent's internal force, or The magical skill of rushing to explode the internal organs to kill the opponent!

Of these four sets of magical skills, the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue is undoubtedly the strongest, and it is a powerful sword art for cultivating immortals, which is extremely powerful when displayed!

The other three divine skills are also quite extraordinary, and each has its own characteristics when facing the enemy.

Even if any one of these magical skills is spread, it will cause countless people in the world to scramble for it.

Even if you die for it, I am afraid you will not hesitate!

However, if ordinary people want to practice these four kinds of magical skills to perfection, I am afraid it is not an easy matter.

But Su Chen has systematic help, so these are naturally not a problem.

Su Chen took out four cheat books directly from the system space, read them one by one, and practiced in his heart at the same time, and soon mastered all the four magic skills.

After practicing the four great magic skills, Su Chen called Xie Xun, Dai Qisi and others together again.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

After thinking for a while, Su Chen said to Xie Xun: "I promised to teach you a set of martial arts just now. I think you are better at boxing, so I will teach you a set of boxing."

Xie Xun heard the words and quickly said: "The leader not only cured the subordinate, but also avenged the subordinate, how can the subordinate covet the cultivation technique of the leader?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "This seat promises a thousand gold, since I promised, I will naturally not break my promise. Besides, there are too many exercises in this seat, so it's nothing to teach you a set, so you don't have to refuse."

With that said, Su Chen directly took out the cheat book of Tianshuang Fist and handed it to Xie Xun.

"Thank you, Master!"

Seeing this, Xie Xun didn't refuse, he thanked Su Chen, and then took the cheat book with both hands.

Su Chen said: "You read the cheat book first, and then I will demonstrate it to you, and then you can practice on your own."

... 0


Xie Xun agreed, then opened the cheat book and began to browse.

As Xie Xun's understanding of Tianshuangquan deepened, his heart was shocked.

He didn't expect that the boxing techniques Su Chen taught him turned out to be such a brilliant set of boxing techniques!

He had never seen such a brilliant boxing technique in his life!

After Xie Xun finished reading, Su Chen performed Tianshuang Fist on the wilderness of Spirit Snake Island.

"What a powerful boxing technique!"

Seeing Su Chen's Tianshuang Fist, Dai Qisi couldn't help but marvel.

Shi Feixuan and Zhang Wuji were also very shocked by Su Chen's boxing skills.

After Su Chen finished teaching Xie Xun's Tianshuang Fist, he said to several people: "There is nothing much to miss on Spirit Snake Island. Let's go directly back to Mingjiao Guangming Peak, and then go to Tianchi to find out what is hidden there. Keep it a secret."

Regarding Su Chen's words, the few people naturally had no objections, and immediately the group turned around and walked towards the seaside.

Before a few people reached the beach, they suddenly heard a sound of "ding ding ding" not far away.

At the same time, there were three figures rushing towards them!

I saw that the three people were all wearing loose white robes, two of them were very tall, and the one on the left was a woman.

Looking at the faces of the three of them, it was obvious that they were of a foreign race, but each of them had a flame embroidered on the corner of their white robes, and they were actually members of the Ming Cult.

The three of them raised their hands high, each holding a two-foot-long black card, only to hear the tallest person in the middle say loudly: "The sacred fire order of Mingjiao is here, protect the dragon king and lion king, don't kneel down yet!" Welcome, when should we wait?" Knife.

Chapter 206 The order to seize the sacred fire, kill the three envoys of Fengyunyue! 【Please customize】

There is no doubt that these three people are naturally the Three Envoys of Fengyunyue from Persian Mingjiao.

Xie Xun, Dai Qisi and the others did not know the identities of the three of them.

Xie Xun said in a deep voice, "Who are the three? If they are disciples of our religion, I should know each other; if they are not disciples of our religion, the Holy Fire Order has nothing to do with the three of them."

Dai Qisi said: "What Third Brother Xie said is right, you are not disciples of our sect, but you have taken the sacred fire order of our sect, it's fine if you don't return it as soon as possible, and you want to order me to wait with this, it's wishful thinking!"

The floating cloud in the middle asked: "Where did Mingjiao originate from?"

Xie Xun said: "It originated from Persia."

Liuyun Envoy said: "Yes! I am Liuyun Envoy, the head teacher of Persian Mingjiao, and the other two are Miaofeng Envoy and Huiyue Envoy. We have come from Persia to Middle-earth under the order of the Chief Sect Master."

When Xie Xun and Dai Qisi heard what Liu Yunshi said, they couldn't help being startled.

In Dai Qisi's heart, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear.

 "Three three zero" At this time, Miaofeng from the side said: "My leader received the news that the leader of the Middle Earth Tribe is missing, and the group of disciples are killing each other. The sect is on the decline. Come to rectify the teaching affairs. The whole school is united, follow the orders, and there must be no mistakes."

Su Chen smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said: "Your news is lagging behind, and now Mingjiao has reunited, first defeated the six sects, and then wiped out the 10 yuan army that besieged Mingjiao. Come to talk about it?"

When Liu Yunshi heard Su Chen's words, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Su Chen, and asked in a strange tone: "Who are you?"

Su Chen said indifferently: "This seat is Su Chen, the No. 30 fourth-generation leader of Mingjiao."

Hui Yue envoy said: "Are you the No. 30 fourth-generation leader of Mingjiao? Who gave you the order? How come I, the head teacher of Persia, don't know?"

Su Chen said: "So, your news is behind. This seat is not appointed by anyone, but elected by all the brothers in Mingjiao."

The third envoy of Fengyunyue couldn't help being surprised when he heard Su Chen's words. They exchanged eyes with each other for a while, and then Liuyun said: "Well, even if you are the leader of Mingjiao, Mingjiao is subordinate to Persian Mingjiao. You will be the leader of Mingjiao in the future. Obey the Commander's orders."

Su Chen said noncommittally: "Then I don't know, the three came from afar, and what orders did they bring from the Persian head teacher?"

Liu Yun said: "According to our information, Dai Qisi, the Zishan Dragon King of the Ming Cult, is one of the three saintesses of our Persian Head Church, but Dai Qisi violated the canon and married others privately. The first command of the sect is to ask Master Su to capture Dai Qisi and burn her as a punishment!"

Hearing Liu Yunshi's words, Dai Qisi couldn't help turning pale, just thinking about the punishment of burning her body made her shudder!

Fu Junmei, Shi Feixuan, Zhu'er and others were also quite surprised.

Su Chen sneered and said, "Although Dai Qisi was originally the saint of the Persian Sect, she was also the protector of my Zhongtu Ming Sect, and now she is the head of the Hall of Merit."

"Don't you think it's too much to issue such an order just after you came here? As the leader of the Ming Cult, how can I kill people from my sect just because of a word from an outsider?"


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Miao Feng said: "So, Master Su doesn't intend to obey the orders of the Persian Archbishop?"

Su Chen said: "Although the Zhongtu Mingjiao came from Persia, it has been an independent sect for hundreds of years and has never been under the jurisdiction of the Persian Headquarters. I am a bit polite to you, but you are putting your nose on the face! You still want to let me Killing an important member of the sect is simply a daydream!"

Hui Yue envoy said: "You, the leader of the Ming Cult of China, how dare you be so presumptuous, disrespecting the orders of the Chief Cult! If you don't kill Dai Qisi, we will kill you, and then reorganize the Ming Cult of China!"

Su Chen laughed loudly and said, "You want to kill me? It depends on whether you have the ability?"

Liuyun envoy said: "People in the Ming religion, those who do not follow the orders of the holy fire will be killed without mercy!"

The three envoys of Fengyunyue screamed at the same time, and they all rushed to Su Chen's side, holding the holy fire order, and rushed towards Su Chen!

"Master, the subordinates are here to help you!"

Seeing this, Xie Xun yelled loudly and planned to step forward to help.

Dai Qisi's eyes were also slightly fixed, ready to fight.

Su Chen waved his hand and said: "You can just sweep the formation aside, these three people who are overconfident, I don't take it seriously."

When the voice fell, Su Chen took a step forward and fell into the middle of Fengyunyue's three envoys.

The Huiyue envoy seemed to have found a good opportunity, and the holy fire token in his left hand immediately shot down towards the position of Su Chentian's spirit cover!

Liu Yun made his body roll, and the holy fire token in his hand smashed at Su Chen's legs at the same time!

Miaofeng swung the holy fire with both hands, and poked towards Su Chen's back at top speed!

Seeing this, Xie Xun, Zhang Wuji, Dai Qisi, and Shi Feixuan who were on the side all felt a little nervous involuntarily.

As the target of the attack, Su Chen did not rush, his legs suddenly left the ground, and Fengshen's legs were cast out instantly!

At the same time, the left Tianshuang Fist and the right hand Paiyun Palm hit the chests of Miaofengshi and Huiyueshi respectively!

Following Su Chen's attack, suddenly there were countless leg shadows with the power of the hurricane, kicking towards Liu Yunshi quickly!

At the same time, misty clouds and icy frost enveloped Miaofengshi and Huiyueshi respectively!

"Bang bang bang..."

Afterwards, there was a series of dull impact sounds, and 0 .........

When the sound stopped, Miaofengshi, Liuyunshi, and Huiyueshi all flew upside down like a kite with a broken string at the same time, and fell to the ground with a "plop".




Afterwards, the torch order in Fengyunyue's hand also dropped directly from his hand.


At the same time, Feng Yunyue three envoys spat out a mouthful of blood each, and their faces turned pale instantly.

With a casual move, Su Chen directly recruited all six holy fire tokens back into his hand.

At the same time that the torch order was recalled by Su Chen, the familiar notification sound from the system sounded again.

[Ding, the host has collected the luck item Mingjiao Torch Order, and will get a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Su Chen was not surprised by this. There was no lottery draw for the time being, but he walked to the side of Fengyunyue Third Envoy, and the energy-absorbing ability of Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue was suddenly activated.

"Ah, you are a devil!"

Sensing the loss of true qi and spirit in her body, Huiyue envoy couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

Miaofengshi and Liuyunshi also had painful expressions on their faces, and despair appeared in their eyes.

After a while, Su Chen absorbed all the skills of the three of them, but left a little bit of spirit, so that their corpse 2.2 would not look too scary.

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