Although Su Chen's battle in Duke Yang's treasury was not reported due to various reasons, the fact that Su Chen beheaded Fu Yu Jianlang and turned the clouds on Dongting Lake was spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

As the little princess of the Dongming School, Shan Wanjing naturally heard about this.

She did not expect that the famous Su Chen would be so young, and he seemed to be quite kind.

"That's right, it's me." Su Chen nodded slightly, and continued, "As for my purpose, it is natural to bring the Dongming faction under my command, help me put down all rebels, and seize the Great Sui Empire's Jiang 08 Mountain as soon as possible!"


When Shan Wanjing heard Su Chen's words, she couldn't help but screamed, and then looked at her mother.

Shan Meixian said in a deep voice: "Master Su please give me some time to think about it, I will definitely give Master Su a satisfactory answer."

The reason why Shan Meixian said this was just to delay time.

But thinking of Su Chen's powerful strength, she didn't dare to be too tough, so she had to delay like this, and then think of a way.

As for what Su Chen said, he wouldn't do anything to their mother and daughter, but Shan Meixian couldn't believe it.

After experiencing the incident of not being responsible, Shan Meixian didn't have any good impressions of the Yingui Sect or even the entire Demon Sect, let alone trust her.

Su Chen glanced at Shan Meixian with a half-smile, and said casually, "Okay, I'll wait for Mrs. Shan's reply."

Then, Su Chen turned around suddenly, and a Xuanling Pill casually flicked towards Shan Wanjing.

Shan Wanjing didn't have any ability to react at all, she swallowed the elixir involuntarily, and then it turned into energy and poured into her body.

"What did you eat for Wanjing?"

Seeing this, Shan Meixian turned pale immediately, and questioned Su Chen loudly.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just a gift from me as a master uncle to the younger generation. This elixir can improve her skill for 30 years. I'm waiting for good news from Mrs. Shan."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen's figure flashed, and he disappeared directly from the sight of Shanmei's mother and daughter.

The reason why Su Chen gave Shan Wanjing the Profound Spirit Pill so generously was that on the one hand, he no longer needed it, and on the other hand, he had already regarded Shan Wanjing as his own woman.

It's not too much to give your own woman a pill to improve her cultivation, right?

"Wanjing, how are you? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Naturally, Shan Meixian didn't know what Su Chen was thinking, and thought that Su Chen had poisoned Shan Wanjing in order to force her to submit.

Hearing her mother's question, Shan Wanjing sensed the situation in her body, shook her head and said: "No, and I feel that there is an extra powerful energy in my body. After refining and absorbing it, the strength will definitely improve a lot. Su What the young man said should be true."

Speaking of this, Shan Wanjing felt that the energy in her body was flowing faster.

"Mother, wait a moment." Sensing this situation, Shan Wanjing hurriedly said to Shan Meixian, and then sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Shan Meixian was on the sidelines, looking nervously at Shan Wanjing, for fear that something might happen to her.

A quarter of an hour later, Shan Wanjing completely absorbed the medicinal power of the Xuanling Pill in her body, and her cultivation base also directly broke through from the original innate early stage to the innate peak!

"Mom, I have broken through to the peak of the innate realm!"

Sensing the situation in her body, Shan Wanjing immediately uttered joy, and she couldn't help feeling a deep sense of gratitude to Su Chen in her heart.

Shan Meixian said: "People from the Demon Sect have always been ruthless and merciless. Although your cultivation base has improved, there may be some after-effects from this elixir. After the ship docks, Mother will find someone to examine it carefully for you." one time."

"Mother, I think you have misunderstood Mr. Su. I feel that I am in good health now. What's wrong?"

When Shan Wanjing heard Shan Meixian's words, she couldn't help pouting and retorted.

"What do you know? Well, you go down first, I have to deal with Shang Ming's affairs!" Shan Meixian scolded Shan Wanjing, and then gave orders.

"Oh, yes, mother." Seeing that Shan Meixian was angry, Shan Wanjing turned around and left without arguing with her.

However, she didn't take Shan Meixian's words to heart, instead she couldn't help thinking of Su Chen in her mind.

On the other side, Su Chen had already returned to the boat where Xie Xun and the others were, and the group continued towards the coastline.

The Dongming faction's fleet and the Mingjiao's seagoing ships seemed to be going in the same direction, and there was no problem between the two sides.

In the blink of an eye, another five days passed.

In the evening, the big ships of both sides were already approaching the coast.

Just when the big ship was about to dock, suddenly from the other side of the pier, a fleet of dozens of ships of different sizes rushed towards the fleet of Dongming faction.

When the ships of both sides approached, there were many figures in tight black clothes on the fleet, and they quickly jumped into the water and swam towards the bottom of the Dongming fleet!

"I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence, first the Dongming faction, then the Haisha gang, and I met them all!"

Seeing this scene, Su Chen directly used the God of Luck, and soon 347 recognized the identities of these attackers.

In the original book, there was also a scene where the Haisha gang attacked the Dongming faction.

However, at that time, the Haisha Gang actually acted against the Dongming faction under the orders of the Yuwen Clan.

Su Chen did not expect that in this comprehensive martial arts world, the Yuwen faction has lost many masters in a row, and he still has no memory of the Dongming faction.

"Enemy attack!"

Not long after, the sentry on the Dongming sent ship also discovered the Haisha gang's attack, and immediately made a sharp cry to remind the companions on the ship.




Soon, the Haisha Gang and Dongming faction fought together.

Although the Dongming faction has some strength, the strength of the Haisha gang is not weak compared to them, and the Haisha gang is still fighting at home, and carried out a surprise attack in advance.

What's more, among the Haisha gang, there are also masters from the Yuwen faction mixed in.

Therefore, not long after the two sides fought, the Dongming faction fell into a disadvantage and could only barely hold on!

In the original book, there are two people, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who helped the Dongming faction by mistake.

Now that the Dongming faction has no foreign aid to help, the situation has become very unfavorable.

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly discovered that there was a small boat in the fleet of the Dongming faction, rowing towards their position quickly...

Chapter 213 Reminder Xiaoyin, another lucky draw! 【Please customize】

Not long after, the ship came to the side of Su Chen's ship and docked to one side.

After that, Shan Wanjing, who was full of youthful breath and a little bit arrogant, hurriedly stepped onto the ship where Su Chen was.

Of course, Shan Wanjing was able to set foot on Su Chen's ship without hindrance, because Su Chen found her and let the people on board let her go.

"Master Su, please help our Dongming faction!" After seeing Su Chen, Shan Wanjing directly asked Su Chen for help.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Why should I help you? That day, I proposed to your mother that the Dongming Sect belong to the Yingui Sect, so that they can enjoy the protection of the Yingui Sect. Your mother said she was thinking about it, but There has been no feedback so far. If this is the case, why should I care about the life and death of the Dongming faction?"

Upon hearing this, Shan Wanjing said anxiously: "Master Su, my mother just didn't think about it for a while, and she still has to discuss it with the elders of the faction, she didn't deliberately evade it."

"Now that the Dongming faction is in danger, if you, Mr. Su, help out and resolve the crisis of the Dongming faction, everyone will definitely accept you and the Yingui faction more easily, won't they?"

Su Chen raised his brows slightly when he heard this, "If you find all kinds of excuses to procrastinate after I rescued everyone from the Dongming faction, wouldn't my efforts be wasted?"

Shan Wanjing hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If Mr. Su saves everyone from the Dongming Sect, I will definitely persuade my mother and the elders of the sect to agree to join Mr. Su."

"Really? If they ignore your persuasion and still don't want to join me, so what?" Su Chen took a look, and the Dongming sent fleet not far away asked in a leisurely manner.

Shan Wanjing gritted her teeth and said, "If that's the case, then I will let Mr. Su handle it with you!"

Hearing this, Su Chen glanced at Shan Wanjing with a half-smile, and then said: "That's unnecessary. Since Miss Shan sincerely invites you, I will help you. However, if after this time, the Dongming faction will still If you don't know what's good or bad, that young master won't be polite anymore!"

"Instead of waiting for the Dongming faction to fall into the enemy's hands, build weapons for the enemy, and strengthen the enemy's strength, it is better for me to directly destroy the Dongming faction and seize the weapons stored by the Dongming faction first!"


When Shan Wanjing heard Su Chen's words, her expression changed immediately.

On the one hand, she felt worried for the Dongming faction; on the other hand, Su Chen would rather destroy the Dongming faction than take her as a reward, and Shan Wanjing felt that Su Chen looked down on her, so she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Women's minds are sometimes so strange.

"Okay, let's go rescue the people of the Dongming faction. These people will be good at forging weapons for me in the future. We can't let them be harmed like this!"

Su Chen didn't pay attention to Shan Wanjing's thoughts, and said softly, then stretched out his hand, took Shan Wanjing's Yujian to fly, and headed for the fleet of Dongming faction!


Shan Wanjing was suddenly taken up into the sky by Su Chen, she couldn't help but panic, and subconsciously let out a scream.

But soon, she felt that her feet were very stable, and her mind was at peace.

At this moment, looking at the little fishing fires under her feet, and the battle between the Dongming faction and the Haisha Gang fleet, Shan Wanjing actually had a different feeling in her heart.

After a while, Su Chen brought Shan Wanjing to the sky above Dongming.

Standing on the Lingshuang Sword, the two of them could already clearly see the battle taking place on the Dongming.

The Dongming is the main ship of the Dongming fleet, and it is also the ship where Shan Meixian is.

At this time, someone from the Haisha Gang has already attacked!

"Master Su, let's go down quickly and help my mother!" Seeing this situation, Shan Wanjing hurriedly asked Su Chen for help.

Su Chen smiled and said: "No need to be so troublesome, just stand still and watch me destroy the enemy!"

After the sound fell, under Shan Wanjing's puzzled eyes, Su Chen took off the panlong flute on his left waist, put it by his lips, and began to play it softly.

The sea is so vast, and the battle sounds of the two major gangs, the Dongming faction and the Haisha gang, are also extremely loud!

However, the sound of the flute played by Su Chen was easily heard by everyone on the sea surface, and they couldn't help but immerse themselves in it.

Soon, the two sides who fought each other stopped fighting directly, and all of them concentrated on listening to the Xiao Yin.

After a while, a disciple from the Haisha Gang suddenly bled to death from Qiqiao, and the body fell into the sea with a "plop" sound!

"Bang bang!"

Afterwards, some Haisha Gang disciples suddenly burst into explosions for unknown reasons.

In the sound of the explosion, either the arm was blown off, or the leg was blown off!

There are even some people who are like sculptures, blown to pieces, fragments of corpses flying all over the sky, and blood splattering everywhere!

This kind of similar scene happened more and more frequently, and more and more Haisha Gang disciples died!

Gradually, almost every minute and every second, Haisha Gang disciples were smashed into chunks of meat by Xiaoyin, flying in all directions!

"Ah, it hurts to death!"

"Help, I don't want to die!"

"There is a ghost, run away!"


In less than a quarter of an hour, the surviving disciples of the Haisha Gang had completely collapsed, screaming frantically, and running away everywhere!

Although the disciples of the Eastern Sea Sect did not suffer from such an invisible and intangible terrorist attack, seeing the tragic situation of the disciples of the Haisha Gang unfold before their eyes, it was really difficult for them to feel the joy of retreating from the enemy.

Looking at the corpses on the deck one by one, the blood color in the seawater, they couldn't help but turn pale, and their hearts were terrified.

Because the people of the Dongming faction don't know where the deadly flute sound comes from!

I don't even know if this urging Xiaoyin will continue to attack them after killing the Haisha Gang!

I don't know how long it has passed, the disciples of the Haisha Gang, except for a few who were lucky enough to pass out and become unconscious, the rest basically died under Su Chen's Xiao Yin.

Oh, by the way, there are still two people who did not die.

That is Han Gaitian, the leader of Haisha Gang, and Yuwen Chengdu, the master sent by Yuwen faction to help leader Han Gaitian!

These two people were here, but it was Su Chen who deliberately left them alive.

Shan Wanjing looked at Su Chen, who was dressed in white, and Yu Jian volleyed like an exile, just played a song, and wiped out the Haisha Gang, she couldn't help feeling a tingling scalp!

At this moment, Shan Wanjing couldn't help worrying about the fate of their Dongming faction.

She only hoped that she would be able to persuade her mother and the elders of the Dongming faction to agree to surrender to Su Chen later.

Otherwise, the fate of the Dongming faction might not be any better than that of the enemies who attacked them!

At this moment, Shan Wanjing even regretted a little in her heart, she shouldn't seek Su Chen's help.

But she knew better that by now, it was too late to regret.

"` "Let's go, let's go and see who is attacking your Dongming faction.Then, talk to your mother about Dongming faction's attachment. "

Shan Wanjing was thinking about something in her heart, Su Chen suddenly stopped playing, put away the panlong flute, wrapped her slender waist in one hand, and stretched out her immortal steps, like a banished immortal, slowly landed on Dongming above.

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