"Wanjing, are you okay!" Seeing Shan Wanjing, Shan Meixian hurriedly stepped forward and expressed concern, "Why are you with Mr. Su?"

Shan Wanjing heard what her mother said, and quickly told what happened just now.

Upon hearing Shan Wanjing's words, Shan Meixian and the elders of the Dongming Sect subconsciously looked at the Panlongxiao on Su Chen's waist.

Thinking of the previous scene, everyone's scalp tingled for a while, and the eyes they looked at Su Chen were full of awe.

Immediately, the group quickly thanked Su Chen a thousand times.

After they finished thanking them, Su Chen asked Dongming to send people to bring Han Gaitian and Yu Wencheng over.

Soon, Dongming faction also knew the identity of the person who attacked them this time.

After learning that the Yuwen faction was instigating behind it, all the senior members of the Dongming faction (okay Zhao) fell silent.

Because even if they knew it was the Yuwen Clan, they had nothing to do with the Yuwen Clan, and they didn't dare to kill Yuwen Chengdu, for fear of completely angering the Yuwen Clan and being retaliated by the Yuwen Clan.

This is the tragedy of being weak!

However, Su Chen would not give them a chance. After the Dongming faction confirmed the identities of Han Gaitian and Yuwen Chengdu, Su Chen dealt with them casually, and then brought up the matter of the Dongming faction joining the Yingui faction again.

With the terrifying scene of Su Chen killing the Haisha Gang before, coupled with Shan Wanjing's strong persuasion, in the end, Dongming faction, except for a very small number of diehards, agreed to join the Yingui faction. It belongs to Su Chen.

As for those diehards, they were naturally sent to Huangquan Road by Su Chen!

"Very well, you will be grateful for today's decision!"

Having finalized the submission of the Dongming faction, Su Chen looked around and spoke with satisfaction.

A few people from the Dongming faction just forced a smile when they heard Su Chen's words, but they didn't know what to say.

At this moment, in Su Chen's mind, the familiar prompt sound from the system sounded again.

[Ding, the host destroyed the Haisha Gang and Yuwen Chengdu, subdued the Dongming faction, changed the original plot, and won a lucky draw chance! 】.

Chapter 214: Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect, Separate Actions! 【Subscribe】

Hearing the voice of the system, Su Chen immediately gave the lottery drawing instructions to the system without hesitation in his heart.

In the next moment, the familiar lottery roulette appeared in front of Su Chen again, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

Soon, the lottery wheel stopped spinning, and the system's lottery notification sound sounded again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for getting "Wan Jian Gui Zong"! 】

It turned out to be Wan Jian returning to the sect, and the reward this time is not bad!

Hearing the content of the system reward, Su Chen was overjoyed.

This Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect is a unique skill from the Sword Sect of the Fengyun series!

In the Fengyun series, the Wulin Myth is Wuming, who was once cheated by his disciple Jian Chen and lost all his martial arts, and after he cultivated into Wanjian and returned to the sect, he rose again.

This set of sword techniques is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely cool to use!

When Su Chen watched Fengyun in his previous life, he liked this set of sword skills very much. He never thought that he could get the secret book of this set of sword skills today.

Immediately, Su Chen took out the secret book of Wan Jian Gui Zong and started to read it, and at the same time, he followed the exercise silently in his heart.

After a while, Su Chen finished reading the secret book of Wan Jian Guizong, and this set of sword skills has also been integrated into his memory, becoming a new martial art he has mastered!

After practicing Wanjian and returning to the sect, Su Chen withdrew his mind and put it back on the Dongming faction.

After pondering for a while, Su Chen called Xie Xun, Dai Qisi, Shan Meixian and Fu Junmao together.

"See the leader!"

Seeing Su Chen, Xie Xun and Dai Qisi immediately stepped forward to salute.

Shan Meixian and Fu Junmao also saluted and greeted them.

Su Chen smiled and said: "You don't need to be too polite, I'm here this time to announce something."

"Ask the Lord to show me!"

When Xie Xun and Dai Qisi heard the words, they immediately spoke out respectfully.

Although Shan Meixian was a little unwilling in her heart, she could only compromise at this time and wait for Su Chen to speak out.

Su Chen said: "For the time being, I will stay in the Great Sui Empire to receive the Dongming faction, and also deal with some matters concerning the rebels in the Great Sui Empire. Xie Xun and Dai Qisi, you two will return to Guangmingding first."

"About the reorganization of the Mingjiao, Dai Qisi can inform Xie Xun of the details. After returning to the Bright Summit, Xie Xun will temporarily serve as the deputy head of the Law Enforcing Hall."

"Subordinates obey!"

When Dai Qisi heard Su Chen's words, she quickly and respectfully agreed to speak out.

Although Xie Xun was somewhat puzzled, he didn't ask any questions at this time, but clasped his fists in response.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and continued: "As for Brother Wuji and Miss Zhu'er, if you want to go to the Mingjiao, you can go directly to the Wudang Sect. It's up to you. You can decide on your own."

When Zhang Wuji and Zhu'er heard Su Chen's words, they also followed suit.

In the end, Su Chen looked at Shan Meixian, and said calmly: "No matter what forces the Dongming faction has cooperated with before, they will all be cancelled. It just so happens that this place is not far from the Jianghuai area, and the weapons on board the Dongming faction will be directly given to the Jianghuai rebels." used."

Shan Meixian's complexion changed slightly when he heard this, "Master Su, these (.) weapons have been negotiated with the buyers in advance, if we go back on our word, it may cause a lot of trouble."

"Moreover, building weapons also requires cost and labor. If they are directly sent to the Jianghuai Rebel Army, how will the Dongming faction survive?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, my son stayed here just to solve the finishing problem for the Dongming faction. You just send someone to spread the news that the Dongming faction was forcibly subdued by the Yingui faction, and I will take care of you." You solve these problems."

"As for the survival of the Dongming faction, you can rest assured that I am not a person who does not know what is right and wrong, and I will not do anything like killing chickens and taking eggs. The weapons made by your Dongming faction can also be used by the rebels under my command. Receive a certain amount of remuneration. Of course, not too huge profits."

"This... the concubine knows", Shan Meixian's expression changed for a while when she heard the words, and finally she reluctantly agreed.

Because she knows very well that she has no choice at all now!

After the plan was made, Su Chen let everyone disperse.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Xie Xun and Dai Qisi took a group of Mingjiao disciples to bid farewell to Su Chen and left.

Zhang Wuji and Zhu'er naturally followed them.

Su Chen temporarily stayed on the Dongming fleet, and sent someone to the Jianghuai area to inform Du Fuwei to come and meet him.

Yuhang was also on the edge of the Jianghuai region, and within a few days Du Fuwei rushed to Dongming.

"Subordinates see you son!"

Seeing Su Chen, Du Fuwei immediately bowed and saluted respectfully.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be too polite, I just passed by occasionally this time, so let's take a look at how the Jianghuai Army under your command is doing?"

When Du Fuwei heard Su Chen's words, he quickly and respectfully reported the development of the Jianghuai Army to Su Chen.

In fact, among the Jianghuai Army, Li Jing is currently the main person in charge.

As for Du Fuwei, he was like a mascot, sitting in a high position and enjoying happiness every day, and his life was pretty good.

Under the leadership of Li Jing, the Jianghuai army also achieved good results.

After Su Chen captured He's Bi, he got the news that the 10 yuan army besieged Mingjiao, so he planned to rush back to Mingjiao to relieve the siege.

However, before leaving the Great Sui Empire, Su Chen asked the Shadow Secret Guards to send letters to Du Fuwei, Helianba, Shi Zhixuan, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling respectively, asking them to act together to take down Xiao Mian's power.

And from Du Fuwei's report, Su Chen also learned that the order he gave at the beginning has basically been completed.

In the first battle in Yang Gong's treasure house, Su Chen secretly eliminated Xiao Xian, leaving Xiao Xian's rebel army leaderless in the Lianghu area and causing internal chaos.

Under the alliance of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling's Jiangxi Rebel Army, Du Fuwei's Jianghuai Rebel Army, the Three Thousand Xuanjia Army led by Shi Zhixuan, and the Nujiao Gang controlled by Haisha Palace, the internal and external pincers have completely wiped out Xiao Mian's forces. Divided up!

After listening to Du Fuwei's report, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction, "You guys did a good job."

Du Fuwei hurriedly said: "This is all thanks to the young master. You are a role model for us when you are strategizing and winning thousands of miles away!"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Okay, there is no need to talk about flattery. I came to you this time, in addition to asking about the development of the rebel army, there is one more thing, that is, let Dongming send a batch of weapons to the Jianghuai rebel army .For details, let Madam Shan talk to you later."

"Yes, thank you son!"

Du Fuwei was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Because of the battle with Xiao Xian's rebel army, although the Jianghuai rebel army won, they also lost a lot, especially the loss of weapons and equipment.

During this period of time, Li Jing was asking Du Fuwei for weapons and equipment. To Du Fuwei, the weapons of the Dongming faction were really a timely help!

With Su Chen in charge, the transaction between Shan Meixian and Du Fuwei naturally went very smoothly.

It didn't take long for the two parties to negotiate and wait for the handover of the goods.

After the two parties completed the transaction, Su Chen said again: "Mrs. Shan directly ask her subordinates to help deliver the weapons to the Jianghuai army camp. Du Fuwei, you must do a good job in reception."

"In addition, after you go back, order Li Jing to meet me in Nanchang. At the same time, send someone to inform Shi Zhixuan and Helian Ba ​​in the Lianghu area to also meet me in Nanchang."

"Subordinates obey!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Du Fuwei quickly and respectfully agreed to speak out.

Shan Meixian could only reluctantly agree.

After dealing with this matter, Su Chen told Du Fuwei and Shan Meixian, and then left for Nanchang.

Before he left, he brought Shan Wanjing with him.

In his words, it is to take Shan Wanjing as a hostage, and ask Shan Meixian not to play tricks, and fully cooperate with the action.

Although Shan Meixian was very reluctant, but in the end her arm couldn't twist her thigh, so she could only lift Zhu Yuyan out and say some innocuous warning words.

Su Chen took the three girls on a leisurely journey, checking the scene along the way.

Not a day later, a group of four arrived at Nanchang, the base camp of the Jiangxi Rebel Army.

At the same time, Li Jing, Helianba, Shi Zhixuan, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling all gathered in Nanchang City.

As for Lin Shihong and his younger brother, in the process of suppressing the rebellion before, they were killed by Su Chen's shadow secret guards.

"See you son!"

"Meet Master!"

Seeing Su Chen, several of them quickly knelt down on one knee and spoke respectfully.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Get up."

While speaking, Su Chen walked directly to the seat of the leader of the rebel army and sat down majestically, then glanced at Shi Zhixuan and the others one by one, "Do you know why I summoned you?"

Chapter 215 Strategic Layout, Returning to the Song Clan! 【Please customize】

"I don't know, please show me, my lord!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Shi Zhixuan and the others looked at each other, expressing their ignorance.

Kou Zhong said with a smile: "Master, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Su Chen glanced at a few people, and said calmly: "Now the Great Sui Empire is in chaos, wars are everywhere, and wars are happening everywhere. I intend to end the chaos of the Great Sui Empire as soon as possible. This requires the joint efforts of all of you. "

"Now Xiao Xian, Zhang Shan'an, and Lin Shihong are all dead, and their respective powers are all under your name. However, they are too scattered. Therefore, I plan to integrate several powers into one , do you have any different opinions?"

Hearing the words, several people looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Everything is arranged by the son (master)!"

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Very good. Since this is the case, from now on, the Jiangxi Rebel Army, the Jianghuai Rebel Army, and the Two Lake Rebel Army will be integrated as soon as possible."

"Li Jing is the Generalissimo of all the Rebel Army, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are the Marshal of the Left and the Marshal of the Right, respectively, and then the army below, the three of you discussed and decided to integrate the three rebel armies into one, And form a strong fighting force!"

"Yes, son (master)!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Li Jing, Kou Zhong, and Xu Ziling hurried forward, respectfully obeying the order ~ and making a sound.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and continued: "Shi Zhixuan is the military adviser of the rebel army, and his status is equal to Li Jing. He can provide corresponding military advice to Li Jing, Kou Zhong, and Xu Ziling, but he cannot interfere with the military orders of the three."

"Shi Zhixuan, your task, besides serving as a military officer, is more importantly to recruit talents from all over the world as soon as possible, and to organize and manage the civil service system."

"Subordinates obey!"

When Shi Zhixuan heard the words, he immediately stepped forward and clasped his fists in response.

Su Chen nodded, and finally said to Helian Ba ​​of the Sea Shark Palace: "Helian Ba, your task is to unite with the Yingui faction to annihilate all the forces in the rivers and lakes in the Sui territory except Cihang Jingzhai. Subdue, and when needed, help the rebels in their campaigns."

"Subordinates obey!"

Naturally, Helian Ba ​​did not dare to neglect Su Chen's order, so he quickly and respectfully agreed.

After a pause, Su Chen said again: "In addition, in terms of intelligence, Zhu Hu, who sent you a letter last time, will be responsible for the intelligence news in the Sui territory and convey it to you in a timely manner. I will also ask Zhu Hu to contact you method, if you need information, you can also take the initiative to find Zhu Hu's Shadow Secret Guard."

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