"Subordinates (disciples) obey!"

When everyone heard the words, they all responded to their orders.

"My lord, I don't know how Du Fuwei should arrange it?" After a pause, Li Jing suddenly remembered something and asked Su Chen.

Su Chen pondered for a while, and then said: "Du Fuwei will be appointed as the Right Army Adviser of the Rebel Army, and Shi Zhixuan will be the Left Army Adviser, but Shi Zhixuan's opinion will prevail in everything."


Li Jing clasped his fists in response, expressing his understanding.

"Thank you, my lord, for your trust!"

Shi Zhixuan thanked Su Chen and expressed his gratitude.

In fact, although the methods are different, Du Fuwei and Shi Zhixuan obviously have no problem with their loyalty to Su Chen.

The reason why Su Chen let Shi Zhixuan's opinions come first is because he still values ​​his ability.

As for Du Fuwei, it was just to give him a high position and show it to the people under the rebel army.

Next, Su Chen stayed in Nanchang temporarily, and let Li Jing, Shi Zhixuan and others integrate the three forces.

Of course, during this period, Su Chen also took out "The Grand Duke's Art of War" for Li Jing, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to learn from.

As for the Shadow Secret Guard, Zhu Hu also rushed over after being summoned by Su Chen. After getting acquainted with Li Jing and the others, they started working together.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

During this month, Su Chen just rested quietly in Nanchang City, and did not interfere with the actions of Li Jing and the others.

However, none of them disappointed him. In just one month, the three rebel armies that originally belonged to different groups had already been integrated.

The total number of soldiers and horses of the three rebels reached a terrifying 40!

Moreover, this is the number of troops after Li Jing and the others have been streamlined!

As long as there is another big battle, this army will be completely integrated, and its combat power will double again!

In Nanchang City Lord's Mansion, Su Chengao sat in the main seat. Beside him, on the left and right stood two middle-aged men with awe-inspiring swordsmanship, which made people dare not look directly at them.

These two people came to Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang during this time.

Su Chen had nothing to arrange for them to do for the time being, so he asked them to act as his guards temporarily.

In the lobby, Li Jing, Shi Zhixuan, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Zhu Hu and others stood in awe.

"Very good, I am very satisfied with your results!" After listening to the reports of Li Jing and the others, he was satisfied.

After a pause, Su Chen said again: "Since the army needs a battle, then you should start arranging the battle. Have you selected a target to attack?"

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After several people looked at each other, Li Jing took a step forward, clasped his fists and said: "The strategy agreed by the few of us is from south to north. Now in our southeast direction, there are forces from Shen Faxing and Feng An. We plan to take They performed surgery. But, I don’t know if the Lingnan Song Clan will interfere.”

Su Chen pondered for a while, and then said: "How about this, you go and destroy Shen Faxing's strength first, as for Feng An, wait until I go to the Song clan to make a decision."

"Subordinates obey!"

Hearing this, Li Jing clasped his fists and responded immediately.

In fact, he originally wanted to ask Su Chen to come forward to relieve the potential threat of the Song Clan.

After all, in the southern part of the Great Sui Dynasty, only the Song Clan can threaten them.


Su Chen said: "If there is nothing else, everyone should leave, and go down to arrange the expedition against Shen Faxing. Besides, I will leave after I have been to the Song Clan this time."

"In future military operations, as long as you can solve it, you don't need to ask me for instructions. If there is really something difficult to decide, let the Shadow Secret Guard contact me."

"Yes, son (master), subordinate (disciple) retire!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Li Jing, Shi Zhixuan and the others looked at each other, and said in unison.

After the few people left, Su Chen didn't delay anything, and directly took Shi Feixuan, Fu Junmao, and Shan Wanjing towards the direction of the Song Clan.

Nanchang is not very far from Lingnan, so the group did not spend too much time before entering the Lingnan boundary.

Su Chen was also very familiar with Lingnan. He took the three daughters with him and arrived at the mountain city where Song Que's family lived.

This time, it was Song Que's third brother Yinxu Song Lu who came forward to greet Su Chen.

"The honored guest comes to the door, and the old man is far away from welcoming you. Please don't blame Mr. Su and the three girls!"

Seeing Su Chen and his party, Master Song Lu stepped forward quickly, bowed his hands, and said with a smile on his face.

Su Chen smiled and said, "It's us who bothered you. I don't know if Lord Song is at home. I'm going to trouble Lord Song again this time."

Song Lu smiled and said: "Yes. It just so happens that my brother is planning to invite someone to come to Lingnan for a talk, but I didn't expect Mr. Su to come just in time."

"Oh? I don't know what the Song Clan Master is looking for?"

When Su Chen heard this, he was a little surprised.

Chapter 216 Ji accepts Feng An and Song Que's conditions! 【Please customize】

Song Lu smiled and said, "You can talk about this matter after Mr. Su meets his brother. Mr. Su, three girls, please!"

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't ask any more questions, and walked directly to the inside of the Song family's mansion.

Soon, a group of people entered the Song family mansion.

After Song Lu entertained a few people for a while, Song Que rushed over with Song Shidao and Song Yuzhi.

Beside the three of them, there was an old man with rough face and slightly dark skin.

"Mr. Su is coming from afar, and Mr. Song is not welcome from afar, please forgive me!"

After seeing Su Chen, Song Que bowed his hands slightly, and let out a sound slowly.

Su Chen smiled and said: "The Lord Song is serious."

Song Que nodded slightly, pointed to the old man next to him, and said to Su Chen: "Master Su, let me introduce you. The person next to him is Feng An, the head of the Feng family."

Then, Song Que said to Feng An: "This is the saint son of the Yin Gui Sect, "San Liu San", who is also the leader of the Jiangxi Rebel Army, Mr. Su Chensu."

"Feng An met Mr. Su!"

Hearing Song Que's introduction, Feng An immediately cupped his fists and saluted Su Chen, speaking politely.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help but his eyes flickered slightly. He never thought that he would see Feng An in the Song Clan.

Naturally, the thoughts in his heart would not be revealed, Su Chen smiled and said: "General Feng is polite."

Feng An used to be an official of the Great Sui Empire, and even achieved the position of General Zuo Wuwei in the Great Sui Empire, so Su Chen called him that.

Song Que said at this time: "At the beginning, Mr. Su was going to put down Zhang Shan'an's rebellion. He once came to Song to persuade General Feng to stay put.

"This time, when General Feng came to find Song, he mainly asked Song to act as an intermediary to contact Mr. Su and reach an agreement."

Hearing Song Que's words, Su Chen also understood the meaning of Song Lu's previous words.

Su Chen smiled and said: "At the beginning, I would like to thank Lord Song and General Feng for their high righteousness. I don't know why General Feng wants to find Su."

Hearing this, Feng An hurriedly said: "Young Master Su's Jiangxi rebel army first quelled the rebellion, and then together with Jianghuai Du Fuwei, wiped out Xiao Xian's two lake rebel armies. Recently, it has been heard that the three rebel armies have merged into one. Young Master Su's order, Young Master Su's might and power are truly admirable, so Feng also wants to join Young Master Su's command."

When Su Chen heard this, his heart couldn't help but move a little. Feng An in the original book seemed to have tricked Lin Shihong quite a bit, and finally he even took refuge in the Li family.

However, Lin Shihong's power had declined at that time.

This Feng An can be said to be a typical foolish character.

After pondering for a while, Su Chen smiled and said, "General Feng is willing to bow down and agree with him, and Su certainly welcomes it. However, there are some things that must be said first."

Feng An said: "Young Master Su, what advice do you have, but it's okay to say."

Su Chen said: "It's actually very simple. General Feng also knows that I originally had three rebel armies under my command. If I add General Feng's men and horses, there will be four teams."

"If they don't belong to each other, it will be extremely detrimental to the development and growth of the rebel army, and there will be a lot of hidden dangers. After all, Zhang Shan'an is the best example."

"That's why I asked Li Jing, Kou Zhong, and Xu Ziling under my command to unite the army and integrate the three groups of people. If the people under General Feng's command join in, they will also be unified and integrated."

Feng An's expression changed slightly when he heard Su Chen's words.

His original plan was to take refuge in Su Chen on the surface, but in fact he would continue to be his emperor. He had an army of [-] to [-] troops under his command, so he still had some status.

If he really broke up and reorganized his army according to Su Chen's request, wouldn't he become a polished general?

At that time, he can only completely obey Su Chen's orders, and he will not have any bargaining chips to get out and stand on his own, or to invest in another party!

Seeing Feng An's expression, Su Chen knew what he was thinking, and continued: "Oh, yes, I suddenly remembered that before I came to the Song Clan, Li Jing, the general under my command, had already stated that he would lead the army Go out and completely integrate the original three-way rebel army into one through the war."

"I heard from him that the first targets are Shen Faxing's forces in the southeast and General Feng's forces. I'm really sorry, I only said that Li Jing was in charge of all the marching and fighting under my command, but I forgot which side his first target was."


Hearing Su Chen's words, Feng An's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "Young Master Su, why is this happening? Please also give Li Jing an order not to attack my brothers. After all, I was on your side back then. Yes!"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Alright, then this time I will send an order to Li Jing to let him attack Shen Faxing first, which can be regarded as repaying General Feng's friendship last time."

"Junmao, go out and contact the Shadow Secret Guards, and ask them to convey my order to Li Jing." Then, Su Chen turned to Fu Junmao, who was at the side, and gave a faint order of 0......

"Yes", Fu Junmao respectfully agreed, then turned and left immediately.

However, before she left, Su Chen told Fu Junmao her true intention through sound transmission through Tian Lai.

Obviously, Su Chen just asked Fu Junmao to cooperate with the performance.

"Thank you Su Gongzi!"

Seeing this, Feng An believed it was true, and quickly thanked Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head and said: "General Feng, you are being polite. This is courtesy. However, General Feng also understands that the Sui Empire has been destroyed and the world is in chaos. Everyone wants to win the throne."

"I came to the Song Clan this time because I also want to deepen cooperation with the Song Clan and continue to accelerate the pace of expansion. It is impossible for me to interfere with the strategy of the generals under my command every time, what do you think?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Feng An couldn't help feeling flustered, turned his head to look at Song Que, hesitantly said, "Lord Song, look..."

Song Que took a deep look at Su Chen, and then said to Feng An: "The Song Clan does intend to deepen cooperation with Mr. Su. At that time, there will be only General Feng and you alone in Nanfang. From Song's point of view, General Feng is still an official Joining under Mr. Su's command is the best, this great Sui country, I'm afraid it will fall into Mr. Su's hands sooner or later."

When Feng An heard Song Que say this, the last luck in his heart disappeared immediately, and he immediately bowed to Su Chen and said, "Feng is willing to defect to Mr. Su, and the army under his command is also willing to accept Mr. Su's reorganization. Please accept Mr. Su." !"

Su Chen smiled and said: "General Feng can make such a decision 2.2, he really understands the righteousness, Su will definitely not disappoint General Feng's trust."

Su Chen exchanged some polite words with Feng An, Feng An said that he would go back and tell his brothers about the matter, he said goodbye to Song Que and others, and left in a daze.

After Feng An left, Su Chen chatted with Song Que about the general trend of the world.

In fact, there is nothing special about it, it is similar to what Li Jing said, that is, to wipe out the southern forces first, and then go all the way to the north to seize the Great Sui Dynasty.

After the two chatted for a while, Song Que suddenly said: "Young Master Su, I think you also know that Song has never fought for the hearts of the world."

"I also know that Mr. Su hopes to get the support of the Song Clan, and even his allegiance. However, if he wants the Song Clan to be used by Mr. Su from now on, Mr. Song needs Mr. Su to agree to two conditions!"

Hearing this, Su Chen frowned slightly, "I don't know what are the two conditions of Lord Song?".

Chapter 217 In-depth cooperation, beauty field owner 【Subscription】

Song Que said: "First, Mr. Su and his little girl Yuzhi entered into a marriage contract. From then on, the Song Clan and the Yingui faction formed a friendship between Qin and Jin. Second, Mr. Su should swear an oath to guarantee that the Song Clan will protect the Song Clan before you seize the Great Sui Dynasty. The honor and favor will never fade, except for the rebellion, the direct blood of the Song Clan will never be cut off!"

"Ah", Song Yuzhi at the side couldn't help being surprised when he heard Song Que's words.

Song Que had never mentioned to her before, asking her to marry Su Chen.

Although Song Yuzhi had some affection for Su Chen, but it was not deep-rooted. Song Que's sudden proposal made her feel a little overwhelmed, and immediately ran away blushing.

Su Chen watched Song Yuzhi leave, and said to Song Que: "As for the marriage contract, as long as Miss Song agrees, I have no objection. However, it must be agreed in advance, it is impossible for me to marry only Miss Song. As for the oath, I have no objection." no problem."

Song Que said: "Master Su just agrees. The old man naturally understands that Mr. Su can't just marry the youngest girl, so don't worry about it."

After the business was finalized, the next step was casual chatting between the two parties.

Of course, Su Chen also proposed that in terms of military operations, Li Jing would be mainly responsible for 08.

To this, Song Que also agreed on behalf of the Song Clan.

Next, Su Chen stayed in the Song Clan for a few more days, and then left the Song Clan with Fu Junmao, Shi Feixuan, and Shan Wanjing.

Seeing Su Chen's growing strength, Concubine Shixuan couldn't help worrying about her master and Cihang Jingzhai, but unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it, even sending news.

However, Su Chen didn't pay attention to Shi Feixuan's psychological activities. He took the three daughters together and headed northwest, intending to return to Mingjiao, and then went to the Tianchi Lake in Tianshan to see what secrets were hidden behind the Tianchi Lake.

On this day, Su Chen and his party of four passed through the territory of Jingling, Hubei, and suddenly heard the sound of fighting coming from the front.

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