Soon, the two warring parties appeared in their sight.

There were more than a dozen people on one side, all of them were men in strong gray suits, with a flying horse with wings on their backs embroidered on their lapels.

It is the person of Pegasus Ranch.

The other party was dressed as a horse bandit, and there were also more than a dozen people, but they were many times more fierce!

The two warring parties soon discovered Su Chen and his party.

The leader of the horse bandit suddenly had a bright light in his eyes, and ordered his subordinates: "Go to some people, and bring those three beauties back to me!"

Hearing the words of the leader of the horse bandit, three or four horse bandits immediately came to kill Su Chen and the others.

"I'm really looking for a dead end." Seeing this, Su Chen shook his head slightly, waved his hand casually, and issued a palm force from the air.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the next moment, those horse bandits were instantly smashed into pieces by his palm force!


Seeing this scene, both sides in the war couldn't help but gasp!

Seeing this, the leader of the Pegasus Ranch quickly said, "Master, please help us, and the Pegasus Ranch will definitely reward us!"

"Flying Horse Ranch?" Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, whispered in his mouth, and sent out a few sword qi casually, attacking the remaining horse bandits.

Before those horse bandits had time to speak, they were all killed on the spot!

"Thank you for your help, young master. I don't know what to call young master?"

Seeing this, the leader of the Pegasus Ranch quickly thanked Su Chen.

Su Chen said: "My surname is Su, what happened to you?"

The man said: "It turned out to be Mr. Su. We inadvertently learned that the four bandits wanted to harm the Pegasus Ranch, so we rushed back to deliver the news, but we didn't expect to be chased by them. If Mr. Su hadn't helped us, We're afraid we're all going to die."

"It's a trivial matter that we died. If we delay the transmission of news and cause the Pegasus Ranch to be breached by the four bandits, we will be the sinners of the Pegasus Ranch."

Su Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words: "So that's the case."

The leading man said: "Mr. Su, there are three girls, if you don't give up, you can go to the Pegasus Ranch with us. I will definitely report what happened just now to the farm owner. You will be rewarded with satisfaction."

Su Chen said: "There is no need for remuneration. I just want to see the Pegasus Ranch that is famous in the Sui Empire. Besides, we just have nothing to do, and we just have a meeting with the four bandits to see if they have anything to offer." What's the matter with him!"

"Thank you Mr. Su, please come with us!"

The man in the lead was overjoyed when he heard the words, thanked Su Chen, and then began to lead the way for several people.

This place is not far from the Pegasus Ranch, and the group soon arrived within the range of the Pegasus Ranch.

Pegasus Ranch is located in the southwest of Jingling County.

Here, Zhangshui and Jushui, two tributaries of the Yangtze River, demarcate a large triangular fertile plain. The two rivers flow through, irrigate the fertile fields on both banks, and finally flow into the river.

The situation of the Pegasus Ranch is dangerous, the river and the mountains along the bank form a natural screen for the ranch.

When a group of people came to the mountain where they could have a bird's-eye view of the pasture, they saw that the fields under the mountain were like blankets of different sizes, forming a beautiful pattern, and they couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

"Mr. Su, three girls, please wait a moment. After I report to the owner, I will come to invite you immediately."

Soon, a group of people entered the Pegasus Ranch, and the well-dressed man headed by said to Su Chen and the others.

Su Chen smiled and said: "It's okay, brother, please do as you please."

The leading man clasped his fists and saluted, then quickly walked towards the main hall of Pegasus Ranch.

After a while, that person came back again.

In front of him, there was a beautiful woman in her twenties.

The black and beautiful hair poured down like two small waterfalls on her slashed fragrant shoulders, which was unusually beautiful.

The light and elegant attire highlighted her outstanding face and bronzed and shiny delicate skin, exuding a scorching youth and a glamorous healthy atmosphere.

This woman is naturally Shang Xiuxun, the beauty owner of the Pegasus Ranch.

"Xiu Xun met Mr. Su and the three girls. Thank you Mr. Su for saving my brothers from the Pegasus Ranch in 363. Xiu Xun is very grateful!"

After seeing Su Chen and his group, Shang Xiuxun strode forward directly, clasped his fists to them, and thanked them generously.

Su Chen smiled and said: "It's just a coincidence, and I also blame those horse bandits who don't know how to live or die, and dare to seduce my woman. Of course, the only way to die is!"

When Shi Feixuan and Shan Wanjing heard Su Chen's words, their faces flushed for a while, but they didn't say anything.

Upon hearing this, Shang Xiuxun took a small look at Shi Feixuan, Fu Junmao, and Shan Wanjing, and then smiled slightly, "No matter what, Mr. Su has a great kindness to our ranch. Please come in with me to explain."

"Mall owner, please!"

Su Chen gave a slight signal, and then walked directly to the inside of the Pegasus Ranch.

Soon, a group of people, led by Shang Xiuxun, entered the living room of the Pegasus Ranch.

Shang Xiuxun personally entertained a few people for a while, expressing that he was going to arrange to deal with the four bandits, and arranged for a maid to take Su Chen and the others to play in the Pegasus Ranch.

Su Chen didn't force anything, and while admiring the beautiful scenery of Pegasus Ranch, while waiting for the arrival of the four bandits, he felt very comfortable.

After playing around for a while, Su Chen seemed to have accidentally discovered a path leading to the back of the Pegasus Ranch.

"Where does that path lead?"

Su Chen looked at the maid beside him, and seemed to ask unintentionally.

Chapter 218 The Four Bandits Attack! 【Please customize】

The servant girl hurriedly said: "That is the forbidden area of ​​Pegasus Ranch, the owner of the farm does not allow other people to approach."

Su Chen nodded slightly, expressing his understanding, and did not continue to say anything.

In fact, he knew very well that the so-called forbidden place was just the place where Shang Xiuxun's father Lu Miaozi lived.

Lu Miaozi also named the place where he lived, "Easy Nest".

Although Su Chen had already obtained the treasures in Duke Yang's treasury and the relics of the evil emperor, and did not need Lu Miaozi to give him the situation of Duke Yang's treasury, Su Chen still had some interest in talents like Lu Miaozi.

Especially for Lu Miaozi's attainments in organs, if Su Chen hadn't obtained the "Book of Organ Arrays" through the system, he would have been stumped by the organs in Duke Yang's treasury.

Su Chen planned in his heart to find an opportunity to take Lu Miaozi under his command and let him go to the rebel army to assist Li Jing and the others.

In the original book, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were able to achieve military achievements, and Lu Miaozi actually played a big role.

Moreover, he has also greatly helped the army in the design of organs and the transformation of various equipment.

Although he had such an idea, Su Chen was not in a hurry.

Right now, it is best to help Pegasus Ranch eliminate the four bandits first.

After all, this Pegasus Ranch can be said to be the largest horse farm in the Sui Empire. Su Chen naturally regards this kind of horse farm as a forbidden horse farm!

Next, Su Chen temporarily lived in the Pegasus Ranch.

Because Shang Xiuxun wanted to discuss with the veterans in the ranch the look of facing the four bandits, so he didn't have much communication with Su Chen and the others, but entertained them occasionally.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

That night, Su Chen was in the room. He had just finished practicing Hehuan Gong with Fu Junmao and entered the sage mode. Suddenly, he heard a secret movement from outside the Pegasus Ranch.

"Are you coming!"

Su Chen whispered, and immediately dressed neatly, planning to go out to watch the battle.

"Young master, what's coming?"

Seeing this, Fu Junmao dressed quickly and asked Su Chen aloud.

Su Chen said: "The troops of the four bandits are approaching the Pegasus Ranch, let's go and have a look together¨¨."

"Okay", Fu Junmao naturally had no objection to this, and immediately agreed, and walked outside with Su Chen.

Not long after the two of them left the room, they saw Shi Feixuan and Shan Wanjing next door also pushed the door and came out.

But they heard the news that Su Chen and Fu Junmao were going out.

"Master Su, it's so late, where are you going?"

When Shan Wanjing saw Su Chen and Fu Junmao, her face flushed slightly, and she asked Su Chen aloud.

Shi Feixuan's face was also red, obviously they all heard the movement of Su Chen and Fu Junmao.

Su Chen said: "I sensed that the four bandits are coming, and I plan to go to the front to take a look. If the Pegasus Ranch loses, we can also lend a helping hand."

After explaining something casually, Su Chen took Fu Junmao directly and walked towards the gate of Pegasus Ranch.

Shi Feixuan and Shan Wanjing looked at each other, and followed quickly.

Not long after, a group of four arrived at the castle at the gate of Pegasus Ranch.

There, Shang Xiuxun, the owner of the Pegasus Ranch, and the high-level executives of the Pegasus Ranch all gathered on the castle.

And under the castle, there is a group of thieves fighting with the guards of Pegasus Ranch.

"Young Master Su, you are here!"

Seeing Su Chen and the others coming, Shang Xiuxun nodded slightly to say hello.

Su Chen said: "We also heard the sound of fighting here, so we came to check the situation. If necessary, Su can also help Pegasus Ranch."

Shang Xiuxun said: "Then thank you Mr. Su first."

"Master, I think these are just the vanguard of the Four Bandits. Why don't we go out and wipe them all out, and teach the Four Bandits a lesson so that they don't dare to underestimate our Pegasus Ranch!"

At this moment, beside Shang Xiuxun, a big one-eyed man suggested to her.

Su Chen followed the reputation, and under the influence of the God of Luck, he recognized at a glance that this person was Liu Zongdao, the deacon of the Pegasus Ranch.

When Shang Xiuxun heard the words, he pondered for a while, and then said: "Alright, Deacon Liu, be careful."

"The host is at ease!"

Hearing the words, Liu Zongdao clasped his fists back at Shang Xiuxun, nodded to Su Chen and the others, and then called on the people from Pegasus Ranch to open the gate of the castle and kill them together.


With the sound of shouts of killing, the two sides quickly handed over their troops, and directly engaged in a fierce battle.

The people outside the castle are indeed just the vanguard of the four bandits, and their combat power is not very good.

Liu Zongdao led the elite of the Pegasus Ranch, so he quickly gained the upper hand and killed those horse thieves!


At this moment, not far from the Pegasus Ranch Castle, there was a sudden sound of the hooves of Leiban's horses.

Before everyone could react, they saw a troop of cavalry galloping towards the castle of Pegasus Ranch!

On the horseback led by the leader, there are four men with unique appearances, each of them is full of infinite evil spirit!

One of them has a short stature, short hands and feet, a big belly, and a flat head that seems to grow directly from the fat shoulders.

But this person is Xiang Batian among the four bandits.

Beside Xiang Batian, the other three people are also ugly, they are Fang Jianding of the Four Bandits, Fang Jianding, "Scorched Earth Thousand Miles", and Cao Yinglong, "Ghost Crying God Howling"!

"Damn it, all the four bandits have come!"

At the same time that Su Chen recognized the four bandits, Shang Xiuxun also recognized the four bandits, and his face was full of worry.

"Deacon Liu alone is definitely not the opponent of the four bandits. Has any of you seen the Chief Manager?" Shang Xiuxun thought about it, and quickly asked the people from the Pegasus Ranch beside him.

"The subordinates didn't see it!"

Hearing Shang Xiuxun's question, several people around shook their heads.

When Su Chen heard Shang Zhen's name, he couldn't help but raise his brows slightly. The Shang Zhen in the original book seemed to have betrayed the Pegasus Ranch and cooperated with the four major bandits.

"Deacon Tao, Deacon Liang, come with me to help Deacon Liu and fight against the four bandits!" Shang Xiuxun looked around and gave instructions to the other two masters at Pegasus Ranch.

"Yes, host!"

Deacon Tao and Deacon He Liang heard Shang Xiuxun's words, without any hesitation, they directly and respectfully agreed to speak out.

Su Chen smiled and said: "I have nothing to do, why don't I replace the owner of the mall, and the owner of the mall is on the castle, commanding the guards of the Pegasus Ranch, fighting against the men of the four bandits, and doing a good job of defense."

"This...then there is Mr. Laosu!"

Shang Xiuxun hesitated for a moment, but agreed to Su Chen's proposal.

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