Because Shang Xiuxun also knows that the combat effectiveness of an army must be very different when it is commanded and not commanded.

What's more, Pegasus Ranch can't afford to lose now. Once the troops of the four bandits attack the castle and enter the interior of Pegasus Ranch, it will be very difficult for Pegasus Ranch to have a chance of winning.

Su Chen nodded slightly, didn't say much, and flew towards the four bandits outside the castle with Deacon Tao and Deacon Liang.

Chapter 219 Suicide, Can You Escape? 【Subscribe】

"Brothers, enter the Pegasus Ranch, the treasure woman inside is up to you to take!"

At this time, Cao Yinglong, headed by the four bandits, was shouting loudly at a group of bandits under him.


Hearing Cao Yinglong's words, a group of thieves screamed excitedly and rushed towards the guards of the Pegasus Ranch.

On the side of Pegasus Ranch, no matter in individual strength or in numbers, they were no match for the four bandits, so they quickly fell into a passive position.

The second deacon of Pegasus Ranch, Liu Zongdao, was injured by Fang Jianding, one of the four bandits.

"Death to the thief!"

At this moment, the other two deacons of Pegasus Ranch, Deacon Tao and Deacon Liang also arrived in time, shouted loudly, and rushed towards Fang Jian Ding to kill them.

Seeing this, Xiang Batian and Mao Mao also flew forward and stopped Deacon Tao and Deacon Liang.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and in a flash, he arrived beside Liu Zongdao and Fang Jianding, and slapped Fang Jianding casually.

Seeing Su Chen make a move, Cao Yinglong on the side planned to step forward to help, but it was a step too late.


Hearing a dull voice, Fang Jianding was directly sent flying by Su Chen's palm.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Fang Jianding's mouth, and then his body fell heavily to the ground, and then he rolled his eyes, and he lost all life!


Seeing this scene of 363, both Cao Yinglong and Liu Zongdao couldn't help but gasp!

Cao Yinglong and Fang Jianding are both the Four Bandits, so they naturally know each other's strength.

And Liu Zongdao had fought against Fang Jianding just now, and he also experienced the strength of Fang Jianding.

However, in their opinion, Fang Jianding, who was not weak or even very powerful, was slapped to death by Su Chen with a random palm!

This is too shocking!

At this time, Shang Xiuxun and others on the castle also saw the process of Su Chen killing Fang Jianding, and Shang Xiuxun and others at Pegasus Ranch were also shocked.

After the shock, Liu Zongdao, Shang Xiuxun and other Pegasus Ranch people were full of surprises in their hearts.

Cao Yinglong, on the other hand, looked solemn, and quickly gave up attacking Su Chen, and quickly retreated to distance himself from Su Chen.

All this is a long story, but in fact it is just a matter of a moment.

Therefore, Xiang Batian and Mao Mao on the other side have not seen the situation here.

Seeing Cao Yinglong retreating, Su Chen's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't continue to pursue.

"Who are you? We are willing to double what Pegasus Ranch can give you, as long as you stand by and watch."

Seeing that Su Chen didn't pursue him, Cao Yinglong heaved a sigh of relief, stopped and spoke solemnly to Su Chen.

Hearing Cao Yinglong's words, Liu Zongdao at the side suddenly changed his face, worried that Su Chen would really agree to Cao Yinglong's conditions.

However, he knew better that at this time, he should not rashly speak out and interfere with Su Chen's choice, otherwise he would only annoy Su Chen, and maybe push Su Chen to the enemy's side.

Su Chen smiled and said: "I always do things as I like, and it doesn't matter what the reward is. For the sake of your master Shi Zhixuan, you just retreat, and I will spare your life."

When Cao Yinglong heard Su Chen's words, his expression changed drastically.

Apart from himself and Shi Zhixuan, no one else knew that he was Shi Zhixuan's apprentice.

He didn't even know about the other three of the four bandits. He never expected that Su Chen would reveal his identity in one word.

Cao Yinglong said in a deep voice: "Who is your Excellency? How do you know this?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "I know far more than you imagined. Now I will give you ten breaths of time to think about it. After ten breaths, if you don't retreat, then you will die!"

When Cao Yinglong heard Su Chen's words, he was both angry and aggrieved, but he still endured it in the end.

Because the strength that Su Chen showed just now is really too powerful!

Even if the remaining three of them join forces, it is impossible for them to be Su Chen's opponent.

Thinking of this, Cao Yinglong said: "Okay! Today I will show you a face and let the Pegasus Ranch go! Withdraw!"

The last word "withdraw" was naturally addressed to his subordinates.

"Cao Yinglong, what the hell are you doing? You want to withdraw at this time?"

When Xiang Batian heard Cao Yinglong's (.) words, he asked angrily.

The frizz was also very impatient, and he shouted: "Cao Yinglong, if you want to withdraw, then withdraw yourself!"

Although Cao Yinglong is the boss of the four bandits, the binding force on the other three is not as strong as imagined.

Generally speaking, they would just give Cao Yinglong some face, but right now, Xiang Batian and Mao Mao didn't care about anything else.


When Cao Yinglong heard Xiang Batian and Mao Mao's words, he was immediately furious.

Su Chen interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "Okay, you just take the people to withdraw yourself, I didn't intend to let them go!"

Cao Yinglong's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he finally chose to retreat.

"Boy, what a big tone!"

On the other side, Mao Mao also heard Su Chen's words, and immediately shouted loudly. After forcing Deacon Liang to retreat, he suddenly attacked Su Chen with a whisk in his hand!

"Seek your own way!"

Seeing this, Su Chen sneered, and issued a Tathagata palm.


In the next moment, there was a sudden roar in the sky, and a phantom of a golden Buddha suddenly appeared in the void, and at the same time, a giant golden palm slammed fiercely at Mao Mao!

Seeing this, his complexion suddenly changed drastically, and he wanted to retreat quickly.

However, it was too late!


In the blink of an eye, Mao Mao was slammed into the ground by that terrifying golden giant palm, and turned into a pulp!

The remaining Xiang Batian finally saw Su Chen's horror at this time, and he also understood why Cao Yinglong chose to retreat, and quickly shouted: "I admit it, I will retreat now!"

While yelling, Xiang Batian didn't care about Deacon Tao anymore, and hurriedly backed away!

Seeing this, Deacon Tao, Deacon Liang, and Shang Xiuxun on the castle were shocked again.

At the same time, they couldn't help guessing about Su Chen's origin.

From their point of view, it is obvious that Su Chen used Buddhist kung fu. Could it be that he is actually a Buddhist disciple?

At the same moment, in the dark place outside the battlefield, an old man with a goose crown and a belt and a strange face, seeing this scene, couldn't help whispering, "When did such a young and strong man appear in the Buddhist sect?"

This old man was naturally Shang Xiuxun's father, Lu Miaozi. He sensed that the four bandits were attacking the Pegasus Ranch, and was worried that something would happen to Shang Xiuxun, so he hid in the dark, planning to strike at a critical moment.

However, Lu Miaozi did not expect that Su Chen would have solved the crisis for Pegasus Ranch before he could make a move.

At this time, Su Chen saw that Xiang Batian wanted to escape, and couldn't help but sneered: "I want to escape now, don't you think it's too late? Come back!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Su Chen suddenly activated the suction method, and a terrifying suction force moved towards Batian!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Xiang Batian took the initiative to fly backwards towards Su Chen, and his neck was directly stuck between Su Chen's fingers! .

Chapter 220 Fleeing desperately, life is in danger? 【Please customize】

"Forgive...forgive your life!"

Xiang Batian was terrified, and tremblingly begged Su Chen for mercy.

However, Su Chen didn't pay attention to it at all, and grasped slightly with his palms.


With a crisp sound, Xiang Batian's neck was directly twisted by Su Chen ~ broke!

Then, Su Chen casually threw Xiang Batian's corpse out.

At this time, Cao Yinglong brought the troops under the command of the four bandits, and they hadn't gone far. Seeing this scene, he was startled and shouted loudly: "Hurry up, hurry up! All retreat to me!"

While yelling, Cao Yinglong accelerated crazily and fled far away.

Seeing this scene, the subordinates of the four bandits also fled in all directions.

"Kill, avenge the dead brothers!"

Liu Zongdao and other people from the Pegasus Ranch took the opportunity to shout, and chased and killed the fleeing bandits.

Not long after, the night attack of the four bandits on the Pegasus Ranch ended with the victory of the Pegasus Ranch.

"Thank you Mr. Su for saving me, Xiuxun is very grateful!"

After the battle was over, Shang Xiuxun came forward and thanked Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and said: "You don't need to be too polite, for me, it's just a matter of little effort."

Suddenly, Su Chen turned to a corner of the castle, and said indifferently: "Who are you? Hiding in the dark, what is your purpose?"

When the sound fell, Su Chen shot down towards a corner of the castle with a palm force!

In fact, Su Chen has already recognized the man in the dark, it is Shang Xiuxun's father, Lu Miaozi, and this move is just to force him out on purpose.

"Your Excellency has such strength at such a young age, I admire you!"

Although Lu Miaozi is not weak in strength, he is far behind Su Chen, and was easily forced out of shape by Su Chen.

Shang Xiuxun didn't seem too surprised to see Lu Miaozi appear, but she didn't have a good look on her face either.

Su Chen said: "You haven't answered my question yet? If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid Xiang Batian and the others will be your role models."

When Shang Xiuxun heard Su Chen's words, his complexion changed slightly, before Lu Miaozi could speak, he said directly: "Young Master Su, don't be impulsive, he is not an enemy."

Although Shang Xiuxun harbored resentment towards Lu Miaozi because of her mother's death, she did not want Lu Miaozi to be killed.

The strength that Su Chen showed just now was really terrifying, Shang Xiuxun didn't dare to let Su Chen really kill Lu Miaozi.

Seeing Shang Xiuxun's performance, Lu Miaozi couldn't help being quite happy.

Lu Miaozi always felt guilty towards Shang Xiuxun's mother and daughter, and wanted to make up for Shang Xiuxun, but unfortunately Shang Xiuxun never gave him a chance, and looked hostile to him.

Shang Xiuxun's reaction this time made Lu Miaozi see her true intentions.

Lu Miaozi also said at this time: "That's right, the old man is indeed not the enemy of Pegasus Ranch, the old man Lu Miaozi is Xiu Xun's...mother's friend."

Lu Miaozi originally wanted to say that he was Shang Xiuxun's father, but after seeing Shang Xiuxun's displeasure, he changed his words temporarily.

Su Chen slightly nodded and said, "Since that's the case, why didn't you help the Pegasus Ranch just now?"

Lu Miaozi said: "Originally, I planned to help Pegasus Ranch when it was defeated, but with Mr. Su's help, I don't need to show off my tricks."

"Senior Lu Miaozi is too modest," Su Chen responded with a smile, and then suddenly said, "I have some experience in the field of medicine, but I found that senior seems to be injured, and the injury is quite serious, even life-threatening , I don’t know how senior was injured?”

When Lu Miaozi heard Su Chen talking about his injury, he kept winking at Su Chen, but Su Chen didn't seem to notice, and still asked about his situation.

Su Chen did this on purpose to let Shang Xiuxun know about Lu Miaozi's physical condition.

Sure enough, when Shang Xiuxun heard Su Chen's words, she couldn't help showing a bit of worry in her expression, and asked Lu Miaozi pretending to be cold and arrogant: "When did you get hurt? Why didn't you find someone to treat it?"

Lu Miaozi shook his head and said, "My injury is nothing serious. Mr. Su may have misread it. You don't have to worry about Xiuxun. Although the four bandits have been repelled now, there is still a lot of finishing work in the Pegasus Ranch. If you want to do it, Xiuxun, you help me first, and I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Lu Miaozi did not give Shang Xiuxun a chance to react, and left directly using her agility.

This time, Su Chen didn't try to stop him.

After Lu Miaozi left, Shang Xiuxun asked Su Chen again: "Master Su, you just said that Lu Miaozi was injured and his life would be in danger, is that true?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "Of course it is true, and his injury should be an old injury for many years. All these years, he has only used his own skills to suppress the injury in his body. Now, he is almost unable to suppress it, as expected If so, it is estimated that it can last for about a year.”

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