At the same time, the Dragon Control Jue he practiced seemed to have some reactions.

Hey, it looks like Xie Qian has appeared!

Sensing this scene, Su Chen raised his brows slightly, thinking to himself, at the same time, he suddenly displayed a flash of lightning, and rushed towards Xie Qian's position.

"There seems to be movement ahead, let's go and see what happened!"

After a long while, Fu Tianxiang also heard the movement ahead, shouted in surprise, and flew towards the front quickly.

Fu Tianxiang seldom went down the mountain, and finally went down the mountain with the senior sister Fu Tianjiao to experience this time. She had been expecting something to happen in her heart, but she was very calm for three consecutive days, which made her very bored.

Now that there is movement, Fu Tianxiang certainly doesn't want to miss it.

"Let's follow too." Seeing this, Fu Tianjiao shook her head slightly, and then quickly followed with the rest of the Tianshan School disciples.

Not long after, a group of people also arrived at the place where Xie Qian fainted.

When they arrived, they saw Su Chen put one hand on Xie Qian's chest, and they didn't know what to do.

"Who are you? Why do you want to hurt someone?"

Seeing this, Fu Tianxiang thought that Su Chen had injured Xie Qian, so he questioned Su Chen.

Su Chen took a look at Fu Tianxiang, and said lightly: "Of course I'm saving someone, didn't you see?"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen ignored Fu Tianxiang, continued to put his hand on Xie Qian's chest, and at the same time, the Dragon Control Technique was activated in his body!


Fu Tianxiang has always been held in the hands of others in the Tianshan School, but who would have thought that Su Chen would be so rude to her, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, Tianxiang, this young master really seems to be saving someone, let's watch from the side first." Fu Tianxiang wanted to say something, but was stopped by Fu Tianjiao who rushed up behind him.

When Fu Tianxiang heard what Fu Tianjiao said, she immediately shut up and stopped talking, but she still looked fierce and gave Su Chen a look.

At this moment, Su Chen was focused on the Dragon Ball, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Following the execution of the Dragon Control Art, Su Chen discovered that in Xie Qian's body, there was a round bead constantly rolling.


Even in a coma, Xie Qian still couldn't help letting out a painful cry.

However, Su Chen ignored it and urged the Dragon Control Art with all his strength.

Soon, a meat bun the size of a baby's fist suddenly bulged on Xie Qian's chest, and a golden light was released from the meat bun!

"Elder Sister, is he really saving someone? Why do I feel so weird, why is that person's body glowing!"

Seeing this scene, Fu Tianxiang couldn't help asking Fu Tianjiao in a low voice.

Fu Tianjiao shook his head and said: "I don't know what's going on. The reason why the person on the ground was injured should be the foreign object in his body. This young man is trying to find a way to take out the foreign object."

Su Chen used the dragon control formula to control the dragon ball, and said with a smile: "This heroine is indeed very knowledgeable. Come out!"

 363 The last sentence was directed at the dragon ball in Xie Qian's body.


In the next instant, a buzzing sound resounded in the air.

In the surprised eyes of Fu Tianjiao, Fu Tianxiang sisters, and a group of Tianshan disciples.

I saw that the meat bun on Xie Qian's chest was suddenly burst by a small glowing ball inside!

Then, a small glowing ball slowly rose into the air, hovering in front of Su Chen's eyes, continuously emitting a faint golden light.

Su Chen looked at the small dragon ball in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and with a thought, he directly put the dragon ball into the system space.

At the same time, a burst of true energy was casually emitted from his right hand, easily stabilizing Xie Qian's injury.

"Hey, what did you get out of that person on the ground just now?"

Seeing this miraculous scene, Fu Tianxiang couldn't help asking Su Chen.

"My sister is rude, please don't blame this young master. Fu Tianjiao is sent in Tianshan Mountain. This is my sister Fu Tianxiang. The people next to me are all our fellow disciples. I don't know what to call this young master?"

Fu Tianjiao gave a slight salute to Su Chen, and asked in a graceful and impolite manner.

Su Chen smiled and said: "It turns out that it's the Tianshan school's big sister Fu Nvxia, I'm Su Chen, be polite!"


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from not far away.

Then four men with different appearances landed in front of Su Chen and Fu Tianjiao.

Chapter 223 Dragon Ball Story, New Lucky Draw! 【Subscribe】

"Fifth brother, what's wrong with you? Who injured you?"

After the four landed on the ground, their eyes quickly glanced around, and then fell on Xie Qian's side. One of them was a middle-aged man with a bald head and two braids. look, asked loudly.

"Fifth brother, are you okay!"

Immediately, the other three also shouted to Xie Qian at the same time.

However, at this time Xie Qian was still in a coma and could not answer their questions.

"Who are you? Was my fifth brother injured by you?"

After a pause, the leading man suddenly turned his head and questioned Su Chen and Fu Tianjiao.

Fu Tianxiang said: "Hey, don't wrong him. When we came, this person was already seriously injured, and it was Mr. Su who rescued him."

Fu Tianjiao didn't make a sound, but just watched quietly.

Su Chen asked the man back, "Who are you?"

The leader, the man with two braids, said: "Flying Tiger Lingxiao, they are all my brothers. The one who was injured on the ground is our fifth younger brother Xie Qian. Thank you Mr. Su for saving our five brothers. Brother."

When Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang heard what the man said, they believed it to be true, so they relaxed their vigilance.

However, Su Chen couldn't help but sneered: "As far as I know, you should be called the Four Leopards in the west of the city, right? What does it have to do with the Five Tigers of Xixia? Otherwise, I will wake Xie Qian up to see if he will recognize you Four brothers?"

"What? The four of them are all fake? Sister, do you think what the surnamed Su said is credible?" Fu Tianxiang couldn't help being startled when he heard Su Chen's words, and asked Fu Tianjiao beside him in a low voice.

Fu Tianjiao looked in the direction of Su Chen and the four leopards in the west of the city, shook her head slightly and said, "I don't know, but judging by his appearance, it doesn't seem like a lie. Let's wait and see, and soon we will know who is lying gone."

In fact it is.

The four leopards in the west of the city suddenly turned cold when they heard Su Chen's words, and the four of them stood apart, surrounded Su Chen in the middle, and said coldly: "Boy, since you recognize us, we don't want to waste our words, thank you Leave it to us, and spare your life ¨¨!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "What you want is not Xie Qian, but the dragon ball in his body, right?"

The little braid who was the leader of the four leopards in the west of the city said sharply: "It seems that the dragon ball is in your hands, hand over the dragon ball, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

Su Chen said casually: "I want to see why you are so rude."

"Looking for death!" The little braid shouted coldly, and immediately held a long knife, and slashed at Su Chen!

At the same time, his three companions also waved their weapons and rushed towards Su Chen.

"Senior Sister, I didn't expect that these guys were really fakes, and they wanted to commit murder. It's too much. I'll go help that Su!"

At this time, Fu Tianxiang on the side understood the truth, and said to Fu Tianjiao with some indignation, then drew his sword out of its sheath, and flew towards Su Chen and the four leopards in the west of the city.

Seeing this, Fu Tianjiao shook her head slightly, she didn't say anything, but just kept paying attention to the battle between the Four Leopards in the west of the city and Fu Tianjiao and Su Chen, thinking that if Fu Tianxiang and Su Chen were defeated, she would immediately help.

However, Fu Tianjiao soon realized that her worries were unnecessary!

I saw the long sword on Su Chen's waist unsheathed, just waved it casually a few times, and then three terrifying sword qi instantly cut towards the necks of three of the four leopards in the west of the city!


Almost at the same time, the sound of a sharp weapon piercing into the flesh sounded.

Those three people died under Su Chen's sword energy at the same time!

As for the last of the four leopards in the west of the city, he was completely suppressed and beaten by Fu Tianxiang, and he had no strength to fight back.

Su Chen was a little surprised that Fu Tianxiang would help him. After finishing the three opponents, he stood quietly and watched Fu Tianxiang fight the last of the four leopards in the west of the city.

That man was not Fu Tianxiang's opponent in the first place. After seeing his three brothers easily die by Su Chen's sword, he was flustered, and the moves in his hands became messy, and he was beaten all over by Fu Tianxiang in a short while. .

If Fu Tianxiang hadn't killed him, he might have been killed at this moment!

The man stayed under Fu Tianxiang's hands for a while, seeing that Fu Tianxiang held back his hands many times, he looked for an opportunity and quickly escaped.

"call out!"

However, just as he escaped from Fu Tianxiang's attack range, a sword energy pierced through the air!

Before he could react, the sword energy easily pierced his throat!

Then with a "plop", his body fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Fu Tianxiang couldn't help but said to Su Chen: "You are too ruthless to kill them all! Fortunately, I was still worried that you were not their opponent, so I will help you."

Su Chen smiled and said: "Su, thank you Fu Nv Xia for your help. Fu Nv Xia must not have traveled much in the rivers and lakes. If the person just now is allowed to leave, he will definitely come back to trouble us, and he will Bring more so-called righteous martial arts to kill."

Fu Tianxiang said: "This is just your own guess, how can you kill someone because of your guess?"

Su Chen said lightly: "`" So what if it's a guess?Since they want to kill me, it is only reasonable for me to kill them! "

Hearing this, Fu Tianxiang didn't continue this topic, but instead asked: "What are the Dragon Balls they were talking about just now?"

Su Chen said: "Didn't you see it? It's the little ball I just took out from Xie Qian's body."

Fu Tianxiang said: "So, Dragon Ball belongs to Xie Qian?"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "You are too simple, let me tell you a story. It is said that back then, under the Qilian Mountains..."

Immediately, Su Chen told Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang about what happened in the Chamu clan that year.

"This... how is it possible? What you said is false, right? Among those who slaughtered the Chamu clan, many of them were martial arts seniors in the righteous way. How could they do such a cruel thing? ?”

When Fu Tianxiang heard Su Chen's words, he immediately looked in disbelief.

Fu Tianjiao was also shocked, but she felt in her heart that the story Su Chen told seemed to be a real thing that happened.

Su Chen said: "As the saying goes, people and things in the world are far more complicated than you imagined. You can experience it slowly."

After speaking, Su Chen was about to turn around and leave.

Fu Tianxiang said: "Where are you going? What about Xie Qian?"

Su Chen said: "I don't have any friendship with Xie Qian. I saved him just now when I was taking the Dragon Ball, just by the way. If Xie Qian is rescued now, and he asks me for the Dragon Ball again, I'm afraid I can't help it. I have to kill him, or leave him to fend for himself."

"As for where am I going? Actually, I don't know about this question. I plan to travel around the rivers and lakes while looking for the whereabouts of the remaining dragon balls."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen strode directly to the distance.

At this moment, the familiar prompt sound from the system sounded again in Su Chen's mind.

[Ding, the host killed the four leopards in the west of the city, rescued Xie Qian, changed the plot of the original work, and won a lucky draw chance! 】.

Chapter 224 Buying Chamulong, a sudden change! 【Please customize】

"Senior Sister, do you know who this person is? He is so young, but his strength is so strong. I think he is even stronger than you, Senior Sister."

Seeing Su Chen's back disappear from sight, Fu Tianxiang asked Fu Tianjiao.

Fu Tianjiao shook her head slightly: "I've never heard of such a young master appearing in the rivers and lakes. Perhaps, this Mr. Su is the one from the Chamu clan he mentioned."

Hearing this, Fu Tianxiang nodded thoughtfully, and said nothing more.

Afterwards, Fu Tianjiao took Fu Tianxiang and other Tianshan School disciples, and took Xie Qian, who had not fully recovered from his injuries, on their way.

On the other side, Su Chen naturally didn't know about the conversation between sisters Fu Tianjiao after he left.

If he knew that Fu Tianjiao regarded him as a member of the Chamu clan, he didn't know how he would feel.

Su Chen heard the system prompt in his mind that he had another chance to draw a lottery, and Dang even gave the system a lottery drawing command in his mind.

Following Su Chen's order, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in front of Su Chen's eyes and spun rapidly.

Soon, the lottery roulette stopped spinning, and the sound of system rewards followed.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the "Heaven's Wrath Heart Technique"! 】


It turned out to be the method of wrath of heaven?

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