Hearing the content of the system's reward, Su Chen couldn't help being surprised by 363.

This day's anger heart method comes from "Heroes", and it is the unique skill of the villain Wei Jinzhong.

Heaven's Wrath Heart Technique is an extremely powerful martial art. Those who practice it are invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and have unlimited physical strength!

The only disadvantage is that you will be backlashed by this martial art!

"System, this kind of magical power, won't it make me eat myself back?"

Su Chen asked the system a little uneasy in his heart.

[Ding, please rest assured, the host, the skills extracted by the system have removed the feature of backlash.Moreover, the host can integrate it into the Chaos Guiyuan Jue, so naturally he can ignore any flaws! 】

"Hey, I forgot about that!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the system's response, and he immediately took out the cheat book of the Heaven's Wrath Mind Method, studied it a bit, and integrated it into the Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue.

Soon, Su Chen mastered this whole-hearted exercise, which strengthened himself a little bit.

After studying the rewards, Su Chen continued on his way, heading towards a nearby city according to the plot of the original book.

Not long after, Su Chen arrived at the small city where the protagonist of the original book, Cha Mulong, appeared.

Su Chen felt in the city, but he didn't (.) find Chamulong, so he temporarily found an inn to stay, waiting for Chamulong's arrival.

Just one day after Su Chen entered the city, not only Chamulong, whom he was waiting for, arrived.

Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang also entered the city with Xie Qian who was still injured.

Similar to the situation in the original book, sisters Fu Tianjiao saw the scene of Cha Mulong and a group of slaves being abused by the boss.

Then, it was the scene where Cha Mulong killed the boss's big black bear and was taught by him again.

Seeing this, Su Chen pondered for a while, his body flickered slightly, and he arrived in front of the boss in an instant, grabbed the whip he was about to whip Cha Mulong with one hand, and said lightly: "How much is this man, I bought it!"

The boss was caught with a whip in his hand, and was about to get angry, when he heard Su Chen's words, he immediately changed into a smile, and quickly said: "This young master has a good eye, although this slave sometimes makes a little mistake, but his own strength is very good Big, looking after the nursing home or something, it’s not bad..."

Su Chen interrupted the boss directly, "Just tell me how much it costs!"

Seeing Su Chen's appearance, the boss immediately became happier. He felt that he had met a big fat sheep, and said with a smile: "If you want it sincerely, son, just give me 50 taels of silver."

With a slight thought in his mind, Su Chen casually took out a night pearl from the mountains of treasures in the system space, and threw it to the boss, "Use this to pay for it, and you don't need change."

"Hey, young master is really grand!"

Seeing this, the boss quickly held the Ye Mingzhu in both hands, with a bright smile on his face.

Su Chen said: "Unlock the chain for him."

"Okay, but son, you have to be careful of him going crazy and hurting people." The boss agreed, and while stepping forward to unchain Cha Mulong, he didn't forget to remind Su Chen.

"I know, it's okay." Su Chen nodded slightly, and responded casually.

At this time, in the attic not far away, sisters Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang also saw the situation here.

Fu Tianxiang was a little surprised and said to Fu Tianjiao: "Senior sister, I didn't expect to meet that person again. He seems to have a good heart, and even bought the slave who was abused just now."

Fu Tianjiao smiled and said, "Maybe so."

Fu Tianjiao had an intuition that Su Chen didn't buy Chamulong because of kindness.

However, this was just her intuition and had no basis, so she didn't say it out.

"Come with me!"

Su Chen also noticed Sister Fu Tianjiao, but he didn't go forward to say hello. After the boss unchained Cha Mulong, he gave a light order, then turned around and walked towards the inn where he was.

Cha Mulong hesitated for a moment, stared at Su Chen's back for a while with confused eyes, and finally followed him.

After Su Chen brought Chamulong to the inn, he immediately asked the innkeeper to prepare a room for Chamulong, as well as toiletries and a change of clothes.

In the end, he also arranged for a buddy to help Chamulong shave off his scruffy beard.

"Why did you buy me? Do you know who I am?" After grooming, Cha Mulong walked to Su Chen again and asked with some hesitation.

Su Chen smiled and said: "I bought you just for nothing. As for who you are, I do know, even your past events, I know, and I can make you remember them all."

"However, for you, those memories are all painful experiences that you can't bear to look back on. Why do you have to think about them? Forgetting the past and living a new life may also be a good choice for you."

When Cha Mulong heard Su Chen's words, for some reason, his mind suddenly felt a sharp pain. After a long while, he asked again: "Can you tell me my name?"

Su Chen took a look at Cha Mulong, and said casually, "Your name is Cha Mulong."

"Chamulong", Chamulong murmured to himself, repeated his name, and then his head was stabbed again, and he couldn't help but hugged his head with his hands.

Seeing this, Su Chen shook his head slightly, and his mental power was suddenly stimulated, instantly calming Chamulong's mental fluctuations.

"Thank you!"

After the pain disappeared, Chamulong cupped his fists and saluted Su Chen, thanking him aloud.

Su Chen glanced at him and said, "If you want to restore your memory, I can help you restore it, and I can even help you find your son and avenge you. But, there is one condition."

When Cha Mulong heard the words, his face fluctuated suddenly, and he asked in a deep voice: "What conditions?"


Su Chen was about to speak when he suddenly heard a dull voice from a restaurant not far away.

In addition, there is a series of fierce fighting sounds! .

Chapter 225 Crazy, Shocking! 【Subscribe】

Su Chen followed the prestige, but happened to see that Fu Tianjiao and his sisters were mingling with a group of people from all walks of life with different appearances.

And Xie Qian, who had just recovered from his injury, unexpectedly stood on the opposite side of Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters.

Su Chen frowned slightly, and said to Cha Mulong: "You wait here first, I will go back as soon as I go."

When the sound fell, Su Chen stepped forward with the immortal step, his figure fluttered like a fairy, and in an instant he was beside Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters, and he waved out a wave of true energy, knocking back the surrounding enemies, and then laughed Asked:

"What happened? What did the two Volunteers do to outrage you? They caused so many people to besiege you? Even Xie Qian, who was rescued by you, joined the team besieging you."

Fu Tianxiang said angrily: "It's not that Xie Qian is ungrateful. After waking up, he insisted on yelling that we stole his dragon ball, but it was heard by other people. Now they all come to our sisters to ask for the dragon ball. .Speaking of which, it's still you..."

"Tianxiang, shut up!"

Fu Tianxiang was about to say that it was because Su Chen had taken the Dragon Ball, but was stopped by Fu Tianjiao.

Su Chen nodded to Fu Tianjiao with a smile, understood her kindness, and said with a smile: "I understand, the reason why they besieged your sisters was because they thought you took the dragon on Xie Qian's body~ beads."

When the voice fell, the dragon ball just now appeared in Su Chen's hand again, exuding a pale golden-dazzling light!

"Dragon Ball!"

"It's really Dragon Ball!"

"It turns out that the Dragon Ball was taken by this kid!"


The heroes of the rivers and lakes present saw this scene, their faces suddenly showed fanaticism, and they exclaimed in their mouths.

Fu Tianxiang couldn't help being surprised, she didn't expect that Su Chen would take out the dragon ball in front of everyone.

Doesn't this attract everyone's firepower?

Thinking of this, Fu Tianxiang couldn't help feeling a little more fond of Su Chen.

Fu Tianjiao also raised her eyelids slightly, looking at Su Chen with a bit of splendor in her eyes.

Su Chen looked at the frenzied crowd in the field, and said lightly: "Xie Qian, have you forgotten your previous misery? If I hadn't taken out the dragon ball from your body and healed your wounds, now you, just I'm afraid I've been burned to death by the heat emitted by the dragon ball!"

"Nonsense, obviously you took advantage of my unpreparedness and stole my Dragon Ball, and now you are still pretending to be a good person here!"

When Xie Qian heard Su Chen's words, he immediately refuted loudly.

"Hand over the dragon ball!"

"Give me the Dragon Ball!"

"It should be given to me!"

Soon, the arena was in chaos again, and many people were shouting, wanting Su Chen to give them the Dragon Ball.

These people were already full of ambitions for the Dragon Ball, but now that the Dragon Ball appeared, it drove them completely crazy!

Su Chen sneered: "The dragon ball is in my hands, whoever wants the dragon ball, just come forward and get it!"

"Good boy, the old man comes first!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the bald eagle on the side immediately sneered, his figure flickered, and he went towards Su Chen in an instant. To Su Chen's neck.

"Bald Eagle, don't even try to steal the Dragon Ball!"

At this moment, the living Hades in the crowd also yelled, and attacked Su Chen and the bald eagle at the same time.

Afterwards, the Three Demons of Heaven, Earth, Man, and the rest of the world all joined the battle group.

The purpose of these people is the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand.

There is no alliance between them, so a chaotic battle soon formed!

However, the main target of most people is Su Chen!

"Senior sister, let's help Mr. Su!"

Seeing this, Fu Tianxiang couldn't help suggesting to Fu Tianjiao.

"it is good!"

When Fu Tianjiao heard the words, she agreed directly and neatly, and then drew her sword to kill the three demons of heaven, earth and man.

Naturally, Fu Tianxiang was not to be outdone, so he raised his sword and killed him.

Seeing Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters stepping forward to help him, Su Chen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

In this arena, there are not many people like their sisters who are truly chivalrous.

Thinking in his heart, the attack in Su Chen's hand did not relax. Facing the bald eagle, he directly issued a palm force from the Tathagata Palm.

Suddenly, an incomparably huge phantom of the Golden Buddha appeared in the void. The phantom raised a giant golden palm, and then slapped it lightly towards the position of the bald eagle!

That palm seemed light and flimsy, but Bald Eagle and all the people in the rivers and lakes present sensed an extremely terrifying threat from it, so they wanted to avoid it.

However, that seemingly slow palm force actually reached the top of their heads in an instant, and then slapped it hard!

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There was a loud bang in the air.

In the next moment, the bald eagle was slammed into the ground by the huge palm of the golden Buddha shadow, and it was directly shot into meat sauce!

Even the dozen or so gangsters around the bald eagle who were fighting were directly slapped to death by that palm!


Seeing this scene, the people around him couldn't help but gasp!

Even the sisters Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang couldn't help but feel frightened!

Chamulong in the other corner couldn't help being shocked, and was shocked by Su Chen's terrifying strength.

"Run away!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled strangely, and then ran away at high speed into the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the heroes of the rivers and lakes who were still making noise just now scattered and fled in all directions.


Seeing this, Su Chen pondered for a while, but he didn't chase them down.

Because Su Chen knew very well that after these people escaped, they would definitely publicize the fact that he had the Dragon Ball in his hands.

At that time, more people will come to him, especially those who already have Dragon Balls, and they will definitely pay more attention.

At that time, if he wants to collect eight dragon balls, it will be much easier.

After killing the surrounding enemies, Su Chen turned to look at Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang, and said with a smile, "Thank you two Fu xias for your help."

Fu Tianjiao said: "We didn't help anything."

Fu Tianxiang nodded and said: "That's right, my senior sister and I haven't repelled an enemy yet, you've already scared them away. What martial arts did you use just now, it's really amazing!"

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