Su Chen smiled and said: "The heart is the most important thing. As for the martial arts I used just now, the name is Tathagata Palm."

The two sides talked for a few more words, then went back to the inn together, found a seat at random and sat down.

At this time, Su Chen also called Chamulong over, first introduced to both parties, and then said to Chamulong: "Let's continue the topic just now, my condition is also very simple, that is, you give up the fight for the Dragon Ball , and help me find the remaining seven dragon balls."

Fu Tianxiang asked curiously after hearing the words: "What do you mean? Also, are there eight dragon balls in total?"

At this moment, outside the inn, there was a sudden sound of galloping horseshoes, and more than a dozen non-weak auras gradually approached the inn... Dao...

Chapter 226 Want Dragon Balls?Here you go! 【Please customize】

"Shangguan Yun, are you really here?"

Sensing the breath of the people outside, Su Chen raised his brows slightly and murmured.

When Fu Tianjiao heard Su Chen's words, she couldn't help but look outside the inn.

Sure enough, he saw Shangguan Yun, the head of the Faithful Hall, hurried to the inn with a dozen of his subordinates.

After entering the inn, Shangguan Yun looked around quickly, and soon saw Su Chen and his party of four, and immediately walked towards them: "Tianjiao, it really is you who are here."

After walking to the table of the four of Su Chen and his party, Shangguan Yun greeted Fu Tianjiao with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang quickly stood up and saluted Shangguan Yun at the same time: "I have met Senior Shangguan."

"Your master and I are close friends, so we don't need to see each other," Shangguan Yun replied with a smile, and then said, "I heard that the Dragon Ball, which has been rumored for a long time in the Jianghu, appeared here and was killed by a "three Six or three "a young man surnamed Su got it, I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Without waiting for Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang to say anything, Su Chen said directly: "The Dragon Ball is in my hands, I wonder what advice Shangguan Hall Master has?"

Shangguan Yun said with a dignified look: "It is said that this dragon ball was originally owned by Xie Qian, one of the five tigers of the Western Xia Dynasty. How can Mr. Su take it from others by force?"

Su Chen glanced at Xie Qian who was behind Shangguan Yun, and the other four of the Xixia Five Tigers. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said indifferently: "Xie Qian, are you sure this Dragon Ball is yours?"

Seeing Su Chen looking over, Xie Qian trembled in fright, and subconsciously took a step back.

However, thinking of the presence of four brothers beside me, as well as Shangguan Yun, the master of the Zhongxin Hall who is famous all over the world, he immediately strengthened his courage and said: "Of course this Dragon Ball is mine. You took it from me while I was unconscious. go."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Really? Then, where did you get the Dragon Ball?"

"I..." Xie Qian was at a loss for words when he heard the words, and then said sternly, "You don't care where I got the Dragon Ball, anyway, he is mine."

Su Chen said: "As far as I know, this dragon ball originally belonged to the Chamu clan under the Qilian Mountains, right? Later, the Chamu clan was wiped out by gangsters, and the dragon ball was also robbed. You wiped out the entire Chamu clan?"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen suddenly pointed to Chamulong's forehead.

In an instant, Chamulong's eyes regained their clarity, and all the deeds that happened in the past were also remembered again.

While recovering his memory, Cha Mulong also heard Su Chen's words, and immediately looked at Xie Qian full of murderous intent.

At the beginning, Chamulong didn't remember all the enemies who participated in the massacre of the Chamu clan, so after hearing Su Chen's words, he also regarded Xie Qian as one of the murderers who slaughtered the Chamu clan!

Xie Qian's expression changed drastically when he heard Su Chen's words, and he hurriedly said: "You spout blood, what Chamu clan, you made it up!"

Xie Qian didn't know what happened to the Chamu clan back then, but he didn't want to bear the stigma of exterminating the entire clan.

On the other hand, Shangguan Yun couldn't help but froze when he heard Su Chen's words.

After all, Shangguan Yun knew very well that he was the one who brought Xuanwu from the Diancang School, Qiutangbai from Qiushui Villa and others to exterminate the Chamu clan!

Of course, Shangguan Yun didn't know that Cha Mulong and his son Cha Muxue were not dead.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Who said there is no Chamu clan, the person in front of me is the survivor of the Chamu clan, Chamu dragon!"

While speaking, Su Chen gestured to Chamulong who was beside him.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Shangguan Yun, the Xixia Five Tigers, Fu Tianjiao, Fu Tianxiang and others all looked at Chamulong in surprise.

Especially Shangguan Yun, at first he thought that Su Chen was from the Chamu clan, but he didn't expect it to be the Chamu dragon beside Su Chen.

Involuntarily, Shangguan Yun looked at Cha Mulong with murderous intent in his eyes.

Xie Qian said loudly: "Who knows if you made up the story, and you deliberately found someone to act with you. In short, the Dragon Ball is mine, return the Dragon Ball to me quickly! I believe that the Lord Shangguan will definitely replace me It's up to you!"

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help looking at Shangguan Yun, and said with a smile, "Are you sure you want to stand up for the Five Tigers of Xixia? Or does Hall Master Shangguan also want this dragon ball in my master's hand?"

With that said, Su Chen took out the dragon ball again, held it in his hand, and played with it casually.

Seeing the Dragon Ball, the eyes of Shangguan Yun and the others showed fiery colors.

Chamulong's eyes couldn't help flickering, and in his mind, he couldn't help but think of the tragedy that happened to the Chamu clan back then.

Shangguan Yun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Xie Qian's words are not unreasonable, Mr. Su's words are not convincing at all, and as far as I know, not long ago, Mr. Su killed many fellows in the world. It is really hard for people to believe what you say, a person who is desperate for treasures!"

Fu Tianxiang said at this time: "Senior Shangguan, it is clear that what Mr. Su said is true, but Xie Qian was saved by Mr. Su, but he was ungrateful and wanted to slander Mr. Su. The words of such a person are the most unbelievable!"

Shangguan Yun said: "I think that Miss Fu is new to the rivers and lakes. She doesn't understand the dangers of the human heart. She was deceived by the heat. You and your senior sister should step aside first..."

"Miss Fu, just watch from the sidelines. I want to see how capable the famous Shangguan hall master is!"

Fu Tianxiang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Su Chen's voice.

While speaking, Su Chen stepped forward directly and blocked Fu Tianjiao sisters and Shangguan Yun's group.

Shangguan Yun said in a deep voice: "Since you are obsessed with your obsession, the old man has no choice but to do it yourself!"

When the sound fell, Shangguan Yun's figure suddenly flickered, and he rushed towards Su Chen quickly. At the same time, his right hand stretched out like lightning, and grabbed the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand.

"Want Dragon Balls? Here you go!"

Seeing this, Su Chen chuckled, and at the same time suddenly threw the dragon ball in his hand towards Shangguan Yun.

Shangguan Yun didn't expect that Su Chen would hand over the dragon ball so easily, and he felt a burst of joy in his heart, and he stretched out his hand to grab the dragon ball.

Not only Shangguan Yun, Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters were also very puzzled seeing this situation.

I don't understand how Su Chen handed over the Dragon Ball so easily.

The Xixia Five Tigers showed joy on their faces, as if they had obtained the Dragon Ball.

However, just as Shangguan Yun grabbed the dragon ball, a dazzling light suddenly lit up on the dragon ball.

At the same time, the dragon ball radiated a terrifying heat like the sun!

Caught off guard, Shangguan Yun's palm 2.2 was instantly burnt to coke by the heat emitted by the Dragon Ball.


Shangguan Yun didn't expect such an accident to happen, he couldn't help but let out a scream, and threw the dragon ball out involuntarily.


Seeing this scene, the Xixia Five Tigers, Shangguan Yun's subordinates, and Fu Tianjiao sisters couldn't help but gasped.

Although they all know that Dragon Ball is a treasure, but this is the first time they have seen Dragon Ball so powerful!

Shangguan Yun is a top-notch master in the Jianghu, even enough to be ranked in the top three!

It's such a strong man, and one of his hands was instantly crippled by Dragon Ball, isn't that too scary?

Their surprise obviously didn't stop there.

Just after Shangguan Yun threw the dragon ball out, the dragon ball seemed to be stuck to Shangguan Yun, and it flew towards Shangguan Yun on its own initiative again...

Chapter 227 The death of Shangguan Yun, another lucky draw! 【Subscribe】

The next moment, the dragon ball was spinning around Shangguan Yun endlessly, emitting bursts of terrifying heat, covering Shangguan Yun within.

After a while, Shangguan Yun's body was caught on fire, and his whole body seemed to be on fire!


Shangguan Yun's whole body was wrapped in raging flames, and he couldn't help screaming, rushing around frantically, trying to escape.

However, he was always blocked back to the original place by the hanging dragon ball.

Seeing this scene, everyone around couldn't help but feel their scalps go numb.

They did not expect that the Dragon Ball in the rumors of the world would be so evil, with such strange abilities!

Even Shangguan Yun was tossed to death by Dragon Ball, can the rest of them really control Dragon Ball?


Seeing that Shangguan Yun was about to be burned to death, Su Chen suddenly stretched out his hand and took the dragon ball back, and then said to Chamu Long beside him: "This person is the leader who led people to encircle and suppress the Chamu clan back then." , if you want to avenge 08 now, I will give you a chance to avenge yourself."

"Thank you!"

Cha Mulong thanked Su Chen, then flashed his figure, rushed towards Shangguan Yun, and punched Shangguan Yun's head hard!

Shangguan Yunben was ignited by the dragon ball and turned into a burning man, and suffered extremely serious injuries. After Su Chen took back the dragon ball, he couldn't wait to extinguish the flames on his body, and dealt with Chamulong's attack But it was a little hasty.

Before he could dodge, he was directly punched on the forehead by Chamulong.

After Cha Mulong's memory recovered, he almost remembered all the events of that year. Thinking of the tragic situation of his clansmen and his wife, Cha Mulong's hatred for Shangguan Yun was like the water of the Yangtze River!

Therefore, he naturally used his strongest attack between shots!


There was a sound of watermelon bursting, and Shangguan Yun's head was blown away by Cha Mulong's punch!

"Ah! It's disgusting!"

Seeing this scene, Fu Tianxiang couldn't help covering her eyes, hid behind Fu Tianjiao, and made a noise in her mouth.

Fu Tianjiao's eyes flashed, but she didn't say anything.

At this time, when other people around saw that Shangguan Yun was killed so easily, they couldn't help feeling unreal.

"Bastard, you dare to kill our hall master!"

After a long while, the people from Zhongxintang came to their senses, shouted loudly, and rushed towards Chamulong to kill him.

Faced with the siege of these people, Cha Mulong of course did not flinch, and charged up directly, almost punching one by one, and within a short while eliminated all the people in Zhongxintang.

The expressions of the rest of the Xixia Five Tigers and other people in the world changed greatly when they saw this scene.

Thinking of Su Chen's method of controlling Dragon Ball to deal with Shangguan Yun before, their hearts trembled even more.

"Come on!"

His eyes flickered for a while, Ling Xiao, the boss of the Xixia Five Tigers, yelled at the people around him, and immediately walked away into the distance.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled coldly, "Don't you think it's too late if you want to escape now?"

When the sound fell, Su Chen flicked his wrist, put the panlong flute horizontally to his lips, and began to play it softly.

Following Su Chen's playing, the Xixia Five Tigers and others who had just escaped not far away suddenly felt that their heart was following the rhythm of the flute played by Su Chen.

In other words, the beating of their hearts was completely controlled by the flute played by Su Chen!


Suddenly, someone let out a scream, the heart suddenly shattered, a bloodstain spilled from the corner of the mouth, the body fell heavily to the ground, and soon died of life.

With No.1, there will be a second person soon.

But for a moment, all the people who wanted to snatch the dragon ball from Su Chen with Shangguan Yun just now, all screamed and fell to the ground, and then turned into corpses!

Among these people, the so-called Xixia Five Tigers were naturally included!

[Ding, under the interference of the host, Shangguan Yun and the Xixia Five Tigers were killed in advance, changing the original plot and getting a chance to draw a lottery! 】

At this moment, the familiar notification sound from the system sounded again in Su Chen's mind.

"Just smoke it!"

Hearing the voice of the system, Su Chen immediately gave the lottery drawing instructions to the system without hesitation in his heart.

Following Su Chen's order for the lottery draw, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in front of Su Chen's eyes, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

When the lottery roulette stopped spinning, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Immortal Golden Body"! 】

"Eternal golden body, it's okay."

Hearing the system's reward content, Su Chen whispered in his heart.

This indestructible golden body, however, comes from Fengyun World, and it is the unique skill of Dongpu powerhouse Wushen Jue Palace's master Jue Wushen.

This unique skill was improved by the God of Absolute who ordered people to steal the golden bell cover secret book in the Central Plains.

Once this martial art is used, it will form a kind of protective energy outside the body, which is invulnerable, even a weapon such as a peerless sword cannot be broken. Just break through the gate.

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