Among defensive martial arts, the Immortal Golden Body is considered to be among the best!

The only pity is that there is a cover for this martial art.

However, to Su Chen, this was nothing at all.

While Su Chen was thinking in his heart, Fu Tianjiao, Fu Tianxiang sisters, and other guests in the inn saw that Su Chen killed so many people in the world just by playing a song, and they couldn't help being shocked by 363.

The guests in the inn at this time, except Cha Mulong and Fu Tianjiao sisters, the others didn't even dare to look at Su Chen at all!

After all, they didn't want Su Chen to play another song on a whim and send them to Huangquan Road!

Seeing the broken limbs and dozens of corpses all over the floor, Fu Tianxiang said timidly: " killed them all?"

Su Chen smiled lightly when he heard the words, "They want to kill people and seize treasures, so they must be prepared to be killed back! What? Is Fu Nuxia planning to avenge them?"

Before Fu Tianxiang could open his mouth, Fu Tianjiao said directly: "Mr. Su is actually right. These people have lost their minds because of the Dragon Balls. If they were killed, they deserve to die! What's more, among these people, many of them were The notorious villain in Jianghu!"

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, "This is the best."

Then, Su Chen said to Chamulong again: "Now that I have helped you restore your memory, are you willing to fulfill the previous conditions?"

Cha Mulong stared at the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand for a while, and then said: "As long as Mr. Su helps me find my son, I will help Mr. Su collect the dragon balls."

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes, you made a wise choice."

Cha Mulong asked: "Mr. Su, do you know where my son is now?".

Chapter 228 New target, halfway murder! 【Please customize】

Su Chen said: "As far as I know, among the people who participated in the siege of the Chamu clan, there were Shangguan Yun from Zhongxintang, Meng Baichuan, the master of Wandumen, Qiutangbai, the master of Qiushui Villa, He Santai, the king of Fenglei Saber, Dian Xuanwu, the head of the Cang Sect, Lei Zhenzi, the head of the Money Gang, Shenbing, the head of the Wanjian Sect, Wuming, the head of the Qiankun Sect, and others."

The Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters on the side couldn't help being shocked when they heard Su Chen say that the murderer who killed the Chamu clan back then!

The people Su Chen mentioned already occupied half of the world!

Even, more than half!

None of these people are simple characters!

When Cha Mulong heard the names of these people, his eyes were filled with hatred and murderous intent.

These people will all be the targets of his revenge!

Su Chen ignored the three people's thoughts, and continued: "Among them, Xuan Wu of the Diancang Sect still has a bit of conscience, he rescued your son Cha Muxue at a critical moment, and brought Cha Muxue back to the Diancang Sect So, now your son Cha Muxue should be in the Diancang Sect."

"Thank you Su Gongzi!"

After hearing Su Chen's words, Cha Mulong thanked Su Chen again.

Su Chen thought for a while and said: "Back then, Xuanwu also got a dragon ball. I was planning to go to him to get it, so I should also go to the Diancang faction."

Immediately, Su Chen looked at Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang again and said, "You two Fu girls, let's say goodbye now."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen turned around and walked out of the inn.

Cha Mulong glanced at Sister Fu Tianjiao, and then left with Su Chen.

"Senior sister, should we go to the Diancang faction?"

After Su Chen and Cha Mulong left, Fu Tianxiang asked Fu Tianjiao a little moved.

"Alright", Fu Tianjiao pondered for a while, and finally agreed to Fu Tianxiang's opinion.

Anyway, they went down the mountain to practice themselves and broaden their knowledge, and she has a lot of interest in Dragon Ball and Su Chen, so she plans to send a party to Diancang.

After Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters also left, the remaining guests in the inn finally breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help talking.

"Who the hell did you say that young man was? How could he be so powerful?"

"Who knows? It's the first time I've seen that young man!"

"If you ask me, it's not that the young man is powerful, it must be because he has some secrets of using dragon balls, that's why he used dragon balls to hurt Shangguan Yun, the head of Zhongxin Hall!"

"I think the same is true. Otherwise, why didn't he kill Shangguan Yun himself, but let that Cha Mulong kill Shangguan Yun?"

"According to what you said, how can you explain the young man's way of killing people by blowing the flute?"


After discussing for a while, many people hurriedly dispersed to report the news of Dragon Ball's birth to their respective forces.

And with their departure, the battle between Su Chen and Shangguan Yun, and the deeds of Su Chen killing people with Xiaoyin, gradually spread in the Jianghu!

Su Chen naturally didn't know what happened after he left the inn.

At this time, he was leading Chamulong towards the direction of the Diancang Sect.

Walking halfway, Su Chen suddenly sensed that a fierce battle was taking place ahead, which happened to block their only way.

Although he didn't know who the two sides in the battle were, Su Chen naturally wouldn't give in because of this, and continued to stride forward as if he didn't realize it.

Su Chen and Chamulong appeared in front of both sides of the battle.

Under the influence of the god of luck, Su Chen also easily recognized the identities of the two sides in the battle.

One of them was none other than the disciples of the Tianshan School, a group of Fu Tianjiao's younger brothers and sisters.

The other party is the people of Tangmen.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help but twitched his brows slightly. He didn't expect that if Fu Tianjiao didn't get the Dragon Ball, this scene in the original book would happen as usual.

Seeing the arrival of Su Chen and Chamulong, the two fighting parties subconsciously stopped fighting and looked at Su Chen and Chamulong vigilantly.

"Who are you?"

One of the disciples of the Tang Sect looked at Su Chen and Cha Mulong, and asked with a cold expression.

Su Chen said lightly: "Who are we, and what have we to do with you?"

"Boy, I think you are deliberately provoking our Tang Sect, you really want to die!"

When the man heard Su Chen's words, his face suddenly showed anger, and he yelled loudly.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Tang Sect? Is it very powerful? Why don't I think so?"

"court death!"

Hearing this, the disciple of the Tang Sect stopped talking nonsense, moved his hands, and countless hidden weapons flew towards Su Chen!

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled slightly, and directly performed the magic art of moving the universe.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

In an instant, all the hidden weapons issued by that Tangmen disciple were counterattacked by Su Chen, and the speed was more than ten times faster!


The disciple of the Tang Sect never expected that Su Chen would have such a terrifying method. Before he could dodge, he would have already been stabbed into the body by countless hidden weapons!


The Tang Sect disciple let out a scream, and then fell to the ground with a "plop", completely losing his vitality!

"Third Young Master!"

"`" Third young master! "

Seeing this, the other disciples of the Tang Sect immediately changed their expressions and exclaimed in surprise.

It turned out that the disciple of the Tang Sect who stood up just now was actually the third and youngest son of the head of the Tang Sect.

The third young master of the Tang Sect died in Su Chen's hands as soon as they met each other. These Tang Sect disciples were suddenly shocked and angry, and at the same time they were deeply afraid!

They went out to work with their young master, and now they are doing well, but their third young master was killed. Their ending after going back must be very miserable!

"Kill this kid and avenge the third young master!"

Suddenly, one of the disciples of the Tang Sect yelled and rushed towards Su Chen.

Then, the other disciples of the Tang Sect also attacked Su Chen regardless of life or death.

"Loyalty is commendable, but since you have chosen to attack me, you must have the consciousness of death!"

Seeing this, Su Chen whispered in his mouth, put his right index finger and middle finger together, and drew a few unique marks in front of him.

In the next instant, around his body, there were countless long swords formed by true energy (good king good) burst out suddenly, and kept spinning, shooting towards the group of Tangmen disciples. go!


Then, countless bursts of sword energy burst through the air, instantly piercing the group of Tangmen disciples into sieves!

This move is exactly the sword sect's supreme skill Wan Jian Guizong in the world of wind and cloud drawn by Su Chen before!


Within a few breaths, the group of Tangmen disciples let out screams at the same time, and then fell to the ground one after another like dominoes, completely losing their vitality!

All the disciples of the Tianshan School saw that the disciples of the Tang Sect who had driven them into a desperate situation were so vulnerable in front of Su Chen, and were easily wiped out by Su Chen. They were all shocked!

After a long while, one of the female disciples of the Tianshan School took a step forward, bowed to Su Chen, and said gratefully: "Luo Ying from the Tianshan School, on behalf of all the brothers and sisters of the Tianshan School, would like to thank this young master for his rescue. Gao’s last name?”.

Chapter 229 Arriving at the Diancang faction, the second Dragon Ball! 【Please customize】

Su Chen said: "I'm Su Chen, as for my attack, it's mainly because I don't like the people of the Tang Sect, and saving you is just incidental. In addition, I have a few friends with your elder sister Fu Tianjiao. face to face."

Luo Ying heard the words and said: "It turns out that Mr. Su is a friend of Eldest Sister. The Tianshan School is grateful for Mr. Su's kindness."

Su Chen shook his head slightly, "It's up to you, the matter is over, let's say goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen and Cha Mulong continued on their way.

Not long after Su Chen and Cha Mulong left, sisters Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang reunited with Luo Ying and other Tianshan School disciples.

When they learned about Su Chen's rescue from Luo Ying, they immediately liked Su Chen even more in their hearts.

Originally, they wanted to wait until the Diancang Sect and thank Su Chen in person, but unfortunately, Luo Ying and the others brought a message from the head of the Tianshan Sect, that is, their master Xue Wanshan, and asked them to return to the Tianshan Sect.

Therefore, sisters Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang had no choice but to keep their gratitude to Su Chen in their hearts, and went back to Tianshan School with Luo Ying and other Tianshan School disciples.

On the other side, Su Chen and Cha Mulong rushed all the way to the Diancang faction.

Half a month later, the two finally set foot on the gate of the Diancang School.

"Who is coming?"

The disciples guarding the mountain in front of the mountain gate of the Diancang School saw Su Chen and Cha Mulong coming, and immediately stepped forward and asked aloud.

Su Chen said lightly: "I'm Su Chen, come to visit Xuanwu, the head of the Diancang Sect."


Hearing Su Chen's words, the disciple who guarded the mountain suddenly changed his face, and asked tremblingly: "You... are you the Su Chen who killed the Shangguan Hall Master of Zhongxin Hall?"

In the past half a month, the appearance of Dragon Ball and the murder of Shangguan Yun, the head of Zhongxin Hall, have already spread throughout the world!

Needless to say, Dragon Ball has been circulated in the world for a long time, and it is the dream of countless people in the world!

As for Shangguan Yun, as the head of the Zhongxin Hall and the leader of the martial arts alliance, he also has a great reputation in the Jianghu!

Whether it was the news of Dragon Ball or the killing of Shangguan Yun, it caused a sensation in the entire world!

Therefore, the mountain guard disciple had such a reaction when he heard Su Chen's name.

After all, Su Chen is a ruthless person who can kill Shangguan Yun!

Although Shangguan Yun died in the hands of Chamulong in the end, everyone in the world knew that it was Su Chen who used the Dragon Ball to seriously injure Shangguanyun, and then gave Chamulong the chance to kill him.

Su Chen glanced at him, smiled and said: "I didn't expect the news to spread quite quickly, but Shangguan Yun died at the hands of Cha Mulong beside me. Of course, we won't embarrass you, an ordinary disciple. Yes, go report to your head!"

"Wait a second, I'll report right away!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the disciple who guarded the mountain relaxed a little, clasped his fists at Su Chen and the two of them, and then quickly walked towards the inside of the mountain gate.

Not long after, Xuanwu, the head of the Diancang Sect, appeared in front of Su Chen and Cha Mulong.

When Chamulong saw Xuanwu, he couldn't help but think of the tragedy that happened to the Chamu clan, and the eyes he looked at Xuanwu couldn't help but be full of cold murderous intent!

Xuanwu clasped his fists to Su Chen and Chamulong and asked, "I wonder if you two are looking for this old man, what advice do you have?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "We came to you for two reasons. One is the dragon ball you stole from the Chamu clan, and the other is the child you brought back from the Chamu clan."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Xuanwu's expression changed slightly.

Back then, Xuanwu, together with Shangguan Yun and others, killed the Chamu tribe at the foot of Qilian Mountain, for the mysterious dragon ball.

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