In order to win the Dragon Ball, they not only killed the guardian dragon of the Chamu clan, but also slaughtered almost all the members of the Chamu clan!

At the last moment, Xuanwu's conscience discovered that this was the one who spared Cha Mulong's son Cha Muxue and brought him back to the Diancang School.

In these years, every time Xuanwu thinks about what happened in that (.) year, he can't help but feel guilty.

But what has happened is irreversible.

So I had to seal up the bad memory and not think about it.

Xuanwu didn't expect how Su Chen would know what happened back then, and also knew that he brought back a dragon ball and a baby from the Chamu clan.

In the midst of changing thoughts, Xuanwu did not change much on the surface, and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency wants Dragon Balls, I can understand. But why are you looking for the child that I brought back back then?"

Su Chen gestured to Cha Mulong who was next to him, and asked without answering, "Do you know who he is?"

Hearing this, Xuanwu couldn't help but carefully looked at Chamulong, although he felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember who it was, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Su Chen said: "He is exactly Chamulong, the patriarch of the Chamu clan that you slaughtered back then, and the child you brought back is Chamulong's son Chamuxue!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Xuanwu couldn't help looking at Chamulong again. After looking carefully for a while, he suddenly found that there were quite similarities between his eyebrows and Chamuxue's. It's no wonder that he felt familiar before.

Xuanwu looked at Chamulong, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you really Xue'er's father?"

Cha Mulong didn't answer his words, and asked directly: "Where is my son?"

Xuanwu said: "Xue'er sneaked out two days ago, I don't know where he went, I was going to find him."

When Cha Mulong heard Xuanwu's words, his expression turned cold, and he said coldly, "I don't believe it."

Xuanwu said: "The old man has always been very guilty of what happened back then. After bringing Xue'er back, he has always regarded it as his own. There is no need for me to use Xue'er to deceive you."

Su Chen directly released the spiritual induction, covering the entire Diancang faction in an instant, but he did not sense the existence of another dragon ball. Combined with the plot in the original book, he knew it in his heart, so he said to Chamulong: "He Shouldn't have lied."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xuanwu's reaction, Su Chen suddenly appeared beside Xuanwu, put one hand on Xuanwu's shoulder, and directly cast the dragon control formula.

Faced with this sudden change, Xuanwu subconsciously wanted to resist, but found that he could not resist at all.

What's more, he found that the dragon ball in his body was not under his control at all, and kept struggling in his body, running around.

As the dragon balls flowed, Xuanwu suddenly felt that his whole body was full of pain, and it was out of his control at all.

Suddenly, the dragon ball suddenly opened a hole in his shoulder, shining with a dazzling golden light, drilled out directly, and fell into Su Chen's hands!

Su Chen put away the dragon ball casually, and with a slight movement of his right hand, he threw Xuanwu in front of Cha Mulong, and said indifferently: "He has been handed over to you, how to deal with it is up to you to decide."

Chamulong glanced in Su Chen's direction, then retracted his gaze, and landed on Xuanwu, his eyes were fierce, and his expression changed for a while.

Chapter 230 Slaughter in the mourning hall, the four dragon balls compete for glory! 【Please customize】

Xuanwu was also shocked at this time. He found that not only the dragon ball in his body was forcibly taken out by Su Chen in that short period of time, but also all the true energy in his body was sucked out!

Today, he has completely become a useless person!

However, thinking of the sins he committed back then, Xuan Wu suddenly felt that this might be his retribution.

After changing his mind for a while, Xuanwu suddenly became very calm, and shouted to Chamulong: "Come on, kill me, and avenge your people~!"

When Cha Mulong heard Xuanwu's words and looked at Xuanwu's calm eyes, the murderousness in his heart suddenly weakened a little. At the same time, he thought of his own son, so he said in a deep voice:

"Because you have raised Xue'er for six years, I will spare your life for the time being! If I find out that Xue'er has made a mistake, I will definitely come back and take your life!"


As the sound fell, Chamulong slapped Xuanwu flying with his palm, and fell heavily on the ground in front of the gate of the Diancang School.


Several disciples of the Diancang Sect exclaimed, and rushed towards Xuanwu.

Su Chen took a look at Cha Mulong, and said lightly: "Since you have made a decision, let's leave it at that. Let's split up. I'm going to find the remaining Dragon Balls. You can find your son Cha Mulong by yourself." Go ahead. Also, don't forget to help me collect Dragon Balls."

"it is good!"

When Cha Mulong heard the words, he only agreed with one word.

Su Chen didn't say much anymore, he glanced at Xuanwu and the disciples of the Diancang Sect, then directly took out the Lingshuang Sword, used the Yujian to fly, and headed towards Zhongxintang!

Seeing Su Chen flying away with Yujian, whether it was Chamulong, Xuanwu, or the disciples of the Diancang Sect, they were all shocked.

This was the first time they had seen this kind of method in their life, and they couldn't help feeling a little more in awe of Su Chen in their hearts.

Cha Mulong looked in the direction Su Chen was leaving for a while, then took a deep look at Xuanwu, then turned and left the Diancang Sect.

The disciples of the Diancang Sect, seeing Su Chen and Cha Mulong leaving one after another, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, quickly supported Xuanwu, and returned to the mountain gate.


On the other side, after Su Chen left the Diancang Sect, he used the flying sword technique, and soon arrived at Shangguan Castle of Zhongxintang.

At this time, Shangguan Fort, although the building is still very majestic and majestic, it has lost the glory of the past.

All kinds of white curtains or white paper flowers were hung everywhere in Shangguan Fort, obviously it was the arrangement of a mourning hall.

In the middle of the hall of Shangguan Fort, there was a dark golden coffin, and inside the coffin was Shangguan Yun's half-burnt corpse!

Most of the remaining disciples in the Faithful Hall had returned to Shangguan Fort at this time, and were paying respects to their hall master, Shangguan Yun.

And Shangguan Yun's wife, He Yanrong, and daughter, Shangguan Feiyan, also knelt in front of the mourning hall in sackcloth and filial piety.

In addition to the people in Zhongxin Hall, some martial arts figures also came to Shangguan Fort to express their condolences to Shangguan Yun.

However, outsiders still don't know what their real purpose is.

After Su Chen arrived at Shangguan Fort, he didn't show up directly, but fell from the sky and landed on the roof of Shangguan Fort.

Afterwards, Su Chen directly took out one of the dragon balls, and at the same time displayed the Dragon Control Art, urging the dragon ball in his hand, emitting bursts of dazzling golden light.

Because Su Chen flew from Yujian, and fell directly from the sky, landing on the roof of Shangguan Fort.

Therefore, at the beginning, no one noticed Su Chen's arrival.

However, when the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand emitted a dazzling golden light and spread out in all directions.

All the people in Shangguan Fort immediately looked at the roof of Shangguan Fort with burning eyes!

Naturally, they also found Su Chen standing on the roof of Shangguan Castle, holding a dragon ball!

"Dragon Ball!"

"Dragon Ball actually appeared in Shangguan Castle!"

"Who is that person holding the Dragon Ball?"

"Could it be that he found this Dragon Ball from Shangguan Fort?"

"I heard that the young man surnamed Su said that Shangguan Yun wiped out a Chamu clan in order to snatch the Dragon Ball. It seems to be true!"

"Whether he is true or not, the Dragon Ball has appeared, so he must not be allowed to fall into the hands of others!"


Although some people have noticed Su Chen, more people from the Jianghu are paying attention to the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand!

Everyone's eyes were burning hot, wishing to rush up immediately and snatch the Dragon Ball into their own hands!

At this time, even He Yanrong and Shangguan Feiyan from the mourning hall came out.

He Yanrong looked at Su Chen and the Dragon Ball on the roof, and asked the Zhongxin Hall disciples beside him, "Do you know who that young man is? Why does he have the Dragon Ball in his hand?"

Without waiting for the disciples of Zhongxin Hall to reply, suddenly a casual cultivator came back: "Madam Shangguan, this kid is the same Su Chen who used sorcery to control the Dragon Ball and killed the head of Shangguan Hall."

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"He killed my father? I want to kill him and avenge my father!"

When Shangguan Feiyan beside He Yanrong heard this, hatred immediately appeared on his face, and he planned to rush up and fight Su Chen!

"Yan'er, stop!"

Seeing this, He Yanrong quickly stopped Shangguan Feiyan, and said sternly, "Even your father is no match for this person, so if you go up like this, is it any different from dying? If you want to avenge your father, you have to hold your breath!"

After a pause, He Yanrong moved closer to Shangguan Feiyan's ear, and said in a low voice: "These people say they are your father's friends, and they come to mourn your father, but in fact they have their own agendas. They just want us to take the lead. Go deal with that Su Chen, so that they will benefit from it."

"But, he killed daddy, so why don't we just let it go and avenge daddy?" Shangguan Feiyan said a little angrily upon hearing this.


He Yanrong said in a low voice: "Now that Dragon Ball is in the world, these people must not be able to bear it. After the surname Su is besieged and injured by these people, it will not be too late for us to avenge your father. Father revenge."

When Shangguan Feiyan heard He Yanrong say this, she thought about it for a while, so she stopped clamoring to take the initiative to attack Su Chen.

In fact, just as He Yanrong said, in Shangguan Fort, there were many people from all walks of life who came to mourn Shangguan Yun.

Soon he couldn't help it, and rushed towards Su Chen.

"Do you all want Dragon Balls? Let you experience the power of Dragon Balls!"

When Su Chen saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he whispered in his mouth, and then took out another dragon ball, and at the same time performed the Dragon Control Art, and threw the two dragon balls directly into the crowd.

"Go away! The Dragon Ball is mine!"

"Go to hell, no one is allowed to steal my dragon ball!"

"Hahaha, Dragon Ball is mine now! From now on, I want to dominate the martial arts world!"


Soon, everyone started to kill each other just to compete for the Dragon Ball, screaming strangely while killing each other.

And when everyone was killing vigorously, two places in Shangguan Fort suddenly lit up with golden light.

Not long after, two more dragon balls flew out of the secret room in Shangguan Fort and appeared above the crowd.

All of a sudden, the four dragon balls were scurrying around in the air at the same time, like four dazzling little suns, constantly attracting people from the rivers and lakes present to chase and kill each other!

In this chaotic battle, Shangguan Yun's mourning hall was also completely destroyed!knife.

Chapter 231 Hell on Earth, Crazy Old Man! 【Seek full order】

Under Su Chen's control, the four dragon balls kept flying towards the chaotic crowd, and they frantically scrambled for them.

Whenever one of them got the Dragon Ball, the people around frantically launched a fatal attack on that person.

The four dragon balls are constantly being robbed, and the holders are constantly changing.

Gradually, most of the heroes in the Jianghu in Shangguan Fort died because of fighting for the Dragon Ball!

But until now, these people still have no sign of stopping, and they have fallen into madness entirely because of Dragon Ball!

"Mom, are they all crazy? It's scary!"

Shangguan Feiyan looked at the stumped limbs and broken arms everywhere, the whole Shangguan Fort was stained red with blood, and the surviving people from the Jianghu still looked crazy, she couldn't help but feel fear in her heart, she moved closer to He Yanrong, and whispered .

He Yanrong said: "That's right, they are all crazy! The root of the Dragon Ball is "[-]" which is a monster! Back then, your uncle died fighting for the Dragon Ball, and your father was also killed because of the Dragon Ball. Now these people are all dead. Bewitched by the Dragon Balls, I'm afraid there won't be any left in the end."

"But why didn't that Su Chen who killed my father participate in the competition for the Dragon Ball? Also, where did the other two Dragon Balls come from in our Shangguan Castle?"

Shangguan Feiyan glanced in Su Chen's direction, then quickly withdrew her gaze, feeling terrified of him in her heart.

He Yanrong said: "Perhaps that Su Chen has the means to manipulate the dragon balls. As for the dragon balls in Shangguan Fort, one of them was given to me by your uncle before he died, and the other must have been secretly collected by your father. "

He Yanrong paused at this point, glanced at Shangguan Yun's coffin in the mourning hall, and then at the disciples of Zhongxin Hall who joined the Dragon Ball battle, and then said to Shangguan Feiyan: "Yan'er, let's go. Leave here first, so as not to be affected later."

Shangguan Feiyan hesitated after hearing the words: "But mother, what about father? Also, don't we want to avenge father?"

He Yanrong said: "Your father is dead now, they won't do anything to your father's body, let's avoid it for now, after these people have left, come back and continue to bury your father!"

"Have you seen the appearance of those who competed for the Dragon Ball? When your father was fighting for the Dragon Ball, I don't know how many people he killed. Now that he is killed, this may be retribution. Besides, even if I want to It is impossible for your father to take revenge."

After finishing speaking, He Yanrong directly pulled Shangguan Feiyan and ran towards the back door of Shangguan Fort.

Shangguan Feiyan struggled a little, but finally obediently left with her mother.

Because she knew very well that her mother was right.

On the roof of Shangguan Fort, Su Chen naturally sensed the departure of He Yanrong and Shangguan Feiyan's mother and daughter. After a moment of thought, he let them leave.

As long as they don't take the initiative to provoke him, Su Chen won't bother to deal with two weak women who don't have much strength.

But at this time, the other people from all walks of life in Shangguan Fort did not notice the departure of He Yanrong and Shangguan Feiyan's mother and daughter.

Because of their attention, they were all attracted by the four dragon balls!

"Ding ding ding!"

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