

"Dare to steal my Dragon Ball, die!"


The sounds of weapons clashing, the screams of the wounded, and the frenzied shouting and cursing of the "lucky guy" who temporarily snatched the dragon ball, resounded continuously in the entire Shangguan Fort.

At this time, Shangguan Fort has become a purgatory on earth!

This tragic battle did not end until half an hour later.

In the entire Shangguan Fort, except for Su Chen on the roof, everyone else has died in this tragic dragon ball battle!

"I gave you the Dragon Ball, but you have no luck to enjoy it, so you can't blame me!"

Su Chen looked at the broken limbs and arms all over the place, shook his head slightly, murmured in his mouth, then stretched out his hand and made a move, and all four dragon balls arrived in front of him.

With a thought in his mind, Su Chen directly put all four dragon balls into the system space, and then glanced at Shangguan Yun's mourning hall, and disappeared into Shangguan Fort with a flash of his figure, and continued to step on the road. Collect dragon balls on the road.

Su Chen is familiar with the plot, so he naturally knows the whereabouts of Dragon Ball.

After leaving Shangguan Fort, without any delay, Su Chen flew with his sword again and headed towards Qiushui Villa.


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Not a day later, Su Chen came to Qiushui Villa, which has a considerable status in the Jianghu.

Qiu Tangbai, the owner of Qiushui Mountain Villa, was at the same level as Shangguan Yun, the head of Zhongxin Hall, Xue Wanshan, the head of Tianshan School, and others.

Therefore, Qiushui Mountain Villa also has a considerable status in the Jianghu.

However, few people know that Qiu Tangbai, the owner of Qiushui Mountain Villa, wanted to control the Dragon Ball, but was backlashed by the Dragon Ball, and became crazy 0......

At this time, in Qiushui Villa, Qiu Tangbai went mad again and kept chasing the servants in the villa.

The servant was scared to death by Qiu Tangbai, but he couldn't dodge at all, he could only run while begging for mercy.

However, he couldn't dodge in the end, and was caught by Qiu Tangbai, who directly bit his neck, sucked his blood dry, and died miserably on the spot!

After sucking up the servant's blood, Begonia Bai seemed to be in better condition, but he was still a little delirious, and ran madly towards the outside of Qiushui Mountain Villa.

"Master, come back quickly, don't run around!"

At this time, a young girl who looked seventeen or eighteen years old was quickly chasing Qiu Tangbai, shouting while chasing.

But this girl is Qiu Tangbai's adoptive daughter in the early years, and also Xiaodie, the child bride-in-law appointed for his son.

After Qiu Tongbai went mad, his two younger brothers only knew to fight for power and gain with each other every day, wanting to fight for the control of Qiushui Villa, while his son Qiu Ruofeng was a dandy, often lingering in the field of flowers, to the villa. Things do not interfere.

In fact, the entire Qiushui Mountain Villa is supported by Xiaodie alone.

In the past, the crazy Qiu Tangbai was very obedient to Xiao Die's words, but this time he didn't listen to Xiao Die's words, and still ran quickly to the outside of Qiushui Mountain Villa.

Seeing this, Xiaodie had no choice but to quickly follow.

2.2 After a while, the two left Qiushui Villa one after the other.

Xiaodie had just walked out of the gate of Qiushui Villa, but she saw Qiutangbai, the owner of Qiushui Villa, looking at a young man with a dull expression.

To be precise, he was looking at a small glowing ball in the young man's hand.

There is no doubt that this person is Su Chen who came to Qiushui Villa from Shangguanbao.

"Dragon Ball! My Dragon Ball!"

Seeing the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand, Qiu Tangbai stared blankly for a while, then suddenly yelled, and quickly grabbed the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand.

"Master, don't steal other people's things!"

Seeing this, Xiaodie hurriedly shouted to Qiu Tangbai.

However, at this time Qiu Tangbai didn't have the heart to understand her at all, and all his mind was already concentrated on the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand! .

Chapter 232 So strong in martial arts, you can do whatever you want? 【Seek full order】

Su Chen looked at Qiu Tangbai who was crazy, shook his head slightly, pinched his wrist casually, and said lightly: "Dragon Ball is indeed a good thing, but it's a pity that you can't control it."

Qiu Tangbai was grabbed by Su Chen's wrist, and suddenly struggled wildly, shouting: "Give me the dragon ball!"

While yelling, the other hand suddenly attacked Su Chen.

With just a light swipe, Su Chen instantly restrained Qiutangbai, and then directly displayed the energy-absorbing power of the Dragon Control Jue and Chaos Returning Yuan Jue, while absorbing the dragon ball from Qiutangbai's body, while absorbing Qiutangbai's energy-absorbing power. Tang Bai's skills.

Qiu Tangbai sensed the changes in his body, his face changed wildly, his eyes were full of struggle, but it was useless.

"Young master, my master is sick and unconscious, please forgive me, can you let my master go?"

Seeing this scene, Xiaodie on the side quickly pleaded with Su Chen.

At the same time, Xiaodie was also very surprised.

Although Qiutangbai is crazy, his strength has not declined, and he has almost no rivals in the arena.

Xiaodie didn't expect that such a young man as Su Chen could restrain Qiu Tangbai so easily.

Su Chen looked at Xiaodie and said, "I can only say that I won't take his life."

While speaking 08, Su Chen pushed the Dragon Control Art to the extreme, and soon sucked out the dragon ball from Qiu Tangbai's body!

At the same time, Su Chen also absorbed all the power in Qiu Tangbai's body!

Then, Su Chen put away the dragon ball, and casually threw Qiu Tangbai to Xiaodie's side.

"Who are you? What did you do to me just now? Why are all my skills gone?"

After the autumn cypress fell to the ground, he looked at Su Chen and let out a sound of shock.

At this time, Qiu Tangbai has regained his sanity because the dragon ball in his body was taken out by Su Chen.

But he also sensed that he didn't even have the slightest bit of power in his body now!

To put it simply, he is completely useless!

Su Chen said lightly: "My son, Su Chen, but I guess you don't know. After all, you have been crazy all this time. How can you know the news from the outside world?"

Xiaodie was shocked when she heard Su Chen report her name.

During this period of time, Xiaodie was in charge of the affairs of Qiushui Villa, so she naturally knew the news that was widely circulated in the Jianghu.

That was Shangguan Yun, the head of the Faithful Hall, who was killed by a young man named Su Chen!

Immediately, Xiaodie told Qiu Tangbai the news she had received.

After hearing this, Qiu Tangbai's expression changed, and he asked Su Chen after a while, "Are you from the Chamu clan? Are you here for revenge?"

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words: "You guessed wrong. I am not from the Chamu clan. I came here just for the Dragon Ball. As for the people from the Chamu clan, I believe you will be able to meet them soon."

Qiu Tangbai couldn't help but change slightly when he heard Su Chen's words.

Now that his skills have all disappeared, he is already a useless person. If people from the Chamu clan come to him, he may only have a dead end!

Su Chen ignored Qiu Tangbai's thoughts, glanced at Xiaodie, and suddenly said: "Your name is Xiaodie, right? From now on, you should leave Qiushui Villa and follow me as a maid."

Qiu Tangbai's expression changed when he heard the words, and he was filled with anger, but thinking of his own situation and Su Chen's strength, he had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart.

Xiaodie didn't expect that Su Chen would suddenly make this request, and her expression changed for a while. She couldn't help but look at Qiutangbai, wanting to hear what Qiutangbai had to say.

However, when she looked at Qiutangbai, Qiutangbai turned her head away.

Immediately, Xiaodie understood her fate, so she whispered: "I obey."

"Xiaodie is my woman, who dares to let her be a maid?"

At this moment, not far from the gate of Qiushui Villa, a cold voice suddenly came.

When the voice fell, a handsome young man with a gloomy expression came striding forward, wearing a green shirt.

"Ruofeng, shut up!"

Seeing the young man coming, Qiu Tangbai's expression changed slightly, and he quickly stopped speaking.

It turns out that this young man is Qiu Ruofeng, the son of Qiu Tangbai.

Xiaodie also saw Qiu Ruofeng, but she just glanced at him and didn't say anything.

In Xiaodie's heart, she doesn't have a good impression of Qiu Ruofeng.

Qiu Ruofeng said: "Father, have you recovered? Why did you face outsiders just after recovering?"

Qiu Tangbai said in a deep voice: "I'm doing it for your own good. You know that even Shangguan Yun, the head of the Zhongxin Hall, is no match for Mr. Su Chen."

Qiu Ruofeng's expression changed slightly when he heard Qiu Tangbai's words, he glanced at Su Chen, and said uncertainly, "Father, you said he was the Su Chen who killed Shangguan Yun?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, looked at Qiu Ruofeng and said, "It seems that Master Qiu is quite knowledgeable."

Today's Qiu Ruofeng is just an ordinary second-generation dude, not like in the original book, where his father was killed, Qiushui Villa was occupied by Shangguan Yun, and he himself was beaten into a useless person by Shangguan Yun.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Qiu Ruofeng was not convinced and said: "You are so strong in martial arts, can you do whatever you want, disregarding morality, and take my fiancée by force?"

Su Chen said: "Actually, with high martial arts skills, you can indeed do many things. For example, like your father did in the past, he wiped out the entire Chamu clan and took away their most precious dragon ball. Now, your Qiushui Villa is not as powerful as me, You can only be at my mercy, I didn't kill you, it's pretty good."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen ignored Qiu Ruofeng and said directly to Xiaodie, "Come here."

Xiaodie glanced at Qiu Tangbai and Qiu Ruofeng, then silently walked to Su Chen's side.

Su Chen took out the Lingshuang sword, stretched out his arms to embrace Xiaodie, and directly performed the sword control technique, and moved towards the next target again.

Qiu Ruofeng looked at the direction where Su Chen and Xiaodie were leaving, clenched his fists tightly, his face was full of anger and unwillingness, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing Su Chen's way of flying with the sword, Qiu Tangbai became more afraid of Su Chen in his heart.

"Father, why didn't you stop that bastard?"

After a long while, Qiu Ruofeng suddenly turned her head and asked Qiu Tangbai.

Qiu Tangbai smiled wryly, "He took away the dragon balls in my body, and he also melted away my kung fu. Now I'm already a useless person, and I don't want to suffer such humiliation, but what can I do?"

"What? Daddy, you were abolished?"

When Qiu Ruofeng heard Qiutangbai's words, his expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed in surprise.

Qiu Tangbai shook his head, didn't say anything, and walked back to Qiushui Villa in a somewhat lonely manner, while thinking about how to deal with the coming Chamu people.

Seeing this, Qiu Ruofeng could only endure the aggrieved anger in her heart, turned around angrily and went out to have fun again, and drank her sorrows with wine...

Chapter 233 Have You Ever Prepared To Die? 【Please customize】

On the other side, after Su Chen left Qiushui Villa with Xiaodie, he headed straight for Huayang Town.

Su Chen's next target is Meng Baichuan, the master of the Wandu Sect who is lurking in Huayang Town and who claims to be Master Dengfeng.

Su Chen intends to collect all eight dragon balls as soon as possible, and then leave this so-called dragon ball secret realm.

Because he discovered that this so-called Dragon Ball Secret Realm, apart from Dragon Balls, had nothing attractive to him at all.

"My lord, what are we doing here?"

Seeing that Su Chen took her to Huayang Town, Xiaodie couldn't help but make a sound out of curiosity.

Xiaodie didn't have any close people in Qiushui Villa, so when she was taken away by Su Chen, she didn't feel reluctant.

And when she experienced the pleasure of Yujian flying, she couldn't help but feel intoxicated, and instead felt that it might be a good choice to leave with Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Of course it's because there are things I want here. There is a person in this town who claims to be Master Dengfeng, but he was originally a disciple of the Tang Sect. I also participated in the competition for Dragon Balls, and I even managed to get one of them."

Xiaodie said: "Among the information from Qiushui Mountain Villa, there is also some information about this Master Dengfeng, but they have not been found out. He turned out to be the master of the Wandu Sect."

Su Chen smiled and didn't say much, and walked straight forward.

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