Seeing this, Xiaodie hurriedly followed.

Master Dengfeng has a great reputation in Huayang Town, and almost everyone knows it. Su Chen just inquired about it casually, and found out about Meng Baichuan's residence.

Not long after, Su Chen and Xiaodie arrived at Meng Baichuan's residence and met Meng Baichuan.

When Meng Baichuan saw Su Chen and Xiaodie, he didn't pay much attention to them, and asked casually, "I don't know who you two are? What's the matter here?"

Su Chen didn't bother to beat around the bush, and said directly: "Back then, the head of the Meng family went to the Chamu clan with Shangguan Yun, Qiu Tangbai and others, killed the dragon guarded by the Chamu clan, and wiped out the entire Chamu clan. I got the dragon ball of the Chamu clan, and I came here for the dragon ball in the hands of the head of the Meng sect ¨¨."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Meng Baichuan's expression changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "I don't understand what you are talking about? I have never been to the Chamu clan, let alone got a dragon ball."

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, "I didn't expect you to hand over the Dragon Ball obediently, but since I'm here, I can't make this trip in vain."

When the sound fell, Su Chen directly grasped the claw with one hand, his body flickered, and he came to Meng Baichuan's side in an instant, and grabbed his neck!

"Too deceiving!"

Seeing this, Meng Baichuan snarled, waved his hands, and met Su Chen's attack violently.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the next instant, a series of dull impact sounds resounded in the air.

In less than ten moves, Meng Baichuan was already defeated by Su Chen, lost his fighting power, and was directly restricted by Su Chen in his whole body's mobility.

Sensing the situation in his body, Meng Baichuan couldn't help being both shocked and angry.

Even before getting the Dragon Ball, Meng Baichuan was not weak in the Jianghu. What's more, now that he has the Dragon Ball, Meng Baichuan thought that his strength, if not invincible, should at least be among the best in the world, but he didn't Thinking that it would fall into Su Chen's hands so easily!

However, Su Chen ignored Meng Baichuan's thoughts and directly activated the Dragon Control Art, which quickly mobilized the dragon balls in Meng Baichuan's body.

Not long after, the dragon ball in Meng Baichuan's body, under Su Chen's control, broke through his flesh and blood, directly shining with dazzling golden light, and exposed to the air.

With a casual move by Su Chen, the dragon ball fell into his hands, and then with a thought, he directly put the dragon ball into the system space.

So far, out of the eight dragon balls, six have fallen into his hands!

After collecting the dragon balls, Su Chen activated the Chaos Returning Yuan Jue again, absorbing all the energy in Meng Baichuan's body!


After Su Chen let go of Meng Baichuan, Meng Baichuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, "You...what did you do to me?"

Meng Baichuan once dreamed of immortality, which is also an important reason for him to compete for the Dragon Ball.

Moreover, under the effect of Dragon Ball, his appearance did maintain a youthful state to a certain extent.

But now, the dragon ball was taken out by Su Chen, and even the power in his body was sucked dry by Su Chen.

At this time, Meng Baichuan was already as old as an ordinary farmer, which was really unacceptable to Meng Baichuan.

Su Chen said lightly: "I just took away the Dragon Ball that shouldn't belong to you, and your skills. Enjoy the rest of your life."

After the sound fell, Su Chen took Xiaodie directly to leave Meng Baichuan's residence, and walked away.

Looking at the back of Su Chen and Xiaodie leaving, Meng Baichuan was incapable and furious, but in the end he could only sit slumped on the ground.

And after Su Chen left Huayang Town with Xiaodie, he didn't continue to fly with the sword, because his next target was Chamulong's son Chamuxue.

Cha Muxue sneaked out from the Diancang faction to play around, if Su Chen continued to fly with his sword, it would be more difficult to find Cha Muxue.

Su Chen recalled the original plot for a while, and then predicted Cha Muxue's approximate direction of travel.

However, after searching all the way for more than half a month, Cha Muxue was not found.

On this day, Su Chen took Xiaodie into the territory of Sichuan and was on his way when he suddenly sensed a large number of people galloping towards them not far behind.

After sensing this scene, Su Chen took Xiaodie to a temporary stop, intending to see who came behind.

Not long after, the pursuers caught up.

Under the influence of the god of luck, Su Chen easily recognized the identity of the visitor.

It turned out that the leaders of this group of people were none other than Tang Sen and Tang Yong, masters of the Tang Sect, and behind them were dozens of Tang Sect disciples.

And the target of the people from the Tang Sect is (good Wang Hao) Su Chen!

After seeing Su Chen, Tang Sen and Tang Yong immediately waved their hands and led the disciples of the Tang Sect to surround Su Chen and Xiaodie.

"`" Su Chen, you devil, successively killed Shangguan Yun, the head of the Zhongxin Hall, and my son Tang San, and other upright people, and plundered other people's property everywhere. Get rid of you monster! "

After surrounding Su Chen and Xiaodie, Tang Sen looked at Su Chen and said coldly.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "You are all here for Dragon Ball, why bother to put on a high-sounding appearance? But, if you want to kill me, have you ever prepared yourself to die?"

"Rampant, fuck me, kill him!"

Tang Sen's face turned cold when he heard Su Chen's words, and he yelled loudly.

In the next moment, Tang Sen and Tang Yong, together with dozens of disciples of the Tang Sect, besieged Su Chen aggressively! .

Chapter 234 New lottery draw, finally see Cha Muxue! 【Please customize】


Su Chen looked at everyone in the Tang Sect, shook his head slightly, and spoke indifferently.

When the sound fell, Su Chen's right index finger and middle finger moved together, drawing a unique mark in front of him, and at the same time, the true energy in his body was urged out!

Following Su Chen's movements, countless sword shadows formed by the transformation of true energy suddenly erupted around his body!

With a slight movement of Su Chen's finger, he swipe towards the direction of everyone in the Tang Sect.

Immediately, countless terrifying sword shadows shot towards everyone in the Tang Sect as fast as lightning!

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing the terrifying sword shadow flying all over the sky, Tang Sen's expression changed drastically, and he yelled at the disciples of the Tang Sect.

At the same time, he himself hastily brandished the weapon in his hand, while resisting the terrifying sword shadow, he retreated into the distance!

However, his reminder was in vain!

In an instant, countless sword shadows enveloped all the disciples of the Tang Sect.


The terrifying sword energy soon pierced through the body of the Tangmen disciple, and a series of screams continued to resound in the air.

In a blink of an eye, all the disciples of the Tang Sect died under Su Chen's sword energy. Only Tang Sen and Tang Yong were left. They barely survived, but they were already scarred.

" are a devil! 363"

Tang Sen looked at the bodies of Tang Sect disciples all over the floor, and was terrified in his heart, trembling in his mouth, he complained to Su Chen.

Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, Tang Yong was also so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart. He wished he could fly away from this place immediately with wings on his back!

Although Xiaodie knew that Su Chen was so powerful that even Qiu Tangbai, the owner of Qiushui Villa, could easily subdue him.

But it was the first time she had seen such an intuitive killing scene, and her awe of Su Chen couldn't help but deepened a little.

Facing Tang Sen's accusation, Su Chen didn't care, and said lightly: "You can just treat me as a devil! Anyway, the rest of the Tang Sect are already dead, and there is no point in living for you two, so I went to accompany you." Let them!"


Hearing Su Chen's words, Tang Yong quickly mumbled a word, and at the same time quickly flew away to the distance.

Tang Sen is no exception!

At this moment, Tang Sen couldn't care less about accusing and condemning Su Chen!

"Want to escape now? It's too late!"

Su Chen watched the two escape, and chuckled, the Lingshuang sword on his waist was unsheathed in an instant, and the sword control technique was used, Lingshuang sword flew behind Tang Yong in an instant, and pierced his back heart with a sword!

Then, with a thought in Su Chen's mind, Ling Shuangjian automatically disengaged(.) away from Tang Yong, turned towards Tang Sen and flew towards Tang Sen, and soon ended Tang Sen's life!

At this point, all the Tangmen who came to besiege Su Chen died in Su Chen's hands!

"Let's keep going!"

After finishing the Tangmen group, Su Chen seemed to have trampled a group of ants to death, without any expression change, he said to Xiaodie lightly, and then continued to move forward.

"Yes, son!"

Seeing this, Xiaodie hurriedly agreed respectfully, and then quickly followed Su Chen's pace.

[Ding, the host killed Tang Sen and Tang Yong, the plot characters of the original book, and killed the main force of the Tang clan, changed the plot of the original book, and got a chance to draw a lottery! 】

At this moment, the familiar voice of the system sounded in Su Chen's mind again.

Hearing the system's voice, Su Chen paused for a moment, and immediately gave the system a lottery drawing command from the bottom of his heart.

Soon, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in Su Chen's line of sight, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

When the lottery roulette stopped spinning, the system's lottery notification sound also sounded.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, gaining ten years of skill! 】

Hearing the content of the reward, Su Chen couldn't help curling his lips. The reward this time is really shabby.

If Su Chen had just obtained the system, ten years of skill would have greatly improved him, but now ten years of skill has hardly any benefit to his realm.

However, it is better than nothing.

After comforting himself in this way, Su Chen still chose to receive the reward.

After receiving the reward, Su Chen suddenly felt that a wave of energy swam through his meridians, and finally returned to his dantian.

As for his cultivation, there was no improvement.

Su Chen had expected this for a long time, but he was not disappointed.

After the lottery draw, Su Chen seemed to start to change his luck. After wandering around with Xiaodie for three days, he finally found Chamulong's son Chamuxue in an inn.

Beside Cha Muxue, there was an acquaintance of Su Chen, who was Fu Tianxiang from the Tianshan School. The two were chatting and laughing, and they seemed to be getting along very happily.

"Master Su, what a coincidence, are you coming here for dinner too?"

Seeing Su Chen coming, Fu Tianxiang showed a smile on his face, stood up and greeted Su Chen, and at the same time subconsciously looked at Xiaodie beside Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and said: "It is indeed a coincidence to meet here, but I am not here to eat, but to find this kid."

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

When Cha Muxue heard Su Chen's words, she couldn't help but make a sound out of curiosity.

However, Fu Tianxiang's face changed, and she said quickly: "Young Master Su, he is just a child, you shouldn't make things difficult for him, right? If he offends you in any way, I will apologize to you for him, please forgive me he."

Fu Tianxiang had seen Su Chen's strength and viciousness before. Although Shangguan Yun and the Xixia Five Tigers were the first to attack, Fu Tianxiang was still deeply impressed by Su Chen's counterattack.

However, Fu Tianxiang didn't like them very much, and even hated them, so he didn't care how Su Chen dealt with them.

But Fu Tianxiang had a good impression of Cha Muxue in front of her. In her eyes, Cha Muxue was just a cute and well-behaved child. She didn't want Su Chen to deal with Cha Muxue like he dealt with Shangguan Yun and others.

Su Chen couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, "What? From Miss Fu's point of view, am I such a cruel and terrifying person? Don't worry, I won't hurt this kid."

"I don't know if you still remember that Chamulong I bought from a human trafficker, and the kid in front of me is actually Chamulong's son."

Fu Tianxiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Chen's words, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was wrong, so you are helping Chamulong find his son?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "It can be said that, but I found this kid because of the dragon ball in his body."

Listening to the conversation between Fu Tianxiang and Su Chen, Cha Muxue couldn't help frowning: "You said you know my father? I don't even know who my father is, do you really know? Also, how do you know that I have dragon balls in my body?" of?"

Su Chen took a look at Mu Xue and said, "I have my own methods, as for whether it is true, you will know after you meet your father."

Cha Muxue heard the words: "Then where is my father now?"

"I don't know either." Su Chen shook his head slightly, and continued, "I went to the Diancang School with your father to find you, but unfortunately you have already left the Diancang School, so I split up with him. However, We don't need to rush to find your father, just let him come to you on his own initiative."

Fu Tianxiang asked curiously at this moment: "Mr. Su, what are you going to do?".

Chapter 235 Receive the Tianshan Shuangshu and go to the Qilian Mountains! 【Subscribe】

Su Chen said: "It's actually very simple. I will take Cha Muxue to find a fixed place to settle down, and then spread the news about Cha Muxue. Cha Mulong will naturally come to the door on his own initiative."

Fu Tianxiang smiled and said: "This is a good idea. I just want to return to the Tianshan faction, why don't you come to the Tianshan faction with me as guests."

"The Tianshan faction also has some reputation in the rivers and lakes, it is very easy to find, and I can also ask the disciples of the Tianshan faction to help spread the news, and at the same time find out the whereabouts of the wooden dragon."

Su Chen smiled and said, "If that's the case, I'll trouble Miss Fu."

Fu Tianxiang said: "What kind of trouble is this? It's just a matter of little effort, and in the early days, you also saved many brothers and sisters of our Tianshan Sect. You are a great benefactor of our Tianshan Sect. Everyone in the Tianshan Sect must welcome you very much of."

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