And Su Chen is the center of the aura vortex!

Even so, Su Chen felt that the progress of his cultivation was pitifully slow.

According to his calculation, if there is no external help, if he continues to practice like this, he may not be able to complete the first level of Shenxiang Prison-Suppressing Strength in ten years!

So, Su Chen naturally focused on the dragon ball beside him! .

Chapter 237 Awaken the giant elephant particles and break through the land gods! 【Subscribe】

Immediately, Su Chen took a dragon ball and held it in his hand. At the same time, he activated the Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength and Chaos Guiyuan Jue to absorb the energy in the dragon ball.

According to the description of Shenxiang Zhenyujin, there are 4000 million particles in the human body, and each particle contains infinite potential.

If its potential is awakened, every tiny particle will have the power of a terrifying giant elephant. After all of them are awakened, they can even rival gods.

The end is very scary!

When Su Chen practiced the exercises just now, although he instantly absorbed the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, he did not meet the conditions for awakening the particles.

At this time, as Su Chen began to absorb the energy in the dragon ball, the Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Kung Fu seemed to be greatly encouraged, and it worked much faster.

The huge energy in the dragon ball was also crazily absorbed into his body by Su Chen.


Suddenly, a terrifying roar sounded in Su Chen's body.

At the same time, one of the particles burst open suddenly, emitting bright light, and exploded in Su Chen's body like a star burst!

A mighty and majestic ancient giant elephant stepped out from among the particles, roaring loudly!

This 08 is the sign of the awakening of the first particle.

After the first ancient giant elephant particles awakened, Su Chen's body suddenly seemed like a flood bursting a bank. Ancient giant elephant particles were awakened continuously, and terrifying roars rang out one after another!

The second one!

The third one!



It wasn't until the tenth giant elephant particle was successfully awakened that this frightening trend of strengthening stopped.


Almost at the same moment, the dragon ball in Su Chen's hand suddenly made a crisp sound, and it was completely shattered!

Without the slightest nostalgia, Su Chen casually threw the fragments of the dragon ball aside, took another dragon ball, and continued to frantically absorb the energy of the dragon ball.

When Su Chen frantically absorbed the energy of the dragon ball again, the ancient giant elephant particles in his body also quickly awakened again!





And the aura on Su Chen's body is also getting stronger!

The cultivation base has easily broken through from the peak of the Heavenly Human Realm to a new level, and it is still growing!

Not only the growth of cultivation base, but also the terrifying power unintentionally erupted from Su Chen's body, it seems that the entire Qilian Mountains has been oppressed to a lower level!

After absorbing the energy of the second dragon ball, Su Chen continued to absorb the third dragon ball without any delay.

Then the fourth, fifth...

An hour later, the eight dragon balls that Su Chen spent many days collecting were all shattered into pieces, completely useless!

At this time, eighty ancient giant elephant particles were successfully awakened in Su Chen's body!

An ancient giant elephant is equivalent to a huge force of one hundred thousand catties!

Su Chen has now awakened eighty ancient giant elephants, that is to say, he has directly reached the terrifying 80-jin giant force!

Not to mention anything else, Su Chen's terrifying power alone can almost sweep the entire world of martial arts!

At the same time as the ancient giant elephant particles awakened, by the way, Su Chen's cultivation also broke through three small realms one after another from the peak of the Heavenly Human Realm, and reached the late stage of the Land Godly Realm!

Moreover, it is not far from the peak of the land fairyland!

The land gods and fairyland is just another new realm after the heavenly and human realm, and it is also a realm that exists in legends!

At least, none of the living martial arts figures have ever seen a real land god!

At this moment, Su Chen finally stopped his cultivation, and slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were radiant, sensing the situation in his body, he nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, the eight dragon balls not only allowed me to break through to the late stage of the land fairyland, but also allowed me to successfully awaken eighty ancient giant elephant particles. It is not in vain that I spent several months collecting dragon balls!"

"Shangguanyun and those people are really reckless. I'm afraid they haven't been able to use even one ten-thousandth of the energy of Dragon Ball. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so vulnerable!"

Su Chen stood up, clenched his fists with both hands, feeling the terrifying power in it, he couldn't help feeling a surge of emotion!

He felt that he seemed to be able to break the sky with one punch!

Of course, this is just an illusion after the power surge. It is not so easy to really break the sky!

Although, this is just the sky of a low-level world!

After checking himself, Su Chen waved his hand casually, sending out a burst of true energy, which directly swept away the dragon ball fragments on the ground, then got up and walked out of the retreat.

"Young master, why did you come out? Is there anything else you want to explain?"

Seeing Su Chen coming out, Xiaodie hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

Su Chen smiled and said, "I've finished my retreat, so I'll come out naturally."

"Ah", Xiaodie couldn't help being surprised when she heard the words, it didn't even take half a day, and the retreat ended, isn't it too fast?

Su Chen didn't explain too much, and there was no need to explain this kind of thing.

Su Chen pondered for a while, and said to Xiaodie: "I plan to leave this world, and I will take you with me when I leave. Do you have anything to prepare?"

"My lord, I don't understand what you mean." Xiaodie was stunned again when she heard Su Chen's words.

At first, Xiaodie wondered if what Su Chen said meant death, but she quickly dispelled this absurd thought.

Because Xiaodie really couldn't think of someone like Su Chen who was invincible in the world, who could kill him.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Actually, the place you are in is just a secret realm, or it can also be called a small world. I came to the secret realm this time to find the eight dragon balls. Now that the dragon balls have been found, I will naturally prepare gone back."

"Is that so?" Xiaodie murmured after hearing Su Chen's words, and then said, "My lord, I don't have anything to prepare."

Su Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then brought Xiaodie together to find Chamulong and his son, bid farewell to the two, and flew directly away from the Qilian Mountains with the sword.

However, Su Chen did not return directly to the main world, but rushed to the Tianshan faction with Xiaodie.

One of the reasons is naturally because of sisters Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang; the other reason for 363 is because the entrance and exit of Dragon Ball Secret Realm is near the Tianshan faction.

After the strength improved, Su Chen Yujian flew faster. Not long after, the two arrived at the Tianshan School and landed directly in the main hall of the Tianshan School.


Fu Tianjiao was cultivating in the main hall of the Tianshan School when she suddenly sensed a powerful aura coming, and immediately shouted loudly.

But soon, she found Su Chen and Xiaodie who had landed, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

"Su Chen, Xiaodie, you are back so soon?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes, we found the eighth dragon ball not long after we arrived in the Qilian Mountains. Moreover, I have absorbed all the energy in the eight dragon balls, so I came back naturally."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Fu Tianjiao couldn't help but worry a little: "It is said that people who absorb the energy of Dragon Ball will have a big change in temperament, are you okay?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, and said relaxedly: "Don't worry, other people's temperament will change drastically after absorbing the energy of the Dragon Ball, because their absorption method is wrong. I have a special way to absorb the energy of the Dragon Ball, so naturally nothing will happen."

"That's good." Fu Tianjiao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Chen's words.

At this moment, Fu Tianxiang also rushed over.

After Su Chen told the two about Dragon Ball, he explained the secrets of Dragon Ball and the main world, and said that he would return to the main world, and proposed to let the two women return with him.

After listening to Su Chen's words, while Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters were shocked, they also fell into entanglement.

Chapter 238 Return, Zhang Han rescues! 【Please customize】

On the one hand, they didn't want to be separated from Su Chen; on the other hand, they felt that if they just left like this, they would feel sorry for their master.

After all, the two sisters were raised by their master Xue Wanshan, and Xue Wanshan had high hopes for them.

Especially Fu Tianjiao, who is almost already the default head of the Tianshan School!

Seeing the silence of the two girls, Su Chen quickly understood what they were thinking, and said with a smile, "I know you feel sorry for your master Xue."

"How about this, I can help Master Xue raise his cultivation to the limit of this secret realm world, and give him three life-saving elixir just in case, as a reward for him."

"At that time, the head of Xue will be stronger, and with the addition of three life-saving elixir, he will naturally be able to live longer, and he can train a qualified heir to the head of the Tianshan faction. Alright, that's it! "

In the end, Su Chen directly made a decision, not giving the two women a chance to object.

Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters looked at each other, and after a long silence, they finally agreed to Su Chen's decision.

Next, Su Chen directly took the three girls to find Xue Wanshan, the head of the Tianshan School, and explained the matter to him.

Xue Wanshan was more open-minded. Although he was reluctant, he still agreed with Fu Tianjiao and sisters Fu Tianxiang to leave with Su Chen, and said that he didn't need Su Chen's reward.

Even so, Su Chen did not change his decision. He first gave Xue Wanshan a Blood Bodhi, which greatly improved his cultivation, directly reaching the limit of the Dragon Ball Secret Realm, and then gave him three Rejuvenation Pills.

After finishing these, Su Chen accompanied Fu Tianjiao and sisters Fu Tianxiang to stay in Tianshan School for a month, and then bid farewell to Xue Wanshan and others, and embarked on the journey back to the main world.

During this month, Su Chen, based on his understanding of the plot, directly and secretly eliminated Shen Henian, Zhang Yong and other people with two hearts in the Tianshan faction, which can be considered as a relief for Xue Wanshan and the Tianshan faction.


The main world, Tianshan Mountains, Tianchi!

The four disciples of the Tianshan School were standing outside the Tianchi Lake boredly, chatting all over the place.

They were the ones sent by the head of the Tianshan School, Mu Nianci, and the deputy head, Huang Rong, to watch over the Tianchi Lake.

At the beginning, not long after Su Chen entered the secret realm of the Lingzhu from Tianchi, Huang Rong, Zhou Zhiruo, A Zi and Xiao Zhao also learned the news of Su Chen's return to Dayuan, so they bid farewell to Dayuan. rushed off.

However, they didn't know that Su Chen had left until they arrived at the Mingjiao of the Great Yuan Empire and went to the Tianshan Mountains in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Therefore, the four daughters of Huang Rong went to the Tianshan School again, and learned from Mu Nianci and Azhu that Su Chen had entered a secret realm through Tianchi.

Under the persuasion of Mu Nianci and A'Zhu, the women did not follow and broke into Tianchi without authorization.

In order to appease Huang Rong's four daughters, Mu Nianci mainly appeased Huang Rong and Ah Zi, so he sent disciples from the Tianshan School to wait by the Tianchi Lake in turn.

Once there is any movement in Tianchi, let them report it immediately.

The four of them were chatting when they suddenly saw a dazzling light appearing above Tianchi.

Before they could react, they saw a young man with three beautiful women descending from the sky and landed in front of them.

"I've met Master Su¨¨!"

One of them saw with his own eyes that he was the first to recognize Su Chen, and quickly saluted Su Chen respectfully.

Seeing this, the other three also saluted.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and said, "Are you all disciples of the Tianshan School? Why are you guarding here?"

"If you go back to the head of Su, it's like this..."

Hearing Su Chen's question, the four quickly and respectfully told the story.

Su Chen couldn't help but smiled when he heard the words, "Okay, you can go back and return to your orders, and I will take the first step."

Su Chen originally thought that something serious had happened, that's why Mu Nianci sent someone here to wait to inform him of the news. After learning the whole story, he let go of his worries.

When the voice fell, Su Chen took the three daughters Fu Tianjiao, Fu Tianxiang and Xiaodie directly and flew away with the sword again.

Seeing this, the four disciples of the Tianshan Sect became even more convinced. They all returned to the Tianshan Sect with joy on their faces, ready to go back and claim the reward.

But they didn't know that not long after they started their journey, Su Chen and his party of four had already returned to the Lingjiu Palace of the Tianshan School!

Mu Nianci, Azhu, Huang Rong and other women sensed Su Chen's return, and immediately rushed out of their respective residences to meet Su Chen.

After seeing Su Chen, all the girls were naturally very happy.

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