However, after seeing the sisters Fu Tianxiang and Fu Tianjiao, as well as the three daughters of Xiaodie, who were following Su Chen, someone immediately became jealous.

"Okay, Brother Chen, every time you go out, do you have to bring a few sisters back? Fortunately, we are still worried about you, worried that you will be in danger in the secret realm, so you went to find a woman!"

Huang Rong leaned closer to Su Chen, looked at Fu Tianjiao's three daughters, and made a sound of coquettish anger.

"That's right, brother-in-law, you are too bothered. My sister has been neglected by you." As soon as Huang Rong finished speaking, Ah Zi joined in the fun.

On the one hand, Ah Zi is joining in the fun, but on the other hand, she is also secretly jealous.

Although Su Chen is her brother-in-law, after Ah Zi has been in contact with Su Chen a lot, she is still unable to extricate herself from being attracted to Su Chen.

Ah Zi originally came from a heretical force like the Xingxiu Sect, so how could she pay attention to those so-called etiquettes?

Shan Wanjing also followed suit: "` "Ah Zi is right, you are too hardworking, how many women do you need to find to be satisfied? "

Except for the three of them, the other women didn't say anything, but except for Fu Junmao who was transformed by Su Chen with the Purdue Heart Sutra, the rest of them felt somewhat uncomfortable.

But because of their personality, they don't care too much.

Looking at the mournful eyes of the girls, Su Chen couldn't help feeling dizzy, but he would rather face more enemies.

Perhaps God heard Su Chen's heartfelt voice, and when he spoke to comfort the girls, a disciple from Tianshan suddenly came to report, saying that Zhang Han, the commander of the Shadow Secret Guard, asked to see him.

Su (good Wang Hao) felt relieved immediately, and quickly asked that Tianshan disciple to call Zhang Han to the meeting hall.

"Ahem, Zhang Han is the commander of the Shadow Secret Guards, and he also shoulders the important task of the Ming Empire. If there is no important matter, he probably wouldn't come here in person. I'll go and see if Zhang Han has any news to report. You guys Let's talk first."

Then, Su Chen bid farewell to the girls, and also used this as an excuse to leave quickly, heading towards the meeting hall.

Let the girls stay and get along on their own.

All the girls are very smart people, Su Chen believes that they will naturally handle the relationship between each other well.

After Su Chen arrived at the meeting hall of the Tianshan School, he soon saw Zhang Hanhua, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Subordinate Zhang Han, see you son!"

Seeing Su Chen coming, Zhang Han quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted respectfully.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "Get up, you don't need to be too polite, you came here in person this time, but what happened recently?".

Chapter 239 Shadow secret guard news, chaos in major empires! 【Subscribe】

Zhang Han clasped his fists and said, "Master Hui, the Shadow Secret Guards have received news that recently the four kingdoms of Liao, Xixia, Tubo, and Jin have reached an agreement to jointly attack the Northern Song Dynasty."

"The Southern Song Empire, on the other hand, was bribed by the Four Kingdoms to stand on the sidelines and no longer join forces with the Northern Song Dynasty to fight against the enemy. At this time, the Four Kingdoms' siege of the Northern Song Empire may have already begun!"

Hearing this, Su Chen frowned slightly, "Oh? Liao and other four countries besieged the Northern Song Dynasty, what excuse did they use?"

Zhang Han said: "According to the information obtained by Yingmiwei, Xiao Yuanshan, the cousin of the Empress Dowager of the Liao Kingdom, and his son Xiao Feng died in the Northern Song Dynasty. The Liao Kingdom used the Northern Song Dynasty to kill the royal family of the Liao Kingdom for no reason, and invited the other three countries to help revenge."

"Huh? Are Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng and his son still dead?" Hearing Zhang Han's words, Su Chen couldn't help being surprised.

In the first battle at Juxian Village, Su Chen helped Xiao Feng out of the siege, and made the whole truth public.

As for what happened to Xiao Feng later, Su Chen didn't pay much attention.

He did not expect that Xiao Feng still could not avoid the fate of death, even Xiao Yuanshan was killed.

However, Su Chen was only slightly moved by this.

Although Su Chen admired Xiao Feng very much, they had different positions after all. If Xiao Feng had been living well, they might become enemies sooner or later.

Now that Xiao Feng died at the hands of other people, it is inevitable that 363 will become Su Chen's enemy.

Naturally, Su Chen wasn't afraid of Xiao Feng, but he didn't want to personally kill the person he admired.

Zhang Han said: "Yes, it is said that they were father and son who killed Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin Temple, and they were besieged and killed by Shaolin called the Northern Song Dynasty martial arts comrades together."

Su Chen nodded to show that he knew, and then said: "You came here in person, shouldn't this be the only thing?"

"My son is wise!" Zhang Han praised Su Chen, and then said, "In addition to Liao and other four countries besieging the Northern Song Dynasty, the Ming Empire is also in civil strife now."

"The rebellion of King Ning in the Ming Empire directly caused panic in most of the empire, and behind this there seems to be the shadow of the Iron God Hou Zhu's ignorance."

Su Chen couldn't help but smiled when he heard the words, "Look, Zhu Wushi is still the same Zhu Wushi."

Although Zhu Shishi has become Su Chen's faithful believer today, but when Su Chen did not issue orders to him, Zhu Shishi's thoughts still had no influence.

Just like the top leaders of certain religions, they are very loyal to the gods, but this does not affect them from using power for their own personal gain.

Zhang Han couldn't help being puzzled when he heard Su Chen's words, but he didn't ask any further questions, and continued: "In addition, the Great Sui Empire has formed a situation where two heroes are confronting each other."

"One of them is the forces headed by the Li Clan and Cihang Jingzhai, and the other is the forces headed by the Yingui Sect and the Song Clan."

"The Shadow Secret Guards got the news that in order to defeat the Yingui faction, the Li Clan actually sent people to join forces with the Turkic forces on the grassland. Even the Great Yuan Empire sent people to the Li Clan."

"Interesting, is this the complete chaos of the whole world?" Su Chen couldn't help whispering after hearing Zhang Han's report.

After a pause, Su Chen said again: "Has there been any major moves within the Great Yuan Empire?"

The reason why Su Chen specifically asked about the Great Yuan Empire was because after sorting it out in his mind, he found that this time the world was in chaos, and only the Great Yuan Empire did not make any moves.

Su Chen faintly felt that perhaps the actions of several grassland countries had a certain relationship with the Great Yuan Empire.

"Forgive me, my lord, the Shadow Secret Guards didn't find out about the other actions of the Great Yuan Empire." Hearing Su Chen's question, Zhang Han replied a little ashamedly.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let the brothers of the Shadow Secret Guard pay more attention to the Great Yuan Empire."

"Subordinates obey!"

When Zhang Han heard the words, he hurriedly said respectfully.

Su Chen said: "If there is nothing else, you can go back to the Ming Empire. After you go back, send a letter to Zhu Wushi to inform him of the whereabouts of Tianxiang Cardamom. In addition, let him never rebel without my order." Act of."

"Master, you mean that Zhu Wushi is also one of us?"

Zhang Han was surprised when he heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Not bad."

Afterwards (.), the two exchanged a few more words, Su Chen gave Zhang Han a token, and then sent Zhang Han back to the Ming Empire.

After Zhang Han returned to the Daming Empire, Su Chen also took the initiative to find the girls at the back.

After communicating with each other for a period of time, the atmosphere among the girls obviously eased up a lot, and everyone started calling them sisters and sisters.

Seeing this, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then told the girls that he planned to go to the Sui Empire, end the turmoil in the Sui Dynasty as soon as possible, and completely take over the Sui Dynasty.

Knowing that Su Chen planned to go to the Great Sui Empire, all the girls immediately expressed that they wanted to be with him.

Su Chen pondered for a while, and then said: "Although my own strength can be said to have no opponents in today's world, your strength is still a little bit worse. If it comes to the battlefield, if there is something that I can't take care of , causing you to be injured is not good."

"In addition, the Northern Song Empire is about to be besieged by the four kingdoms of Liao, Xixia, Tubo, and Jin. It is estimated that it will be wiped out sooner or later. If you continue to stay in the Vulture Palace, there is a certain danger."

Mu Nianci said: "I don't know what your husband's plan is?"

When the girls heard the words, they all looked at Su Chen, waiting for his answer.

Su Chen said: "Two options, one, you all enter the Dragon Ball Secret Realm through Tianchi with Sister Tianjiao, and temporarily meditate in the Tianshan faction in the secret realm. Second, all of you go to the Great Sui Empire Yin Gui Send it, and stay at the Yingui faction headquarters when the time comes."

After listening to Su Chen's two choices, all the girls started discussing in a hurry.

It didn't take long for the women to reach an agreement in the mode of the minority obeying the majority, that is, to go to the headquarters of the Yingui faction.

After all, although the Dragon Ball Secret Realm is a secret realm, it can be regarded as a small world. When they get there, it seems that they are in two different worlds from Su Chen.

The other reason is that Su Chen grew up in the Yingui Sect. In the eyes of the girls, the Yingui Sect is Su Chen's home.

They are all Su Chen's women, so naturally they will live in Su Chen's home.

Seeing that the girls had reached a consensus, Su Chen smiled and said, "Since everyone agrees, I'll take you back to the headquarters of the Yingui Sect first. But, before that, Nianci, you and Rong'er will explain to you first." The people of the Tianshan faction, let them temporarily disperse and hide, mainly to protect themselves."

Huang Rong couldn't help asking, "Brother Chen, what about you?"

Su Chen said: "I plan to go to Guangmingding first to explain some things about the Mingjiao. After that, I am afraid there will be a big chaos that will affect everyone in the entire Kyushu land!"

After the two sides agreed, they split up and started to act.

Three days later, Mu Nianci and Huang Rong made an explanation to the members of the Tianshan School, and Su Chen also made arrangements for Yang Xiao and others of the Mingjiao.

After that, Su Chen took all the girls and went to the headquarters of the Yingui faction of the Great Sui Empire...

Chapter 240 Want to be crooked?Yingui sent out! 【Please customize】

"Senior brother, you are finally back!"

In the Yin Gui Sect, Hou Hou saw Su Chen coming back, and immediately greeted him with joy on his face.

Su Chen smiled and said: "The Great Sui Empire has been in chaos for so long, it's time to end this dispute. How can I be missing in this battle to determine the ownership of the Great Sui Empire?"

Wan Hou heard the words and said with a charming smile: "I didn't expect that the senior brother was walking outside, and the news is still so good."

Su Chen smiled, did not continue this topic, but introduced Fu Tianjiao and others to Houhou.

Seeing that Su Chen had so many more women, Houhou couldn't help but feel a little bit uneasy, but he didn't make it too obvious.

Next, Su Chen also explained to Houhou the decision to let Huang Rong, Mu Nianci, Fu Tianjiao and others stay at the headquarters of the Yingui Sect.

After listening to Su Chen's words, Hou Hou said angrily, "You should report this matter to Master. What's the use of telling me?"

Su Chen said: "Of course I will tell Master, but I also want to introduce you to each other, so as not to cause any misunderstanding."

Wan Wan smiled and said: "Brother, don't worry, I won't have any misunderstandings with your confidante. But, what's going on, this fairy teacher?"

Su Chendao: "At the beginning, I reached an agreement with Fan Qinghui, and we competed with Li Clan from two directions for the Great Sui Dynasty. Shi Feixuan was sent by Fan Qinghui to deliver the news."

Wan Hou blinked her eyes, and said with a smile: "Cihang Jingzhai has always had a tradition of feeding demons with its body, did Master Fairy take good care of you, brother?"

Su Chen said with a smile: "Of course I don't have my own junior sister who is more caring. When will the junior sister serve the senior brother?"

When Hou Hou heard Su Chen's words, his face blushed slightly, and he said coquettishly, "Hmph, senior brother, you even made fun of your junior sister, I'm going to complain to the master."

After finishing speaking, Wanhou tapped her toes, and quickly left the sight of Su Chen and the others, heading towards Zhu Yuyan's residence.

Su Chen smiled, and didn't pay much attention to it, so he took Huang Rong, Fu Tianjiao and other girls to his residence in the Yingui Sect, and asked the servants of the Yingui Sect to prepare rooms for them.

Afterwards, Su Chen went to find Zhu Yuyan.

Thinking of looking for Zhu Yuyan, Su Chen couldn't help thinking of the scene with Zhu Yuyan in Yanggong's treasure house last time, and his heart beat slightly faster.

However, when Su Chen found Zhu Yuyan's residence, Zhu Yuyan did not see Su Chen on the grounds that she was cultivating at a critical juncture. She just conveyed her agreement to Fu Tianjiao, Huang Rong and other women to live in the Yingui Sect matter.

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't force it, and stayed in the Yingui faction for the time being.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Su Chen was playing with Huang Rong, Fu Tianjiao, Mu Nianci and other girls, but Wan Hou came to him again and said that I wish Yuyan a favor.

"You guys play on your own first, I'll go see my master and see what's up with her", Su Chen confessed to Huang Rong and the girls, and then went to see Zhu Yuyan with Houhou.

At this time, Zhu Yuyan was sitting directly on the top of the Yingui Sect's meeting hall.

In the meeting hall, several elders of the Yingui Sect stood respectfully.

"Meet Master!"

After seeing Zhu Yuyan, Su Chen and Houhou saluted Zhu Yuyan at the same time.

Seeing Su Chen, Zhu Yuyan's eyes flickered slightly, then suppressed the emotions in her heart, and said lightly: "This time I came to you this time, I decided to take the initiative to join Shi Zhixuan, Helianba and others, and Ci Hangjing Zhai and the group of the Li family will fight to the death! Seize the control of Da Sui Jiangshan!"

They were not surprised when they heard Zhu Yuyan's words. Obviously, they had received related news before they came.

At this time, Su Chen brought up the matter of Huang Rong's daughters to Zhu Yuyan again, and said that he would leave a few guards to protect them and the Yingui faction.

The guard Su Chen mentioned is naturally the Six Swords Slave who has been hiding in the dark.

When Zhu Yuyan heard that Su Chen specifically mentioned about Huang Rong and his daughters, for some reason, she felt a little apprehensive, but in the end reason overcame emotions and agreed to Su Chen's request.

Afterwards, several people discussed again about the decisive battle with the Li family and the various arrangements of the Yingui faction.

After the discussion, Zhu Yuyan said that she would leave early tomorrow morning, and then left alone.

Seeing Zhu Yuyan's graceful back disappearing from sight, Su Chen couldn't help shaking his head slightly, then turned and walked towards his residence.

"Brother Chen, what did your master tell you?"

Seeing Su Chen's return, Huang Rong immediately stepped forward and asked Su Chen.

Although the other girls didn't make a sound, their eyes were full of curiosity.

Su Chen said: "It's nothing, it's about competing with the Li Clan for the Great Sui Dynasty..."

Immediately, Su Chen didn't hide anything, and told the girls about the general direction of the Yingui Sect, and said that he would leave the Yingui Sect tomorrow, and left behind guards to protect the girls secretly.

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