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After listening to Su Chen's words, Mu Nianci said: "Since your husband is going to the front line to fight against powerful enemies, you should bring all your strength. We must be very safe staying in the Yingui sect, and we don't need guards at all."

Xiao Zhao followed up and said: "Sister Mu is right, son, you should bring your guards with you and deal with the masters of the Li family together."

Huang Rong also said: "That's right, we are not weak anyway, if someone really dares to trouble us, we will let them know that women are not easy to mess with!"

Afterwards, Fu Tianjiao, A'Zhu and other women also persuaded Su Chen to bring the guards with him.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, my strength is beyond your imagination. No one in this world can threaten me. Therefore, I don't need guards or anything, so I just decided."


"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's do some happy things while we still have time. After all, it will take some time to separate this time."

Hearing Su Chen's words, the girls couldn't help but blushed.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Why are you blushing, I just want to let you get acquainted with the Yingui sect, are you thinking about it?"

When the girls heard this, their faces turned even redder.

Su Chen didn't continue to tease them, but actually brought all the girls to familiarize themselves with the environment in the Yingui sect.

As for the change from being familiar with the environment to being familiar with the structure of the human body in the end, it can only be called an accident...

On the second day, Su Chen bid farewell to Huang Rong, Fu Tianjiao and other women respectively, and then went to the meeting hall of the Yingui Sect, where he joined Zhu Yuyan and others of the Yingui Sect.

"Brother, did you rest well last night?"

Seeing Su Chen coming over, Hou Hou couldn't help but teased in a coquettish voice.

Su Chen said calmly: "Naturally, I'll rest well."

Zhu Yuyan glanced at her two apprentices indifferently, and said coldly without saying anything, "Let's go!"

After the sound fell, Zhu Yuyan took the lead to leave the meeting hall and head towards the Yin Gui faction.

Su Chen and Houhou looked at each other, and naturally followed closely.

As for the other elders of the Yin Gui Sect, except for the two who stayed behind, everyone else followed the pace of Zhu Yuyan's master and apprentice.

The destination of the group's trip is the front line of the confrontation between the two sides, outside the city of Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Great Sui Empire...

Chapter 241 In the face of absolute strength, any means are useless!

Outside the city of Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Great Sui Dynasty, stretching for several miles, military tents were arranged in a patchwork order.

These military tents are actually under the command of the Yingui faction, or the rebel army under Su Chen's command.

When the decisive battle with the Tang army was about to take place, all the top leaders of the rebel army gathered together, including Li Jing, Shi Zhixuan, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, etc., all gathered together.

Even Song Que, the lord of the Song Clan, rushed out of Luoyang City with the elite troops of the Song Clan himself.

When Song Que learned that the Li Clan had actually linked up with the Turks and even the Great Yuan, he was full of hostility towards the Li Clan, wishing he could directly slaughter all the Li Clan!

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Li Jing gathered everyone together, and said loudly: "Everyone, Li just got the news that besides the masters from Cihang Jingzhai, there are also many foreign masters in the Tang army."

"The leaders among them are said to be Li Chimei, a master of the Dayuan Empire's Magician's Palace, and Bixuan, a Turkic warrior! "Three Eighty Zero" also includes the Qinghai-Tibet Four Secrets, the Mengshi Double Demons, and others."

"In terms of military operations, Li is naturally duty-bound, but to deal with these masters of the rivers and lakes, we still have to rely on the Lord Song, Xie Wang and Helian."

Song Que said: "Bi Xuan, the Turkic Martial Venerable, is as famous as Ning Daoqi. The old man has never had a match with Ning Daoqi, but I can see how strong this Martial Venerable is!"

Shi Zhixuan said: "The opponent has more masters than us, if we fight alone, we naturally have nothing to fear, but we must be careful of the opponent's hidden tricks."

"In the face of absolute strength, any means are useless!"

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the big tent.

When everyone heard the voice, they looked subconsciously, and immediately saw He Su Chen, Zhu Yuyan, Wan Wan and others.

"Master Su!"




Seeing Su Chen, Zhu Yuyan and others coming, everyone quickly got up and greeted Su Chen.

Zhu Yuyan, Houhou and the others seemed to have been left out a lot.

However, they have no opinion on this.

After all, it can be said that the rebel army controlled by the Yingui faction was able to develop and grow to the present level, it can be said that it is all due to Su Chen.

After the ceremony was over, Su Chen said: "If the army is ready, let's launch an attack tomorrow. As for the Turkic Martial Venerable Bi Xuan, and the so-called masters in the Magician's Palace, as long as they dare to show their heads, I will send them on the road." ! Moreover, there will be a surprise for you at that time.”

"Master, what surprise?" Kou Zhong couldn't help asking with a smile when he heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen said: "If you say it, what kind of surprise is that? But it won't be long before you will see it."

Next, with Li Jing at the center, he made a detailed arrangement for the attack tomorrow, and then everyone dispersed.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling took the initiative to arrange military tents for Su Chen, Zhu Yuyan and others.


Time passed by in a hurry, and soon came the next day.

Li Jing had finished his army a long time ago. Together with Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and others, he led hundreds of thousands of rebels under his command and launched an attack on Luoyang City!

At the head of Luoyang city, the army of the Li Clan naturally tried their best to defend the city head and confront the rebel army led by Li Jing.





Countless shouts of killing resounded inside and outside Luoyang City, and the terrifying sound waves shook the heavens!

As the battle progressed, soldiers from both sides continued to die at the top of the city, and the blood directly dyed the entire city of Luoyang dark red!

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help frowning slightly, "If we continue to fight like this, I don't know how long it will take to break through Luoyang, and how many soldiers will have to be sacrificed. Both the enemy and us are children of the Han family, and the sacrifices are in vain. If we weaken too much, I'm afraid it will hurt the grassland. The wolves can take advantage of this opportunity."

Hearing this, Li Jing was a little ashamed and said: "Luoyang City was originally the capital of the Sui Dynasty, and it was built very solidly. Unless it can cooperate from the inside to the outside, if you want to attack it by force, you will inevitably have to sacrifice a lot. There is no other way."

Su Chen said: "That's not necessarily the case! Let's order the withdrawal of the troops first. If the attack continues like this, the sacrifice will be too great."

Upon hearing this, Li Jing hurriedly said: "My lord, if we withdraw our army now, the sacrifice of the soldiers just now will be in vain."

Su Chen said: "I just asked you to suspend the siege, not to withdraw, let the soldiers retreat and recuperate. Although I am not good at fighting, I also know that the siege may not be continuous, right? "

Li Jing said: "Young master said, the last general will pass the order."

Su Chen nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Li Jing cupped his fists to salute Su Chen, and then went to convey the military order to the army.

After Li Jing issued the military order, the besieging rebels quickly retreated in an orderly manner and returned to their respective camps.

Looking at this scene above Luoyang city, Li Yuan couldn't help but wonder, "What's the situation with the enemy army? Why did they retreat after attacking the city for so long?"

Among Li Yuan's sons, Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin and Li Yuanji are more capable. Unfortunately, both Li Shimin and Li Yuanji died in the Battle of Yanggong's treasure house.  …

Coupled with the importance he attached to Li Jing and the Yingui Sect, Li Yuan chose to go on a personal conquest and let Prince Li Jiancheng stay in Chang'an to supervise the country.

Zhang Liang, the general under Li Yuan's command, said: "This must be because the bandits saw our Tang army mighty and majestic, and knew they were invincible, so they had no choice but to retreat."

Li Yuan was quite pleased with the words, but he still said: "Although this is the case, you should not be careless. Li Jing, the commander of the enemy army, is indeed a character that cannot be underestimated!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

When the generals around heard the words, they all saluted Li Yuan respectfully.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, someone pointed at the sky outside the city and exclaimed.

Hearing the sound, Li Yuan and the others looked over subconsciously, but they saw someone flying in mid-air, heading towards Luoyang City!

There is no doubt that this person is Su Chen who chose to take the initiative!

On Li Yuan's side, few people knew Su Chen. Before they could react, Su Chen's figure had already stopped above the head of Luoyang city.

Then, the Lingshuang Sword from Su Chen's waist came out of its sheath, and he slashed at the head of Luoyang City!

"Protect Your Majesty!"

Seeing this scene, everyone on the top of the city shouted loudly while protecting Li Yuan in the middle.

Following Su Chen's attack, behind Su Chen, there was a huge phantom that towered above the sky, suddenly came from the void, instantly merged with Su Chen, and fell down with a 2.2 sword!


In the next moment, a terrifying hurricane suddenly blew up on the top of Luoyang City. The violent hurricane blew all the soldiers on the top of the city upside down. Only some masters of the rivers and lakes could stabilize their figures.

Before they could react, Su Chen slashed out with a sword again, and another illusory phantom of a god appeared behind him, and slashed out with the same sword!

Soon, at the head of Luoyang City, a raging fire was ignited. The terrifying flames directly enveloped the army at the head of Luoyang City!

The wind assisted the fire, and the fire borrowed the power of the wind. In a blink of an eye, the entire city of Luoyang was covered with a sea of ​​flames. I don't know how many Tang troops were burned to death by the terrifying flames!



After the wind and fire passed, the sky was suddenly filled with thunder and lightning again, as if the scourge had descended into the world!

Amidst the wind, fire, thunder and lightning, there was even an incomparably terrifying sword intent, and it slammed down on the Luoyang city gate...

Chapter 242 Slashing the sky and drawing swordsmanship, destroying bandits with one sword!


In the next moment, the thick gate of Luoyang City was directly cut off by Su Chen's terrifying sword intent!

And Tang Jun at the gate of the city was also directly blown away by this terrifying air wave, and directly gave way to a road!

Li Yuan, who was under the protection of everyone, saw this scene, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up, send someone to invite Master Fan Zhai, Wu Zun Bi Xuan and the masters of the Magician Palace! In addition, mobilize troops as soon as possible to block the gate of the city." !"

Hearing Li Yuan's words, someone immediately delivered the order.

In fact, without waiting for Li Yuan's people to spread the word, Chi Mei, Wu Zun Bixuan and others also sensed the movement here, and rushed towards the gate of the city.

When they saw Su Chen standing in the air, their expressions were full of dignity.

The charming eyes of the ladyboy flickered for a while, and he said to Bi Xuan, "This person should be Su Chen, the holy son of the Yingui sect. It is said that he is very powerful. Even Ning Daoqi, who is as famous as you, Wu Zun, died at the time of his death." In his hands, I wonder if Wu Zun would you dare to test his ability?"

Bi Xuan heard the words and said coldly: "08 Why didn't you go? Are you afraid of death?"

When Li Chimei heard Bi Xuan's words, she couldn't help but look a little ugly, and suddenly smiled: "Who is not afraid of death? However, it is not certain who will die."

Bi Xuan gave Li Chimei a cold look, but didn't speak.

Behind the two, the Qinghai-Tibet Four Secrets and the Montessori Demons also stood quietly without making a sound.

In addition, Fan Qinghui and other masters of Cihang Jingzhai also rushed here.

While the Li faction was tense, the Yingui faction's morale was boosted.

Li Jing took this opportunity to mobilize his army again, and killed the Luoyang city gate that Su Chen broke open!

Suddenly, a fierce battle started again.

However, because of Su Chen's stunning appearance before and the horrific consequences caused by the Four Elephants of Heaven's Will, Tang Jun left a strong shadow.

Many ordinary soldiers of the Tang army even thought that they were condemned by the heavens and should not fight against the rebel army led by Li Jing, so they had no fighting spirit at all.

On the other hand, the rebels who belonged to the Yin Gui faction felt that the heavens were on their side, and naturally felt that their destiny was there, they were invincible, and their fighting momentum was unprecedentedly high!

In addition, the city gate of Luoyang was breached by Su Chen, which opened up a way for them to invade Luoyang.

Under the ebb and flow, the Tang army was quickly beaten back by the rebel army led by Li Jing!

While the army below was fighting, on the top of the city, Li Chimei, Bi Xuan and the others discussed it, and finally decided that everyone should join forces to fight against Su Chen and get rid of this powerful enemy!

Fan Qinghui said that the people of Cihang Jingzhai will protect Tang Emperor Li Yuan.

After all, Su Chen is not the only expert on the enemy side. If Li Yuan has no one to protect him, if he is killed, it will have a great impact on the morale of the army.

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