Li Chimei, Bi Xuan and the others, who already looked down upon Cihang Jingzhai's people, agreed to Fan Qinghui's proposal.

Afterwards, Li Chimei, Bi Xuan, Qingzang Simi, Mengshi Shuangmo and others attacked Su Chen at the same time.

Seeing this, Su Chen sneered and said, "A group of jumping clowns are really beyond their control! Let me send you on the road at once!"

"Cut the sky and draw the sword!"

When the sound fell, the Lingshuang sword on Su Chen's waist suddenly came out of its sheath, and the sword slashed towards Li Chimei, Bi Xuan and others!

As Su Chen drew out his sword, a clear sword chant sounded in the air immediately!

The dazzling sword light flashed, as if a shooting star suddenly fell from the sky, or like a thunderbolt piercing the sky!

The sword light is so bright that people dare not look directly at it!

"Boom bang bang..."

Immediately afterwards, a series of explosions sounded!

But wherever the sword light passed, Li Chimei, Bi Xuan, Qingzang Simi, Mengshi Shuangmo and others who were standing in front of them were all wiped out by the terrifying sword energy!

Even the corpses were directly shaken by the terrifying sword energy, and scattered all over the sky!

Originally, Song Que, Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan and He Lianba saw Li Chimei and others besieging Su Chen, so they came forward one after another, intending to help Su Chen fight the enemy.

However, when they caught up, they saw the scene where Su Chen killed Li Chimei, Bi Xuan and the others with a single strike.

"Young master's divine power, my subordinates admire you!"

After a long while, Helian Ba ​​clasped his fists and saluted Su Chen, speaking respectfully.

Shi Zhixuan followed suit with a compliment.

Song Que couldn't help but sighed, "It turns out that Mr. Su's strength is so strong that he probably didn't even use one-tenth of your strength when he fought against Song."

Song Que has always been conceited and feels that he is not weaker than anyone else.

He is also not convinced by Ning Daoqi, the No.1 of the Sui Dynasty.

But now, he is completely convinced by Su Chen!

Not to mention other people, just one Martial Lord Bi Xuan, even if he is not as good as Ning Daoqi, it will not be much worse.

Song Que thought to himself that if he wanted to defeat Bi Xuan, he would have to spend a lot of effort.

But under Su Chen's command, Bi Xuan couldn't hold up even a single move. This is because he joined forces with others to fight against Su Chen!

From this we can see how big the gap is between him and Su Chen!

Zhu Yuyan was also shocked, glanced at the broken corpses all over the floor, and then asked Su Chen: "Su Chen, what level has your cultivation reached now?"

Hearing Zhu Yuyan's question, Song Que, Helianba and Shi Zhixuan couldn't help looking at Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and said: "It is said that above the realm of heaven and man, it is called the realm of land gods, and I am now in this realm."

Land fairy!

Hearing these four words, Song Que, Shi Zhixuan, Helianba and Zhu Yuyan were all shocked.

Naturally, they have heard of the Land of Immortals, but it has always been in rumors.

Even the realm of heaven and man is rarely reached by anyone, let alone the realm of land gods above the realm of heaven and man!

How old is Su Chen now, and he has already reached the legendary land fairyland, how can they not be shocked?

After a while, Zhu Yuyan suddenly smiled, "I Zhu Yuyan, the most correct thing to do in this life is to accept you as an apprentice."

After a few people chatted for a while, they returned to the head of Luoyang City, followed the army, and marched towards Luoyang City.

With the addition of these masters, the generals in the Tang army were constantly beheaded, which quickly made the Tang army's command system fail and created better conditions for the rebel army led by Li Jing to attack.

Not long after, Li Jing, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling led the rebel army and entered the city of Luoyang.

"His Majesty!"

"No, His Majesty was assassinated!"

At this moment, there were bursts of mournful cries from Tang Jun's team.

What followed was further chaos for the entire Tang Army team!

In less than an hour, the entire Luoyang city had been captured by the rebel army led by Li Jing.

Even Tang Jun, who was originally staying in Luoyang, was captured for the most part!

"Young master, there is something to do now, but the subordinates are not complaining!"

Li Jing suddenly found Su Chen and offered advice to Su Chen.

Chapter 243 Jianguo proclaims emperor, happy and angry【Subscription】

This was the third day after the army entered Luoyang, Li Jing went to Luoyang City Lord's Mansion to meet Su Chen alone.

Su Chen smiled and said: "General Li has something to say, but it doesn't matter."

Li Jing clasped his fists and said, "Young Master, although the rebel army can form an overall combat power, after all, there are still factions such as Jiangxi, Jianghuai, and Lianghu. Now, with the surrender of the Tang army, the army power is even more complicated. This subordinate thinks that we should also establish a national name. , forming a new regime."

"Emperor Li Yuan of Li Tang has died in the chaos of this war. It will definitely deal a big blow to Li Tang. If you take advantage of this opportunity and establish a country name with Luoyang as the imperial capital, you will be able to capture more people in the world. , It can also make all parties under the command more united."

When Su Chen heard Li Jing's words, he couldn't help but smiled, and said, "This matter is just your opinion, or Shi Zhixuan, Kou Zhong, and Xu Ziling all have the same idea."

Li Jingdao: "This is everyone's common aspiration! Now that the Great Sui Empire is dead, and the so-called Great Tang is about to be conquered by us, the original Great Sui country should be under the control of your son!"

Su Chen pondered for a while when he heard the words, and then said: "In that case, then you can just look at the arrangement."

"The last will obey!"

Li Jing was overjoyed when he heard Su Chen's words, and clasped his fists at Su Chen respectfully and responded.

"By the way, I got Chuan Guo Yuxi and Shibi by accident before, so I will lend them to you first. I don't think I need to say more about what to do?"

At this time, Su Chen thought of the He's Bi that he had obtained in Jingnian Temple, so he said this to Li Jing.

While speaking, Su Chen also directly took out He's Bi from the system space and handed it to Li Jing.

"That's great, now that the seal is here, it will be able to show the people of the world what your son's destiny is!"

Li Jing took He's Bi with both hands, excitedly speaking.

Su Chen waved his hand casually, and said lightly: "Okay, you go down, discuss the specific process with Shi Zhixuan, Lu Miaozi and others, and don't make any trouble then."

"Yes, my subordinates retire!"

Hearing this, Li Jing clasped his fists to Su Chen again, and then slowly backed out.

Su Chen looked at Li Jing's leaving back, shook his head slightly, and was somewhat looking forward to the enthronement and proclaiming himself emperor.

Anyway, like this kind of Jianguo name, Lixindi's drama, people like Shi Zhixuan and Lu Miaozi must know more than him, so he will not interfere much, just waiting for cooperation.

After pondering for a while, Su Chen turned around and got up, heading towards Zhu Yuyan's residence in Luoyang City.

Although the current Su Chen has long surpassed Zhu Yuyan in terms of his own strength and status in the world, he still respects Zhu Yuyan very much.

Regarding such important matters, Su Chen felt that it would be better to tell Zhu Yuyan.

Of course, Su Chen also believed that Zhu Yuyan would definitely support him.

In fact, this is exactly the case. After Zhu Yuyan learned about this, she immediately agreed and felt happy for Su Chen.

In the following days, the rebel forces under Su Chen temporarily stopped expanding their forces, but temporarily stationed inside and outside Luoyang City.

While digesting and assimilating the captured Tang army, at the same time, under the joint arrangement of Shi Zhixuan, Lu Miaozi, Li Jing and others, they prepared for the establishment of a new country and Su Chen's ascension to the throne.

After nearly a month of arrangement, various auspicious scenes, folk proverbs and the like quickly spread around Luoyang, and even all the areas under Su Chen's command.

Of course, within a month, Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Sui Dynasty, had already been restored to its original full appearance.

Especially the imperial palace in the Eastern Capital was well-arranged,

When He's Bi was offered to Su Chen with both hands by a simple old farmer, all the arrangements were finally brought to a climax.

Another week later, under the support of everyone, Su Chen finally worshiped the heavens and established the country in Luoyang, the eastern capital, and ascended the throne as emperor!

Wearing a human crown and a black dragon robe, Su Chen looked around at the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the audience, and said loudly: "Today, I worship the heaven and the earth, establish a dynasty, establish a country, and name it Qin! The name of the year is Qin! Kaiyuan ¨¨!"

"Long live Your Majesty! Long live Great Qin!"

"Long live Your Majesty! Long live Great Qin!"

"Long live Your Majesty! Long live Great Qin!"


When Su Chen's voice fell, the tens of thousands of people under the roof let out an earth-shattering roar almost at the same time!

Of course, apart from Su Chen being supported by the soldiers of the rebel army, it is also inevitable that Shi Zhixuan, Lu Miaozi and others made secret arrangements.

After waiting for everyone to cheer for a while, Su Chen continued to read aloud, a series of rewards after the establishment of the Great Qin Empire.

Among the crowd, Huang Rong, Mu Nianci, A'Zhu, A'Zi, Zhou Zhiruo and other women were also watching this scene.

Seeing this situation, Ah Zi couldn't help but grinned and said, "Brother-in-law is so majestic!"

Although Huang Rong and the others didn't speak out, they were very proud and happy that their man had made such a great achievement.

In the end, amidst the tsunami-like greetings from the crowd, Su Chen slowly retreated from the rooftop and returned to the Luoyang Palace all the way.

After Su Chen returned to the palace, he was not in a hurry to let the army under his command continue to attack the city, but to continue to balance and stabilize the forces of all parties, and at the same time let the order of the entire court fully operate.

However, with the assistance of Shi Zhixuan, Lu Miaozi, Li Jing and others, Su Chen lived a relatively relaxed life. Most of the time he spent playing and playing with girls such as Wanhou and Huang Rong. appearance.

However, with Shi Zhixuan, Lu Miaozi and others at their disposal, the territory of the Great Qin Empire was full of prosperity and fighting spirit.

The entire Great Qin Empire, like the sun in the morning, is glowing with infinite vitality and enthusiasm!

But just when the people in the Great Qin Empire were excited and enthusiastic, Chang'an, the capital of the Great Tang Dynasty, was gloomy and gloomy.

Especially in the palace of Chang'an City, white curtains are hung everywhere, full of a sad atmosphere.

In this world, because of Su Chen's attack, Li Jiancheng lost his strong competitor Li Shimin early on.

It is hardly surprising that he wants to inherit the throne.

But Li Jiancheng didn't want to rush to the throne and take over the mess of Datang under the current turbulent situation.

Unfortunately, Li Jiancheng had no choice at this time.

 (Good money) Under the suggestion of all the elders of the Tang Dynasty, Li Jiancheng hastily ascended the throne and sat on the throne of the emperor.

Originally, Li Jiancheng was very yearning for this position.

But at this moment, when he really ascended to this throne, what he felt was exhausted physically and mentally!

"` "Your Majesty, urgent report from the front line! "

Li Jiancheng was reviewing the memorials played by the courtiers with a sad face, when suddenly there was a hurried voice at the door.

Li Jiancheng said impatiently: "What urgent report? Report it here!"

With Li Jiancheng's approval, the messengers on the front line soon had the opportunity to face the saint, and then told Li Jiancheng what happened in Luoyang, the eastern capital.

"Damn! Damn it!"

After Li Jiancheng listened to the content of the urgent report, he was immediately furious and cursed loudly.

After yelling and cursing, Li Jiancheng also knew that it would have no effect on it at all, so he suppressed his emotions helplessly, waved his hands and said: "Forget it, go and invite all ministers to discuss the matter in the Tai Chi Hall!".

Chapter 244 Destroy the dead, the foreign enemy strikes! 【Subscribe】

When the monarchs and ministers of the Great Tang were full of melancholy and eagerly discussing how to deal with Su Chen's Great Qin Empire, the Great Qin Empire had finally completed all arrangements and was ready to continue attacking the Great Tang.

As for generals, Li Jing is naturally the leader.

In addition to Li Jing, there are other generals from Shi Zhixuan, Song Que, Kou Zhong, and Wagangzhai, which was previously surrendered.

As for Lu Miaozi and Xu Ziling, they were selected as left-behind candidates.

Because Su Chen, as the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, planned to conquer in person, he naturally had to leave capable and reliable people in the rear.

Not only Lu Miaozi and Xu Ziling, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, who were drawn by Su Chen earlier, were also left in Luoyang by him, secretly guarding Xu Ziling and Lu Miaozi.

However, except for Su Chen, Gai Nie, and Wei Zhuang, no one else knew about it.

After everything was arranged properly, Su Chen and Li Jing were firmly in the middle army under the protection of the Three Thousand Xuanjia Army.

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