With Kou Zhong as the vanguard of the army, Shi Zhixuan and Song Que are the commanders of the left and right armies respectively.

The three-way army added up to a total of 35, and they were marching towards the territory of the Tang Dynasty!

Wherever the Qin army passed, it was invincible!

There was hardly any decent resistance encountered.

In less than a month, the army of the Great Qin Dynasty marched to the city of Chang'an, the capital of the Great Tang Dynasty!

At this time, not only did Daqin's army not decrease, but it increased from the original 35 to 40!

This is still Su Chen's strong request that only the elite of the 380 elite be accepted for the surrender of the Tang army.

As for those soldiers who had never even been on the battlefield, Su Chen directly sent them back to their hometown to farm.

Su Chen's move was originally to enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the army, but unintentionally, it gained the hearts of countless soldiers and civilians of the Tang Dynasty!

Less than a month after seeing Su Chen, Li Jiancheng had already led an army to the city of Chang'an, and he was terrified.

Although Li Jiancheng was passable in dealing with political affairs, his military abilities seemed somewhat mediocre.

In desperation, Li Jiancheng had no choice but to convene the ministers again to discuss the strategy of retreating the enemy.

It's a pity that most of Li Tang's elites were taken away by the former Li Yuan, and now there are few who can hold hands in Chang'an.

More importantly, Li Tang won the world not only by the army, but also by the support of the aristocratic family.

Now, Su Chen's Great Qin Empire is extremely powerful, and Li Tang is seeing the sun go down.

These aristocratic families suddenly had the idea of ​​seeking refuge with their new masters.

Just like when they turned their backs on Yang Guang and took refuge in Li Yuan!

In this complicated situation, Li Jiancheng finally had no choice but to lead his army out of Chang'an under the advice of his confidants, and planned to move the capital to Taiyuan, the land of Longxing of the Li family!

Su Chen, Li Jing and the others led a large (.) army, and under the guidance of the Qiangtoucao family, they easily captured the intact city of Chang'an!

Seeing that the battle was so boring, Su Chen immediately didn't bother to continue the imperial conquest, so he temporarily stayed in the original Datang Palace in Chang'an City.

Afterwards, besides leaving behind [-] Xuanjia troops to guard, Su Chen directly divided the army into four groups, led by Li Jing, Shi Zhixuan, Song Que, and Kou Zhong, and started attacking the city from all directions!

Another month later, the entire territory of Shaanxi fell into the hands of the Great Qin Empire.

Three months later, Taiyuan City, the so-called Land of Longxing in Datang, was breached!

Li Jiancheng, the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty, killed himself with a horizontal sword in the city of Taiyuan!

Afterwards, the original forces in the Tang Dynasty chose to surrender to the Great Qin.

Half a year later, the original power and territory of the Tang Dynasty have all been owned by the Great Qin.

So far, the Great Qin Empire led by Su Chen has completely ended the chaotic situation of the original Great Sui Empire!

Not only the military court forces, but even the martial arts forces and righteous forces, under the leadership of Cihang Jingzhai, chose to bow down to the Great Qin Empire!

As for the demonic powers, the Yingui faction has long been overwhelming all directions, and no one dares to do anything wrong!

Knowing that the Great Qin Empire had captured the entire territory of the original Great Sui Empire, the entire empire was revitalized.

Su Chen ordered Li Jing, Shi Zhixuan, Song Que and Kou Zhong to return to Luoyang to return to Luoyang, but most of the troops had to be left behind to guard the four directions.

At the same time, Su Chen also decided to return to Luoyang, the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty.

After making various arrangements for Chang'an, Su Chen led a few personal guards and rode on horseback towards the outside of Chang'an city.

Not long after Su Chen's team walked out of Chang'an City, a black shadow suddenly galloped towards him!

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

Seeing this, the personal guards around Su Chen hurriedly reminded Su Chen loudly. At the same time, their faces were full of vigilance, and they drew their swords out of their sheaths, ready to face the battle.

Su Chen waved his hand casually, and said lightly: "Don't worry, it's my own."

Hearing Su Chen's words, all the guards couldn't help but relax a bit.

In fact, it is.

I saw the person coming three meters away from Su Chen and his group, suddenly stopped quickly, and then with a "plop", he knelt down in front of Su Chen:

"My subordinate, Zhu Hu, greet Your Majesty!"

It turned out that this person was none other than Zhang Han's subordinate Zhu Hu among the Shadow Secret Guards, who had met Su Chen several times and had been rewarded by Su Chen for the Beiming Divine Art.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "Get up, you came in a hurry, but what happened?"

Zhu Hu said solemnly when he heard the words: "This subordinate is guilty and dare not get up."

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help but frowned slightly, and his voice became a little colder, "I'm calling you to get up."

"This...thank you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing this, Zhu Hu couldn't help but stop breathing, thanked Su Chen, and then stood up.

Su Chen looked at Zhu Hu and said, "Tell me, what is it?"

Hearing Su Chen's question, Zhu Hu hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the Shadow Secret Guards got the news that the Turkic Khan Jieli and Tuli led a total of 30 troops, crossed the Longxi Trail, and were heading towards Chang'an City. "

"Subordinates and Shadow Secret Guards failed to find out this news in advance and gave the Turkic people an opportunity to take advantage of it. They really deserve death!"

"Oh? Have Jieli and Tuli come?" Hearing this, Su Chen was not only not angry, but looked interested, and then asked, "The 30 army shouldn't be moving together, right?"

Zhu Hu heard the words and said quickly: "Your Majesty is wise. Jie Li's general Zhishi Sili has led an army of [-], and it is less than [-] miles away from Chang'an City."

"Besides, Jieli personally sits in the central army, and he also has an army of [-]. Now he has arrived in Jingyang, [-] miles away from Chang'an City. As for Tuli, he is leading the [-] army in the rear of his headquarters, keeping a distance of [-] miles from Jieli. .”

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words: "You can report the enemy's news so clearly, what is the crime? Well, you go on, call the shadow guards nearby, and find out the enemy's movements anytime, anywhere. Report to me once in a while."

"Subordinates obey!"

When Zhu Hu heard Su Chen's words, he hurriedly spoke out respectfully.

Su Chen thought for a while, took out a portable token and threw it to Zhu Hu, and said lightly: "Take it, next time you see me, just show it to the person who stops you, don't be rash. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will take my leave!"

Zhu Hu took the token respectfully, thanked Su Chen, and quickly retreated.

"Follow me back to Chang'an, I just felt that the previous battles were not enjoyable, now that there are people who don't care about life and death come to my door, it just happens to let me have a good time!"

After Zhu Hu left, Su Chen looked in the direction of Jingyang for a while, and said something expectantly in his mouth.

After the sound fell, Su Chen turned around and headed back towards Chang'an City.

Naturally, the guards beside him hurriedly followed closely.

ps: Ah, it’s a sheep, I’m coughing and snotting all the time, it’s uncomfortable, everyone take care of yourself~ good night! .

Chapter 245 One person against a hundred thousand troops? 【Subscribe】

After returning to Chang'an City, Su Chen didn't make any delay, and directly ordered Jing Zhaoyin to lead the servants of the government office to call the young and strong people in Chang'an City to guard the city.

As for himself, he directly led the three thousand Xuanjia troops, and took the initiative to greet the former army of the Turkic army.

In fact, Su Chen didn't pay much attention to the matter of defending the city.

Because Su Chen has absolute self-confidence, he only needs to lead the [-] Xuanjia troops under his command to wipe out the Turkic army in batches!

As long as the Turkic army is repelled or even wiped out, Chang'an City will naturally not need to be defended.

When Su Chen led the Xuanjia Army to more than ten miles outside Chang'an City, he could already clearly hear the galloping horseshoes of the Turkic cavalry!

"Array, meet the enemy!"

Su Chen sat down on the horse with a rein, the Lingshuang sword on his waist was instantly unsheathed, and shouted at the Xuanjia army behind him!


Hearing Su Chen's order, the Three Thousand Xuanjia Army did not hesitate at all, and at the same time let out a cold and solemn voice, and pulled out the saber at the waist in a uniform movement, ready to fight at any time!

At this time, 500 meters away, the former Turkic general lost his mind and was leading an army of [-] menacingly towards Su Chen's direction. Suddenly, he heard bursts of thunder in the air. The sound of chilling, the complexion - can't help but change slightly.

Zhi Shili turned to a young man who was obviously dressed as a Han and asked, "Chai Fuma, are you sure that only the Great Qin Emperor Su Chen and his [-] Xuanjia Army are in Chang'an City? Could it be to fool me, the Great Turk?" ?”

This young man turned out to be Chai Shao, the son-in-law of Li Tang's royal family.

When Li Tang was attacked and destroyed, Chai Shao, under the guard of his servants, was broken into pieces and barely escaped the interception and killing of the Daqin army.

Not long after escaping, Chai Shao learned that Li Tang's royal family had all died from top to bottom!

Among them, his wife, Li Tang's princess Li Xiuning, was naturally included.

Chai Shao loved Li Xiuning almost to the point of obsession. When he learned that Li Xiuning was murdered, he was naturally very angry, and even recorded this hatred on the Great Qin Empire, especially the Emperor Su Chen of the Great Qin Empire.

However, Chai Shao knew that if he wanted to kill Su Chen or the Great Qin Empire alone, it would be impossible to avenge Li Xiuning, so he thought of waiting for an opportunity and looking for foreign aid.

The Chai family started as a business, and they have a very detailed understanding of the various places in the original Great Sui territory.

At the same time, I also learned about a Longxi trail from Jingyang to Turkic!

When Chai Shao used the influence left by his family to get in touch with some aristocratic families and learned about the situation in Chang'an City, he finally felt that the time had come, so he personally contacted the Turkic Khan Jieli to lead the way for the Turkic army , into the territory of Daqin.

Hearing this, Chai Shao said without hesitation: "The general thinks, what good is it to lie to the Khan and the general? My beloved wife was killed by Da Qin, and my hatred for Da Qin is as deep as the ocean. There is absolutely no room for relaxation. The general does not need to be suspicious. "

"As for the voice coming from the front, I dare to guess that it is just a bluffing strategy of the Qin army. If the general is still worried, he can send out scouts first to find out how many Qin troops are ahead."

"You're right." Zhishenli nodded when he heard the words, and then ordered his subordinates, "Come here, send a few more spies to find out how many people there are in the Qin army."


Hearing the words, the general who lost his mind quickly agreed to speak out, and then went to make arrangements.

However, before their spies returned, Su Chen had already brought three thousand Xuanjia troops, and appeared in the sight of Zhishili and the Turkic army at a uniform pace.

"There are really only three thousand troops?" Seeing this scene, Zhishen couldn't help but twitch his brows, deeply surprised.

He didn't understand, Su Chen only had 3000 people under his command, where did he have the courage to come to him on his own initiative?

At this time, Chai Shao also saw Su Chen in front of the Xuanjia Army, and immediately said emotionally to Zhishen:

"General, do you see that the young man at the front is Su Chen, the emperor of the Great Qin Empire. As long as you kill him, General, the Great Qin Empire will fall apart immediately, and you will make great contributions to the Turks!"

Hearing this, his eyes lit up immediately, staring at Su Chen's position closely.

But at this moment, in their sight, Su Chen actually left the army and rode his horse to the open space between the two armies alone.

"What does he mean?"

Seeing this situation, Zhishenli asked Chai Shao in puzzlement.

Chai Shaodao: "I don't know, maybe I want to fight with the general in front of the battle? In the battles of the Central Plains Empire, there are often situations of fighting generals. However, it is said that Su Chen, the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, is a rare master in the Jianghu. The general must not fight him, just lead an army of [-] to crush him!"

Hearing Chai Shao's words, Zhishisili couldn't help but feel a little displeased, thinking that he was a top expert among the Turks, how could he be frightened by a young man?

On the other side, when Su Chen reached the middle of the two armies, he said loudly, "Where is the Turkic Khan Jieli, come out and meet me!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, he didn't wait for Chai Shao's persuasion, and rode his horse directly. He quickly stopped at a miller horse opposite Su Chen, and said arrogantly: "I'm a great Turkic Khan, don't you want to see me?" What? If you just dismount and accept the surrender, this general can take you to meet Da Khan!"

Su Chen cast a glance at his lost consciousness, and said casually, "Who are you?"

Zhishili said: "This general is the number one Turkic warrior Zhishili."

Su Chen shook his head and said: "I haven't heard of it, I only heard that there is a Turkic warrior named Bi Xuan, who is very famous, but actually vulnerable. As for you unknown person, I'm afraid I don't even need to mention it."

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"Besides, king is against king, general is against general, you are not qualified to talk to me, let you Khan Jieli come out! Is he too timid to come out to see me?"

When Su Chen heard Su Chen's words, he lost his mind and became furious, "Boy, you are courting death!"

When the sound fell, Zhishen Li flew up from the horse, holding a spear, and stabbed Su Chen's chest!

Su Chen shook his head slightly, looking disappointed, "Turkic barbarians really don't know what is good and what is bad. Since you want to die, I will help you!"

When the voice fell, the Lingshuang sword on Su Chen's waist was instantly unsheathed, and the sky-slashing sword technique was used again!


A loud and clear sword chant resounded in the air.

The dazzling sword light flashed, as if a shooting star suddenly fell from the sky, or like a thunderbolt piercing the sky!

...... 0

The sword light is so dazzling that people dare not look directly at it!

The frightening sword intent instantly locked the power of losing consciousness, causing him to suddenly hover in mid-air!

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