"The last will obey!"

Hearing this, Li Jing clasped his fists in a salute, and promised to speak out.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and continued: "In addition, Shi Zhixuan led an army of 40 troops, Chen Bing on the border between the Daqin Empire and the Dayuan Empire, and claimed to be 50 to the outside world, to put pressure on Dayuan, but without my order, you must not invade Dayuan. In Yuan territory, defense should be the main focus."

"Your subordinates obey!" Shi Zhixuan's eyes flickered slightly upon hearing this, and he also obeyed without hesitation.

"Master, where are Xiaoling and I? We can't be idle!" Seeing that Su Chen arranged for Li Jing and Shi Zhixuan, but not him and Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong hurriedly asked.

"Don't worry, you are indispensable." Su Chen glanced at the two of them, and said with a faint smile, "Kou Zhong will follow me and lead an army of three thousand Xuanjia troops to mix with Shi Zhixuan's army. Hiding in Dayuan Realm 380, I will make my own arrangements when the time comes."

"Okay, this is a good way to play!"

Kou Zhong's eyes lit up when he heard Su Chen's words. What he likes most are difficult challenges!

"Your Majesty, no! You are the emperor of the Great Qin Empire. How could you easily leave the Great Qin Empire and go deep into the enemy's territory to risk yourself?" Lu Miaozi hurriedly dissuaded him when he heard Su Chen's words.

Shi Zhixuan also said: "Master Lu's words are correct, as the so-called son of a thousand gold can't sit down, let alone you, Your Majesty?"

Afterwards, other people also tried to persuade them.

Su Chen waved his hand to stop him and said, "Okay, I've made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me anymore. When I was in the palace, I didn't have to deal with many things every day."

"For the time being, Lu Miaozi will be in charge of political affairs within the Great Qin Empire, and Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Cen Wenwen and others will assist. Song Que and Xu Ziling will be responsible for the transfer of troops within the empire. Lu Miaozi waited for several senior officials to discuss."

"Subordinates obey!"

"Disciple obey!"

When Song Que and Xu Ziling heard Su Chen's arrangement, they looked at each other, and then respectfully agreed to Su Chen's order.

After the general direction was properly arranged, Su Chen discussed the details with everyone, and then asked everyone to disperse and arrange military arrangements as soon as possible.

Of course, before that, Su Chen sent word to the envoys of the Southern Song Empire, saying that the Great Qin Empire would send Li Jing with 50 troops to support the Southern Song Dynasty, and Shi Zhixuan would lead an army of [-] to attack the border of the Yuan Dynasty.

After the Southern Song Empire got these two pieces of news, they went back excitedly to announce the good news.

While Su Chen was waiting for the army to prepare, he secretly sent secret letters to Yin Tianzheng, the white-browed eagle king who was sent by him to the Southern Song Empire, and Zhu Wushi, the god of iron courage in the Ming Empire, through the Shadow Secret Guard.

In a blink of an eye, the day of the expedition came.

Su Chen didn't tell Houhou, Huang Rong and the other women, he quietly changed his appearance, and then together with Kou Zhong, brought three thousand modified Xuanjia troops, mixed with Shi Zhixuan's army, and headed towards the Great Qin Empire. Go to the border with the Great Yuan Empire.

"Master, what should we do after we arrive at the Great Yuan Empire?"

On the way, Kou Zhong felt a little bored, approached Su Chen and asked in a low voice.

Although Su Chen is now the Emperor of Great Qin, in private, Kou Zhong still used to call Su Chen his master.

Su Chen didn't care much about this.

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words: "Didn't I say that? When we arrive in the territory of the Great Yuan Empire, I will make my own arrangements."

Kou Zhong smiled and said: "Master, anyway, the road is idle and boring, why don't you teach the disciples, so that the disciples will not be dull and respond in time, won't it ruin the master's plan?"

Hearing Kou Zhong's words, Su Chen smiled and shook his head, "Forget it, it's okay to tell you. Actually, I don't have too many plans."

"Three(.) Qianxuanjia Army is a mobile army, and Dayuan has a vast territory, full of grasslands, you can hide at will, and launch an attack on any city or tribe in Dayuan at any time, and carry out a devastating blow !"

Kou Zhong was puzzled and said, "It doesn't seem to have much effect. At most, it can only cause chaos in some areas of the Great Yuan Empire."

Su Chen nodded and said: "You're right, we want to make Dayuan chaos, the more chaos the better! At the same time, we must instigate more Han people in Dayuan territory and let them join the anti-Yuan team."

"In addition, I will also let the Mingjiao, Wudang faction and other forces in the Dayuan territory encourage the rebels under their command to carry out anti-Yuan operations at the same time, so that the hinterland of Dayuan will bloom everywhere, and anti-Yuan troops will be everywhere!"

"A single spark can start a prairie fire, what's more, the rebels under the Mingjiao, Wudang faction and other forces are not a single spark, they have grown to a huge scale, but they lack a unified command, and I will personally command them .”

"You will lead the Xuanjia Army to maneuver and cooperate with me to wipe out the vital forces of the Yuan Army in the Great Yuan..."

Kou Zhong nodded silently while listening to Su Chen's narration, keeping Su Chen's words firmly in his heart.

After Su Chen finished speaking, Kou Zhong immediately flattered him, "Master, you are really tall! This disciple admires you so much!"

"When we turn the world upside down inside the Great Yuan Empire, Shi Zhixuan at the border can lead an army of 50 troops into the Great Yuan Empire and completely destroy the Great Yuan Empire in one fell swoop!"

Su Chen waved his hand, and said in a bad mood: "Okay, stop flattering. I don't know what the specific situation will be at that time. Who knows if there will be any changes? Everything will be settled before the dust settles. Don’t be careless.”

"Yes, this disciple will keep in mind Master's teachings!"

When Kou Zhong heard the words, he immediately put on a serious face and solemnly agreed to speak out.

On the way, Kou Zhong sometimes asked Su Chen about martial arts, sometimes he asked about war, and sometimes he flattered Su Chen.

With Kou Zhong as a funny person, Su Chen seemed a little more relaxed along the way.

In terms of martial arts, it was easy for Su Chen to teach Kou Zhong, and he also taught him a few sets of martial arts at will.

As for the military aspect, Su Chen directly taught Kou Zhong the Taigong Art of War and the reprinted version of Wu Mu's suicide note.

The army traveled mightily for two or three months, and finally arrived at the border of the Great Qin Empire and the Great Yuan Empire.

Shi Zhixuan arranged for the army to set up camp along the major towns at the junction of the two empires, ready to fight at any time, and then came to find Su Chen.

"Your Majesty, the army has been arranged. I wonder where you plan to leave the military town first?"

Hearing this, Su Chen waved his hands and said, "Kou Zhong and I won't stay any longer. We will directly lead the Xuanjia Army into the grassland. You should first find a way to attract the attention of the Dayuan border army for us."

"The last will obey!"

When Shi Zhixuan heard Su Chen's words, without any hesitation, he clasped his fists together and saluted, and then slowly retreated...

Chapter 250 Return to Guangming Peak, the discussion of the martial arts conference! 【Subscribe】

After Su Chen asked Shi Zhixuan to retreat, he and Kou Zhong sneaked into the territory of the Great Yuan Empire with [-] Xuanjia troops.

Afterwards, Su Chen did not go with Kou Zhong, but let Kou Zhong take three thousand Xuanjia troops and hide on the grassland temporarily, while he himself flew towards the Bright Summit of the Mingjiao General Altar with his sword.

In less than half a day, Su Chen flew with the sword and arrived at the Bright Summit of the Mingjiao General Altar again, and summoned Yang Xiao, Fan Yao and others who were staying at the Bright Summit to the Great Bright Hall.

"My subordinates see the leader!"

Seeing the return of the long-absent leader, Yang Xiao and others hurriedly knelt down on one knee, saluted respectfully~ and made a sound.

Of course they also know that Su Chen is now the emperor of the Great Qin Empire.

But this will only make them feel even more in awe of Su Chen, the leader.

Su Chen looked around at Yang Xiao and the others, and said with a smile, "Everyone is welcome."

"Thank you, Master!"

When everyone heard the words, they quickly expressed their thanks together, and then got up and stood in the Great Light Hall.

Su Chen said: "I came back this time because I want to discuss something with you, and I hope to get your support."

"Please instruct the teacher!"

When everyone heard Su Chen's words, they all spoke respectfully.

Su Chen said: "Actually, this matter is consistent with the Mingjiao's obedience, which is to overthrow the Great Yuan Empire and take back the Han family."

"In order to achieve this goal, this seat intends to make the Mingjiao, Wudang, Shaolin and other major sects reach an agreement to form an alliance, especially to let the rebels supported by each one be integrated and unified, so that orders are consistent."

Yang Xiao clasped his fists and said, "Master, your proposal, of course, we Mingjiao has no objection at all and supports it 100%. However, I'm afraid that those famous schools in Shaolin and Wudang won't join forces with us."

Zhou Dian said loudly: "Master, although I don't like Yang Xiao, but this time I have to agree with Yang Xiao's words. Those so-called decent sects want to drive our Ming Cult to extinction, how can they agree to join us? "

Fan Yao said at this time: "Since the leader has this proposal, there is naturally a way for the leader. Brother Yang and Sectional Leader Zhou, please be safe and stay calm."

Su Chen nodded and said: "That's right. I reached a preliminary consensus on this matter with Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang faction and the Wudang Six Heroes. With Wudang taking the lead, at least half of the martial arts channels can be driven to join the Anti-Yuan Alliance."

"Besides, if good words and persuasion fail, then I will let them know what it means to respect strength and what it means to be rebellious in Shunchang!"

"The leader is wise!"

When everyone heard Su Chen's words, they quickly bowed together and praised.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and continued: "The first step is to gather all the major sects together and hold a martial arts conference. This martial arts conference will not only decide the alliance of the major sects, but also determine the leader of the alliance. .”

Zhou Dian loudly said: "The leader of the martial arts, naturally you should be the leader, you old man, I don't agree with others!"

"That is, if the leader of the alliance is not you, the leader, then our Mingjiao might as well fight against Yuan alone. There is no need to join forces with those famous and decent sects."

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, "As the leader of the martial arts alliance, I will naturally do my part!"

"The leader is wise!"

When everyone heard what Su Chen said, they immediately felt relieved, and responded at the same time.

Su Chen said: "Since everyone has no opinion, then the matter is settled like this. You first send people to contact heresy forces in various places. As long as they are not the most heinous, the people who are angry with the gods, and are committed to the great cause of resisting the Yuan Dynasty, you can invite them." .”

"Master, don't you need to notify those so-called decent sects?" Zhou Dian couldn't help asking after hearing Su Chen's words.

Su Chen said indifferently: "Over there, I plan to guide the Wudang faction and let the Wudang faction come forward to contact them. We Mingjiao don't have to ask for trouble for the time being."

"The leader is wise!"

When everyone heard Su Chen's plan, they praised again.

Su Chen waved his hand, "Okay, stop flattering, Master Zhuang's battle hall needs to expand its strength as soon as possible, and prepare for tough battles, while Hall Master Wei is complicated to inquire about information from all parties, and at the same time pay attention to the forces of Dayuan , lest they make trouble when the time comes."

"Hall Master Xie and Dai Qisi, continue to do your job well and ensure that the whole church is united as one. Yang Xiao, Fan Yao and Wu San are responsible for contacting all parties."

"Subordinates obey!"

Yang Xiao and the others looked at each other when they heard the words, and they all responded to the order.

Afterwards, Su Chen explained to Yang Xiao and the others in detail, and confirmed the venue for the martial arts conference.

Then, Yang Xiao and others reported to Su Chen what happened inside and outside the Ming Cult during Su Chen's absence.

After talking about this, everyone bid farewell to Su Chen, slowly withdrew from the Great Light Hall, and went to perform their duties.

Afterwards, Su Chen temporarily lived in Guangmingding for two days, then flew with the sword again and rushed to Wudang faction.

After arriving at the Wudang faction, Su Chen directly chose to land in front of the wooden house in the back mountain where Zhang Sanfeng was.

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Sensing the movement outside the house, Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand and pushed open the door, looked at Su Chen who descended from the sky in front of the door, and said with a smile: "It turns out that His Majesty the Emperor Qin is coming, and the old man is far away to welcome him. Please forgive me."

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Really Zhang is very polite. In addition, I am now looking for Master Zhang as the leader of Mingjiao, not as the emperor of the Great Qin Empire."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Zhang Sanfeng said kindly: "I don't know if Master Su came to look for the old Taoist, but what needs the old Taoist?"

Su Chen didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "Master Zhang really has sharp eyesight. Su Mou came to see Master Zhang, just to ask Master Zhang and the Wudang faction for a favor."

Zhang Sanfeng said: "Please tell Master Su clearly."

...... 0

Su Chen said: "The thing is like this..."

Immediately, Su Chen once again united Mingjiao and martial arts sects to form an alliance against the Yuan army, and told Zhang Sanfeng about it.

Of course, Su Chen did not tell Zhang Sanfeng that he had arranged for Kou Zhong to lead the [-] Xuanjia Army to lurk in the territory of the Great Yuan Empire.

There was also no mention of Shi Zhixuan leading an army of 40 troops stationed on the border between the Great Yuan Empire and the Great Qin Empire.

Hearing the words, Zhang Sanfeng pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Is Master Su planning to bring the Great Yuan Empire into the territory of the Great Qin Empire after the Great Yuan Empire is destroyed?"

Su Chen nodded slightly, and admitted: "That's right, that's exactly the case. Is there anything wrong with letting the original Han family return to the hands of the Han people?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly, twitching his beard and said, "I'm afraid Su Hierarch not only wants to seize the Yuan Dynasty, but also has the same thoughts about other empires, right? As an old Taoist, he sees more things when he is old."

Su Chen said again: "Renren Zhang is right. I want to restore the glory of the ancient times and bring the world back into unity. It is no longer like it is today, where wars have continued for years!"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said: "This is a great act of kindness. The old Taoist also believes that Master Su will definitely be able to do it. Regarding the matter of calling all the martial arts sects to participate in the martial arts conference, the old Taoist agreed on behalf of the Wudang faction, and will do his best to facilitate it."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Then thank you, Master Zhang."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said: "The old man did this to repay the great kindness of the Wudang sect to the Wudang sect, and also to save the people of the world from suffering from the war. By the way, I wonder if the master Su has chosen where the martial arts conference will be held?" Dao .

Chapter 251 Leisurely enjoyment, all parties move 【Please customize】

Su Chen pondered for a while, and then said: "How about Huashan Mountain in Xiyue? Among the various sects of the Great Yuan Empire, the Huashan sect is relatively close to the center, so that other sects will not have to travel to participate in the martial arts conference." It's too far away."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said: "Mount Hua is very good. In the name of both Wudang Sect and Mingjiao, the Lao Taoist Association called all the sects to go to Huashan to participate in the martial arts conference."

Su Chen smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank Master Zhang. As for the time for the martial arts conference, it will be on the day of the middle of the month after March, which is May [-]th. There are still more than three months to go, and it will be too late." Enough for all sects to hurry."

Zhang Sanfeng said: "The old Taoist has written it down."

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