Afterwards, the two sides chatted for a few more words and exchanged some experience in martial arts, and then Su Chen bid farewell to Zhang Sanfeng and left.

After Zhang Sanfeng sent Su Chen away, he found Song Yuanqiao, the current leader of the "Three Nine Three" Wudang faction, and told him about the martial arts conference that Su Chen said, and the joint fight against the Yuan Dynasty, and asked Song Yuanqiao's brother Several people went to each sect to send letters.

On the other side, Su Chen flew directly with his sword, returned to the Luoyang Palace of the Great Qin Empire, and continued his happy life.

Every day, accompanied by beauties such as Wan Wan, Huang Rong, and Shi Feixuan, and occasionally practicing Hehuan Kung Fu together, life is very pleasant.

While Su Chen was enjoying himself, all the [-] troops supported by the Great Qin Empire and the Great Ming Empire arrived at the Southern Song Empire.

With Su Chen's secret interference, and Li Jing himself has enough convincing ability.

In the end, the commander of the coalition forces of the three empires fell into the hands of Li Jing.

Under the leadership of Li Jing, the combat power of the three empires' coalition forces was greatly improved, and finally stopped the defeat of the Southern Song Empire.

However, the army of the Great Yuan Empire, in today's world, apart from the army of the Great Qin Empire, there is no other army that can compete with it.

The battle between the two sides was stalemate for a while.

On the other side, after the three kingdoms of Liao, Xixia, and Tubo divided up the territory of the Northern Song Empire, there were many borders between the three kingdoms.

Xixia, which is in the middle region, borders both Liao and Tubo at the same time.

After there was no common foreign enemy, the alliance between the three countries also quickly broke down. Because of the border dispute, many small conflicts broke out, and then gradually turned into a big war!

Because of the arrogance of the Xixia people, they offended both Liao and Tubo at the same time, and finally attracted Liao and Tubo to attack Xixia at the same time!

And within the territory of the Great Yuan Empire, what attracted the most attention was the martial arts conference that was widely circulated in the rivers and lakes!

This time, not only the righteous martial arts association participated in the martial arts conference, but also the heretical forces headed by Mingjiao were also invited.

If any faction does not get the invitation, it will immediately feel inferior in the eyes of other forces.

Great Yuan Empire, Shaolin Temple.

Several Shaolin eminent monks headed by Abbot Kongwen sat cross-legged and were discussing this matter.

Kong Wen looked at his fellow disciples around him, and said in a harmonious voice, "Everyone, how should I, Shaolin Temple, treat this martial arts conference jointly organized by Mingjiao and Wudang Sect?"

Kong Xing said: "In the battle of Guangmingding, the six sects have already seen the strength of the Mingjiao, or the strength of the new leader Su Chen. If we Shaolin did not prepare well, the position of the leader of the martial arts this time may not be It's between Zhang Sanfeng and Su Chen."

When the others heard Kongxing's words, their expressions changed slightly.

In these years, although Shaolin Temple has not been named as the leader of the martial arts alliance, its status in the Dayuan Jianghu is almost the same as that of the leader of the martial arts alliance.

If Wudang or Mingjiao get the title of leader in this martial arts conference, their status as masters of martial arts in Shaolin Temple may be shaken.

After the few people were silent for a while, Kong Zhi suddenly said: "Brother Abbot, the three uncles have been hiding from the world for many years, and it is said that they are practicing a set of magical skills for subduing demons. Why don't you invite three uncles to come to Huashan in person, with the three teachers Uncle's skill, even Zhang Sanfeng might not be their match."

"That's right, go invite the three uncles out of the mountain!"

Hearing Kong Zhi's words, the others immediately echoed.

Emei School.

The new head, Mrs. Jingxuan, also called several backbones of the Emei Sect to discuss together.

Of course, what they were discussing was not the position of the leader of the martial arts, but how to not fall into the prestige of Emei in this martial arts conference, and at the same time try to protect their own safety as much as possible.

Kongtong faction.

The five elders of Kongtong gathered together, discussed with each other for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that they could only go to soy sauce this time.  …

I just hope that the Kongtong faction won't be too embarrassed by then.

The most exciting thing is that the Huashan faction is up and down.

After all, Su Chen and Zhang Sanfeng set this martial arts conference on Mount Hua.

In the eyes of Huashan faction, this martial arts conference is undoubtedly their chance to make a name for themselves.

Not only the sect forces in the Great Yuan River and Lake are treating this martial arts conference with caution.

Even the court of the Great Yuan Empire learned of the fact that the Jianghu sects of the Great Yuan Empire were about to hold a martial arts conference.

And they are also very clear that the purpose of these Jianghu sects holding the martial arts conference is to unite and resist the rule of their Great Yuan court!

The Golden Luan Hall of the Great Yuan Palace.

Yuan Huang Mengge sat on the dragon chair and said angrily: "Bastard, all these damn Jianghu sects should be damned. My Dayuan allowed them to open a martial arts sect. They are ungrateful, and now they want to unite to resist my Dayuan. It really deserves death!"

Seeing that Meng Ge was angry, all the ministers in the hall fell silent and did not dare to speak out.

After a while, the Seventh Prince took a step forward and said respectfully: "Your Majesty is right, these Jianghu sects really deserve to die. Aren't they going to hold a martial arts conference in Huashan this time? Why don't we take this opportunity to catch all these martial arts people?"

Meng Ge said coldly: "At the beginning, your son Zha Yadu personally led an army of 2.2 to destroy the Ming Cult, but he was beaten and fled in a hurry, and almost the entire army was wiped out [-]! You can't even destroy a Ming Cult. Once the entire Dayuan Jianghu sect gathers together, how many people will it take to destroy it?"

About Zha Yadu back then, although the Seventh Prince used many means to deceive and conceal it for a period of time, Meng Ge finally found out about it.

However, after the incident, Meng Ge did not treat the Seventh Prince or Zha Yadu, but only punished Zha Yadu symbolically.

This is mainly because the nobles of the Great Yuan Empire, such as the Seventh Prince, are all in one body, and one hair can affect the whole body. Brother Meng's methods are slightly insufficient, so it is not easy to make a big move.

The Seventh Prince said with a firm expression: "One hundred thousand troops is not enough, then 20, 30, 50! I don't believe that those martial arts people are all indestructible King Kong? Besides, it's not that my Dayuan Empire doesn't have special forces. To deal with the power of the Jianghu forces, why doesn't Your Majesty ask the Magician Palace to take action?".

Chapter 252 The magician leaves the customs, and Huashan is in chaos! 【Subscribe】

Meng Ge heard the words, took a deep look at the Seventh Prince, and then said: "If only the Magician's Palace is dispatched, I don't think it is enough. Since we want to get rid of these traitors, then we will go all out. I have decided to send 30 troops to go there." Shaanxi, please invite experts from the Magician Palace to accompany you."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

All the ministers in the hall heard Meng Ge's words, and they all exclaimed in unison.

Meng Ge waved his hand to stop the crowd, then looked at the Seventh Prince, and said indifferently: "The Seventh Prince thinks, who should be sent to lead the army?"

Hearing the words, the Seventh Prince quickly said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I think that King Ruyang can be sent to lead the army. Princess Shaomin, the daughter of King Ruyang, died at the hands of the traitor Mingjiao leader Su Chen. King Ruyang will definitely do his best to wipe out the rebels."

Meng Ge nodded slightly, then looked at King Ruyang, and asked aloud: "Prince Ruyang, would you like to lead the troops to Shaanxi to destroy the rebels?"

King Ruyang took a step forward, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty, I am willing to go."

Meng Ge nodded and said: "In that case, let King Ruyang lead his troops to Shaanxi to destroy the rebels."

"Wei Chen obeys!"

Upon hearing the words, King Ruyang responded directly and respectfully, and then said, "Your Majesty, before leaving, I still have 08 to play."

"Speak", Meng Ge waved his hand and spit out a word lightly.

King Ruyang said: "I heard that the Great Qin Empire had 50 soldiers on the border. Now my Great Yuan army with Lord Kublai Khan attacking the Southern Song Empire has reached 50. If the humble officials send another 30 to Shaanxi, the border army may be slightly smaller. insufficient."

Meng Ge said: "Don't worry, I will not reduce the border army. I will only draw troops from the states within the empire for you to command. Although the defenders of the states are slightly weaker than the border army, the enemy is just a group of rabble. I believe that King Ruyang will not let me down."

King Ruyang couldn't help but change slightly when he heard Brother Meng's words, and then said solemnly: "I must do my best to wipe out the traitors, if you can't wipe out the traitors, come and see me!"

Meng Ge smiled and said: "Of course I believe in King Ruyang."

Next, all the ministers in the court boasted to Brother Meng again, and then Brother Meng arranged for the transfer of troops from various state capitals, and then they dispersed.

King Ruyang looked solemn, and went back to the palace.

The Seventh Prince returned home with a smile on his face, and told his son the good news.

As for the Great Yuan Emperor Mengge, he personally went to the Magician Palace to find the important person of the magician Pang Ban.

"See Your Majesty!"

In the magician's palace, seeing Meng Ge coming, everyone hurriedly greeted him respectfully and saluted under the leadership of Pang Ban's disciple Fang Yeyu.

Meng Ge waved his hand and said: "You don't need to be too polite, I actually came here to ask for help from the Mage Palace. I wonder if the Mage has left the customs?"

The reason why Meng Ge asked this was because Pang Ban suddenly announced a year ago that he had gained something from his cultivation, and planned to retreat quietly, and temporarily handed over the affairs of the magician's palace to Fang Yeyu.

Fang Yeyu said: "Your Majesty, forgive me, the family teacher has been in retreat so far, and there is still no sign of leaving. I don't know if Your Majesty needs the Magician Palace. Ye Yu and the Magician Palace should serve His Majesty."

Hearing this, Meng Ge couldn't help but frowned slightly, and continued, "It's like this..."

Immediately, Meng Ge told Ye Yu and everyone in the Magician Palace about Mingjiao, Shaolin, Wudang and other major sects planning to hold a martial arts conference in Huashan to form an alliance and resist Da Yuan.

Fang Yeyu smiled when he heard the words: "So that's the case, the Magician's Palace has also heard about it. Don't worry, Your Majesty, our Magician's Palace will definitely cooperate with King Ruyang's army to wipe out these traitors with all our strength."

Meng Ge said: "Of course I believe in the ability of the Magician's Palace, but I heard that Su Chen, the leader of Mingjiao, is very powerful. In addition, Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang School will also attend. The other people in the Magician's Palace may not be their opponents. "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the old man has made a breakthrough, and he just wants to meet the world's masters for a while! They will be handed over to the old man!"

At this moment, a vigorous voice sounded.

When the voice fell, a majestic man in a green robe suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"I have seen Master!"

"Meet the magician!"

Seeing the person coming, everyone hurriedly saluted.

There is no doubt that this person is the magician Pang Ban who has completed the retreat!

When Meng Ge saw Pang Ban and heard Pang Ban's bold words, his face immediately beamed with joy.

Then, the two sides exchanged some courtesy first, and then Pang Ban, on behalf of the Magician's Palace, agreed to Meng Ge's request. After sending Meng Ge away, they began to select people and prepared to set off for Huashan.

During the intensive action of all parties, time is also passing by rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, there are only three days left until the day of the martial arts conference.

At this time, all the powers in the Great Yuan Jianghu had gathered in Huashan, the western mountain.

The stronger the strength, the higher the position naturally occupied.

Only the Mingjiao, Shaolin, Wudang, Huashan, Kongtong, Emei and other major sects can climb to the top of Huashan.

Moreover, they climbed to the top of Huashan, but only some representatives, not all horses.

Otherwise, there really wouldn't be room for so many people on the platform at the top of Mount Hua.

From the bottom to the top of Huashan, there are martial arts people everywhere. When there are many people, there will naturally be scenes of various discussions, which are naturally indispensable.

"You said, after the formation of the alliance in this martial arts conference, is it necessary to elect a leader?"

"Does this need to be said? There must be a leader!"

"That's right, as the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head. If there is no leader, who will listen to after the alliance is formed, isn't it a mess?"

"Then who should be the leader of the 410th position? After all, the status of the leader is not trivial, and he can become the supreme martial arts!"

"If you want me to say, the leader of this alliance is naturally Master Shaolin Kongwen!"

"No, it should be Master Zhang from the Wudang sect!"

"Hmph, why can't it be Master Su of the Ming Cult?"


Speaking of the sensitive topic of martial arts supremacy, the Jianghu people in the arena suddenly became enthusiastic and emotional.

The ones with the most support were obviously Shaolin abbot Kongwen, Wudang patriarch Zhang Sanfeng and Mingjiao leader Su Chen.

We are all people from the rivers and lakes, and it is perfectly normal to do something when there is a disagreement.

Therefore, many people argued for a while, and after arguing clearly, they couldn't help but draw their swords at each other, intending to use force to make others agree with them.

Suddenly, before the martial arts conference started, the entire Huashan Mountain was in chaos.

However, these battles did not last long, and Shaolin, Wudang, and Mingjiao sent people to stop them.

Those so-called righteous ways of martial arts, even if they look down on Mingjiao, they have to give Shaolin and Wudang face.

But heretic forces, in the face of Mingjiao, dare not make mistakes.

In this hustle and bustle, three days passed by in a flash.

Soon, the day when this martial arts conference is officially held has finally arrived...

Chapter 253 The beginning of the martial arts conference, the leader is selected 【Subscription】

The top of Mount Huashan.

Mingjiao, Wudang, Shaolin and other major sects gathered together, but no one stood up to express their opinions for a while.

After everyone was silent for a while, Zhang Sanfeng floated up from the Wudang faction, waved his whisk and put it on his left arm, and said in a loud voice: "Heroes, everyone must already know the purpose of this martial arts conference. gone."

"Now in the empire, the people of our Han family are oppressed by the Mongolian and Yuan Tartars everywhere, and live in dire straits."

"Under the suggestion of Master Su of Mingjiao, Lao Daoist, Mingjiao, Shaolin and other forces jointly convened a group of heroes, preparing to form an alliance together to overthrow the rule of the Yuan court. Since forming an alliance, there must naturally be an alliance leader, and there should be corresponding rules."

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