Master Kongwen saw that Du'er's body was smashed into a piece of mountain rock and rubble, and hurried forward.


Chapter 257 Breaking through the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle! 【Seek full order】

"Little devil! How dare you hurt my junior brother!"

"Brother, take him down!"

Du Nan and Du Jie turned somersaults in the air, a pair of black ropes protruded out like a dragon, extremely fierce!


The Godly Monk Du'e let out a clear whistle, exerted his strength suddenly, and flew out from the gravel.

He was surprised, but at this moment all turned into anger.

The three black ropes trembled, and the strong wind swung them around, making a choking sound.


A gust of wind blew up from the dense black rope, smashing a piece of rock with a bang.

Everyone's hearts are so strong!

A layer of internal force emerged from Su Chen's body, and the grass fell into powder like a crumbling roll.


The pupils of the heroes of the rivers and lakes trembled inadvertently!

I saw Su Chen moving like a cloud, clapping his hands together, the huge palm force smashed the black rope of the three eminent monks together, knocking him to the ground even with the rope.

"Go up now, even if you are a first-class master in the world, you will only be caught in seconds!" Yu Lianzhou gasped.

 08 Too strong!

"Boy, what are you made of?"

Du Nanlong's eyes were wide open, and he kept jumping back and pedaling crazily, as if seeing something terrifying.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows, even though he straightened up and slapped him.

The man in front of him, with a light blow, can always bring great shock to everyone!

The three eminent monks distanced themselves, and Heisuo came to him again like a swimming demon shark!

Su Chen's kicks were like flying torrents and rain, and the force was like a strong wind. Every kick exerted its strength to the extreme!

The three black cables attacked repeatedly, but were cut off by the shadow of Su Chen's legs.

After the Vietnam War, the three eminent monks Du Jie, Du E, and Du Nan felt more and more frightened.

All kinds of unimaginable and mysterious kung fu were displayed from Su Chen one by one.

The three eminent monks looked at each other, and they immediately displayed their best vajra magic circle!

"Mingjiao is a devil's religion that does all kinds of evil. Now he has such strength. If he doesn't get rid of it now, no one will be able to stop him in the future!"

Due looked serious.

"We will work together to take the opportunity to get rid of him, which is really a great merit!"

When Du Nan saw Su Chen flicking his belt left and right, and seeing that the strength of his moves was beyond his ability, he couldn't help being even more jealous.

Su Chen knew it would be useless to talk too much, the three old monks were determined to kill him.

The three black cables crackled, stone chips flew on the ground, and flames splashed everywhere!

When the cold light flickered, it had already attacked Su Chen's face, neck, and chest.

In desperation, Su Chen resorted to Phiyun Daiyue of the Cloud Dispelling Palm.

The hands are spinning, a round of cloud light is rolling, and the moon is full in the sky.

Such a strange scene is actually a vision born of true energy!

The three black cables swiftly swung again, like three big hands protruding, rolling up the surrounding heavy boulders and smashing them heavily at Su Chen.

Su Chen smashed mountains and seas with one palm, tore up the sky and clouds with one palm, pushed out with both palms of Qianjun, and the wind howled!

The robes of the three monks are fluttering, and their movements are vigorous, and they are bound to throw heavier and heavier blows during their jumps.

The three black cables spin, unexpectedly containing infinite elasticity, the impermeable dancer pulls apart and connects into a single movement, like a wall like a wall!

Su Chen was pinched from inside and outside, but his figure was still able to dodge freely, and he swiped his fingers at will, using the six-meridian sword.


Three colorful Changhong Sword Qi flew out.

The three eminent monks were immediately injured by the sharp sword energy, and they all felt their energy and blood surging, and they backed away again and again, spurting blood from their mouths.

"Is this the Yang finger of the Dali Duan family? No, this is much more powerful than the Yi Yang finger!"

Du'e held back his injury, stretched out his arms, and the black rope came probing like a poisonous snake!

Su Chen used the palm of the Tathagata, and the Buddha asked Canaan!

The mighty Buddha's power forms a majestic and overwhelming power.


The eminent monk Du'e was hit by a huge force and flew to the ground.

"How is it possible!" He showed an expression of disbelief.

I don't want to believe that Su Chen, the leader of the Demon Cult, has learned the advanced martial arts of Buddhism.

King Kong subdue the magic circle and broke one of the three chains, which has been broken by Su Chen.

The other two eminent monks crossed the catastrophe and crossed the catastrophe, but they still didn't stop, waving the black rope and twisting it with force!

With a push of Su Chen's palm, he slapped the eminent monk over with his palm, and stretched out his Fengshen leg to sweep the eminent monk away!

"What a powerful palm technique!"

"Master Su's martial arts are really unparalleled in the world!"

"Those are three masters in the Heavenly Human Realm!"

The heroes were in an uproar, and many martial arts masters in the rivers and lakes were stunned!

I saw Su Chen jumping in front of the eminent monk Du'er, using the great method of absorbing energy, and sucking away all the energy in his body.

Then 410 turned around and came to the eminent monks who crossed the catastrophe and crossed the catastrophe, and quickly sucked away their internal energy with each hand.

Everyone felt that Su Chen's internal strength was powerful, and he had reached another level.

In an instant, he beat the three eminent monks into cripples.

Master Kongwen quickly stood up, "My old man admits defeat on behalf of Shaolin, Master Su is the best in martial arts in the world, and please ask Master Su to let the three uncles go."

The eyes of many monks were complicated, but they did not expect that the three eminent monks in the realm of heaven and man would also lose!

"The position of the leader of the martial arts alliance should also be held by Su Jiaozhu!"

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Hearing that Master Kongwen had voluntarily surrendered, all the knight-errants were a little lost.

It was the first time they had met such a young martial arts leader.

If it hadn't been for seeing Su Chen's strength just now, there are probably many martial arts masters who are not afraid of death, and want to fight for the position of the martial arts leader.

Just when the heroes congratulated Su Chen on his position as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

A disciple of the Ming Cult came quickly from the foot of the mountain, knelt in front of Su Chen, and reported: "Master, there are a large number of Yuan troops under Huashan Mountain, and they are blocking Huashan, and the Great Yuan court has also come to many masters!".

Chapter 258: The Magician's Palace Arrived, Raising Pang Ban! 【Seek full order】

Hearing that Dayuan sent many masters to encircle and suppress Huashan, the crowd was in an uproar!

"I heard that Pang Ban has already broken through the realm of heaven and man, and this time he is leaving for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance!"

"All the people from the Magician's Palace are here, what does it matter to them that we choose the leader of the martial arts alliance?"

"Pang Ban has already gone to Mount Hua! He is here!"


Everyone looked around, only to see a man in Chinese clothes who looked about [-] years old.

He is tall, handsome and evil, and his eyes are like divine lightning.

Wearing a purple-red gold-plated costume, a silver cloak, and a belt inlaid with precious stones around his waist.

Every step he takes gives people a sense of oppression, like a mountain standing upright.

This man has the temperament of the leader of the magician's palace at first sight, and Fang Yeyu and the ten evil gods are by his side.

"Pang has gained something unintentionally, and occasionally, I heard that you are here to recommend the leader of the martial arts, so I also plan to come to join in the fun and experience the demeanor of the world's heroes. It's better to give up the position of leader to Pang .”

Pang Ban's soft voice reached everyone's ears.

"You also want to compete with my leader for the position of leader?" Zhou Dian raised his head, raised his nose to the sky, and looked at Pang Ban with his nostrils.

"Of course, my magic school has produced a large number of talents, and there have been countless peerless geniuses since ancient times. Now that you have met Pang, naturally you can't work behind closed doors."

Pang Ban smiled, and the smile on his face was a bit sinister.

"I'm not talking about someone, I'm talking about you, you will all be my stepping stones."

He said this loudly, then raised his head and laughed.

The strange sound waves, like crying ghosts, give people a great spiritual impact!

Except for Su Chen, Master Kongwen, Zhang Sanfeng, Yang Xiao and other masters who were able to withstand the impact of waves of magic sounds.

The expressions of the other masters of the rivers and lakes all changed drastically, and they all stepped back a few steps.

"If you want to become the leader of the martial arts alliance, let everyone see how capable you are, what are you talking about?" Yang Xiao frowned.

"Arrogance! How dare you disrespect the master!" Fang Yeyu turned into an afterimage, and his cultivation as a master burst out.

Yang Xiao folded his fan and danced at will, releasing his internal energy, and deflected Ye Yu's attacks one by one.

Fang Yeyu has a snow-white face, a tall figure, and a very delicate appearance.

The Sanba Shuanghalberd weighs 150 catties, which is even comparable to Yang Xiao's.

A smile was drawn on the corner of Pang Ban's mouth, he turned to Su Chen's direction, and said lightly

"I heard that Master Su has been elected as the leader of the alliance, then fight with me and let me see if you are qualified to be the leader of the martial arts."

"You are not my opponent."

Su Chen raised his eyes and said casually.

"Young juniors don't know what to say, it's okay, Pang will teach you how to behave today! How to get along with seniors!"

Pang Ban's eyes were sharp and turned into an afterimage, and his palm was as fast as lightning.

The sky is sinking, and the earth is dark!

His expressionless expression suddenly changed, Su Chen's speed became faster, and the tiger roared and the dragon groaned.

With a move of Dispelling Cloud Palm, Pang Ban was immediately sent flying.

Pang Banmo felt his chest sinking, and he flew out heavily, his Qi surged up against his head, as if a puff of black smoke rushed to the top of his head.

"Ahem!" He leaned on the ground, coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, his eyes full of surprise.

"Pang was careless just now. Your Excellency's martial arts are so advanced, but you can hide them so quietly."

While speaking, Pang Ban smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand and clawed out a huge withered claw, which was so fierce that it clawed at Su Chen.

Su Chen had been prepared for a long time, his fists were condensed with a layer of frost, and he punched forward impressively.

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