The strength is as strong as the Milky Way, and the hanging waterfall is as dreamy.

Pang Ban's true energy condensed, his body froze in astonishment, trembled a few times in horror, and suddenly retreated.

He kept spitting blood from his mouth, and his pair of bewitching eyes no longer had that extremely confident luster!

Many martial arts heroes were surprised by everyone, and they all felt that Su Chen was very powerful, and everyone could see that Pang Ban was not Su Chen's opponent.

"` "Unexpectedly, you have such terrifying strength at such a young age! "

Pang Ban's pupils shrank, but there was still lingering fear in his eyes, as if he was still hesitating.

Suddenly he laughed loudly, "This seat is the nightmare of Jianghu. If you worship me as your teacher today, your future will be limitless."

"You haven't woken up yet?"

Su Chen frowned, looking at Pang Ban who was in a frenzy, worried about his current state.

It is believed that Pang Ban may have signs of madness when he is in a rage.

"Good! You're fine! You're fine!"

Pang Ban's eyes were sullen, when had he been so angry?

Immediately, a kind of magic method was cast, and groups of pitch-black magic energy spread, and phantoms that looked like ghost hands appeared on the ground.

A cloud of black turbid spheres was his attack method tempered by his magic skills.

Throwing it towards Su Chen suddenly, the black turbid spherical object exploded suddenly.

Pangban is ever-changing, and its shape is like light and shadow shuttle.

"Junior, I advise you not to be arrogant! Otherwise, you will be at a disadvantage."

"Unfortunately, you are destined not to see it."

Su Chen kicked and kicked repeatedly, using the kamikaze roar of Fengshen's legs, and waves of red feet kicked out rounds of hurricanes.

Kick Pang Ban to the ground.




Pang Ban fell to the ground, spitting blood, and the ten evil gods of the Magician Palace behind him exclaimed in surprise.

Chapter 259 Destroy the enemy with a strong force, and the heroes return to their hearts! 【Seek full order】

"Go! Let's defeat him together!"

Amid the loud shouts, the strange man wearing a purple crown and a purple robe took the lead in striking Su Chen with his sword!

This person is Yinfeng Lengyan, one of the masters of the Magician Palace!

Yinfeng Shurangyan used the god-destroying thorn, the purple robe flew up, and the blue evil wind hit.

Su Chen's fingers moved slightly, and with a snort, he issued the Six Meridians Excalibur.

Shurangama's blood flew instantly, sensing the wound on his arm and the sword energy rushing through his meridians.

He said to the ten evil gods behind him in the magician's palace: "You guys still don't help me!"

Hearing Shurangama's request for help, the ten evil gods looked at each other and launched a siege to Su Chen at the same time.

Jue Tian came with a horizontal sword, and Mie Di made his sword tremble and stab.

The two attacked suddenly, Sun Sha, Yue Sha, and Xing Sha sneaked up from behind Su Chen.

Su Chen waved his hands, using the majestic, upright, domineering and cool Tathagata Palm.

The Buddha's palm from Zhigang Zhiyang was struck out, and the Buddha's light all over the sky knocked the sun, moon, and stars into the air, and turned Juetian and Miedi 410 to the ground.


Facing such a powerful enemy as Su Chen, the golden generals, water generals, wooden generals, fire generals, and earth generals set up a five-element formation.

The five-element power condensed by the five kinds of magic arts enveloped Su Chen.

Su Chen's figure moved suddenly, and he flew up, with a heaven-defying fighting spirit concentrated on his feet.

Different from Tathagata God's Palm, Tiancan's feet were condensed into Yin and evil, and kicked out with strange and tricky black feet.

Boom boom boom!

Five voices sounded, and the golden generals, water generals, wooden generals, fire generals, and earth generals flew upside down and vomited blood on the ground.

"Hmph! Sure enough, he has some strength, so it's no wonder he dares to act presumptuously in front of us!"

The ten evil gods of the Magician's Palace joined forces again, and Pang Ban mobilized his whole body with true energy.

But when everyone surrounded Su Chen, Su Chen exuded extreme ice energy all over his body.

Whether it was the guardians, disciples, ten evil gods, or Pang Ban of the Magician's Palace, they were all frozen in place.

"What kind of martial art is this?" Pang Ban's eyes showed surprise.

"This is a martial art that I have mastered the Sacred Heart Art, called Han Tianjue."

Hearing Su Chen's answer, all the martial arts masters present were greatly shocked!

In just one round, so many masters were restrained.

Even Pang Ban in the Heaven-Human Realm is not the enemy of Su Chen.

Under Pang Ban's venomous gaze, Su Chen resorted to the power-absorbing method, and sucked up all the power of Pang Ban, the ten evil gods of the magician's palace, Fang Yeyu and others.

His skills have improved a lot!


After absorbing the internal strength, Su Chen didn't even look at the people in the magician's palace, and released the six-meridian sword, easily ending their lives.

[Ding, the host killed Pang Ban and other masters of the magician's palace, changed the plot of the original work, and got a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Hearing the sound of the system, Su Chen directly gave the system an instruction to draw a lottery from the bottom of his heart.

Following Su Chen's order, the familiar lottery roulette turned quickly.

When the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the familiar voice of the system sounded in Su Chen's mind.

【Ding!The lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "God of War Illustrated Record"!]

"It turned out to be a record of victory! Good stuff!"

Su Chen couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The God of War Illustrated Book is the first of the four marvelous books in the martial arts world. You can comprehend the world-shaking and weeping ghosts and gods' peerless magic skills by observing the illustrated book.

(.) At this time, the heroes saw that Su Chen easily eliminated all the masters in the Magician's Palace, and they all admired him.

"Congratulations to the leader for winning the position of martial arts leader!"

All the heroes of the Ming Cult knelt down towards Su Chen.

Although many martial arts masters have not joined the Ming Cult, everyone kneels at this moment. They dare not stand alone, so they also kneel down with the crowd.

After everyone saluted, they began to discuss the situation under Huashan Mountain.

"Great Yuan oppresses the common people, making them suffer unspeakably! The lord of the alliance intends to completely overthrow Da Yuan and take back the Han family for the common people of the world."

After hearing Su Chen's words, many heroes of the world all nodded their heads.

"Yuan people occupy our country, and Shenzhou has become a foreign race. The biggest purpose of my teaching is to drive out Yuan people and save all people! Therefore, I ask the leader to issue orders!" Yang Xiao suggested from the side.

Su Chen previously used the Purdue Heart Sutra to convert the son of the Seven Kings Zha Yadu and Jinlun Fawang.

Therefore, I know the situation of the Yuan army.

Earlier, the banner owners, banner envoys, and gate envoys of the Mingjiao Five Elements Banner, 1 people per banner, each with [-] red robes, lay in ambush at the foot of Huashan Mountain.

Fight enemies from different angles.

After hearing Su Chen's arrangement, everyone was amazed.

He also heard from Wei Yixiao that Su Chen sent three thousand Xuanjia troops led by Kou Zhong to arrange in advance at the foot of Huashan Mountain, ready to attack the enemy at any time.

Everyone knows that the Xuanjia Army is all heavy cavalry, and their combat strength is comparable to that of a hundred thousand troops!

At this moment, whether it is Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang School or many eminent monks of Shaolin Temple, they all admire Su Chen.

"Su Hierarch is quick and decisive, I admire it, I, Wudang, is willing to follow Su Hierarch's arrangement, and fight against Yuan together!" Zhang Sanfeng expressed his attitude immediately.

With many Wudang masters, he bowed and saluted Su Chen.

With Wudang Zhang Sanfeng taking the lead, Shaolin, Kongtong, Diancang and many other martial arts heroes also bowed to Su Chen sincerely.

"We are willing to walk with Master Su to the death and fight against the Yuan army together!"

"Everyone, please, let's discuss the matter of fighting against Yuan!"

Immediately, Su Chen made arrangements for the congregation.

After discussing.

Burning incense as an oath, drinking blood as an alliance!

With an order from Su Chen, he led thousands of heroes from all over the world into the main force of the Yuan army from top to bottom.

The banner owners of the five elements flags who had been ambushing for a long time, and the Xuanjia army led by Kou Zhong rushed out from all sides, killing the Yuan army by surprise!

The heroes of the rivers and lakes are passionate, all martial arts are excellent, and they attack with the shouts.

Chapter 260 Defeated, Great Prestige! 【Seek full order】

"Although the Han people are brave, they can't fight alone. They only need to advance gradually, and they can win a big victory!"

Under the camp of the Yuan army, under the commander's tent, King Ruyang said a few words to stabilize the army's morale.

But the heroes of the rivers and lakes are all passionate, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

Commander Wan of the Great Yuan blew the horn, and all the soldiers of the Great Yuan formed a formation.

Su Chen snorted coldly, a huge force was generated in his hands, and he swung his hands round and round -.

A strip of golden dragon flying claws blasted out, and all the Dayuan soldiers were sent flying together.

After taking care of a group of Dayuan soldiers casually, Su Chen quickly found the location of the Dayuan coach King Ruyang, and immediately used the Lightning God Walk under his feet, and quickly flew in front of King Ruyang.

King Ruyang was so frightened that he rolled off his horse, "One word long snake formation, two dragons out of water formation!"

He quickly ordered to use the army to encircle and suppress Su Chen.

But Su Chen's calm voice appeared in his ears.

"I'm approaching you, but you still have to set up an formation, is it useful?"

"Go, kill, kill him!" King Ruyang fled in horror, letting the generals around him protect him.

Su Chen sent out a few six-veined swords casually, and killed all the generals.

"No! No! You can't kill me!" King Ruyang's eyes became more fearful.

"You are a hero of the Yuan court, but to us Han people, you are a person who deserves death! I will let your army go down to accompany you, rest in peace!"

When the sound fell, Su Chen pushed with his palm, and King Ruyang was knocked into the air by a heavy palm.


When King Ruyang died, the morale of Dayuan soldiers dropped to freezing point!


With a shout of killing.

The Five Elements Banner and the Xuanjia Army attacked the Yuan army from different directions, often winning more with less.


Between Su Chen's palms, rows of Dayuan soldiers fell down.

All Dayuan soldiers were extremely afraid of Su Chen.

"Release the arrow! Release the arrow!"

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