A Dayuan general's eyes were full of horror, and he called thousands of archers to aim at Su Chen.

Su Chen rotated thousands of long swords with both hands, swishing the shadows of the swords hovering in mid-air, smashing the countless rain of arrows.


General Dayuan is asking everyone to lay out a ring-shaped dense formation, with long halberds placed in the middle of the formation, spears and Dayuan chariots behind and on both sides, advancing like long waves, one wave after another.

Even Zhang Sanfeng's Taiji swordsmanship in the face of the vast crowd was powerful but lacking in strength.

Swinging the Tai Chi sword wave, one black gouyu, one white gouyu, but they can only kill dozens of people.

Su Chen's fists condensed the frost, and the frost and snow flew with the Tianshuang fist.

Huge snow-white shadows of fists, like a dream.

But the force of the hammer falling made many Dayuan soldiers realize that this is not a dream!

Bang bang bang!

The Dayuan soldiers in front of them all turned into ice men.

A group of Dayuan soldiers came galloping on horseback, and a crossbow cavalryman shot an arrow at Su Chen.

Whoosh whoosh!

The rain of arrows flew towards Su Chen, Su Chen shook his frost fist, and used the frosty river of Tianshuang fist!

The silver snow is flying frost, and the moon is cold and ethereal.

Numerous crossbow cavalrymen stepped on ice and fell to frost. Horses and people all condensed into ice and froze in place.

Su Chen drew out the Lingshuang Sword, swish, swish, swish, and fluctuated Bai Xueshuanghua's sword energy, cutting off all the Dayuan soldiers.

Under the attack of masters from Kunlun, Diancang, Emei, Wudang, Shaolin, Huashan and many other sects, many Dayuan soldiers fell into a dangerous situation surrounded by dangers.

Many Dayuan soldiers were forced to retreat constantly, they were no match for these masters of the rivers and lakes.

Su Chen combined the power of all the sects to kill the generals of the Yuan army, which quickly made the Yuan army's command system chaotic.

At this time, the Xuanjia Army led by Kou Zhong and the elite army under the Five Elements Banner took the opportunity to attack the Yuan Army, completely defeating the chaotic 30 Yuan Army.

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After this war is over.

The anti-Yuan forces have gained a great reputation!

Su Chen asked Kunlun, Diancang, Emei, Wudang, Shaolin, Huashan and many other sects to support the rebel army.

He hoped that all of them would belong to the Mingjiao, and together with the Mingjiao Rebel Army, he launched an anti-Yuan operation and held a special meeting.

Although many masters in the rivers and lakes knew that Su Chen was very good at martial arts, they still looked down on Su Chen because of his young appearance.

When they met, they didn't say many polite words, and they didn't show much enthusiasm for this anti-yuan action.

Su Chen raised his voice and said, "You all don't need to be too polite, just get up."

...... 0

"Thank you, lord!"

The heads of all sects thanked respectfully, except for Wudang and Shaolin, everyone else just put on a show, and some didn't even bother to do it.

"The main purpose of calling everyone here this time is to fight against Da Yuan, and temporarily return to my Mingjiao to take power."

Hearing Su Chen's words, various sects and sects began to discuss in a low voice.

"Although Master Su is already the leader of the alliance, he can't control my sect, right?"

"The anti-Yuan movement does not mean that we will not participate, but if we completely obey the words of the leader of the Soviet Union, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to do so."

"Kangyuan is fine, but I can't do it if my sect joins Mingjiao."



Seeing that the people below were talking endlessly, Yang Xiao couldn't help but unleash the power of a master.

Sensing the aura of Yang Xiao's great master realm, everyone's expressions restrained, and they couldn't help but stop discussing.

Only then did Yang Xiao continue: "If you don't work together and unify orders, how can this effectively repel the Yuan army?"

"I believe that under the leadership of Master Su, the Anti-Yuan Movement will definitely win a huge victory!"

Zhang Sanfeng stood up, "I, Wudang, am willing to support the Rebel Army, and temporarily belong to the Mingjiao!"

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, the heroes of many sects immediately burst into excitement!knife.

Chapter 261 The world is united, descending into the world of wind and cloud! 【Seek full order】

Under Su Chen's dominance and the support of the Wudang faction, all the Jianghu forces in the Great Yuan Empire finally chose to submit to Su Chen, and handed over all the rebel troops they originally controlled to the Mingjiao commander.

With the joining of the rebels from all major forces, the number of rebels led by Su Chen was doubled immediately, and their strength rose again.

Su Chen asked the envoy of the Five Elements Banner to lead all the rebels, and the troops were divided into several groups to attack the official army of the Great Yuan Empire.

At the same time when the Rebel Army and the Yuan Army were fighting, Su Chen was leading the masters of the forces in the rivers and lakes, and continuously assassinated the high-level leaders of all parties in the Great Yuan Empire, making it impossible for the Great Yuan Army to achieve effective command.

Gradually, in the Dayuan mainland, there were rebels all over the place, and the officers and soldiers were constantly defeated, and the territory "[-]" was continuously captured by the Han people.

However, at the same time, the situation of the 50 troops of the Yuan Empire under the command of Kublai Khan in the territory of the Southern Song Empire was relatively better, and it had already been pushed to the front of the Yellow River.

Although the coalition forces of Ming, Qin, and Southern Song led by Li Jing fought victoriously with the Yuan army led by Kublai Khan, they were unable to expel the Yuan army from the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty.

When the situation in the Southern Song Empire was at a stalemate, a consensus was reached in the Great Yuan Dynasty, that is, to recall Kublai Khan's 50 troops, let him temporarily give up attacking the Southern Song Dynasty, and return to the Great Yuan to pacify the rebel army headed by Mingjiao.

After receiving Mengge's order, Kublai Khan had no choice but to withdraw his troops after learning of the domestic situation.

However, when withdrawing troops, Kublai Khan launched an offensive against the Southern Song Dynasty again.

The army of the Southern Song Dynasty successfully resisted with the Yangtze River natural moat, and fought fiercely with the rugged terrain of Sichuan and Sichuan.

Kublai Khan led 55 troops to adopt roundabout tactics, which destroyed the royal family of the Southern Song Dynasty!

Because the people of the Southern Song Dynasty refused to accept the jurisdiction of the Yuan Dynasty, the two empires of the Ming Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty counterattacked the Yuan Dynasty.

Seeing that he could not attack for a long time, Kublai Khan turned from south to north and withdrew to Dayuan.

Under the chaotic battlefield, Da Ming and Da Qin took the opportunity to carve up the Southern Song Dynasty.

At the same time that the four great empires of Yuan, Southern Song, Ming, and Qin were fighting, Liao and Tubo joined forces to destroy Xixia and formed an alliance to fight against the three great empires of Yuan, Qin, and Ming.

After Kublai Khan withdrew his troops, Zhu of the Ming Empire suddenly rebelled regardless of the prestige to carve up the great victory of the Southern Song Dynasty. He successfully rebelled and became the new emperor of Ming Dynasty!

However, no one in the Ming Empire knew that their new emperor, Zhu Wushi, was already a follower of Su Chen and completely obeyed Su Chen.

On the side of the Yuan Empire, after Kublai Khan returned with his army, there were actually many members of the clan who planned to elect him as the new emperor to replace Meng Ge.

Just because of Meng Ge's various previous actions, Da Yuan stepped into the abyss step by step, and also damaged many of their interests.

When the battle for the Khan position broke out within the Great Yuan Dynasty, at the border of the Great Qin Empire, Shi Zhixuan led an army of 50 in the name of Su Chen, directly entering the territory of the Great Yuan Empire.

Kublai Khan has been thinking about annexing many small countries along the Tianshan Mountains, Altai Mountains and other mountain ranges.

It's a pity that the conflicts between the various tribes in the Yuan Dynasty were used by Su Chen to expand the conflict, which made it impossible for Kublai Khan to achieve complete unification.

With Shi Zhixuan's 50 army and Zhu Wushi's 30 Ming army joining forces, the Great Yuan gradually declined.

After the collapse of the Great Yuan Empire, under the leadership of Su Chen, the Great Qin Empire and the Great Ming Empire joined forces to destroy the Liao Kingdom and Tubo.

At this time, in the entire land of China, only the Great Qin and Great Ming empires remained!

Originally, everyone thought that when Da Qin and Ming were fighting, one would be injured.

However, something happened that no one in the world expected.

The new emperor of Ming Dynasty Zhu ignored the public and declared his allegiance to the Great Qin, and the world has now become one.

After the world was united, Su Chen returned to the Luoyang Imperial Palace, took the daughters of Wanhou and Huang Rong, and enjoyed the comfortable life of lying on the knees of drunken beauties, awake and in charge of the world, and even traveled all over the entire Great Qin Empire.  … ....

Afterwards, Su Chen asked the girls to stay in the palace, while he went to the top of Tianshan Mountain alone, and carefully studied the God of War Atlas.

After he finished comprehending the God of War Atlas, he practiced casually for a while, and suddenly broke through a mountain wall. Behind the mountain wall was a crystal cave.

After Su Chen walked in, he found that there was a palace in the crystal cave. The palace was engraved with flying dragons and painted phoenixes, inlaid with various magnificent gemstones.

On the plaque on the gate of the palace, there are four big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes, Fengyun Mystery!

"It turned out to be Fengyun Secret Realm!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up when he saw a few big characters, and he murmured, and stepped out without hesitation.

In the next moment, Su Chen stood on the top of the mountains again, and actually appeared in the sphere of influence of the Tianxiahui. Looking up, he saw many disciples of the Tianxiahui performing martial arts on the playground.

"Drink! Hey! Drink! Ha!"

A healthy and powerful voice came from the martial arts arena.


"The world will be famous all over the world. Seeing you today, you really deserve your reputation!"

In the Tianxiahui, Wen Chouchou is waving his fan, leading the clay bodhisattva to visit the Tianxiahui, and at the same time heading for Xiongba's 2.2 residence.

"Nud Bodhisattva, our leader has been looking for you for many years! You finally appeared!"

Soon, the two met Xiongba, the leader of the Tianxiahui.

The mud bodhisattva bowed to Xiongba and cupped his fists, "Thank you, Lord Xiong, for your love."

"Nud Bodhisattva, are you ready?" Xiongba revealed his piercing eyes.

Ni Bodhisattva nodded, "Ready."

I saw Ni Bodhisattva fiddling with a Taiji Bagua luck compass, "Please put your hands on it, Lord Xiong."

"Huh?" Xiongba raised his head and stared at the clay bodhisattva.

The mud bodhisattva explained: "The palm prints tell the truth, and the mystery lies in it."

When Xiongba put his hand on it, the eyes of Ni Bodhisattva immediately opened the life wheel.

Chapter 262 Run wild and defeat Xiongba with one move! 【Seek full order】

"Is the golden scale a thing in the pond, which can transform into a dragon when it encounters a storm?"

Looking at the two lines of large characters that appeared in the void, Xiong Ba's eyes were full of doubts.

"How do you explain this?"

"It means that the leader of the gang will turn into a nine-day dragon when he encounters a storm, and the world will be at the feet of the leader of the gang."

The mud bodhisattva replied with a smile.

Xiongba asked eagerly: "Where can we meet Fengyun?"

The mud bodhisattva shook his head, "I don't know."

"Even you don't know?" Xiongba frowned.

"The wind has no form or form, and it never stands still."

"Clouds are fickle and uncertain."

"Even if you study the secrets of the heavens, it is still difficult to figure out the recurrence of the wind and cloud in the sky."

The mud bodhisattva said: "Master, this is the life of your upper body."

"Then what about the rest of the old man's life?" Xiongba stared at the mud bodhisattva.

"It's impossible to know before the time comes." The mud bodhisattva didn't mention the variables beyond the situation.

"When is the time?" Xiong Ba asked.

The mud bodhisattva smiled coyly, "Why do people in the world always search for the secrets of heaven? 08 Heaven's will is unpredictable. It is more blessed not to know the truth than to know it."

Xiongba said viciously: "Knowledge can help the old man control everything."

Wen Chouchou hurriedly asked: "Nudd Bodhisattva, you said that if our leader gets Fengyun, he will win the world. May I ask what this Fengyun refers to?"

"That's up to God."

The mud bodhisattva smiled.

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