"No matter what the situation is, I swear to win the situation, so as to win the world."

Xiong Ba's eyes flickered with a gleam of brilliance.

On the other side, Su Chen casually glanced at the Tianxiahui, and under the influence of the God of Luck, he learned that Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun had not joined the Tianxiahui, so he chose to leave without staying.

Su Chen was alone, wandering in the rivers and lakes of the world of wind and clouds, leisurely and leisurely every day, but it was very pleasant.

One day, Su Chen was walking in a bamboo forest when he suddenly saw Xiongba blocking a couple.

"When did Nie Renwang, the dignified North drinker, become an ordinary farmer?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Xiongba's face.

Nie Renwang walked slowly: "The Nie Renwang back then has retired to the world."

"The head of the scaled sword in the south and the crazy sword in the north, each occupying one side, leading each other."

"The so-called fire scales are fierce on the top of the South Mountain, and the deep snow is cold in the North Sea. The Fire Scale Sword and the Snow Drinking Knife are the twin treasures of the martial arts. Since you call yourself a farmer, give the Snow Drinking Knife to you!"

Xiongba smiled.

"To me, Xueyin Knife is just a chopping knife. I still need it, so I can't give it to you."

King Nie was firm.

"Hmph!" Xiongba stamped his foot on the ground, and a green bamboo flew into his hand.

Nie Renwang also grabbed the bamboo next to him and started fighting with Xiongba.

With the two of them at the center, the surrounding bamboo forest collapsed into pieces, large pieces of bamboo fell, and bamboo leaves fluttered.

"Don't block the way."

After Su Chen looked at it for a while, he walked directly in front of the two of them and snorted coldly.

"Who do you think you are?" Xiong Ba stared domineeringly.

Su Chen casually made a move of Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong, severely wounding Xiongba with a poof.

Xiongba lay on the ground coughing up blood non-stop, he shrank his body and kept backing away, his eyes full of fear.

Seeing that Xiongba had left, King Nie immediately saluted Su Chen respectfully, "Thank you, Mr. En, for your rescue."

Su Chen didn't pay attention to Nie Renwang, but heard the system's prompt.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for changing the original plot and getting a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Su Chen gave the order for the lottery draw, and the system's lottery wheel began to spin.

When the system dial stopped turning, the familiar sound of lottery drawing reached Su Chen's ears.

【Ding!The lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining "Three Points of Magic Finger" and "Three Points for Vitality"! 】

Su Chen nodded in satisfaction, and didn't care about King Nie.

He kept going all the way.

Not a day later, they came to the boundary of Huojiazhuang.

Suddenly the sound of firecrackers was heard.

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, and he walked towards Huojiazhuang.

"Congratulations to Master Huo, who is as blessed as the East China Sea and lives longer than Nanshan."

All parties came to Huojiazhuang to congratulate.

"Thank you! Thank you! Everyone please sit down!"

Owner Huo was also extremely hospitable, beckoning everyone to be seated.

Even if they didn't know Su Chen, the Huo family treated him with courtesy and offered him a cup of tea.

"Everyone, I, Huo Butian, what virtue can I do, thanks to my martial arts friends, came here to celebrate my birthday in the midst of your busy schedule?"

Zhuangzhu Huo stood up, "Since everyone is here, the old man takes this opportunity to announce a big event."

"My Huo family's swordsmanship will be inherited by my stepson Bu Jingyun."

A bald martial arts instructor cupped his fists and asked, "Master, why don't you pass it on to your own son?"

Master Huo smiled and patted his son who was standing stupidly next to him, and said: "Xiaogou is mediocre in enlightenment, but Bu Jingyun is the pillar."

"Sister Fu, go and call Bu Jingyun out."

At this time, two disciples wearing Tianxiahui broke into the villa.

They were very skilled, they vacated 410 and entered the village, knocking down all the people who were blocking them.

"Huo Butian! You are so brave!"

"The world will recruit you, how dare you refuse, and blatantly gather guests to celebrate your birthday!"

Xue Antian and Leng Bufang stared at Zhuang Zhuo Huo with evil eyes.

"Everyone, come back another day, none of you can touch him today." Su Chen suddenly said softly at this moment.

"Boy, did you know that there are blood-drinking skeletons in the world?"

Xue Antian's eyes burst into murderous aura, staring at Su Chen.

"What is the world meeting, blood-drinking skeletons, anyone who disturbs my tea will die!"

Su Chen, who was drinking tea at this time, raised his eyebrows.

"Chi Chi"!

He unleashes the Six Meridian Excalibur casually.

Before Leng Bufang and Xue Antian could react, he had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

What a powerful sword spirit!

"Thank you for your help!" Seeing this, Master Huo quickly stepped forward to thank him.

Su Chen waved his hand casually, expressing that he didn't care, but at this moment, the system's notification sound came from his ear again.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for changing the fate of the Huo family being slaughtered and getting a chance to draw a lottery! 】.

Chapter 263 Huo Family Village's Gratitude and Worry! 【Seek full order】

Without any hesitation, Su Chen immediately ordered the system to draw a lottery.

In the next instant, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in his line of sight, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

When the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the system's prompt sounded again in his mind.

【Ding!The lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Huo Family Sword Art"! 】

Hearing the content of the system reward, Su Chen couldn't help but frown slightly.

The Huo family's swordsmanship, in the world of wind and cloud, can be said to be a low-level swordsmanship at all. He didn't expect that his luck was so bad this time. This swordsmanship was of no use to him at all.

However, there is a lot of uncertainty in the system lottery draw. Although he is not very satisfied, Su Chen has no choice but to accept it.

Huo Butian saw that Su Chen didn't seem to have much interest in talking, so he cupped his fists and saluted Su Chen, then retired and continued his birthday banquet.

Soon, Bu Jingyun, one of the protagonists of Fengyun World, was also brought up by the servants of Huojiazhuang.

Su Chen also withdrew his mind from the system, and looked at the boy in the hall who looked to be in his early teens with a cold face.

When Huo Butian saw Bu Jingyun being brought up, a smile appeared on his face, "Jingyun, come and salute all seniors, after you have achieved success in the future and take over my Huojiazhuang, you should pay more respects to these martial arts seniors. consult."

"Meet Father!"

Bu Jingyun saluted Huo Butian, but only glanced around at the others without saying anything.

Seeing this, Huo Butian looked a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said to everyone: "Everyone, the dog is a little shy, please don't argue with him."

"Don't worry, Master Huo, everyone won't be as knowledgeable as a child."

"That's right, and I see that the stepson of Master Huo's bones is amazing. He will definitely become a great talent in the future. I hope he can remember our friendship in the future."

"Haha, that's right, Zhuangzhu Huo really has the eyes to recognize talents!"


The guests of Huojiazhuang heard Huo Butian's words, and they all greeted Huo Butian politely.

Huo Butian smiled all over his face when he heard the words, and hurriedly returned the salute to everyone, so there is no need to mention the polite words.

"Master Huo, I see that your son is very talented, and he is indeed a martial arts wizard. It's just that inheriting Huo's family is too inferior. Why don't you let him be your teacher and learn more advanced swordsmanship?"

Just when everyone was disturbing, a clear voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

Although the voice was soft, it was clearly heard by everyone present.

Sensing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of solemnity, stopped the noise, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

When they saw the speaker, their expressions suddenly became more solemn.

There is no doubt that the speaker is Su Chen who is sitting on one side.

Su Chen also decided to take Bu Jingyun as his apprentice after seeing Bu Jingyun on a whim.

Su Chen's current strength, even in the Fengyun world, is definitely at the peak. It would be too boring to wander around the rivers and lakes alone.

Therefore, he suddenly came up with an idea, that is to replace Xiongba, take over the Tianxiahui, and take Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun as apprentices, let them fight the world for him, and finally unify the entire Fengyun world!

Moreover, if he took Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng as his disciples, he would naturally change the plot of the original novel and the fate of their characters, and he would surely get another chance to draw a lottery.

Seeing that the person who spoke was Su Chen, Huo Butian couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then hesitated and said: "Just now, benefactor helped Huojiazhuang to destroy the masters of the Tianxiahui and saved our village. Huo is very grateful. Haven't asked Engong Zun's name yet."

Huo Butian seemed to be saying, I don't even know who you are, so you are going to accept my son as your apprentice.

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, and said lightly: "I'm Su Chen, as for the matter of accepting apprentices, don't worry, I won't force it like the world will do. It's best if your son is willing, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

"` "However, I have to remind you that this time the Tianxiahui will only send ordinary gang members, and you can't handle it. If you wait for the Tianchi Twelve Demons and even Xiongba from the Tianxiahui to come in person, I don't know how sure you are. Can survive it? "


Hearing Su Chen's words, Huo Butian's face suddenly changed drastically, and the joy that had just risen in his heart disappeared immediately.

Because Huo Butian is very clear, what Su Chen said is what they Huojiazhuang will have to face next!

The Tianxiahui failed this time, Huo Butian didn't think they would stop there, the people who come next time will only be stronger!

At that time, if Su Chen no longer helps them, they may really be unable to deal with it!

Even the Huo Family Village is in danger of being destroyed, so how can it be possible to talk about giving in and Jingyun inheriting the Huo Family Village?

Not only Huo Butian, but all the guests in the Huo Family Manor also had unsteady expressions when they heard Su Chen's words.

Although Tianxiahui has not yet reached the level of power in the middle and late stages of the original book, its prestige is already not to be underestimated.

At least, among these people in Huojiazhuang at this time, except for Su Chen, no one dares not to take the threat of the Tianxiahui to heart!

Therefore, many people have even planned to leave as soon as possible and break away from Huojiazhuang.

To avoid being implicated by Huojiazhuang in time!

Just when everyone had different expressions, Bu Jingyun, who was only ten years old, suddenly said, "How does your strength compare to Xiongba, the leader of the Tianxiahui?".

Chapter 264: The world will react! 【Seek full order】

Su Chen said indifferently: "Not long ago, Xiongba received a move from me, and he was seriously injured and fled in embarrassment. Who do you think is stronger, Xiongba or me?"

When everyone in Huo's Village heard Su Chen's words, their expressions changed, and they looked at Su Chen with suspicion.

Although they had seen part of Su Chen's strength just now, they did not expect that Su Chen could be so strong!

Even Xiong Ba is not his one-stroke enemy, isn't this too powerful?

However, some of them didn't believe Su Chen's words, thinking that he was just raising his self-worth.

"Disciple Bu Jingyun pays homage to Master!"

No matter what other people think, when Bu Jingyun heard Su Chen's words, without any hesitation, he knelt down on one knee towards Su Chen and spoke solemnly.

"Shocking Cloud..."

Seeing this, Huo Butian yelled in a low voice, but didn't know what to say.

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