Su Chen didn't pay attention to the others, and casually waved a wave of true energy, helped Bu Jingyun up from the air, nodded in satisfaction,

"Yes, you made a wise decision. From now on, you are my apprentice 410. With my teaching, let alone a mere hero, one day, Wulin Myth Wuming will also be your subordinate defeated!"

At this moment, the familiar voice of the system sounded in Su Chen's mind again.

[Ding, the host took Bu Jingyun as his apprentice, changed his original fate, and got a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Hearing the system's notification sound, Su Chen was not surprised at all, and immediately gave the system a lottery drawing command in his heart without hesitation.

After Su Chen gave the order, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in front of him, and it began to spin rapidly.

When the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the system's lottery notification sound also sounded.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for getting the "Ba Sword"! 】

Hey, the reward this time is not bad!

Bajian is exactly the swordsmanship created by Bu Jingyun in the original book after he worshiped Wuming as his teacher, combining various swordsmanships he has mastered.

(.) Wuming finally gave this set of swordsmanship a new name, like clouds but not clouds, like swords but not swords, pronounced as the word "Ba"!

The power of Ba Jian is comparable to Jian 23, and it has already surpassed the range of conventional kendo.

Bu Jingyun has faced countless enemies in his life, and Ba Jian has played a major role in all of them.

What a big breath!

Just when Su Chen was communicating with the system in his mind, everyone in Huojiazhuang couldn't help being a little skeptical when they heard Su Chen's words, and many people even murmured secretly in their hearts.

However, thinking of the scene where Su Chen casually killed Xue Antian and other members of the Tianxiahui, they dared not express their thoughts.

At this time, Huo Butian couldn't help but have some doubts about Su Chen, wondering if he was exaggerating too much.

After all, the martial arts myth is nameless, and in the world of Fengyun, it is definitely an existence that everyone knows!

It is also the eternal belief in the hearts of countless people in the world!

Su Chen's words sounded a little arrogant.

But Huo Butian also didn't show it. Seeing that Bu Jingyun's apprenticeship with Su Chen was a foregone conclusion, he smiled and said: "Thank you Mr. Su for accepting Jingyun as a disciple, and I will trouble Mr. Su to teach Jingyun from now on."

Hearing Huo Butian's words, Su Chen withdrew his mind from the system, and said with a smile: "Since I have accepted Bu Jingyun as my apprentice, I will naturally teach him well. Don't worry, Master Huo."

When Huo Butian heard Su Chen's words, he immediately expressed his gratitude to Su Chen without mentioning it.

Next, Huo Butian took advantage of the scene where everyone was celebrating his birthday, and gave way to Bu Jingyun to formally pay respects to Su Chen.

The guests present also congratulated Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun one after another.

After the banquet was over, Su Chen temporarily stayed in Huojiazhuang, teaching Bu Jingyun how to practice every day.

And with the departure of all the guests, what happened in Huo's Village gradually spread in the rivers and lakes.

Countless people from all walks of life are inquiring about Su Chen's origin, wanting to know who he is, who dares to say such bold words.

At the same time, many people turned to Tianxiahui, wanting to see the reaction of Tianxiahui's leader, Xiongba.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Xiongba, the leader of the Tianxiahui, seemed to have no news about Su Chen at all, and there was no movement at all.

Seeing the reaction of Tianxia Huixiongba, many people in the Jianghu couldn't help talking for a while.

"Tell me, is it true what that Su Chen said in Huojiazhuang?"

"I think it's probably true, otherwise, Xiongba, the leader of the Tianxiahui, would have troubled him long ago!"

"It's not just that Su Chen is fine, even Huojiazhuang has been booming recently, and the Tianxiahui seems to have nothing to say about the death of their people in Huojiazhuang!"

"It seems that the kid named Bu Jingyun in Huojiazhuang really got lucky, and he worshiped a powerful master. I'm really envious!"


Su Chen didn't care about the heated discussions among the heroes of the Jianghu. He taught Bu Jingyun how to practice every day, or practiced casually by himself, and his life was as ordinary as water.

One day, after Bu Jingyun finished training, he suddenly said to Su Chen: "Master, with my talent, how long do you think it will take me to practice to catch up with the leader of the Tianxiahui, Xiongba?"

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, "What's the matter? I just started practicing, so I'm so ambitious."

Bu Jingyun said: "It's not that I'm so ambitious, I'm just worried that once Master leaves Huojiazhuang, people from the Tianxiahui will definitely take the opportunity to attack Huojiazhuang. At that time, everyone in Huojiazhuang will be unavoidable!"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Is that so, it's easy to get Huojiazhuang out of crisis."

Bu Jingyun hurriedly asked: "Master, what should I do?".

Chapter 265 Passing by the Leshan Giant Buddha, the situation gathers! 【Seek full order】

Su Chen smiled and said: "That is, I will take you and directly kill the Tianxiahui, and destroy Xiongba and Tianxiahui!"

"Of course, there is another option, that is to kill Xiongba, and then we will control the world in our hands. At that time, not only will there be no crisis in Huojiazhuang, but the world will support it. It's only going to get better and better."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Bu Jingyun's eyes could not help but concentrate, and he hesitated for a while and said: "I heard that there are many masters in the Tianxiahui besides the gang leader Xiongba. Can you deal with so many people at the same time?"

Su Chen said lightly: "Those so-called masters are just for ordinary people. In my eyes, they are no different from chickens and dogs! Since you are worried that the world will deal with Huojiazhuang, I will take you to the world meeting. Go and solve this hidden danger, lest you have no intention of practicing."

Upon hearing this, Bu Jingyun said sincerely, "Thank you, Master."

Su Chen shook his head and said, "It's just a trivial matter, no need to thank you, go tell your stepfather, let's go tomorrow."

"Yes, Master!"

When Bu Jingyun heard what Su Chen said, he respectfully agreed.

When Huo Butian learned that Su Chen planned to take Bu Jingyun to the Tianxiahui, he was shocked, and quickly dissuaded Su Chen, "Mr. Su, although you are powerful, the Tianxiahui has many people. It would be too dangerous for people to deal with Tianxiahui, you might as well think about it again."

Su Chen shook his head and said: "Don't think about it, the things I decided will never be changed easily, so it's decided. In addition, when Bu Jingyun and I go to the Tianxiahui, you temporarily hide and wait for us to settle the matter." The world will threaten, you come back again.-"

"This..." Seeing Su Chen's firm will, Huo Butian hesitated a little, and then said, "If Mr. Su insists on going to the Tianxiahui, it's better for Huo to go with you, so that I can protect you a little bit at that time." an enemy."

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, "If you are worried, then follow along."

Under Su Chen's insistence, Huo Butian finally had no choice but to agree with Su Chen and Bu Jingyun to go to the Tianxiahui together, but he himself followed Su Chen and the two together.

Before setting off, Huo Butian asked all the people in Huojiazhuang to disperse and hide in the countryside, and wait for him to return safely before returning to Huojiazhuang.

After arranging the people in Huojiazhuang, Su Chen took Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun together and headed towards Tianxiahui.

Su Chen was not in a hurry to hurry, after leaving Huojiazhuang, he led Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun and his son along the way, while giving advice on Bu Jingyun's cultivation, and by the way, also gave advice to Huo Butian on a few tricks.

On this day, a group of three entered the territory of Sichuan.

Thinking of the Leshan Giant Buddha, which has a pivotal position in the world of wind and cloud, Su Chen pondered for a while, and then rushed to the location of the Leshan Giant Buddha with Huo Butian, Bu Jingyun and his son.

"Engong, it's such a coincidence to see you again!"

Before the three of them arrived in front of the Leshan Giant Buddha, they suddenly ran into two of Su Chen's acquaintances on the way.

One of the rough-faced men, after seeing Su Chen, hurriedly raised his voice respectfully.

It turned out that this man was none other than King Nie who was approached by Xiong Ba and rescued by Su Chen.

This time beside King Nie Ren, besides his wife Yan Ying, there was also a ten-year-old boy.

There is no doubt that the boy is the son of Nie Renwang, another protagonist of Fengyun World, Nie Feng!

When Su Chen saw the three members of Nie Renwang's family, his eyes flashed slightly, and he smiled and said, "It's you, it's indeed a coincidence. Didn't you take your wife and children to live in seclusion? Where are you going?"

Nie Renwang said: "I'm making an appointment with my good friend to meet in front of the Leshan Giant Buddha. I don't know where benefactor is planning to go?"

Su Chen said: "I have heard the name of the Leshan Giant Buddha for a long time, so I plan to see it."

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Nie Wang heard this and said happily: "That's just right, we can walk together."

Su Chen didn't object to this.

As for Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun, Su Chen is naturally the main one.

Next, a group of people went in the direction of Leshan Giant Buddha together.

On the way, the two sides also exchanged names, and they knew each other.

And Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are similar in age, and Nie Feng has a gentle personality, so getting along with each other is quite pleasant.

As for Nie Feng's mother, Yan Ying, on the way, from time to time, taking advantage of King Nie's inattention, she would wink at Su Chen.

...... 0

He's not interested in a flirtatious woman like Yan Ying.

Not a day later, the group arrived at the foot of the Leshan Giant Buddha.

Looking up at the towering and majestic Leshan Giant Buddha, listening to the sound of the stormy waves crashing against the shore under the giant Buddha, one can't help but feel a sense of magnificence.

"Wow, what a big Buddha statue, how spectacular!"

Looking at the majestic Leshan Giant Buddha, Nie Feng let out a voice of joy.

Bu Jingyun had a cool expression and didn't respond.

King Nie Ren looked at his son who was full of joy, and a smile appeared on his face.

Su Chen was observing the Leshan Giant Buddha, exploring the yearning Lingyun Grotto full of treasures, when he suddenly sensed two auras approaching from not far away, he couldn't help but twitch his brows slightly.

"Brother Nie, it seems that you are the one who arrived early this time!"

At this moment, a majestic and powerful voice came from not far away.

When the voice fell, a middle-aged man with a handsome face and a slightly refined demeanor, accompanied by a boy in his teens, appeared in everyone's sight.

Chapter 266 Fire Qilin Appears Surprisingly, Comes to the Rescue! 【Seek full order】

Su Chen, under the influence of the god of luck, easily recognized the person who came, it was Duanshuai known as the head of Nanlin's sword, and his son Duanlang.

Seeing Duan Shuai coming, King Nie stepped forward and said, "Brother Duan, you are here."

Duan Shuai nodded to King Nie, then looked at Su Chen, Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun who were on the side and asked, "Brother Nie, who are they?"

Nie Renwang immediately introduced Su Chen, Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun to Duan Shuai.

When Duan Shuai learned that Su Chen had injured Xiongba, the leader of the Tianxia Society, with a single move, he couldn't help but look at Su Chen with more serious eyes, and he also saluted Su Chen.

After the ceremony was over, Duan Shuai said kingly to Nie, "Brother Nie, you must have heard the phrase 'the knees of the Buddha were flooded by water, and the Lingyun Cave was burned on April [-]'. Now the river is about to overflow the knees of the Buddha. I'm afraid the fire unicorn will appear soon."

Nie Renwang nodded and said: "What brother Duan said is very true, the fire unicorn will cause endless harm, we must do our best to prevent it from stepping out of Lingyun Cave and harming innocent people nearby."

Duan Shuai said: "Exactly, this time we deal with Huo Qilin, let us prove to each other, which one is stronger and weaker between you and me!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Su Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Unexpectedly, the purpose of King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai meeting at the Leshan Giant Buddha was to prevent Huo Qilin from harming ordinary people near Lingyun Grotto.

These two can be regarded as the generation of loyalty!


At this moment, a terrifying beast roar suddenly came from Lingyun Grotto.

Hearing the roar, Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai's expressions changed slightly.

King Nie said to Su Chen, "Grandfather, please take care of Zhuojing, Quanzi, and Duanshuai's child for a while."

Su Chen's eyes flashed slightly when he heard the words, then nodded and said: "Yes."

"Thank you!"

Seeing that Su Chen agreed to come down, Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai thanked him at the same time, and then they flew up at the same time, heading towards the entrance of Lingyun Grotto.

During the flyby, King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai also pulled out the Xueyin Knife and the Fire Lin Sword respectively, and a frightening cold light radiated from the weapons!


At this time, amidst the roars of beasts, Huo Qilin also rushed from the depths of Lingyun Grotto to the entrance of the cave.

When Huo Qilin saw King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai at the entrance of the cave, he immediately burst into flames and rushed towards them!

When King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai saw this, they immediately looked solemn. One held a knife and the other held a sword. One knife and one sword launched an attack on Huo Qilin at the same time!

On the open space below the knees of the Leshan Giant Buddha, Nie Feng and Duanlang looked at the midair, Nie Renwang and Duanshuai who were inextricably fighting with the Huo Qilin, their eyes couldn't help showing worry.

But Nie Renwang's temperament is Yan Ying, and there is no worry in his expression.

As for Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun, they just focused on watching the fierce battle between King Nie Ren, Duan Shuai and Huo Qilin.

Su Chen also watched the battle silently, and was not in a hurry to make a move.

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