"Ding ding ding ding!"

As the battle between the two sides progressed, the sound of gold and iron clashing continuously sounded in the air.

With the strength of Xueyin Knife and Huolin Sword, it didn't even hurt Huo Qilin at all. Every time it hit Huo Qilin, it just burst out bursts of sparks!


Suddenly, Huo Qilin let out a violent roar, as if he was irritated by Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai!

While roaring, Huo Qilin suddenly raised its front hooves, and stomped down on King Nie!

At the same time, he opened his bloody mouth, biting towards Duanshuai fiercely!

When Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai saw this, their expressions changed drastically.

Duan Shuai quickly shook the fire unicorn sword, using the eclipse sword technique, stabbing the long sword into the mouth of the fire unicorn.

King Nie Ren brandished the Xueyin knife in his hand, and unleashed the six tactics of Aohan, a terrifying knife light slashed fiercely towards the abdomen of Huo Qilin!

However, the attacks of the two didn't seem to have much effect on Huo Qilin.

I saw Huo Qilin's head flickering, and easily staggered his mouth from the Huo Lin sword, and at the same time, his head suddenly hit Duan Shuai's body...

With a "bang", Duan Shuai was directly hit by the Huo Qilin and flew upside down, fell heavily on the wall of Lingyun Grotto, and then fell to the ground again.

At the same time, the Xueyin knife in King Nie's hand was directly kicked away by Huo Qilin's front hooves, and his whole body was directly stepped under by Huo Qilin's front hooves!



When Nie Feng and Duanlang saw this, panicked expressions appeared on their faces, and they yelled loudly.

Yan Ying and Huo Butian's expressions also changed slightly, showing a little fear.

Bu Jingyun, on the other hand, still had a cold face, without any expression.

Su Chen glanced at everyone, and said casually: "You guys wait here, I'll go and help King Nie and Duan Shuai."

After the sound fell, without waiting for a few people to respond, Su Chen directly used the Immortal Ascending Step, and flew towards the entrance of Lingyun Grotto.

Just arrived at the entrance of Lingyun Grotto, before landing, Su Chen gathered his kung fu directly on the palm of his hand, and slapped Huo Qilin on the head fiercely with a move of Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong!

Facing Su Chen's sudden attack, Huo Qilin couldn't react in time.


A dull voice sounded, and 2.2 Huo Qilin received a solid palm from Su Chen on the head.


After Huo Qilin received Su Chen's palm, he suddenly felt his head buzzing, and let out a painful roar. He didn't care about Nie Ren Wang and Duan Shuai on the ground, and quickly turned around and rushed into Lingyun Cave!

Because from the palm just now, the Fire Qilin could sense that it was no match for the person in front of it at all!

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for your rescue!"

After Huo Qilin left, Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai hurriedly got up from the ground, and thanked Su Chen.

Su Chen said casually: "It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

At this moment, in Su Chen's mind, the familiar prompt sound from the system sounded again.

Chapter 267 Conquering the Fire Qilin, Treasure Hunting in Lingyun Cave! 【Seek full order】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for saving Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai, changing their fate and original plot, and rewarding them with a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Hearing the system's voice, Su Chen frowned slightly, but without too many surprises, he directly gave the system a lottery drawing command from the bottom of his heart.

Soon, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in his sight, and it spun endlessly.

When the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the system's winning reminder sounded again in his ear.

【Ding!The lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Beast Controlling Art"!Note: Using the Beast Control Jue can easily subdue and control all kinds of spirit beasts, and can also improve the wisdom and strength of the spirit beasts through this method. 】

good stuff!

Hearing the content of the system's reward, Su Chen couldn't help but burst into joy.

In the world of wind and cloud, there are phoenixes, unicorns, mysterious turtles, dragons, etc., isn't this "The Art of Royal Beast" just prepared for them?

With "The Art of Beast Control", it is much easier to subdue fire unicorns and the like, and you don't have to worry about their possible runaway in 08 after subduing them by force.

Just as Su Chen was immersed in the rewards of the system, Nie Renwang on the side adjusted his breath for a while, and said to Su Chen: "Master Su, now that the fire unicorn has been driven back to Lingyun Grotto by you, shall we go first?" went down?"

King Nie Ren didn't want his wife and children to worry about him down here, so he hurried to go under the Buddha.

Hearing this, Su Chen withdrew his thoughts, thought for a while and said: "You two go down to reunite with your relatives first, and tell Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun for me that I plan to go to Lingyun Grotto and let them wait for me here. "

Hearing Su Chen's words, Nie Renwang's face changed slightly, and he said quickly: "Young Master Su, why don't you think about it again, the roads in this Lingyun Cave are intricate and complicated, and once you enter, it is easy to get lost and unable to get out gone."

"Besides, the Fire Qilin is still in the Lingyun Cave, and you are not familiar with the environment inside. If the Fire Qilin takes the opportunity to attack again, I'm afraid it will be in great danger."

Duan Shuai also persuaded: "Yes, Mr. Su, Brother Nie is right. I think we just need to guard the entrance of Lingyun Grotto and prevent Huo Qilin from coming out to cause harm to the world."

Su Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, even in the secret path of Lingyun Grotto, the Fire Qilin can't do anything to me at all. As for getting lost, it doesn't even exist for me. It's settled like this, you guys If you want to, just help me take care of Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun and his son outside first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai to react, Su Chen strode directly into the cave of Lingyun Grotto.

"Master Su, think twice!" Seeing this, King Nie quickly reminded him loudly.

Su Chen didn't respond.

Seeing this, King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai looked at each other, and then said: "Brother Duan, what should we do now?"

Duan Shuai thought for a while and said: "Let's follow Mr. Su's advice first, and help him take care of Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun and his son outside, and at the same time guard the entrance of Lingyun Grotto, lest Huo Qilin avoid Mr. Su and come out to cause harm to the world. "

King Nie frowned and said, "But, do we ignore Mr. Su?"

Duan Shuai smiled and said: "Brother Nie, you are concerned about chaos. You have seen Mr. Su's strength before. The fire unicorn was directly repelled by him with one move. The biggest danger in Lingyun Cave is the fire unicorn. Even Even the Fire Qilin can't threaten him, so what other dangers can there be?"

"Let's wait outside first. If Mr. Su hasn't come out in a few days, then he might have lost his way. Let's find a way to enter Lingyun Grotto and guide Mr. Su out."

When King Nie heard what Duan Shuai said, he pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "It seems that's all there is to it."

The two of them took a deep look at the dark Lingyun Grotto, and then flew down at the same time, heading towards where Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and the others were.

Nie Feng and Duanlang were naturally overjoyed to see their father return safely.

Huo Butian asked about Su Chen's whereabouts.

Therefore, Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai passed on Su Chen's confession to Huo Butian and Bu Jingyun.

Next, a group of people stayed outside, guarding the entrance of Lingyun Grotto, while waiting for Su Chen to come out of Lingyun Grotto.

On the other side, after entering Lingyun Grotto, Su Chen directly cast out his Luck Eyes, searching for locations with strong luck in Lingyun Grotto.

With the help of the God of Luck, Su Chen soon found the Huo Qilin who had fled back to the depths of Lingyun Grotto.

When Huo Qilin saw Su Chen, he couldn't help but let out another burst of roaring sounds, with a threatening meaning in his voice, as if he wanted to drive Su Chen away.

"It's not good to be so fierce," Su Chen couldn't help but smiled when he saw this, and teased out of his mouth.

Huo Qilin seemed to understand Su Chen's words, and let out another roar in his mouth. At the same time, he raised his front hooves high and rushed towards Su Chen.

"Why ask for trouble?"

Su Chen shook his head slightly, and 427 slapped the Fire Qilin away again with a casual slap.


In the next instant, Huo Qilin hit the rock wall of the cave heavily, and then fell to the ground.

Before Huo Qilin got up, Su Chen stepped forward and cast the "Beast Controlling Art" on it!

At the beginning, Huo Qilin was still struggling and let out low growls, but soon he completely lost his resistance and gradually became docile.

After a stick of incense, the Huo Qilin was completely tamed by Su Chen, and even took the initiative to stick out his tongue and lick Su Chen's palm.

At the same time, the ferocious fire that was surging around it quickly subsided into its body, revealing its original appearance.

Antlers, dragon head, unicorn body, tiger claws, ponytail.

Although there is no fierce fire emanating from his body, he still looks very mighty and extraordinary.

Seeing that Huo Qilin had been subdued completely, Su Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Huo Qilin, "Take me to find Xue Bodhi and the dragon veins."


Huo Qilin let out a low growl when he heard Su Chen's words, and led Su Chen the way ahead.

Next, Su Chen started the treasure hunting journey in Lingyun Grotto with Huo Qilin.

Chapter 268 The Twelve Swords of Xuanyin, Revenge for Grace? 【Seek full order】

In the original book, Lingyun Grotto is the largest treasure house in Fengyun World.

It contains martial arts skills such as Aohan Liujue and Xuanwu True Kungfu, as well as miraculous spiritual fruits such as Xuebodhi, as well as magical weapons such as Xueyin Knife and Fire Lin Sword, and even dragon veins that can affect the world.

In addition, there is another magical weapon that has been neglected, that is the Xuanyuan Sword, the weapon of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor!

Of course, the Fire Qilin itself is also a great treasure of Lingyun Cave!

Now because of Su Chen's intervention, although the Xueyin Knife and the Fire Lin Sword are missing from the Lingyun Grotto, other treasures still exist.

Huo Qilin has lived in Lingyun Grotto for countless years, and is extremely familiar with everything in Lingyun Grotto.

With the guidance of Huo Qilin, Su Chen easily found Xuanyuan Sword, Dragon Vein, Blood Bodhi, as well as the two peerless martial arts of Aohan Liujue and Xuanwu True Kungfu without much effort!

And just after Su Chen collected these luck items, the familiar voice of the system rang in his mind again.

[Ding, the host has collected luck items such as dragon veins and blood bodhi, and will get a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Su Chen was not surprised when he heard the system's notification tone.

After all, he has experienced this situation many times, and without hesitation, he gave the system a lottery drawing command from the bottom of his heart.

In the next moment, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in Su Chen's sight, and it was spinning rapidly.

When the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the system's familiar winning notification sound sounded again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, for obtaining "Xuanyin Twelve Swords"! 】

Hearing the rewards won this time, Su Chen was quite satisfied.

The Twelve Swords of Xuanyin, in the original book, are the top swordsmanship from the sword world!

The world of swords gathers all the wisdom of swordsmanship in the world, but swords are divided into good and evil, and within the world of swords, there is also a difference between good and evil.

It is said that the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin were born in the pool of swords full of evil thoughts!

In the original book, it was Wu Wudi's son, Xiao Wu, who brought this set of sword techniques back to the world from the world of swords, and carved the sword intent of the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin in a cave.

By coincidence, Jianchen comprehended the first six swords of Xuanyin from the cave, defeating Lan Wu with one move, defeating Jue Xin with four moves, and invincible with six moves.

This was also the brightest moment in Jian Chen's life.

With Su Chen's current strength, if he uses this set of Xuanyin Twelve Swords, the power will only be more astonishing!

Without any hesitation, Su Chen immediately took out the cheat book of "Xuanyin Twelve Swords" from the system space, and read it carefully from beginning to end.

While Su Chen was flipping through the cheat books, his consciousness seemed to have practiced this mysterious sword technique countless times from beginning to end.

When Su Chen finished reading the cheat book, this set of sword skills has become one of the many sword skills he has mastered.

Moreover, it has directly reached the perfect state, and can display the peak power of the Xuanyin Twelve Swords at any time!

"Let's go, come out with me¨¨!"

After mastering the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin, Su Chen put the cheat book into the system space again, and then spoke softly to the Huo Qilin beside him.


Hearing the words, Huo Qilin let out a low growl, and at the same time lay its front hooves on the ground, bent down, and signaled Su Chen to sit on its back.

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't hesitate immediately, and moved his body slightly, sitting on the back of Huo Qilin.

After Su Chen sat firmly, Huo Qilin let out another low growl, and then led Su Chen excitedly towards the outside of Lingyun Grotto!

At this time, outside Lingyun Grotto, on the open space where the Leshan Giant Buddha's knees were level, King Nie Ren, Duan Shuai and others were all waiting for Su Chen's return.

Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai were stronger, so they could still hear the roar of the fire unicorn coming from Lingyun Grotto from time to time.

When they heard Huo Qilin's roar, both of them showed worry in their eyes.

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