"From now on, I will give you ten breaths. After ten breaths, those who submit will live, and those who resist will die!"


Hearing Su Chen's words, the people in Tianxiahui on the square became agitated again, constantly making eye contact with the people around them.

However, with the [-] snow dragon cavalry around, no one dared to act rashly.

Just when the expressions of the people in the Tianxiahui were changing, Su Chen's cold voice, like a magic voice, rang clearly in everyone's ears.







As Su Chen counted, Tianxia in the square would help the crowd, but his heart became more and more restless.

When Su Chen counted to three, someone finally couldn't bear the pressure, fell to his knees on the ground with a "plop", and shouted "I am willing to surrender!"

With the beginning of No.1, most of the members of the Tianxiahui will soon kneel down on the ground while screaming and surrendering.

After Su Chen finished counting ten numbers, there were less than a thousand people in Tianxiahui who were still standing!

Su Chen raised it, then pressed it down violently, and shouted loudly at the same time, "Daxue Dragon Knight, kill!"


After Su Chen finished speaking, the [-] Snow Dragon Cavalry, led by Bai Xiong, shouted loudly at the same time, and then they all rushed towards the nearly thousand Tiantianhui gang members who were standing there!





In the next moment, the sound of weapons breaking, screams of pain, and the sound of sharp weapons piercing flesh resounded on the square.

But in a short while, nearly a thousand recalcitrant Tianxia Gang members were all wiped out!

But the [-] snow dragon riders did not suffer any damage!

The rest of the world will help everyone to see this, and I feel even more grateful that I have found surrender, and at the same time lost the last luck!

Seeing this, Su Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then raised his head and said: "This Su Chen, from now on, is the new leader of the Tianxiahui. From now on, I am the only one in the world!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Wen Chouchou was the first to kneel down on the ground, and said respectfully: "My subordinates refer to the guild master, the guild master's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, and he is the only one in the world!"

"Subordinates refer to the guild master, the guild master's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, and he is the only one in the world!"

"Subordinates refer to the guild master, the guild master's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, and he is the only one in the world!"


Afterwards, all the members of Tianxiahui in the square echoed Wen Chouchou's words, and the terrifying sound shook the heavens! .

Chapter 275 Buying People's Hearts, The Three Little Ones Only Study

Next, Su Chen asked the Ten Thousand Snow Dragon Riders to set up a camp directly in Tianxiahui.

As for military supplies and so on, Xiongba has collected a lot over the years, and Su Chen can just use them.

When Huo Butian saw that Su Chen had really killed Xiongba and directly captured the Tianxiahui, he immediately let go of his worries about Huojiazhuang.

After staying in Tianxiahui for a few days, he bid farewell to Su Chen, Bu Jingyun and others, and then returned to Huojiazhuang.

After sending Huo Butian away, Su Chen thought for a while and decided to leave King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai in Tianxiahui for the time being.

After all, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, and Duanlang are still young, and the only man Su Chen can use is Bai Xiong, the chief general of the Daxue Dragon Cavalry Army, which is really stretched.

As soon as he thought of it, Su Chen directly invited Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai to the living room of Tianxiahui.

"Master Su, I don't know what you are looking for us for?"

After seeing Su Chen, Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai bowed to Su Chen with fists, and then asked ~.

Su Chen didn't beat around the bush, and said bluntly: "I would like to ask the two of you to stay in the Tianxiahui temporarily, and help me manage the tens of thousands of members of the Tianxiahui, and stabilize the situation of the Tianxiahui. I wonder if the two of you would like to-?"

"After all, the world will be established by Xiongba alone, and the traces of Xiongba left behind are too heavy. If I manage it alone, sometimes it is inevitable that I will be at a loss."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Duan Shuai said without hesitation: "It's Duan's honor that Mr. Su can look up to Mr. Su. I'm willing to stay and help Mr. Su."

Duan Shuai has always attached great importance to the family's prestige, and hopes that the Duan family can develop and grow.

In Duanshuai's view, Su Chen has great strength and ability at a young age. Under Su Chen's leadership, the future of the world will surely have a bright future!

Now that Su Chen has just taken over the Tianxiahui, it is the time when manpower is needed. He is now developing the Tianxiahui with Su Chen, and he can be called the veteran of the Tianxiahui in the future. world!

When King Nie heard Su Chen's words, he hesitated a little.

Because King Nie was already tired of the people in the Jianghu, all he wanted was to go back to the Jianghu and live an ordinary life with his family.

However, thinking of Su Chen's kindness to his family and the fact that Nie Feng is still young, he was a little uneasy that Nie Feng would stay alone in the world.

After pondering for a while, Nie Renwang clasped his fists and said, "Thank you Mr. Su for your attention. Nie is willing to help Mr. Su stabilize the situation of the Tianxiahui, but when the overall situation of the Tianxiahui is settled, please ask Mr. Su to allow Nie to retire."

Su Chen smiled and said, "It's really great that the two can agree. As for Brother Nie's request, I naturally have no reason not to refuse."

"Thank you Mr. Su for understanding!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, King Nie thanked Su Chen again.

Su Chen smiled and said: "I should be the one thanking Brother Nie, but now Nie Feng and Duanlang are my disciples, and I, Brother Nie and Brother Duan are also considered a family, so there is no need to be too far-fetched."

Duan Shuai also laughed after hearing the words: "Haha, Mr. Su is right."

Afterwards, the three of them chatted for a while, and Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai bid Su Chen their leave.

Next, Su Chen asked Nie Renwang, Duan Shuai and Bai Xiong to work together with Wen Chouchou to deal with the affairs of the Tianxiahui, and constantly eliminate the traces of Xiongba in the Tianxiahui.

In order to buy people's hearts, Su Chen took out some of the martial arts and martial arts he had won in the lottery before, and taught them to the disciples of Tianxiahui.

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Of course, the martial arts and martial arts that Su Chen passed on to these ordinary disciples of the Tianxiahui are all relatively low-level.

For example, Nine Suns Divine Art, Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, Cihang Sword Code, Dragon Claw Hand and so on.

These martial arts are relatively low level for Su Chen.

But for ordinary Tianxiahui disciples, it was still unattainable in the past.

Su Chen's move immediately won the hearts of a large number of Tianxiahui disciples.

On this day, Su Chen had just finished teaching martial arts to the disciples of Tianxiahui, when Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng suddenly found Su Chen at the same time.


"Master, why do you only hand in the ordinary martial arts and don't teach us!"

After seeing Su Chen, Duanlang was the first to ask Su Chen impatiently.

Although Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun didn't make a sound, they were obviously looking forward to Su Chen's martial arts.

The three of them were still children at this time, Su Chen didn't care about anything with them, and said with a smile: "Of course I won't forget my three good apprentices, what I taught them is just ordinary martial arts, I'm thinking about what kind of martial arts I should teach you."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Duanlang said excitedly: "Master, master, I want to learn the kind of swordsmanship you used to deal with the Twelve Demons of Tianchi that day?"

Su Chen didn't answer directly, but looked at Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, smiled and said: "Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, is there anything you two want to learn?"

Bu Jingyun returned: "Master, I also like swordsmanship, and also palm techniques. As for what to learn, I will follow the master's arrangement."

After Bu Jingyun finished replying, Nie Feng also said: "Master, I hope to learn the saber technique like my father, I wonder if it is possible?"

Chapter 276 The wind and cloud take off, and the journey is unparalleled! 【Seek full order】

Su Chen nodded and said, "Of course, as for what you should learn, I've already thought about it."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Nie Feng and Duanlang were full of anticipation, even Bu Jingyun's eyes were bright.

Su Chen pondered for a while, and then said: "As for the inner strength method, I have a set of basalt real skills here, and all three of you should practice this method."

"As for martial arts, Bu Jingyun practiced Paiyunzhang and Ten Thousand Swords Guizong; Duanlang practiced Tiancanjiao and Heaven-Slashing Swordsmanship; Nie Feng practiced Fengshen Leg and Magic Saber!"

Hearing the words, Duan Lang couldn't wait to say: "Master, the sky-slashing and drawing sword technique you mentioned is not the same sword technique you used to deal with the Twelve Demons of Tianchi before?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "That's right, it's this set of "four two seven" swordsmanship. Well, you don't need to worry, I will teach you these martial arts separately. And, besides these martial arts, there are other powerful The martial arts, will also select the best to pass on to you."

"Thank you Master!"

When Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng heard the words, they all respectfully thanked Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded slightly and didn't say much.

In the following days, Su Chen began to teach Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng three people's martial arts respectively.

Under Su Chen's teaching, the three of them have improved rapidly in strength.

Seeing this, Nie Renwang and Duan Shuai were both happy and grateful to Su Chen.

Of course, Su Chen didn't simply teach Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng and Duanlang to practice behind closed doors, and occasionally took them out to experience the world.

And every time they go out to experience the rivers and lakes, they will open up a foundation for the Tianxia Association, so that the Tianxia Association will continue to grow.


Time flies, and ten years have passed in a blink of an eye!

During these ten years, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng have all been taught by Su Chen.

Moreover, Su Chen also gave the three of them a piece of blood Bodhi, which improved their skills for 50 years, and even had unicorn blood to temper their bodies, strengthening them in all directions!

In ten years, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng have all reached the peak level of the Heavenly Human Realm, and they are only one step away from the land gods!

Compared with ten years ago, the power of Tianxiahui has already grown many times!

Now, in the entire rivers and lakes of Fengyun World, except for Wushuang City and a very few forces attached to Wushuang City, all of them have become the territory of Tianxiahui!

It is obviously a foregone conclusion that the world will rule the rivers and lakes!

In the supreme hall of Tianxiahui, Su Chengao sat on the main seat, and in the hall, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng stood awe-inspiring.

All three of them are now adults, and they have also achieved great fame in the arena.

But the more the strength improved, the more the three of them could feel the strength of their master!

Duan Lang bowed to Su Chen, cupped his fists, and said in a solemn voice: "Master, this disciple has received news that the friction between our Tianxiahui and Wushuang City has become more and more frequent recently."

"That old man on Dugu's side dared to make Wushuang City an enemy of the Tianxiahui. Please order Master to lead his disciples to conquer Wushuang City and rule the world as soon as possible!"

Su Chen knew that among the three senior brothers, Duanlang had the most impulsive personality, and he was also the most active every time he charged in all directions.

It is not surprising to see Duanlang behave like this.

In fact, it was Su Chen who took the initiative to ask Bu Jingyun and the three brothers not to take the initiative to attack Wushuang City in these years.

On the one hand, it was because Su Chen knew that there was a powerful enemy, the Dugu Sword Master, behind Wushuang City.

If the three of them met Dugu Sword Master when they went to deal with Wushuang City, they might not be able to come back.

On the other hand, it is because Su Chen hopes to personally participate in the battle to destroy Wushuang City, so that he can change the plot and win a lottery, and at the same time gain a beauty, so why not do it?

Of course, Su Chen would not say what was in his heart. After Duan Lang finished speaking, Su Chen smiled and said:

"Wu Shuang City is the last force that opposes my Tianxiahui. I plan to do it myself. You three brothers have been fighting on the front line for so many years. Those who are idle as teachers are almost rusted. Just go out to get some air. Let the people in the world know whether this seat, the leader of the Tianxia Association, is qualified to sit as the supreme martial artist!"

In recent years, Su Chen hardly showed his face in the arena, and the three brothers Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng killed the Quartet 0......

Therefore, many people in the Jianghu have forgotten the prestige of Su Chen back then.

Some people in the world even secretly discussed in private, saying that the reason why Su Chen was able to sit firmly in the position of the leader of the Tianxiahui was mainly because he was lucky enough to accept three good apprentices.

Su Chen's light was almost covered by Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Fengshi brothers!

Hearing Su Chen's words, Duan Lang hurriedly said: "Master, why do you care about the gossip of some ignorant people? A mere Wushuang City, one disciple is enough to level it, Master, you just need to wait in the world to see that your disciple will be alone." The head of the person is brought up!"

Nie Feng also persuaded: "Yes, Master, there are many ignorant people in the world, Master, you don't need to be as knowledgeable as them."

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